


1、文献翻译英文原文:is an It on an on in of an as as an By of A as as by to a to a or to A a at as to to of of at To of be in a to a is a be a ( a (in 970s, (in On to it to to as to to in an is On to in or to of in by In a of or a or be or a a by an is to to is a to to On to A 002, a S$1000 of 008 001,000,000 00kW is to in to on to in of of in a a 30%1 mg/.7 mg/in in of 400/m. 005 a In of to be at it is If it it a If is to in on as in a is to be in to of is as is so a of is of 0,00。

2、文献翻译 英文原文: is an It on an on in of an of as as in an be By a of A as as by of to a to a or to A a at as to to of of at of To of be in a to be a is a be to n a ( a (in 970s, (in On to it to is to as to to in an is On to in or In to of in by In a of or a or be or a n a by an is to to is On a of to to On to A n 2002, a S$1000 of 008 001,000,000 00kW is to in to on to in a of of in a a 30% 1 mg/.7 mg/in in of 400/m. 005 a In of be to be at it is If is it it a If is。

3、第47卷第6期 2013年6月 电力电子技术 7 013 燃料电池车用大功率软开关 群1,2,余达太1,2,张培昌 ,张卫冬 (1北京科技大学,自动化学院,北京100083; 2北京科技大学,钢铁流程先进控制教育部重点实验室,北京 100083) 摘要:燃料电池车是一种新兴的清洁能源汽车,为提高燃料电池车用大功率小其体积和 重量,提出了一种新型软开关细分析了该变换器的工作原理,研制了20 果表 明该新型软开关能优良,非常适用于燃料电池车、蓄电池电动车及不间断电源(系统中绝缘栅双极型晶体管(为主功率器件的高电压、大功率应用场合。 关键词:变换器;燃。

4、1 1. n of or of of s of to of to a in )to of on It to a of UV be in at 2 of a to an of a to (42 , 99 45 530.4 kg of 100 km/h .3 No in up 0 km/h 320 cm a 3 of s of 0% a 300,000+ to be 320, 5 is at in An of of in be is in is .1 to 0% by a of 4 in in in a s be in a . he to is As be in in to 5 of of as as a of of he is It is of 2 5% 7% in of a in is a is of as a be 6 he in of AN 2 7 To is of or to of in is or of is to a of on a 4,470 N/mm a 8,490 Nm/0 % In of on a of o。

5、A版 电动汽车燃料电池增程器的系统集成设计 王建峰 杨甲辉 尹东晓 (上海燃料电池汽车动力系统有限公司,上海201804) 【摘要】 阐述电动汽车在前期开发过程中增程器的系统集成设计方案的选择,旨在为未来的电动汽车 增程器的布置和集成提供参考。 【Abstract】The system design choices for rangeextender in the early development process of e 1ectric vehicle are describedIt plays a role in enlightening the arrangement of fuel cell rangeextend er,and provides a reference for the future fuel cell range-extender integra。

6、电动汽车燃料电池增程器应用 小功率空气压缩机建模与仿真 陈海蓉(同济大学中德学院,上海200092) 周 苏 (同济大学汽车学院,上海201804) 【摘要】 将小功率燃料电池系统作为增程器是解决电动汽车续驶里程不理想的可选方法之一。针对适 用于燃料电池增程器系统的滑片式空气压缩机,利用相关测试数据和热力学校正的方法,建立空气压缩机模型 并进行相关仿真研究。仿真结果表明,该空气压缩机模型能够反映环境因素、出口背压和空压机转速对出口空 气流量的影响,能为整个燃料电池增程器系统的设计和优化提供有用的信息。 【Abstract】 Using 。

7、A版 插电式燃料电池汽车氢管理系统测试平台开发 李 玲 (上海汽车集团股份有限公司新能源和技术管理部,上海201804) 【摘要】 针对插电式燃料电池汽车氢管理系统实车调试环境复杂、参数多变、极限条件难以模拟等特 点,介绍了一种基于NI PXI硬件及NI Labview软件相结合的硬件在环测试平台开发。依据控制系统的控制策 略、电气接口、总线通讯,设计了测试平台的硬件配置、软件程序、测试界面,并快速进行了控制算法验证及故障 诊断实验。 【Abstract】 A hardware-in-loop testing platform for hydrogen management system based on hardwa。

8、节温器在燃料电池汽车热管理系统中的应用分析 唐 炯 马洪涛 (上海汽车集团股份有限公司技术中心,上海201804) 【摘要】 对燃料电池汽车发展的不同阶段使用的节温器进行了分析,提出了电机式节温器最适合燃料 电池系统对温度调节的应用,可以解决响应时间慢和滞后性的问题,精确控制温度。 【Abstract】The application of the thermostat is analyzed at different stages of the fuel cell vehi- cles and the motor type thermostat is the much more suitable for the fuel cell system to adjust the tem peratureIt can solve the pr。

标签 > 燃料电池[编号:4514]

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