
Lets sing。Lets play a guessing game.。Unit6 At home (C&amp。Part A。1 A apple B pear C potato 2 A banana B t。Unit7 Helping at home。I。Unit 7。make the bed。


1、Unit 3My day,Lets sing,six thirty,seven forty,four forty,five thirty,six fifteen,four forty,seven forty,six thirty,morning,6:00,I usually get up at six.,When do you get up in the morning?,你通常在早晨几点起。

2、Unit 1 Our favourite subjects,教 学 目 标,教 学 重 难 点 :,教学过程: 一、课前预习,课前三分钟 Lets sing,教学过程: 二、组内合作1,教学过程: 三、组间交流,教学过程: 四、学习提升,教学过程: 五、训练巩固1,教学过程: 六、拓展延伸,Free talk1,A: What colour(颜色) do you like? B: I like。

3、2. Pet Corner,Part B,Welcome to our pet corner,Lets play a guessing game.,Does it eat?,carrots,No, it doesnt.,seeds,Does it eat?,No, it doesnt.,cat food,Does it eat?,Yes, it does.,milk,Does it。

4、Unit6 At home (C&D),play,Watch the story,Shes running. b. Shes eating. c. Shes in the bedroom. Shes sleeping. d. Shes in the kitchen. Shes sitting on a chair.,Read and number.,1,2,3,4,play。

5、Three minute show,三分钟表演,Unit8 At the market,Part A,study aims:,1.会说新单词 bean,onion,tomato,potato及其复数形式 2. 理解句型Its 和 Theyre 的用法,自学要求:,一 请同学们思考下列哪个单词不属于同一类的, 1 A apple B pear C potato 2 A banana B t。

6、Unit7 Helping at home,Sing a song,Lets chant,Sweep, sweep, sweep the floor, please. Cant ,cant, I cant. Im playing computer games. Busy, busy, Im busy. Can you make your bed, please? Cant ,cant, I。

7、Unit 7,Helping at home,brainstorm: What can you do?,What can he do?,He can make the bed.,What can your robot do?,make make make the bed,make the bed,He can set the table.,What can your robot do?,set t。

8、unit 1 our favourite subjects What subject does Tim like? He likes maths math science Chinese music arts and crafts 工艺艺术 PE 体育 English 英语 A English maths science arts and crafts PE Chinese s。

9、get up 起床 have breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 homework 家庭作业 dinner 正餐 go to school 去学校 go home 回家 跟我做 : play-plaing wrap-wrapping have-having do-doing give-giving go-going make ma。

10、Part B Unit 2 Pet corner Sing a song A small talk A: I have a new friend. His name is_____. B: What subject does he like? A: He likes _____. B: What pet does he like? A: He likes _____. 1、 kitten。

11、bedroom 卧室 Whats this ? Its the bedroom. bathroom 浴室、盥洗室 Whats this ? Its the bathroom. living room 客厅 Whats this ? Its the living room. dining room 饭厅,食堂 Whats this ? Its the dining room. kitch。

12、Contents:Unit 7 Helping at home Teaching Obiects:Part A Key points and difficult points: Say the new words correctly, use the sentences to talk. Teaching aids: word cards pictures powerpoint Teaching。

13、At the market Hello ,boys and girls . I m hungry. At the market Carrots ,carrots, they are carrots. Beans ,beans, they are beans. What are these? They are carrots/beans/ tomatoes. What are these。

14、Unit9 Planning a party Party C Lets read Can you come to my birthday party? Can you come to my birthday party? Whens your party? Whens your party? Its on Saturday at three thirty. When do you want t。

15、get - get up when 7:15 seven fifteen a quarter past seven What is Tim doing ? He is getting up When does Tim get up? He gets up at ______ breakfast - have breakfast Jemmy 7:30 seven thirty half。

16、Unit 1 Our favourite subjects C( 2) Aims and demands: Try to retell the story. Main points: Retell the story by role-playing. Difficult points: Retell the story individually. Teaching aids: Re。

17、Unit 8 At the market Part A How are you? Whats the weather like today? How do you help at home? tomato What are these? Theyre_______________.。 potatoes What are these? Theyre_______________. onions W。

18、Unit 2 Pet corner Part A A small talk A: Hello! What pet do you like? B: I like birds. They are good at flying. A: What pet does he/she like? B: He/She likes _______. How about you? A: I like ______。

19、South China Chinese English school miss song liv-ing room(起居室、客厅) 在同一音节中, 元音 i在一至几个辅音前,通常发它的第一个音 kitch-en(厨房) 在同一音节中,元音 i在一至几个辅音前,通常发它的第一个音 非重读音节中的元音 e通常弱化 di-ning room(饭厅、食堂) 元音 i在重读音节末尾常发第二个音 b。

20、A. Look and say. song. swf 我 问 你 答 How are you ? What day is today ? What s the weather like today ? How do you come to school ? What subject do you like ? What sport do you like ? When do you get u。

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