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2022-2023年考博英语-华东政法大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题A new service _ to the needs of disabled people who want to go on living in their own homes.问题1选项A.comesB.dedicatesC.catersD.contributes【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项comes“来;开始;出现;发生;变成;到达;做;假装;将满(岁)”;B选项dedicates“致力;献身;题献”;C选项caters“投合,迎合;满足需要;提供饮食及服务”;D选项contributes“贡献,出力;投稿;捐献;有助于,促成,是的原因之一;发表意见,提议”。句意:一项新的服务满足了希望继续住在自己家里的残疾人的需要。根据下文“残疾人的需要”可知本句表达“满足了需要”,因此C选项正确。2. 单选题. Human rights are often presented as the outcome of a long and noble maturation process of intellectual ideas such as freedom, equality or human dignity basically as the ultimate crystallization of Enlightenment ideas. The contemporary importance of human rights is then viewed as the final result of the forward march of history, reason or civilization, advancing the inherent rights and dignity of every person. In this vein, a large body of literature has focused on the precursors of human rights, claiming that the idea of universal human dignity and individual rights ultimately derives from, for instance, Catholic Christianity, Protestantism or the French enlightenment. These are the kind of narratives and histories that have been deeply criticized by Nietzsche (尼采) (or later Foucault (福柯) because they misconstrue the past as a teleology leading to, and justifying, the current state of affairs. Instead Nietzsche proposed a genealogical methodology, which gives credit to the contingent, unpredictable, hidden and often dark currents of history. From this perspective, the job of the historian, sociologist or philosopher is not to reconstruct the linear path from which human rights have victoriously emerged but to investigate the haphazard make-up of human rights, looking into the contingent conditions and unforeseen circumstances out of which values grow.In The Sacredness of the Person Hans Joas (汉斯约阿斯) seeks to connect Nietzsches awareness of historical contingency with respect to the genesis of values with the more sociological question of why human rights and universal human dignity serve now as a new global culture and morality. Basically, how can we best describe and explain the deep moral commitment and almost universal appeal of human rights, functioning today as a de facto global civil religion with its own transnational symbols such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or shared rituals such as UNs Universal Periodic Review? However, in contrast to a Nietzsche an reading, Joas does not as such want to criticize or deconstruct the idea of universal human rights. He, thus, devises both a research object and approach that is not critical by conventional sociological measure but more geared towards an interpretive approach. More precisely, while acknowledging that human rights are a genuine historical innovation, he also wants to preserve and explain the now self-evident moral character that human rights have for those who feel bound by them.1.From the first paragraph, one can know that Nietzsche or Foucault _.2.Nietzsche or later Foucault criticized the large number of literature because _.3.According to the second paragraph, Hans Joas tries to _.4.The difference between Nietzsche and Joas is that _.问题1选项A.is a scholar who uses teleological method towards human rightsB.disagrees with the teleological method of researchC.claims that the idea of universal human dignity and individual rights ultimately derives from Catholic Christianity, Protestantism or the French enlightenmentD.thinks that human rights is the final result of the forward march of history, reason or civilization问题2选项A.they used a genealogical methodologyB.the idea of universal human dignity and individual rights ultimately does not derive from Catholic Christianity, Protestantism or the French enlightenmentC.do not give credit to the contingent, unpredictable, hidden and often dark currents of