
在数控系统中采用了两种系统即机床坐标系XOY和编程坐标系。在编程即自动加工时则是编程坐标系。我们班级为期两周的数控车床编程与加工实践教学课程也开始了。数控车床螺纹加工工艺方案分析。采用BEI-JING-FANUC 0i系统的数控车床运用不同指令进行螺纹加工的误差分析。数控车床对刀操作。数控车床对刀原理及对刀方法。


1、94页 35000字数 10张图纸+说明书+任务书床身上最大回转直径400MM数控车床总体设计及六角回转刀架设计img src=http:/www.zhuangpeitu.com/ueditor_s/net/upload/2016-11/5/6361396699346257606494119_1.gif style=float:none; title=机床尺寸联系图.gi。

2、英文原文 On C NC is a of or NC by be by of in it is NC to of as a to of of 35 as is a of to NC of of of on of of in by 4 C NC is to NC C in NC is of is of NC he is NC He or to of 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) as NC is in NC in in in 1 to NC of is is a is by of is of a in C of of of of of of of of 4 NC in up to M. of NC m, M. by m). By of of of of to of at a A C of of NC NC of NC be by n to C is of , C 2, DC is of in to NC 3, AC he is in NC 4, o no , C。

3、英文原文 On C NC is a of or NC by be by of in it is NC to of as a to of of of is a of to NC of of of on of of in by 4 C NC is to NC C in NC is of is of NC he is NC He or to of 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) as NC is in NC in in in 1 to NC of is is a is by of is of a in C of of of of of of of of 4 NC in up to M. of NC m, M. by m). By of of of of to of at a A C of of NC NC of NC be by n to C is of , C 2, DC is of in to NC 3, AC he is in NC 4, o no , C so。

4、附 录 A 数控车床作为普通车床的替代品,已经开始普及,但是对于数控车加工的工艺装备和参数设定往往还有依靠经验给出的情况,这对于发挥数控高效率工作并无益处。 数控车床加工的工艺与普通车床的加工工艺类似,但由于数控车床是一次装夹,连续自动加工完成所有车削工序,因而应注意以下几个方面。 1、合理选择切削用量 对于高效率的金属切削加工来说,被加工材料、切削工具、切削条件是三大要素。这些决定着加工时间、刀具寿命和加工质量。经济有效的加工方式必然是合理的选择了切削条件。切削条件的三要素:切削速度、进给量和切深 直。

5、附 录 A 数控车床作为普通车床的替代品,已经开始普及,但是对于数控车加工的工艺装备和参数设定往往还有依靠经验给出的情况,这对于发挥数控高效率工作并无益处。 数控车床加工的工艺与普通车床的加工工艺类似,但由于数控车床是一次装夹,连续自动加工完成所有车削工序,因而应注意以下几个方面。 1、合理选择切削用量 对于高效率的金属切削加工来说,被加工材料、切削工具、切削条件是三大要素。这些决定着加工时间、刀具寿命和加工质量。经济有效的加工方式必然是合理的选择了切削条件。切削条件的三要素:切削速度、进给量和切深 直。

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8、毕业设计 (论文 )外文资料翻译 原 文 题 目 : of 原 文 来 源: F 013 学 生 姓 名: 学 号: 所在院 (系 )部: 工业中心 专 业 名 称: 机械设计制造及其自动化 低成本紧凑的模块化小型的设计( - 数控车床 国际杂志应用工程研究 03/2013 罗尼 廷顿弥散 要 :新兴的微型工厂的技术鼓励发展数控机床成开发向小型化设计发展。它的目的是开发小型的机床,可以节省一些空间,降低生产成本,并降低能耗。在没有降低其精度等级的前提下,这项研究进行的数控车床的设计包括床头箱,主轴, 身,工具保持架,和设计采用三爪卡盘夹持方法和无刷直流。

9、1037 (2014) 12014 (2014) 20142014C U 570454645 of C on C is to it to of on of be %. In at he is an of NC it a in Its a on C to of So is of as as In NC as an by an to a a of (a) is NC it by (b), (c) of is on (a) b) c) NC is by 340Kg/ is an of to to is it is to No of of be or in or by (7/15,21:55:17) 42 in be is is , of 5973 of 2024. of of t be on in of of of is as an to 0is as 560N, 1572350N, 15120N, M =to of on so of is by in as . he of an to of of as , of 07of is it 00of is it on by of。

10、毕业设计 (论文 )外文资料翻译 原 文 题 目: C 原 文 来 源: 1037 ( 2014) 1 (2014) 学 生 姓 名: 所在院 (系 )部: 工业中心 专 业 名 称: 机械设计制造及其自动化 对于数控车床尾座主体的特性分析及其优化设计 作者: 鲁墨武,李明杰 江苏,湖北,中国 关键词 :尾座主体 ;静态分析 ;模态分析 ;拓扑优化 ;工作台 ; 摘要 :数控车床尾座主体的性能特点是对数控车床的加工精度有非常大的影响的。 这款应用软件就是用于建立数控车床尾座主体的实体模型的的软件,然后将这个软件所 建立的数控车床的尾座主体的实体模型导入到工作台的。

11、毕业设计 (论文 )外文资料翻译 原 文 题 目: A 文 来 源: of 009 学 生 姓 名: 所在院 (系 )部: 专 业 名 称: 机械设计及其自动化 一种新的可重构逻辑的数控车床控制器 作者: , 摘要 : 可重构器件已发展到在计算机上实现数字控制( 统。可重构器件提供 而,少数工作是在可重构逻辑数控车床中实现的。本文开发 了数控车床螺纹中的同步运动和可重构逻辑的一个新的重采样算法。一个实验系统构建和测试结果验证所提出的架构。 关键词 : 数控车床,可重构逻辑,重采样, 车丝 一引言 计算机数控( 广泛应用于现代工业。作为该机的控制。

12、英文原文 On C NC is a of or NC by be by of in it is NC to of as a to of of 35 as is a of to NC of of of on of of in by 4 C NC is to NC C in NC is of is of NC he is NC He or to of 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) as NC is in NC in in in 1 to NC of is is a is by of is of a in C of of of of of of of of 4 NC in up to M. of NC m, M. by m). By of of of of to of at a A C of of NC NC of NC be by n to C is of , C 2, DC is of in to NC 3, AC he is in NC 4, o no , C。

13、英文原文 On C NC is a of or NC by be by of in it is NC to of as a to of of of is a of to NC of of of on of of in by 4 C NC is to NC C in NC is of is of NC he is NC He or to of 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) as NC is in NC in in in 1 to NC of is is a is by of is of a in C of of of of of of of of 4 NC in up to M. of NC m, M. by m). By of of of of to of at a A C of of NC NC of NC be by n to C is of , C 2, DC is of in to NC 3, AC he is in NC 4, o no , C so。

14、1 附 录 A 数控车床作为普通车床的替代品,已经开始普及,但是对于数控车加工的工艺装备和参数设定往往还有依靠经验给出的情况,这对于发挥数控高效率工作并无益处。 数控车床加工的工艺与普通车床的加工工艺类似,但由于数控车床是一次装夹,连续自动加工完成所有车削工序,因而应注意以下几个方面。 1、合理选择切削用量 对于高效率的金属切削加工来说,被加工材料、切削工具、切削条件是三大要素。这些决定着加工时间、刀具寿命和加工质量。经济有效的加工方式必然 是合理的选择了切削条件。切削条件的三要素:切削速度、进给量和切深。

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