
d like a cup of tea. 我想要一杯茶。2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 4 What can you do PA Let’s learn练习 人教pep 一、将下列单词按画线部分读音归类。


1、Lessson5,What does he like? Miss Li,Words,1 listen 听 2 music 音乐 3 film 电影 4 always 总是 5 only 仅仅,只 6 everyone 每一个 7 enjoy 喜欢,享受 8 listen to music 听音乐 9 see films 看电影 10 watch TV 看电视,Lets talk,(Q=Qiqi, E=Eve) Q: Look at Jane. Whats she doing? E: Shes listening to music. Q: Does she like music? E: Yes, she likes music very much. (listen to music听音乐) (very much非常),Q : What about Pete? What does he like? E: He likes seeing films. Q: What do you like? Do you like seein。

2、Lesson 5 What does he like ?,学习目标:,1.“四会”下列单词:listen, music, film; 2.掌握like用法:like dogs/reading; 3.熟练掌握、运用下列交际用语: -What is he doing? - He is singing. -What do you like?-I like dogs. -What does he like?-He likes reading.,Look at these pictures,Jim swimming,Eve skating,Lily riding a horse,Kate flying a kite,Lele dancing,Tom playing football,Tips of self-study:,1.What is Jane doing?,She is listening to music.,2.What does Jane like?,She likes music.,3.What is Pete d。

3、What does he like?,Lets talk,Lesson 5,listen music listen to music see film see films,听 音乐 听音乐 看见 电影 看电影,listen music listen to music see film see films,听 音乐 听音乐 看见 电影 看电影,listen music listen to music see film see films,Whats missing?,listen do see watch,listening doing seeing watching,He is riding a horse.,She is swimming.,They are singing.,They are playing basketball.,She is drawing.,She is running .,Jane,Whats she doing? Shes listening to music.,Jane,Does she like 。

4、Lesson7,What would you like? Miss Li,Words,shop 商店 buy 买 drink 喝;饮料 tea 茶 juice 果汁 feel 感觉 much 多,非常,something 某事(物) would 将要 bottle 瓶子 carrot 胡萝卜 would like 想要 a cup of 一杯 a bottle of 一瓶,Lets talk,(L=Lulu, T=Tom, W=Woman) L: Look! Its a shop.(Its=it is) T: Yes. Lets buy something to drink. (Lets=Let us)让我们买些东西喝吧。 L: Id like some tea. What would you like? 你想要什么? T: Id like a cold drink. (Id=I would),W: Can I help you?我能帮你吗? L: Yes。

5、Lesson 7 What would you like?,shop p 商店,buy ba 买,drink drk 喝 ,饮料,tea ti: 茶,juice du:s 果汁,bottle btl 瓶子,carrot krt 胡萝卜,New words,shop p 商店 buy ba 买 drink drk 喝,饮料 tea ti: 茶 juice du:s 果汁 feel fi:l 感觉 much mt 多,非常,something sm 某事(物) would wd 将要 bottle btl 瓶子 carrot krt 胡萝卜 would like 想要 a cup of 一杯 a bottle of 一瓶,a cup o。

6、A game,-What would you like? -Id like a bun. -Would you like a bottle of milk? -Yes, please. -Here you are. (two bottles of milk两瓶牛奶),Listen and say,(Z=Zhuangzhuang, J=Jane, M=Man) M: Can I help you? J: Yes, Id like a hamburger and a bag of chips. M: What would you like? Z: Id like a hot dog.,M: Would you like something to drink? J: Yes, a glass of orange juice. Z: Id like a coke. M: Ok. Twenty-eight yuan. J: Oh, no! I only have twenty yuan. Z: Thats OK. Lets。

7、Lets learn,Miss Li,a cup of tea一杯茶,What would you like? 你想要什么? I d like a cup of tea. 我想要一杯茶。 Id=I would would like=want想要,a bottle of coke一瓶可乐,What would you like? Id like a bottle of coke.,an ice cream一个冰激凌,What would you like? Id like an ice cream.,some candy一些糖果,What would you like? Id like some candy.,a glass of water一杯水,What would you like? Id like a glass of water.,some juice一些果汁,What would you like? Id like some juice.,practise,a cup of coffee一杯咖。

