


1、电大本科管理英语 II小抄收集由于管理英语是从开放英语中单独分类出的一门英语课程,相关资料内容较少,为了方便电大同学使用我将能找到的资料汇编为此题册,供大家使用 第一部分 交际用语 Afternoon, sir. Where to? - A. Please get me to the airport Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A) A. Please get me to the airport Are you sure about that? D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive Are you sure about that? (D) D. Oh, yes. m absolutely positive Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. Its so nice of you Can I help you to g。

2、小炒电大本科管理英语 II小抄收集由于管理英语是从开放英语中单独分类出的一门英语课程,相关资料内容较少,为了方便电大同学使用我将能找到的资料汇编为此题册,供大家使用 第一部分 交际用语 Afternoon, sir. Where to? - A. Please get me to the airport Afternoon, sir. Where to?(A) A. Please get me to the airport Are you sure about that? D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive Are you sure about that? (D) D. Oh, yes. m absolutely positive Can I help you to get it down? C. Thanks. Its so nice of you Can I help you 。

3、管理英语2期末试题一交际用语1.Im terribly sorry that Ive spilled some coffee on the table.___It doesnt matter______________.2.Hi,Helen, Ill have an interview tomorrow.Im afraid I cant make it. S。

4、1“题目: __________ father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday? Peters.: Whose; What; Which “题目: I heard that you really had a wonderful time at Johns birthday party, _____?: didnt I ; didnt you ; hadnt you “题目:__________ important it is for kids to imagine freely!: What; How; What an “题目: Sorry, I made a mistake again._________ Practise more and youll succeed.: Never mind.; Certainly not. ; Dont mention it.“题目:________________。

标签 > 电大管理英语2物业管理[编号:2318502]

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