广东版(开心)五上《Unit 7 When’s your birthday》ppt课件.ppt

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Unit 7 Whens your birthday? Its a birthday party. 这是一个生日派对。 But you should pass three steps. Can you? (但要闯过三关,你们能做到吗? ) Lets go to the party. 我们一起去参加聚会。 Step 1 Listen and say out the following month. 如:老师说 March, 你们必须说 出后面的那个月份 April. Step 2 Can you answer some questions? My birthday is December 20th. Whens your birthday? My birthday is 猜一猜他们的生日 Step 3 Can you guess their birthdays? June 27th January 21st March 6th Whens Tonys birthday? Its October 20th Whens Jennys birthday? Its December 9th January 28th April 15th August 7th Whens grandmas birthday? Its March 4th February 8th October 10th August 14th Hurray! Lets go to the birthday party. 我们一起去参加生日派对。 Whens Gogos birthday? Whens Gogos birthday? Its today! August 7th March 4th October 20th I think I can get Is it Gogos birthday party? 这是 Gogo的生日派对吗? Oh, Gogo! Its not Gogos birthday party. But today is also Gogos birthday, he goes to join it. 这不是 Gogo的生日派队, 但今天也是他的生日,所以他跑去参加了! Come on! Boys and girls. Join my party. 孩子们, 快来参加 我的派对! Hello, I m Gogo. I m 6. I like fall. My birthday is October 28th. Today is my birthday. I have a party. My friends come to my party. I get some presents(礼物) . I sing and dance. I eat some cake and some fruit. I eat some pizza too. I am very happy. Name birthday (My birthday is ) Activities 活动 ( I ) feelings ( I ) Im Gogo My birthday is _. I get some presents. I _ and dance. I _ some cake, fruit and pizza. I am very _. Read the passage and fill in the blanks. 读短文,并根据课文内容完成表格。 October 28th sing eat happy Hello, I m Gogo. I m 6. I like fall. My birthday is October 28th. Today is my birthday. I have a party. My friends come to my party. I get some presents(礼物) . I sing and dance. I eat some cake and some fruit. I eat some pizza too. I am very happy. Fill in the form: A Birthday Party play games listen to music eat some fruit drink some juice milk 喝一些果汁、牛奶 Feelings: Its fun. I like my party. I have a good time. Activities: Jolie December 20th sing and dance eat some cake I am happy. Name birthday activities feelings My birthday is _ I _ I _ _ Fill in the form: Name birthday (My birthday is ) activities ( I ) feelings ( I ) _ My birthday is _ I_ I_ - sing and dance play games listen to music eat some fruit eat some cake drink some juice milk 喝一些果汁、牛奶 Feelings: I am happy. Its fun. I like my party. I have a good time. Activities: Hi! Im My birthday is Today is my birthday. I have a party. I I Name birthday activities feelings My birthday is _ I _ I _ _ sing and dance eat some cake I am happy. Jolie December 20th A Birthday Party Hi, I am _. My birthday is _. Today is my birthday. I have a party. I_.I_. _. Choose A or B to write. 请同学们 选择形式 A或 B来写 。 A Birthday Party _ _ _ _ _ _ A 基础篇 B 挑战篇 Assessment 评价 批改者 标准 Name:MissZh ou 自我评价 同学评价 Name:_ Handwriting 书写 Spelling拼写 Grammar 语法 Ideas构思 Whens your fathers mothers birthday? Do you know? 父母给予了我们那么多 东西 , 我们应该 感恩 父母 . 1.Share your classmates writing. 2.Survey. Write down your parents and your relatives (亲戚 ) birthday. Names Birthday father mother 3. 了解你的父母怎么过生日的。 Goodbye!


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