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2022-2023年考博英语-辽宁大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Evidence came up that _ speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.问题1选项A.specificB.distinctiveC.explicitD.blunt【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项specific“特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的”,着重指某种、某类事物具有的特殊或特定的属性;B选项distinctive“独特的,有特色的;与众不同的”,常被用来突出某个特点,也就是说由于某个特点的存在使其不同于其他的人或事物;C选项explicit“明确的;清楚的;直率的;详述的”;D选项blunt“钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的”。句意:有证据表明,6个月大的婴儿就能识别_语音。此处强调语音,用“特定的”一词修饰更符合句意,所以A选项正确。2. 单选题She worked hard at her task before she felt sure that the results would legitimize her long effort.问题1选项A.justifyB.testifyC.rectifyD.verify【答案】A【解析】考查形近词辨析。legitimize意为“使合法化,证明为有理(或正当)”;justify意为“证明有理”;testify意为“作证”;rectify意为“改正,校正”;verify意为“核实,查对”。句意:她努力做自己的工作,直到确定所得到的结果可以证明自己长久以来的努力是有理由的。3. 翻译题As holidays go, Thanksgiving is in some ways the most philosophical. Today we try not to take for granted the things we almost always take for granted. We try, if only in that brief pause before the eating begins, to see through the well-worn patterns of our lives to what lies behind them. In other words, we try to understand how very rich we are, whether we feel very rich or not. Today is one of the few times most Americans consciously set desire aside, if only because desire is incompatible with the gratitudenot to mention the abundancethat Thanksgiving summons.It is tempting to think that one Thanksgiving is pretty much like another, except for differences in the guest list and the recipes. But it isnt true. This is always a feast about where we are now. Thanksgiving reflects the complexion of the year were in. Some years it feels buoyant, almost jubilant in nature. Other years it seems marked by a conspicuous humility uncommon in the calendar of American emotions.And this year? We will probably remember this Thanksgiving as a banquet of mixed emotions. This is, after all, a profoundly American holiday. The undertow of business as usual seems especially strong this year. The shadow of a war and misgivings over the future looms in the minds of many of us. Most years we enjoy the privacy of Thanksgiving, but this year the holiday feels like a reminder for ourselves of what it means to be American.That means giving thanks for some fundamental principles that should be honored every day of the year in the life of this nationprinciples of generosity, tolerance and inclusion. This is feast that no one should be turned away from. The welcome we feel makes sense only if we also extend it to others.【答案】【参考译文】在众多的假日中,感恩节可以说是最令人深思的节日。今天我们会把平时习以为常的东面看得很珍贵。我们试着,哪怕只是在吃饭前的片刻,去看透那一成不变的生活,悟出背后的道理。换句话说,无论我们觉得自己是贫是富,我们总是尽力把自己看得十分富有。今天是大多数美国人有意识地把欲望放在一边的为数不多的时刻之一,这至少是因为今天我们有一颗感恩的心,更不用说还有一桌丰盛的菜肴,欲望此时光临便显得格格不入。人们不禁会觉得,除了宾客不同,菜式翻新,感恩节还是年年依旧。其实不然,感恩节这一餐总是关乎到我们的处境,反映出一年的年景。有些年的感恩节我们心情愉悦,几乎是喜气洋洋,但有些年头我们却把感恩节过得相当低调,不敢骄傲,这并不是美国人惯有的情绪。那么今年呢?日后若想起今年这个感恩节,我们也许会记得,这一餐吃得五味杂陈,这毕竟是一个深具美国特色的节庆之日。但一切如旧的现状对美国人造成的影响在今年似乎特别大,战争的阴影,对未来的担忧,一直盘踞在我们许多人的脑海中。感恩节我们一般与至亲好友在一起,感受那种其乐融融的气氛,可是今年,我们似乎要借感恩节与国人一起重温身为美国人的意义。这就意味着,我们要为能有一些基本的原则而感恩,一些这个国家的生活中每日应该尊崇的原则,也就是慷慨、容忍、包容的原则。所以这一餐应该是来者不拒。我们感受的节日温馨,只有与他人分享才有意义。4. 单选题Flood,( )and famine are natural disasters often facing the people in the peninsula.