historyD.they misconstrue the past as a teleology leading to the current state of affairs问题3选项A.connect Nietzsches awareness of historical contingency the more sociological questionB.explain the deep moral commitment and almost universal appeal of human rightsC.describe the functioning of human rights as a de facto global civil religionD.describe the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the transnational symbol of human rights问题4选项A.the latter wants to criticize or deconstruct the idea of universal human rightsB.the former devises both a research object and approach that is not critical by conventional sociological measureC.the latter also wants to explain the now self-evident moral character of human rightsD.the former acknowledges that human rights are a genuine historical innovation【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C【解析】1.推理判断题。根据题干关键词“ Nietzsche or Foucault”定位到原文第一段In this vein, a large body of literature has focused on the precursors of human rights, claiming that the idea of universal human dignity and individual rights ultimately derives from, for instance, Catholic Christianity, Protestantism or the French enlightenment. These are the kind of narratives and histories that have been deeply criticized by Nietzsche (or later Foucault) because they misconstrue the past as a teleology leading to, and justifying, the current state of affairs.(在这一脉络下,大量的文献聚焦于人权的先驱者,声称普遍的人类尊严和个人权利的理念最终源于诸如天主教、新教或法国启蒙运动等。这些叙述和历史被尼采(或后来的福柯)深刻批评,因为它们将过去误读为一种导致并证明事件现状的目的论)可知尼采或福柯批评目的论,选B选项“不同意目的论的研究方法”,A选项“是一位用目的论方法研究人权的学者”以及C选项“认为人类普遍尊严和个人权利的理念最终源于天主教、新教或法国启蒙运动”在文中属于人权的先驱者,不是尼采或福柯的观点,偷换概念,排除;D选项“认为人权是历史、理性或文明前进的最终结果”未在第一段提及。因此B选项正确。2.事实细节题。根据题干关键词“ Nietzsche or Foucault”定位到原文第一段In this vein, a large body of literature has focused on the precursors of human rights, claiming that the idea of universal human dignity and individual rights ultimately derives from, for instance, Catholic Christianity, Protestantism or the French enlightenment. These are the kind of narratives and histories that have been deeply criticized by Nietzsche (or later Foucault) because they misconstrue the past as a teleology leading to, and justifying, the current state of affairs.(在这一脉络下,大量的文献聚焦于人权的先驱者,声称普遍的人类尊严和个人权利的理念最终源于诸如天主教、新教或法国启蒙运动等。这些叙述和历史被尼采(或后来的福柯)深刻批评,因为它们将过去误读为一种导致并证明事件现状的目的论)可知选D选项“它们把过去误解为一种导致当前事态的目的论”以及B选项“普遍的人类尊严和个人权利的想法最终不是来自天主教、基督教,新教或法国启蒙运动”并不是尼采或福柯后来批评大量的文学的原因;第一段Instead Nietzsche proposed a genealogical methodology, which gives credit to the contingent, unpredictable, hidden and often dark currents of history.(相反,尼采提出了一个谱系方法论,它把归信于偶然的,不可预测的,隐藏的,经常是黑暗的历史潮流)可知A选项“他们使用了一种谱系方法论”和C选项“不相信偶然的,不可预测的,隐藏的,经常是黑暗的历史潮流”是尼采所赞同的,排除。因此D选项正确。3.事实细节题。根据题干关键词“Hans Joas”定位到原文第二段第一句In The Sacredness of the Person Hans Joas seeks to connect Nietzsches awareness of historical contingency with respect to the genesis of values with the more sociological question of why human rights and universal human dignity serve now as a new global culture and morality.(在人的神圣性一书中,汉斯约阿斯试图将尼采关于价值起源的历史偶然性意识与更多的社会学问题联系起来,即为什么人权和普遍的人类尊严现在成为一种新的全球文化和道德)可知选A选项“将尼采的历史偶然性意识与更多的社会学问题联系起来”以及B选项“解释人权的深刻的道德承诺和几乎普遍的呼吁”错误;C选项“将人权的运作描述为事实上的全球公民宗教”和D选项“将世界人权宣言描述为人权的跨国象征”不符合原文。因此A选项正确。4.事实细节题。根据题干关键词“Nietzsche and Joas”定位到原文第二段More precisely, while acknowledging that human rights are a genuine historical innovation, he also wants to preserve and explain the now self-evident moral character that human rights have for those who feel bound by them.(更确切地说,在承认人权是一种真正的历史创新的同时,他还希望保护并解释人权对那些感到受其约束的人所具有的如今不言而喻的道德品质)可知选C选项“后者还想解释现在不言而喻的人权的道德特征”以及D选项“前者承认人权是一种真正的历史创新”错误,尼采和乔斯都承认人权是一种真正的历史创新;第二段However, in contrast to a Nietzsche an reading, Joas does not as such want to criticize or deconstruct the idea of universal human rights. He, thus, devises both a research object and approach that is not critical by conventional sociological measure but more geared towards an interpretive approach.(然而,与尼采的解读相反,乔斯并不想批评或解构普遍人权的理念。