
Lesson 6 What time is it 执教者。刘钦国执教者。刘钦国 What is it Its . time color 颜色 时间 Its two oclock. What time is it five oclock It。What Are You Wearing 根据汉语提示填空。


1、Lesson 18: May I Go to Beijing the Great Wall the Palace Museum Temple of Heaven Tiananmen Square Do you know these Read。

2、Lesson 7 Unit four 1 Are you ready for a quiz 小学四年级小学四年级 英语下英语下 认一认认一认 认一认认一认 认一认认一认 认一认认一认 认一认认一认 演一演演一演 演一演演一演 演一演演一演 。

3、Lesson 6 What time is it 执教者:刘钦国执教者:刘钦国 What is it Its . time color 颜色 时间 Its two oclock. What time is it five oclock It。

4、Lesson 11: What Are You Wearing 根据汉语提示填空,完成句子。 1 Jacks shirt is黄色的. 2 How old are youIm ten 岁. 3 She is 1.4 metres 高. 4 。

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