问题1选项A.warB.sanctionC.overpopulationD.drought【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项war“战争,斗争,军事,竞争”;B选项sanction“制裁,处罚,认可,支持”;C选项overpopulation“人口过剩”;D选项drought“干旱,久旱”。句意:洪水、( )和饥荒是半岛人民经常面临的自然灾害。题干中主要谈论natural disasters自然灾害,空格前后也都是自然因素。因此D选项正确。5. 翻译题在网上购物尚未走俏的时候,在空调、个人计算机、视频游戏、英特网、手机、克隆技术、基因工程,以及其他一堆使这个人造世界越发诱人的发明出现之前,有人就表现出了忧虑。人造世界是为我们而建造的。它用美味佳肴供我们充饥,用精神粮食滋养我们的心灵。它给我们提供庇护,不受疾患和不适的侵害。它告知天下我们是如何聪颖;它满足了我们的虚荣,蜷缩在由钢铁和混凝土,硅以及塑料构筑的泡沫世界里,我们可以假装在驾驭这个星球。与之形成鲜明对照的是,自然世界的产生不是为了我们的舒适和方便。它在数十亿年前就存在了,而人类的诞生则是在数十亿年之后的事,但自然界的寿命却要比人类更长久。自然界嘲笑我们的虚荣,因为它超越了我们对它的理解和控制。【答案】【参考译文】Some people voiced these worries before the triumph of online shopping and before the advent of air-conditioning, personal computers, video games, the Internet, cell phones, cloning technology, genetic engineering and a slew of other inventions that have made the artificial world ever more seductive. The artificial world is made for us. It feeds our bellies and minds with tasty pabulum; it shelters us from discomfort and sickness; it proclaims our ingenuity; it flatters our pride. Snug inside bubbles fashioned from concrete and steel, from silicon and plastic and words, we can pretend we are running the planet.By contrast, the natural world was not made for our comfort or convenience. It precedes us by some billions of years, and human being comes into being billions of years later, but the natural world will outlast us; it mocks our pride, because it surpasses our understanding and control.6. 单选题Successful politicians are good at giving _ answers to questions on difficult issues.问题1选项A.definitiveB.ubiquitousC.ambiguousD.ineffable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项definitive“最后的;最佳的;最权威的”;B选项ubiquitous“普遍存在的;无所不在的”;C选项ambiguous“模糊不清的,模棱两可的;不明确的,不明朗的;引起歧义的”;D选项ineffable“不可言喻的;不应说出的;难以形容的”。句意:成功的政治家善于对棘手问题给出_答案。政治家的重要职能便是处理争端和分配利益,所以他们的回答不能太过绝对化,此处填“模棱两可的”更符合句意,所以C选项正确。7. 翻译题It was a bleak, rainy day, and I had no desire to drive up the winding mountain road to my daughter Carolyns house. But she had insisted that I come and see something at the top of the mountain.Turning down a narrow track, we parked the car and got out. We walked along a path that was thick with old pine needles. Huge black green evergreens towered over. Gradually the peace and silence of the place began to fill my mind. Then we turned a cornerand I stopped and gasped in amazement.From the top of the mountain, sloping for several acres across folds and valleys were rivers of daffodils in radiant bloom. A profusion of colorfrom the palest ivory to the deepest lemon to the most vivid salmonblazed like a carpet before us. It looked as though the sun had tipped over and spilled gold down the mountainside.A riot of questions filled my mind. Who created such beauty? Why? How?As we approached the home that stood in the center of the property, we saw a sign: ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS I KNOW YOU ARE ASKING. The first answer was: ONE WOMANTWO HANDS, TWO FEET AND VERY LITTLE BRAIN. The second was: ONE AT A TIME. The third: STARTED IN 1958.As we drove home, I was so moved by what we had seen that I could scarcely speak. “She changed the world,” I finally said, “one bulb at a time. She started almost 40 years ago, probably just the beginning of an idea, but she kept at it.” The wonder of it would not let me go. “Imagine,” I said, “if Id had a vision and worked at it, just a little bit every day, what might have I accomplished?”