


1、2019年三年级上册Unit 2 Look a ball lesson 3 word教案 1教学目标 1 能用英语询问物品 A pencil 并进行肯定或否定的回答 Yes it is It s a pencil No it isn t 2 能熟练掌握并使用 Hi I m Nice to meet you Nice to。

2、2019 2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 5 Ethnic Culture Section 3 word教案 ethnic adj 1 of a national or racial group of people A question on ethnic origin was included in the census The factory s work。

3、2019 2020年北师大版高中英语必修1 Unit 1 Lifestyles lesson 3 word教案 时 间 星 期 主 备 人 使用人 教学主题 Unit1 Lifestyles Lesson 3 教学目标 了解一般现在时 现在进行时与一般将来时的不同用法 知识梳理 St。

4、2019 2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4 Music Born in America Section 3 word教案 vain adj 自负的 爱虚荣的unsuccessful or useless of no value The doctors gave him more powerful drugs in the vain hope t。

5、2019 2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 4 Music Born in America Period 3 word教案 Goals To understand adverbial clauses of time To learn to make sentences containing the adverbial clauses of time To und。

6、2019 2020年北师大版高中英语必修1 Unit 2 Heroes Lesson 3 word教案 Teaching Plan Time August8 xx Teaching time 90 minutes 2 periods Topic Unit2 lesson3 sports stars Students Senior1 Content Lesson 3 rea。

7、2019 2020年北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit 8 Adventure Lesson 3 word教案 学科 English 教师姓名 授课班级 高一 授课时间 课题 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Marco Polo 计划课时 2课时 课标要求和教学目标 知识与技能 Teaching。

8、2019 2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 3 Literature Section 3 word教案 scene n a part of a play or film in which the action stays in one place for a continuous period of time the funeral wedding scene。

9、2019 2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 1 Basketball Period 3 word教案 Goal Learn conversion and suffix Procedures Step 1 conversion 词性转化 Conversion called sometimes full conversion is a word format。

10、2019 2020年人教版高中英语选修七Unit 3 Under the sea Period 3 word教案 Teaching aims 1 Students will be able to recognize the ing being done forms and know the exact meanings of them 2 Students will be。

11、2019 2020年北师大版英语高一上册Module 1 Unit 1 Lifestyles lesson 3 word教案 Teaching aims To listen for specific facts To give opinion about voluntary work To talk about future arrangements and intent。

12、2019 2020年高一上unit6 Design Lesson 3 word教案 Teaching aims To practise scanning the text to extract specific information To practise giving definitions of words with the help of relative pronouns T。

13、2019 2020年外研版高中英语选修7 Module 3 Literature Period 3 word教案 Goal To learn about Inversion Procedures Step1 Learning about Inversion 倒装是一种语法手段 用于表示一定的句子结构或强调某一句子成分。

14、2019 2020年北师大版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Celebration lesson 3 word教案 内容 一 基础知识 1 词汇 2 话题 二 基本技能 1 skimming 2 scanning 3 prediction 4 making difference 5 summarizing information 教学目。

15、2019 2020年高一上Unit5 Rhythm Lesson 3 word教案 Teaching objectives 1 To practise the vocabulary relating to music 2 To read and understand a newspaper article 3 To express opinions and give reasons f。

标签 > 3word教案[编号:782691]

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