


1、第13课时 A 1 xx滁州二模 It s not always safe to pay over the Internet you should be careful A so B after C because D as soon as B 2 xx芜湖二模 We ll stay at home it rains tomorrow A and B if C but D s。

2、第14课时 A 1 xx滁州二模 Could you please tell me they will go there tomorrow Maybe by air I think it s exciting A how B what C where D why D 2 xx太和二模 According to a survey people are able to speak。

3、第9课时 B 1 xx滁州三模 Can I know some about your daily life Certainly I usually do my homework while my mother in the kitchen A cooks B is cooking C has cooked D will cook A 2 xx太和二模 I think I to。

4、第4课时 B 1 xx芜湖四十五中模拟 Who won the first prize of the World Table Tennis Championship You mean the match held in Ma Long did A fifty four German B fifty fourth Germany C fifty fourth German D。

5、第二部分 专题研究 第1课时 D 1 xx皖东模拟 He was born in Germany but he has made China his A family B address C house D home B 2 xx芜湖二模 It s cold today Take your with you when you go out A knife B。

6、2019安徽中考英语 复合句选练 A 1 xx滁州二模 Could you please tell me they will go there tomorrow Maybe by air I think it s exciting A how B what C where D why D 2 xx太和二模 According to a survey peopl。

7、第3课时 B 1 xx合肥模拟 Boxing Day the 26th of December got name from a time when many rich families gave boxes of gifts to poor people who had to work at Christmas A it s B its C one s D one A 2 xx安。

8、第8课时 D 1 xx滁州一模 My mother is cooking fried fish It must delicious when I eat it A sound B look C smell D taste A 2 xx安庆一模 If you always yourself with others you may have tons of pressure I。

9、第6课时 C 1 xx芜湖模拟 Be careful Don t walk on the grass it will cry A and B but C or D so D 2 xx滁州二模 I don t like reading watching TV What about you I don t like reading all day I like watching。

10、2019安徽中考英语 形容词和副词选练 A 1 xx六安一模 Amanda can arrive at school on time That s right His teacher is often angry with him A seldom B often C usually D always B 2 xx太和一模 Mr Miller is so。

11、第2课时 D 1 xx安徽名校调研卷 Are you going to football match tonight I wish I could but I m meeting VIP from Oklahoma A an an B an a C the an D the a C 2 xx淮北三模 Sue could play piano at the age of。

12、第10课时 D 1 xx芜湖一模 She usually gets up very early some exercise every morning A takes B take C taking D to take D 2 xx太和月考二 Teachers often warn students not out alone on school nights A go B。

13、第12课时 C 1 xx合肥寿春中学月考二 I ve never been to Disneyland Judy A So have I B So I have C Neither have I D Neither am I B 2 xx芜湖月考三 There an NBA match on TV this weekend A will play B is goi。

14、第5课时 B 1 xx蚌埠三模 Can you e to my party this evening Sorry I can t I have to prepare my exams A of B for C about D with C 2 xx安庆三模 It s good for us to drink milk the morning A at B on C in D。

15、第7课时 A 1 xx六安一模 Amanda can arrive at school on time That s right His teacher is often angry with him A seldom B often C usually D always B 2 xx太和一模 Mr Miller is so that he often makes us fe。

16、第11课时 A 1 xx合肥45中一模 It s said that nuclear power will be used to produce electricity in Xianning However nuclear power be very dangerous A can B need C must D should C 2 xx滁州一模 Where is Sa。

17、2019安徽中考英语 动词的分类选练 D 1 xx滁州一模 My mother is cooking fried fish It must delicious when I eat it A sound B look C smell D taste A 2 xx安庆一模 If you always yourself with others you may。

18、2019安徽中考英语 连词选练 C 1 xx芜湖模拟 Be careful Don t walk on the grass it will cry A and B but C or D so D 2 xx滁州二模 I don t like reading watching TV What about you I don t like reading all da。

19、2019安徽中考英语 定语从句选练及答案 一 单项选择题 1 I only heard of him a little But what are the other important things done by him He also set up Tongmenghui with Huang Xing A that B which C who D w。

20、2019安徽中考英语 简单句和并列句选练及答案 A 1 xx滁州二模 It s not always safe to pay over the Internet you should be careful A so B after C because D as soon as B 2 xx芜湖二模 We ll stay at home it ra。

标签 > 安徽省2019中考英语二轮复习[编号:713400]

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