
Every day I go to school.What do you do。Every day I play sports.What do you do。Every day I have class.What do you do。a. What day is Mike’s favorite day。


1、义务教育教科书(RJ)六年级英语下册,Recycle,第一课时,Mikes happy days,一、热身导入,一、让学生巩固农场有关名词的单数、复数形式:水果、动物、衣物等(能、听、 说、读、写)。 二、围绕有关于农场话题,进行提问和回答: 1. Where(地点)?-. 2. When(时间)?-. 3. How(交通方式)?-. 4.With whom(与谁一起)?-. 5.What did you buy (购物单) ? -. 6.What eles can you see(所见)?”-. 7. How much(价钱)?-. 参考答案: 1. Beijing 2.On Friday. 3. By car.On foot. 4. My father 5.Eggs, apples, fish and beef 6. I 。

2、Day1 &Day2,人教PEP六年级英语下册,Recycle Mikes happy days,Did you visit a farm?,a an some,What can you see on the farm?,_ pear _ jacket _ egg _orange _ umbrella _ apples _ horses _ tomatoes,Fruit apple orange _ _ _,单词大分类,_ egg cake _ _ _,_ jacket shoes _ _ _,_ horse _ _ _ _,单词大分类,_ tomato _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _。

3、Recycle第一课时教学目标1、让学生巩固农场有关名词的单数、复数形式:水果、动物、衣物等(能、听、说、读、写)。2、谈论有关于农场话题,围绕 Where?When?How?With whom? How much? What else can you see?”等疑问句的用法及答语。教学重难点正确的听、说、认读本课有关的单词及归类:fruit food clothes animals vegetables furniture等名词,并能围绕、运用Where?When?How?With whom? How much? What else can you see?”等话题进行提问及其回答。教学准备多媒体课件 图片 习题教学过程一、热身导 入Greetings.Sing and。

4、Recycle 第四课时 教学目标1、能够听、说、读Lets read部分的对话并正确回答对话后的问题。2、能够读懂并回书写简单的英语请柬。3、能够读出本册书字母组合的发音及例词。教学重点能听、说、认读对话,能用can/cant句型正确表达以及掌握英语请柬的写法。教学难点学生根据实际情况写请柬。音标的复习教学准备多媒体课件 习题卡 课文录音教学过程一、热身导入学生跟随音乐齐唱五年级上册44页歌曲,并做相应动作。二、任务呈现1、展示班题2、出示单词brown bread cheese cake fresh fruit milk orange juice teabags chocolates plates knive。

5、Recycle第二课时教学目标1、充分掌握go 、do、 play 、have在一般现在时中的用法;2、学生能在图片的帮助下,用一般过去时填空,描述Mike在农场中一天的生活3、能正确理解使用现在进行时和动词过去式。教学重点能正确理解并使用一般现在时和现在进行时及动词过去式的用法。教学难点掌握第三人称单数的一般现在时的表达法。教学准备多媒体课件 图片 习题卡教学活动1、 热身导入唱一唱(Lets chant)Every day I go to school.What do you do?Every day I play sports.What do you do?Every day I have class.What do you do?Every day I do。

6、Happy day Today Im very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park.Its a sunny day ,the bird is singing,Im singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.Then I have lunch with my friends.We both have a good time.what a happy day!。

7、Recycle第三课时教学目标1.能够掌握词汇,如favourite day,On Monday, difficult, play the piano,read stories,noisy等,并运用于实际交流中。2.能用英语介绍自己的信息,用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时描述自己并运用于真实场景中。3.能让学生进行积极的思考和大胆的创新,提高自主学习与团结合作能力。教学重点1.能够掌握词汇,如favourite day,On Monday, difficult, play the piano,read stories等。2.能用英语介绍自己的信息,用一般过去时、一般现在时和一般将来时描述自己并运用于真实场景中。教学难点能够在真实场景中灵。

8、看图写作文。题目:A Happy Day in Spring提示:下图是Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景。请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容。可作适当的想象和发挥。要求: B条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范。不少于70个单词。A Happy Day in SpringIts spring. Its sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr. Blacks family has a picnic in a park. They bring much food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. They。