因此,他设计了一种研究对象和方法,这种方法不是由传统的社会学度量来评判的,而是更倾向于解释性的方法)可知乔斯并不想批评或解构普遍人权的理念,而尼采会批评或解构普遍人权的理念,A选项“后者是对普遍人权思想的批判或解构”,B选项“前者设计了一个研究对象和方法,这不是批判性的传统社会学措施”和原文相悖。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题Because of the _ of its ideas, the book was in wide circulation both at home and abroad.问题1选项A.originalityB.subjectivityC.generalityD.ambiguity【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项originality“创意;独创性,创造力;原始;新奇”;B选项subjectivity“主观性,主观”;C选项generality“概论;普遍性;大部分”;D选项ambiguity“含糊;不明确;暧昧;模棱两可的话”。句意:由于其思想的_,这本书在国内外广泛流传。本句表达“思想的独特性”,因此A选项正确。4. 单选题It is a well-known fact that the cat family _ lions and tigers.问题1选项A.enrichesB.accommodatesC.adoptsD.embraces【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项enriches“使充实;使肥沃;使富足”;B选项accommodates“容纳;使适应;供应;调解”;C选项adopts“采取;接受;收养;正式通过”;D选项embraces“拥抱;欣然采纳;信奉;包含”。句意:众所周知,猫科动物_狮子和老虎。本句表达“猫科动物包括老虎和狮子”,因此D选项正确。5. 单选题I was so sick last night that I felt as if the room _ round.问题1选项A.would goB.had goneC.were goingD.should go【答案】C【解析】考查时态。句意:昨晚我病得很厉害,觉得房间里好像在转。根据句意可知是“我”病得很厉害的这段时间觉得房间在转,要用表示过去的时态,排除A选项和D选项;B选项是过去完成时,表示发生主语谓语动词之前,一直延续到主句谓语动词发生停止,则为先觉得房间在转,再病得厉害,逻辑不正确;C选项时态和语态符合原题。因此C选项正确。6. 单选题. (Jurisprudence)Greenberg pronounces my use of the phrase “theory of adjudication” “unusual”, and I am afraid I can only return the compliment, with one qualification: “theory of adjudication” has no standard usage at all, so writing as though there is a usual meaning is, itself, “unusual”. I was quite clear, as Greenbergs discussion reveals, about what I meant by it, and so the real question is whether anyone is committed to a Foundationalist Story about the theory of adjudication. Greenberg, however, makes the surprising claim that no one is so committed. Recognizing that Dworkin is one possible target of the Realist critique as I reconstruct it, Greenberg claims that “the right-answer thesis is not central to Dworkins project.” The right-answer thesis the idea that every case has a right answer as a matter of law would be an example of a Foundationalist Story about adjudication, and so the Realist critique would then have a potent, living target. When Greenberg claims the Foundationalist aspect of Dworkins theory isnt central he is not making a claim about the amount of effort Dworkin devotes to defending the right-answer thesis, which is obviously substantial. Greenbergs real claim is that the Dworkin of Laws Empire is not necessarily committed to the right-answer thesis. I rather agree with Greenberg that Dworkin “is most concerned to establish.that law depends in a particular way on morality” and that “the right-answer thesis.is a downstream consequence of his overall theory of law in conjunction with his view about morality”. So far, this is just a complicated admission that Dworkin accepts a Foundationalist Story about adjudication; the best Greenberg can do is to assert “that most of Dworkins arguments could succeed consistent with the falsity of the right-answer thesis.” Greenberg does not show that this is Dworkins view, and it is certainly not Dworkins view in his early work, since the “retroactivity” objection to legal positivism turns, quite clearly, on the truth of the right-answer thesis. Greenberg may be correct that one could have a view about the nature of morality different than Dworkins and give up the right-answer thesis: John Mackie would be a case in point, though not the one Greenberg has in mind, and not one Dworkin would be happy with. But none of this changes the fact that the actual Ronald Dworkin holds a theory of adjudication involving the Foundationalist Story because he holds a particular view about law and morality.71. Greenberg pronounces the use of the phrase “theory of adjudication” “unusual”. The author rebut the comment _.72. The essence of the right-answer thesis is that _.73. From the underlined sentence, one can know that _.74. Reading the whole paragraph, which of the following statements is wrong?