【答案】【参考译文】凄风细雨,山路蜿蜒,我毫无兴致驱车前往女儿卡罗琳的家。可女儿一定要我前去看看山顶上的景致。转过一条狭窄的小道我们停下车出来,沿着铺满厚厚一层松针的小路走去。头顶上高大的墨绿色常青树耸入云霄。渐渐地这地方的平和宁静开始令我陶醉。然后我们拐了个弯,我停下了脚步,惊诧不已。从山顶往下好几英亩的山坡上,满是怒放的水仙花,犹如江河直下,越过山坳,穿过峡谷,一片五彩缤纷:有洁净无比的象牙白,有极其浓郁的柠檬黄,有鲜艳夺目的鲑鱼橙,如同一幅地毯展现在我们而前,令人眼花缭乱。仿佛太阳倾翻了,把一片金光溢泻到了山坡上。一大堆问题在我的脑海中翻腾。谁创造了这种美景?为什么要创造?又是如何创造的?我们走近这块宝地中央的屋子,只见一块牌子上写着:我知道你要问的问题,答案如下。答案一:一位妇女,一双手,两只脚,而且天资不高。答案二:一次种一株。答案三:开始于1958年。驱车回家的路上,我为所见的一切感动不已,无言以对。“她改造了世界,”我终于说道。“一次种一株。她几乎40年前就开始了。当时也许只是一念之闪,但她持之以恒。”这一奇观令我回味良久。“试想,”我说道,“如果我有一个梦想,并为之努力,每天干一点,最后我会做出怎样的成绩呢?”8. 翻译题We have inherited a world of relative abundance, one where we can still for the most part meet our needs. We can be thankful for the wisdom of our forebears, who evidently took their responsibility for the future seriously. Yet, imagine a world without the amazing diversity of species from which we now benefit, a world without decent soil to farm, air to breathe, or water to drink. Such a world is one that any generation could inherit if its predecessor did not find wisdom in its responsibility to the future.What we are today depends to a great extent upon how we have been formed by the generations that have preceded us. When we look to future generations, our position toward them is analogous to the position of past generations toward us. We are the data out of which the future will be formed. What we are and do today will limit or create their options, and in this way we profoundly help to shape their destiny. What kind of world we leave to the future is essentially a question of moral responsibility.【答案】【参考译文】我们继承了一个相对富饶的世界,在这个世界里,我们仍能在很大程度上满足自己的需求。我们应该感谢我们祖先的智慧,他们显然认真地承担了他们对未来的责任。然而,想象一个没有我们现在受益的惊人物种多样性的世界,一个没有像样的土壤可以耕种、没有空气可以呼吸、没有水可以饮用的世界,那么在这样的世界中,如果前辈们没有从对未来的责任中发现智慧,任何一代人都能对其进行继承。我们今天是什么样子,在很大程度上取决于我们的前辈如何塑造我们。当我们对将来的几代人负责时,我们对他们的态度就类似于过去几代人对我们的态度。我们是构成未来的“数据”。我们今天的状况和所作所为将会限制或塑造他们的选择,而通过这种方式,我们在他们命运形成的过程中具有深远意义。我们留给未来什么样的世界,从本质上说,是一种道德责任的问题。9. 单选题Do you think he will relinquish his seat in the Senate?问题1选项A.admonishB.give upC.cedeD.accept【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。relinquish意为“(尤指不情愿地) 放弃”;admonish意为“劝告”;give up意为“放弃”,指行为或努力受挫或别的原因而主动放弃;cede意为“让给,割让(常表示被迫)”;accept意为“接受,同意”。句意:你认为他会放弃他在参议院的席位吗?10. 单选题Comets are still regarded with awe by some people.问题1选项A.wonderB.concernC.resentmentD.detachment【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。awe意为“敬畏,惊叹”;wonder意为“惊异,惊叹”;concern意为“涉及,关系到”;resentment意为“愤恨,不满”;detachment意为“超然,公正,独立”。句意:一些人仍然敬畏彗星。11. 单选题A number of loopholes still remain in the campaign contribution law.问题1选项A.unprofitable sectionsB.illogical contradictionsC.descriptions for cheatingD.ways of evading rules【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。loophole意为“(法律、合同等的) 漏洞,空子”;unprofitable sections意为“无利可图的部分”;illogical contradictions意为“不合逻辑的矛盾”;descriptions for cheating意为“欺骗描述”;ways of evading rules意为“规避规则的方式”。句意:竞选捐款法仍然存在一些漏洞。12. 