


1、第10课时 八年级下册 Units 5 6 一 选择填空 1 xx江西模拟一 No one knows which team will win the xx World Cup in Russia Yes That is the of the exciting game A magic B cause C hope D luck 2 xx云南昆明中考。

2、第10课时 八年级下册 Units 5 6 一 阅读理解 xx安徽安庆桐城四模 A cobbler 鞋匠 spent his time singing from morning till night He was poor but happy However his neighbor who had lots of wealth sang little。

3、Grade 9 Book 1 Units 5 6 1 xx北部湾经济区 The MidAutumn Day is a traditional 传统的 festival in China 2 xx柳州 Tony usually practises playing musical 音乐的 instruments after class 单词拼写 1 As we al。

4、第15课时 九年级 Units 5 6 一 选择填空 1 xx云南保山腾冲模拟 WeChat is very popular the young the old are interested in it A Neither nor B Either or C Not only but also D Between and 2 xx山东青岛李沧一。

5、Grade 8 Book 2 Units 5 6 1 xx来宾 Which subject 科目 do you like best Chinese English or math 2 xx桂林 My mother has warned 警告 me not to go out at night 3 xx百色 It is not polite 有礼貌的 to laugh a。

6、Grade 8 Book 1 Units 5 6 1 xx贵港 Walk along the road and you can find the subway station easily 容易地 2 xx贺州 Now all the students are writing down their resolutions and plans for the ing year in c。

7、第10课时 八年级下册 Units 5 6 一 完形填空 2019预测 There was once a bad king All the people hated him One day in a summer he was swimming alone 1 a river The king was good at 2 but while he was in the。

8、第15课时 九年级 Units 5 6 一 阅读理解 xx山东济宁经济开发区一模 Once upon a time there was no tea at all in England People there used to drink a light beer 啤酒 No coffee or milk but large glasses of b。

9、第15课时 九年级 Units 5 6 一 完形填空 xx广东梅州梅江第二次质检改编 When we talk about inventions we often mention the great inventors like Thomas Edison However some 1 things werent invented by those。

10、第13课时 单项选择 D 1 原创题 Your gloves should be made leather for they feel soft and smooth A in B on C for D of D 2 预测题 The man seemed very with what his son did during the accident There is a s。

11、2019中考 人新 英语课本回扣习及答案 八下U5 6 一 阅读理解 A farmer had a cow He took very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill he was very worried He telephoned the vet What s the problem T。

12、2019中考 人新 英语课本回扣习及答案 九全U5 6 一 阅读理解 流行神曲 小苹果 Hit song Little Apple became so popular after it came out in late May In China you may hear it on a bus or even in a small villa。

13、2019中考 人新 英语课本回扣习及答案 八上U5 6 一 阅读理解 If English means endless new words difficult grammar and sometimes strange pronunciation you are wrong Haven t you noticed that you have become。

14、2019人教英语重点单词回扣 阅读及答案 九全5 6 一 阅读理解 A new report says Christmas in the USA is becoming less religious Nine out of ten Americans celebrate Christmas but only about half think it is。

15、2019人教英语重点单词回扣 阅读及答案 八上5 6 一 阅读理解 Hello my name is Zhao Benshan Others call me Uncle Benshan I was born in Lianhua Valley in 1957 I m a Chinese skit 滑稽短剧 and sitcom 情景短剧。

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