8、科普版五年级英语上册 Lesson7 What would you like ? Lets learn,出示导纲 1、掌握词组: a cup of tea 一杯茶,a bottle of coke一瓶可乐 , a glass of water一杯水, some candy一些糖果, an ice cream一个冰激凌, some juice一些果汁. 2、掌握中心句型: -What would you like?(你想要点什么?) -Id like (我想要),a bottle of coke,some candy,an ice cream,a glass of water,some juice,a cup of tea,a bottle of coke,some candy,an ice cream,a glass of water,some juice,a cup of tea,What would you like?(你想要点什么?) Id li。

9、Welcome to our English class.,Lesson 7,What would you like?,tea/ti:/,water/w:t(r)/,Game:,coke /kuk/,juice/du:s/,milk/milk/,coffee/kfi/,soup/su:p/,common feature:,water,tea,coke,juice,milk,coffee,soup,un:,不能以数目来计算,液体:,+,=,a glass /gla:s/,a glass of water,water,+,=,a cup,a cup of tea,tea,+,=,a bottle,a bottle ofcoke,coke /kuk/,candy/kendi/,Some candy,juice/du:s/,Some juice,an ice cream/ais kri:m/,What would you like?,Id like a cup of tea.,What would you like?,Id lik。

10、2019年五年级英语上册 Lesson 18 练习题(无答案)冀教版 一、补全对话。 Li Ming wants to go on a trip to Beijing. He is talking with his mum: Li Ming: Mum, _____ _____ go on a trip to Beijing? Mum: Yes,。

11、2019年五年级英语上册 Module 10 Unit 1 You should tidy your toys教案 外研版 语言知识目标:能听、说、读、写四会单词和短语:should, shouldnt, play with 。能听说、认读单词和短语shelf(shelves) take off。

12、2019年五年级英语上册 Module 3Unit 1 A day at school教案2 沪教牛津版 Teaching contents: Find, count and write Teaching Aims: 1. 知识目标:Asking “How” questions to find out the quantity e.g. How many。

13、2019年五年级英语上册 Recycle 1(第1课时)教案 人教pep 一、教学重点 本课时的教学重点是复习13单元所学会话,要求学生能根据实际情景熟练运用这些句子。学会新单词Moral Education, Social Studies,celery等。

14、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 8 Again, Please教案2 冀教版 教学目标: 1. 复习词汇:aunt, uncle, cousin, gray hair, eyes, glasses; We/I go to the to____ .用than的比较结构。 2. 在教学中运用游戏、歌。

15、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 1 We have new friends教案 人教新版 言语技能目标 1能够询问他人一些有关动物的表达法。 2能够区分并用英语向别人介绍不同的动物,包括部分动物的成年和幼仔的名称。 3能够在适当。

16、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 10 What does that sign mean教案2 湘少版 一. Teaching aims and demands: Be able to read and listen the words Review the words: a sign, No mobile phone, a cinema, No talking, N。

17、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 2 mockys bad day教案(1)北师大版 Structures: Mocky went to their house. They were at school. He didnt want any bananas. What did Mocky do? Review Play the song from Unit。

18、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 2 They can 一、 教学目标: 知识目标: 1、能听、说、读并正确使用单词:sit ,chick;短语:sit down。 2、能理解并掌握句型: He/She/They cant. 能力目标:学会用This girl cant walk。

19、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 3 school sports day教案 北师大版 教学目标与要求 技能目标: 能够理解1st10th的意义,在句子中能够正确运用。 知识目标: 1能够运用以下单词 one hundred,prize,race,win,fa。

20、2019年五年级英语上册 Unit 4 Where do you work教案 人教精通版 cinema 电影院 work 工作 study 学习 CCTV 中国中央电视台 hospital 医院 in 在里面 on 在上面 at 在 shop 商店 grandfather(grandpa) (外。

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