单选题For thousands of Canadians, bad service is neither make-believe nor amusing. It is an aggravating and worsening real-life phenomenon that encompasses behavior ranging from indifference and rudeness to naked hostility and even physical violence. Across the country, better business bureaus report a lengthening litany of complaints about contractors, car dealers, repair shops, moving companies, airlines and department stores. There is almost an adversarial feeling between businesses and consumers.Experts say there are several explanations for ill feeling in the marketplace. One is that customer service was an early and inevitable casualty when retailers responded to brutal competition by replacing employees with technology such as 1800 numbers and voice mail. Another factor is that business generally has begun placing more emphasis on getting customers than on keeping them. Still another is that strident, frustrated and impatient shoppers vex shop owners and make them even less hospitableespecially at busier times of the year like Christmas. On both sides, simple courtesy has gone by the board. And for a multitude of consumers, service went with it.The Better Business Bureau at Vancouver gets 250 complaints a week, twice as many as five years ago. The bureau then had one complaints counselor and now has four. People complain about being insulted, having their intelligence and integrity questioned, and being threatened. One will hear about people being hauled almost bodily out the door by somebody saying things like “I dont have to serve you!” or “this is private property, get out and dont come back!” What can customers do? If the bureaus arbitration process fails to settle a dispute, a customers only recourse is to sue in small claims court. But because of the costs and time it takes, relatively few ever do.There is a lot of support for the notion that service has, in part, fallen victim to generational change. Many young people regard retailing “as just a dead-end job that youre just going to do temporarily on your way to a real job”. Young clerks often lack both knowledge and civility. Employers are having to train young people in simple manners because that is not being done at home. Salespeople today, especially the younger ones, have grown up in a television-computer society where theyve interacted largely with machines. One of the biggest complaints from businesses about graduates is the lack of interpersonal skills.What customers really want is access. They want to get through when they call, they dont want busy signals, they dont want interactive systems telling them to push one for this and two for thatthey dont want voice mail. And if customers do not get what they want, they defect. Some people go back to local small businesses: the Asian greengrocer, a Greek baker and a Greek fishmonger. They dont wear name tags, but one gets to know them, all by name.46. At a business place of bad service, the worst one can get is( ).47. One of the reasons for such ill feeling in the marketplace is that( ).48. What has changed at Vancouver Beler Service Burcau in the past five years?( )49. Young clerks often lack interpersonal skills chiefly because they( ).50. The authors attitude towards businesses and bad service is( )them.问题1选项A.indifference and rudenessB.naked hostility and physical violenceC.having intelligence and integrity questionedD.being insulted and threatened问题2选项A.shoppers are usually strident, frustrated and impatientB.shoppers often take businesses to court to settle themC.businesses use new technology instead of employeeD.businesses are keen on keeping customers, not getting them问题3选项A.More effective.B.Less bureaucracy.C.More business.D.Better staff.