问题1选项A.cynicallyB.by fighting backC.with disagreementD.with agreement问题2选项A.no one is committed to a Foundationalist Story about the theory of adjudicationB.it is not central to Dworkins projectC.it is a potent, living target of the Realist critiqueD.every case has a right answer as a matter of law问题3选项A.Greenburg did not think of John MackieB.John Mackie gave up the right-answer thesisC.Dworkin was not happy with John MackieD.John Mackie decided a case, which reflects Greenburgs theory问题4选项A.The author is basically a foundationalist scholar.B.The author is arguing with Mr. Greenburg.C.The author does not agree with Dworking theory.D.Greenburg may be correct in one aspect.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A【解析】71. 【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干定位到原文开头Greenberg pronounces my use of the phrase “theory of adjudication” “unusual”, and I am afraid I can only return the compliment, with one qualification: “theory of adjudication” has no standard usage at all, so writing as though there is a usual meaning is, itself, “unusual”.(格林伯格宣布我使用的短语“审判理论”是“不寻常的”,恐怕我只能用一个限定词来回敬:“审判理论”根本没有标准用法,因此,似乎有通常意义的写作本身就是“不寻常的”)可知作者是通过提出自己的观点来反驳格林伯格的观点,选B选项“通过反击”;A选项“冷笑”,C选项“与之有分歧”以及D选项“与之协议”都不符合原文。因此B选项正确。72. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。根据题干关键字“the right-answer”定位到原文The right-answer thesis the idea that every case has a right answer as a matter of law would be an example of a Foundationalist Story about adjudication, and so the Realist critique would then have a potent, living target.(正确答案命题即每个案例在法律问题上都有正确答案的想法将是一个关于裁决的基础主义故事的例子,因此现实主义批判就有了一个有力的、活生生的目标)可知选D选项“作为一项法律问题,每个案例都有正确答案”,同时可知A选项“没有人致力于一个关于裁决理论的基础主义故事”,C选项“它是现实主义批判的一个有力的、活生生的目标”错误,并不是正确答案命题的本质;B选项“这不是德沃金项目的中心”也不能回答正确答案命题的本质这个问题,排除。因此D选项正确。73. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。根据题干定位到划线句子部分Greenberg may be correct that one could have a view about the nature of morality different than Dworkins and give up the right-answer thesis: John Mackie would be a case in point, though not the one Greenberg has in mind, and not one Dworkin would be happy with.(格林伯格可能是正确的,人们可以有一个不同于德沃金的关于道德本质的观点,并放弃正确答案的论点:约翰麦凯将是一个恰当的例子,尽管不是格林伯格心目中的那个,也不是德沃金会满意的)可以判断出德沃金对约翰麦凯不太满意,选C选项“德沃金对约翰麦基不满意”;A选项“格林伯格没有想到约翰麦基”和原文相悖;B选项“约翰麦基放弃了正确答案的论点”划线句子未涉及,排除;D选项“约翰麦基决定了一个案件,这反映了格林伯格的理论”和原文相悖。因此C选项符合题意。74. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】推理判断题。阅读原文可知作者只是在客观的评价各个学者的观点,而不是基础主义方法论者,选A选项“作者基本上是一位基础主义学者”;根据原文Greenberg pronounces my use of the phrase “theory of adjudication” “unusual”, and I am afraid I can only return the compliment, with one qualification: “theory of adjudication” has no standard usage at all, so writing as though there is a usual meaning is, itself, “unusual”.(格林伯格宣布我使用的短语“审判理论”是“不寻常的”,恐怕我只能用一个限定词来回敬:“审判理论”根本没有标准用法,因此,似乎有通常意义的写作本身就是“不寻常的”)可知B选项“作者正在和格林伯格先生争论”符合原文;由原文I rather agree with Greenberg that Dworkin “is most concerned to establish.that law depends in a particular way on morality” and that “the right-answer thesis.is a downstream consequence of his overall theory of law in conjunction with his view about morality”.(我相当同意格林伯格的观点,即德沃金“最关心的是确定法律以一种特定的方式依赖于道德”,“正确答案理论是他整体法律理论和他关于道德的观点的下游结果”)可知C选项“作者不同意德沃金理论”,作者认为德沃金的理论是下游结果,以及D选项“在某一方面,格林伯格可能是正确的”符合原文。因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题_, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.问题1选项A.Although he is a socialistB.Even if he is a socialistC.Being a socialistD.Since he is a socialist【答案】A【解析】考查逻辑关系。A选项Although he is a socialist“虽然他是一个社会主义者”;B选项Even if he is a socialist“即使他是一个社会主义者”;C选项Being a socialist“作为一个社会主义”;D选项Since he is a socialist“因为他是一个社会主义者”。句意:_,威尔斯先生几乎不同情工人阶级。本句表达“虽然他是一个社会主义者,但是他不同情工人阶级”,因此A选项正确。8. 单选题Moby Dick, now regarded as a great work of American literature, was virtually _ when it was first published, and it was not until many years later that Melvilles achievements were _.