
Unit 10 I planted trees.。What do I need。I need ...... 我需要......。When is New Years Day。Unit2 Do you have any glue。Unit6 When can we go ice-skating。Its so hot。


1、Unit 10 I planted trees.,江门市蓬江区里村小学 邓丽萍,单词大擂台,planted trees,helped grangmother,cooked dinner,listened to music,called a friend /my mother,watched TV,painted a picture,What did they do?,Tree Planting。

2、3 What do we need?,Im hungry.Im going to cook .What do I have ?,Oh,no! I have nothing.I need to buy some food.,cook 煮饭,need 需要,food 食物,What do I need? 我需要什么?,I need . 我需要.,juice 果汁,r。

3、Unit 6,When can we go ice-skating? The first period,学校:宏星小学 执教者:唐美云,When is .? Its in .,New Years Day,Spring Festival,Womens Day,Fools Day,May Day,Childrens Day,When is New Years Day?,Its in Janua。

4、Teaching by : Linda,Unit2 Do you have any glue?,Do you like singing?,Have a match: 比一比,谁快?,Whats this?,Whats this?,Whatre these?,Whatre these?,Whats this?,Whats this?,Its a letter(信).Gogo wan。

5、中山市大涌安堂小学英语科组 执教老师:李换婵 call a friend plant trees paint a picture listen to music watch TV wash the dishes cook dinner help grandfather 1Whens Tree Planting Day? 2Was it Tree Planting Day yesterday? 3W。

6、5 Its cold in winter. 春天 看这些花儿!春天来了! 春天是绿色的。 夏天 夏天来了!夏天很热。 秋天 看这些树叶!树叶是红色、黄色和橙色的。 秋天来了!我喜 欢秋天。 冬天 冬天来了!冬天很冷。 现在是夏天了! ( spring 春天 summer 夏天 fall 秋天 winter 冬天 Whats the weather like in spring? 天气 春天的天气怎。

7、Unit6 When can we go ice-skating? 开心学英语五年级上册 Hot! Hot! So hot! Hot! Hot! So hot! Hot! Hot! So hot! Is it hot in summer? Its so hot! Is it hot in summer? Its so hot! Hot! Hot! So hot! Hot! Hot! So hot。

8、staples some glue some stamps some pape r some Do you have any staples? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. tape 贴胶带 磁带 , 录音带 paper clips some envelopes some scissors Fill in the blanks: st __ mp p__ per ta_。

9、Unit 9 It was clean but it s dirty now. The more we get together . Together , together . The more we get together . The happier we will be . For your friends are my friends. And my friends are yo。

10、Vocabulary and target. Lets sing a song! What day was it yesterday? What day is it today? Its. It was. What s he doing? Hes planting trees. What s he doing? Hes painting. What s she doing? Shes li。

11、6 When can we go ice-skating? January 一月 New Years Day is in January. 元旦是在一月。 February 二月 January is before February. March 三月 Womans Day is in March. 妇女节是在三月。 April 四月 愚人节 是在四月。 April Fools Day is in。

12、Lets sing ! Hot! Hot! So hot! sunny (晴朗的,晴天的) cloudy (多云的) windy (刮风的 ) rainy (下雨的 ) sunny windy cloudy rainy What s the weather like in____? It s ____. spring rainy summer sunny fall windy。

13、Unit 2 Do you have any glue? Unit 2 Do you have any glue? Unit 2 Do you have any glue? Unit 2 Do you have any glue? stamp envelope staples paper scissors paper clip glue tape Unit 2 Do you have any g。

14、Unit 7 Whens your birthday? Its a birthday party. 这是一个生日派对。 But you should pass three steps. Can you? (但要闯过三关,你们能做到吗? ) Lets go to the party. 我们一起去参加聚会。 Step 1 Listen and say out the following mon。

15、五年级 上册 Hot Hot So hot Hot Hot So hot Hot Hot So hot Is it hot in summer Its so hot Is it hot in summer Its so hot Hot Ho。

16、Unit 3 What do we need 我们需要什么 juice Vocabulary 词汇 rice food need salt sugar cook cool meat vegetable 同学们,别忘了 多种蔬菜是 veget。

17、广东版开心英语五年级上册 Unit 1 Come with me Where are you going Im going to an island. Lets go Look Theyre swimming. Theyre playing。

18、By Lin Xiao 2013.09.22 1 2 3 4 Seasons spring 1 2 3 4 summer Seasons 1 2 3 4 fall Seasons 1 2 3 4 winter Seasons 1 2 3。

19、Unit 10 I planted tree. 含光中心小学 林雪梅 planted What did you do ,yesterday I planted trees, sterday. painted Did you painted。

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