9、My fathers DayMy father is very busy. Every day he goes to work by subway. He teaches math at school, His math is very good! In the afternoon, he eats lunch at school. After lunch, he reads newspapers. Then he goes home at 5:30. He eats dinner. Then, he takes a bath in the evening. He watches TV at living room. After watching TV, he goes to bed at 10:00.My father works hard. I like my father very much!。

10、义务教育教科书(RJ)六年级英语下册,Recycle,第二课时,Mikes happy days,一、热身导入,唱一唱(Lets chant) Every day I go to school.What do you do? Every day I play sports.What do you do? Every day I have class.What do you do? Every day I do homework.What do you do?,My Day,二、任务呈现,do,did,went,go,sleep,read,take,took,read,eat,sing,sang,slept,ate,get up,got up,Lets chant,watch TV,watched TV,wash the clothes,washed the clothes,Lets play,请说出所给单词的过去式,sing and dance take pictures see a fil。

11、人教版(PEP)六年级下册Unit 1 A Parade Day练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、单词拼写补全单词(过去式)。1 . r_n2 . w_tched3 . par_de4 . j_mp。

12、 PEP英语六年级下册Recycle Day 1 A beautiful farm湖 北 省 恩 施 州 咸 丰 县 第 二 民 族 实 验 小 学 曾 建 泉 Guess and say猜单词 tomatoes pear orange u。

13、义务教育教科书(RJ)六年级英语下册,Recycle,第四课时,Mikes happy days,A Farewell Party,A farewell party is coming!,Are you ready ?,一、热身导入,二、任务呈现,2、复习单词 brown bread cheese cake fresh fruit milk orange juice teabagschocolates plates knives forks English books maths bookspink party hats prizes paints balloons ping pong balls clock,Can you sing ?,三、课文学习,Programme 1、- Singer: Chen Jie 2、- Play: Zhang Peng 3、- Play: Sarah 4、Do Chinese Kung fu Performer:-。

14、义务教育教科书(RJ)六年级英语下册,Recycle,第三课时,Mikes happy days,Lets sing a song .,一、热身导入,一、导学(自主学习 、预习检测) 1、Read the following words and phrases, then put them into Chinese.读一读下列单词和短语,试着写出中文意思。 1.favourite day_ 2.on Monday_ stories_ 4.difficult_ the piano_ 6.noisy_,最喜欢的一天,在星期一,读故事,困难的,弹钢琴,嘈杂的,二、任务呈现,导学(自主学习 、预习检测),2、Read the following sentences and try to translate them into Chinese.试着读读下。

15、Day5 &Day6,Recycle Mikes happy days,What subjects do you have?,Lets chant,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Which day do you like? Thursday, I like Thursday. Why do you like Thursday? Because I have English and P.E. What do you have on Friday? I have music and math. Saturday and Sunday are the weekend. I like the weekend best!,Mikes PPT about his school life,a. What day is Mikes favorite day? b. What does Mike have on Monday? c. What does he have in English class? e. Does he play football in 。

16、Day3 &Day4,Recycle Mikes happy days,Free talk,What do you usually do on the farm? Do you have any friends on the farm? What do you usually do when you get together?,Look and say,go swimming,go fishing,go,skating shopping,do some cleaning,do,homework washing,play basketball,play,music football Ping-pong,have,art class,What are the people doing?,Bill is playing ping-pong. _ _ _,be + doing,What did Mike do on the farm?,Mikes d。

17、Day7 &Day8,Recycle Mikes happy days,Lets singChanges in me,Now I am taller, taller than before. Every day I grow bigger. Every day I grow more. Once I was a young boy, younger than I am today. Now I am a big boy, and Im bigger every day. For school I got up early, earlier than before. Every day I get up early, sometimes at four! Once I didnt talk a lot. I wasnt an active boy. But now I talk more than before. I always talk with joy!,middle school,say goodbye to each other,A farewell pa。

18、 Life on the farm Day 5 , Day 6 Lets read Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday weekendSunday is the 。

六年级下册pep英语Happy day
六年级下册pep英语A Happy Day in Spring
六年级下册pep英语My father's Day
标签 > PEP英语六年级下册Day1[编号:3270180]

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