问题1选项A.renowned.relegatedB.notorious.justifiedC.hailed.understoodD.ignored.recognized【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项renowned“使有声望”,relegated“贬职,把降低到,把置于次要地位;使(球队)降级”;B选项notorious“声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的”,justified“证明是正当的;替辩护”;C选项hailed“称赞;致敬;招呼”,understood“明白;懂得”;D选项ignored“忽略;不顾”,recognized“确认,承认;具结”。句意:白鲸现在被认为是美国文学史上的一部伟大作品,但它刚出版时却几乎_,直到许多年后,梅尔维尔的成就_。本句表达“白鲸刚出版时被人忽略,直到多年后,梅尔维尔的成就才被大家承认”。因此D选项正确。9. 单选题III. Constitutional Law and Administrative LawTwo centuries after Marbury v. Madison, there remains a deep confusion about quite what a court is reviewing when it engages in judicial review. Conventional wisdom has it that judicial review is the review of certain legal objects: statutes, regulations. But strictly speaking, this is not quite right. The Constitution prohibits not objects but actions. Judicial review is the review of such actions. And actions require actors: verbs require subjects. So before judicial review focuses on verbs, let alone objects, it should begin at the beginning, with subjects. Every constitutional inquiry should begin with a basic question that has been almost universally overlooked. The fundamental question, from which all else follows, is the who question: who has violated the Constitution?As judicial review is practiced today, courts skip over this bedrock question to get to the more familiar question: how was the Constitution violated? But it makes no sense to ask how, until there is an answer to who. Indeed, in countless muddled lines of doctrine, puzzlement about the predicates of constitutional violation follows directly from more fundamental confusion about the subjects.This fundamental confusion, like most confusion in law, stems from insufficient attention to text. Individual words are important, of course, but equally important is textual structure. The words form clauses and take on grammatical functions within those clauses. Within their clauses, these words become subjects, verbs, objects. The grammatical relationship among these words may be just as revealing as the words themselves. Grammatical imprecision can cause and has caused deep analytical and doctrinal confusion. But careful attention to constitutional grammar can reveal and will reveal nothing less than the constitutional structure of judicial review.Confusion about the who (and, relatedly, the when) of constitutional violation has been the root cause of many of the deepest puzzles of federal jurisdiction puzzles of ripeness, of standing, of severability, of “facial” and “as-applied” challenges. Simply by focusing attention on this crucial constitutional feature, the subjects of the Constitution, these puzzles may be solved once and for all.And as they are solved, it becomes clear that this approach constitutes a new model of judicial review. According to Harvard Law Professor Richard Fallon, federal courts scholars have been doing much the same thing since the original publication of The Federal Courts and the Federal System in 1953 “asking much the same questions formulated by Henry Hart and Herbert Wechslerand trying to answer them with roughly the same techniques.”59. Why does the author think there remains a deep confusion about what a court is reviewing when it engages in judicial review?60. The underlined phrase “as revealing as” in the 3nd paragraph means _.61. The author thinks that the confusion about the who of constitutional violation has been the root cause of the following puzzles except _.62. Reading the paragraphs, one can tell that the author _.问题1选项A.Judicial review is the review of certain legal objects.B.Judicial review is the review of actions.C.Verbs require subjects.D.The judicial review focuses objects, where it should begin with subjects.问题2选项A.equally importantB.informing same backgroundC.as informative asD.grammatical relationship among the words问题3选项A.the words of a statuteB.whether the facts of a case have developed sufficiently to permit a useful decision to be madeC.a partys right to make a legal claimD.whether to invalida


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