问题4选项A.are skilled in dealing with machines not peopleB.are not trained in simple manners at homeC.fall victims to generational changeD.take retailing to be a temporary job问题5选项A.attackingB.understandingC.regrettingD.warning【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】46.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题意定位到文章第一段第二句“It is an aggravating and worsening real-life phenomenon that encompasses behavior ranging from indifference and rudeness to naked hostility and even physical violence.(它是一个正在不断恶化的现实生活中的现象,包括从漠不关心、粗俗无礼到不加掩饰的恶意甚至身体暴力等一系列行为。)”可知,这些劣质服务行为按照严重程度递增排列。A选项“冷漠和粗鲁”;B选项“赤裸裸的敌意和身体暴力”;C选项“智力和正直受到质疑”;D选项“被侮辱和威胁”,其中最恶劣的是不加掩饰的恶意甚至身体暴力,因此B选项正确。47. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题意定位到文章第二段,第二段分析了三个原因。第一个原因是:零售商应对残酷的竞争采用技术取代员工。第二个原因是:商家一般都开始把重点更多放在赢得顾客而不是保持顾客上。第三个原因是:一些吵闹的、失望的没有耐心的购买者经常惹恼店主。A选项“购物者通常是刺耳的、沮丧的和不耐烦的”只是个别现象;B选项“购物者经常把商家告上法庭”文中没有提到;C选项“商家使用技术替代员工”符合题意;D选项“企业热衷于留住顾客,而不是得到他们”与文意不符,因此C选项正确。48. 【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题意定位到文章第三段的第一句“The Better Business Bureau at Vancouver gets 250 complaints a week, twice as many as five years ago. The bureau then had one complaints counselor and now has four.(温哥华商业促进局每周接到250起投诉,是五年前的两倍。该局当时只有一名投诉顾问,现在有四名。)”可知,投诉多了,业务更加繁忙了。A选项“效率更高”;B选项“官僚作风减少”;D选项“更好的职员”文中没有提到,C选项“更多的业务”符合题意,因此C选项正确。49. 【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据题意可定位到文章第四段,第四段提到了服务成了代与代之间变化的受害者并对其进行了阐述。A选项“擅长与机器而非人打交道”与年轻职员人际交流能力差相关,而且是直接原因;B选项“在家没有接受简单的礼仪训练”;C选项“成为代与代之间变化的受害者”;D选项“将零售视为临时的工作”都是年轻人其他方面的表现,因此A选项正确。50. 【试题答案】D【试题解析】作者意图题。文中作者主要描述了劣质服务的存在及分析其原因。最后一段作者写到顾客真正想要的是一个接近的机会。如果顾客得不到他们想要的服务,他们就会跑掉。由此可见作者是在呼吁并警告服务行业要善于找出他们的服务问题并进行改善。A选项“攻击的”;B选项“理解的”;C选项“懊悔的”;D选项“警告的”,因此D选项正确。13. 翻译题Translate the following into English随着年岁的增长,精力日减,效率渐低,作风渐延:激情有失,理智有增。看来,这样的互易不可能总是得失相当的。但是,一定的年龄总有一定的长处。因此,可以告慰的是,即使你已度过了部分盛年,在未来的经历中,依然会有另一种盛年期的出现。某些重要的盛年期似乎在人生后期才达到顶峰。原始人一旦由于周围的许多令人愉快的情景而第一次开口大笑了,又由于笑对周围所产生的那些明显的愉快的效果,笑就开始具有了人类社会所特有的价值。具有用爽朗的笑声来传播愉快能力的人,开始比他的较为严肃、古板的同事更能享受到社会的优惠,从而使自己处于有利的地位。他成了个“善于交际的人”,在社交方面成了大家所推举的人,受到社会的喜爱。当今的世界,即非丝绸之路的吋代,亦非马可波罗(Marco Polo)吋代。从上海去东京,只需两个多小时。从中国区地球另一端的美国,也能在日历的同一天到达。昔日遥远的地理距离,被现代科学技术一下缩短到令人难以置信的程度。这是人类文明的共同成果。【答案】As we age, we trade strength for ingenuity, speed for thoroughness and passion for reason. These exchanges may not always seem fair, but at every age, there are some advantages. So it is reassuring to note that even if youve passed some of your “primes”, you still have other prime years to experience in the future. It seems that some prime period will reach its peak later in our life. Once the primitive men burst out laughing for the first time because of something pleasant around them, and then the laugh brings the obviously pleasant effect around, the laugh has had value that the human beings is holding. The person who possesses the ability to spread happiness by bright and clear laugh will get more social benefits than his serious and stuffy colleagues, which gets him in an advantageous position. Thus he becomes a “good mixer” who is commended by others, especially gifted socially. The world today is neither the era of Silk Road, nor the age of Marco Polo. It just takes about two hours from Shanghai to Tokyo. On the same day on the calendar, you also can arrive in the United States on the other side of the earth from China. The far geographic distance of the old days has been shortened to an unbelievable extent by modern science and technology. Its the common achievements brought about by the progress of human civilization. 14. 单选题Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most( )areas in Japanese life.问题1选项A.sophisticatedB.competitiveC.considerateD.superficial【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。sophisticated意为“见多识广的,老练的”;competitive意为“竞争的,比赛的”;considerate意为“考虑周到的,体贴的”;superficial意为“肤浅的,表面的”。由前面because引导的原因状语,可知好大学的学位意味着好更好的工作,故此推测教育领域具有竞争性,因此选B。句意:因为一所好大学的学位是获得更好工作的手段,所以教育是日本人生活中最具竞争的领域之一。15. 单选题It soon becomes clear that the interior designers most important basic concern is the function of the particular( ).问题1选项A.circumstancesB.environmentC.surroundingsD.space【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。circumstance意为“环境,境遇”,往往指人力无法控制、驾驭的事件和事态的总和;environment意为“环境,外界”,指对人的成长、情感、观念、伦理、道德、品行等产生影响的环境;surrounding意为“环境,周围的事物”,偏重于生活、居住的周围环境;space意为“(可利用的) 空地,空间”。句意:很快就清楚了,室内设计师最重要的基本关注点是某一特定空间的功能。16. 单选题The eastern slopes of the Catskill Mountains are (precipitous), but the western slopes decline more gradually.问题1选项A.erodedB.snowboundC.heavily forestedD.extremely steep【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。precipitous意为“陡峭的,险峻的”;eroded意为“被腐蚀的,毁坏的”;snowbound意为“被雪困住的,被雪封住的”;heavily forested意为“被密集/高密度的森林覆盖的”;extremely steep意为“非常陡峭,极其陡峭”。句意:卡兹基尔山脉的东坡很陡峭,但西坡逐渐下降。17. 单选题She has been melancholy for nearly two weeks.问题1选项A.upsetB.sadC.voraciousD.satiated【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。melancholy意为“悲伤的,忧郁的”;upset意为“心烦的;混乱的”,指因为受挫而沮丧;sad意为“难过的,悲哀的”,指感情上的悲伤;voracious意为“贪吃的,求知欲强的”;satiated意为“满足的”。句意:她已经忧郁了将近两周了。18. 翻译题中国政府承诺将通过引进区域气候改善项目,关闭小煤窑和发电厂以及继续对商业排放进行实验的举措,来进一步实现绿色环保的目标。在中央及各地方政府的努力下,2008年中国在节能减排方面取得一定成效。2月份国家统计局的年度报告显示,2008年中国的能耗下降了4.59%,略高于统计局之前降幅约4.21%的估计。但是数据显示两大污染物SO2和COD同2005年的水平相比,分别下降了7%和5%。根据十一五计划,到2010年,工业用水的需求量将比2005年下降20%,而森林覆盖率将占到全国面积的20%,比2005年上涨18.2%。【答案】【参考译文】The Chinese government promises to further achieve the goal of green and environmental protection through introducing projects for improving regional climate, shutting down small coal mines and power plants and also continuing to experiment with commercial emissions. Under the efforts of the central and local governments, China has made certain achievements in the aspect of energy conservation and emissions reduction in 2008. The annual report made by the National Bureau of Statistics in February showed that Chinas energy consumption dropped by 4.59% in 2008, slightly higher than the decline of about 4.21% previously estimated by the National Bureau of Statistics. But the data indicated that the emission amount of the two major pollutants SO2 and COD fell by 7% and 5% respectively compared with those in 2005. According to the 11th five-year plan, by 2010, the demand for industrial water will be 20% lower than that in 2005, but the rate of forest coverage will account for 20% of the national territory area, rising 18.2% than that in 2005.19. 单选题Who can shed light on the reasons


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