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2022-2023年考博英语-东北师范大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Einstein discovered the laws that govern the universe, not in a lab or in an( ) , but at the desk in his study.问题1选项A.orchardB.orbitC.observatoryD.outlet【答案】C【解析】句意: 爱因斯坦不是在实验室或者天文台发现了宇宙的规律,而是在他的书房的桌子上。名词辨析。Orchard果园,果树林; orbit轨道,眼眶; observatory天文台,气象台; outlet出口,排放孔。空格应该与or连接的lab(实验室)并列, 故选C。2. 单选题The criminal always paid( )cash so the police could not track him down.问题1选项A.onB.byC.forD.in【答案】D【解析】句意: 罪犯通常用现金支付,这样警察就没法逮捕到他。固定搭配。pay in cash 为固定用法, 表示 “用现金支付”。3. 单选题I dont smoke now, but I used( )when I was young.问题1选项A.toB.to doC.to itD.to doing it【答案】B【解析】句意: 我现在不抽烟了,但是我年轻的时候常常抽烟。固定搭配。used to do 过去常常; be/get used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于。因此B符合句意。4. 单选题The advertisement says this material doesnt ( )in the wash, but it has.问题1选项A.contractB.shrinkC.slimD.dissolve【答案】B【解析】句意: 广告说这种材料不会缩水,但实际上不然。动词辨析。Contract指(金属等)收缩,缩小; shrink指(布料等浸湿后)起皱,(个头、尺寸等)收缩; slim变苗条,减轻体重; dissolve溶解,融化。故B符合句意。5. 单选题Reporters and photographers alike took great ( )at the rude way the actor behaved during the interview.问题1选项A.annoyanceB.offenceC.resentmentD.irritation【答案】B【解析】句意: 记者和摄像师们都因为这个演员在采访中的无礼行为而感到被冒犯。名词辨析。恼怒, 生气; offence冒犯; 常用于短语take offence at sth.表示“因为某事而感到被伤害、被冒犯”; resentment怨恨; irritation愤怒。因此根据句意及搭配推断B项正确。6. 单选题Henrys close to ( )his brother made people mistake them for one another.问题1选项A.resemblanceB.identityC.appearanceD.relationship【答案】A【解析】句意: 麦克和弟弟长得十分相像,因此人们常常把他们俩认错。名词辨析。Resemblance相似,后面可接介词to; identity 身份; appearance外貌; relationship 关系。因此排除B ,D。另外,没有 “appearance to”的用法, 故选A。7. 单选题Imagine waking up and finding the value of your assets has been halved. No, youre not an investor in one of those hedge funds that failed completely. With the dollar slumping to a 26-year low against the pound, already expensive London has become quite unaffordable. A coffee at Starbucks, just as unavoidable in England as it is in the United States, runs about $8.The once all-powerful dollar isnt doing a Titanic against just the pound. It is sitting at a record low against the euro and at a 30-year low against the Canadian dollar. Even the Argentine peso and Brazilian real are thriving against the dollar.The weak dollar is a source of humiliation, for a nations self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency. Its also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates. And yet there are substantial sectors of the vast U.S. economyfrom giant companies like Coca-Cola to mom-and-pop restaurant operators in Miamifor which the weak dollar is most excellent news.Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. But nothing makes people think more warmly of the U.S. than a weak dollar. Through April, the total number of visitors from abroad was up 6.8 percent from last year. Should the trend continue, the number of tourists this year will finally top the 2000 peak. Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view Mexicoas a cheap place to vacation, shop and party, all while ignoring the fact that the poorer locals catty afford to join the merrymaking.The money tourists spend helps decrease our chronic trade deficit* So do exports, which, thanks in part to the weak dollar, soared 11 percent between May 2006 and May 2007. For thefirst five months of 2007,the trade deficit actually fell 7 percent from 2006.If you own shares in large American corporations, youre a winner in the weak-dollar gamble. Last week Coca-Colas stock bubbled to a five-year high after it reported a fantastic quarter. Foreign sales accounted for 65 percent of Cokes beverage business. Other American companies profiting from this trend include McDonalds and IBM.American tourists, however, shouldnt expect any relief soon. The dollar lost strength the way many marriages break upslowly, and then all at once. And currencies dont turn on a dime. So if you want to avoid the pain inflicted by the increasingly pathetic dollar, cancel that summer vacation to England and look to New England. There, the dollar is still treated with a little respect.1.Why do Americans feel humiliated?2.How does the current dollar affect the life of ordinary Americans?3.How do many Europeans feel about the U.S. with the devalued dollar?4.What is the authors advice to Americans?5.What does the author imply by saying currencies dont turn on a dime” (Line 2, Pare. 7)?问题1选项A.Their economy is plunging.B.Their currency has slumped.C.They cant afford trips to Europe.D.They have lost half of their assets.问题2选项A.They have to cancel their vacations in New England.B.They find it unaffordable to dine in mom-and-pop restaurants.C.They have to spend more money when buying imported goods.D.They might lose their jobs due to potential economic problems.问题3选项A.They feel contemptuous of it.B.They are sympathetic with it.C.They regard it as a superpower on the decline.D.They think of it as a good tourist destination.问题4选项A.They treat the dollar with a little respect.B.They try to win in the weak-dollar gamble.C.They vacation at home rather than abroad.D.They treasure their marriages all the more.问题5选项A.The dollars value will not increase in the short term.B.The value of a dollar will not be reduced to a dime.C.The dollars value will drop, but within a small margin.D.Few Americans will change dollars into other currencies.【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:D第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由题干关键词humiliated定位至第三段: The weak dollar is a source of humiliation, for a nations self-esteem rests in part on the strength of its currency(美元贬值是一种耻辱之源,因为一个国家的自尊在一定程度上取决于其货币的实力)。故选B(货币贬值)。2.细节事实题。第三段指出: Its also a potential economic problem, since a declining dollar makes imported food more expensive and exerts upward pressure on interest rates(由于美元日益贬值,使得进口商品的价格上涨,对利率的压力也不断增大), 故选C(当购买进口商品时,需要支付更多费用)。3.细节事实题。根据题干定位至第四段: Many Europeans now apparently view the U.S. the way many Americans view Mexicoas a cheap place to vacation, shop and party(现在,许多欧洲人眼中的美国显然就像美国人心中的墨西哥一样个价格低的旅游、购物和聚会的好去处)。故选D(他们认为美国是一个好的旅游目的地)。4.判断推理题。文章最后一段指出: So if you want to avoid the pain inflicted by the increasingly pathetic dollar, cancel that summer vacation to England and look to New England. There, the dollar is still treated with a little respect(所以,如果你打算避免因为美元持续贬值而带来的伤痛,那么取消今年暑假的英国之旅,转而前往新英格兰州吧。在那里,美元还能保留一丝尊严)。新英格兰州属于美国,故选C(他们在国内度假,而非国外)。5.语义题。根据题干关键词currencies dont turn on a dime”定位至最后一段, 其前一句为: The dollar lost strength the way many marriages break upslowly, and then all at once (美元疲软就像许多婚姻走向破裂的过程一样 先是慢慢的,然后突然爆发)。turn on a dime本意为“短时间内发生急剧转变”,故选A(美元短时间内不会升值)。8. 单选题To him, New York was a place ( )brought back to mind painful memories.问题1选项A.whereB.in whichC.thatD.there【答案】C【解析】句意: 于他而言,纽约是一个有痛苦记忆的地方。语法题。考查定语从句。先行词为Place, 在主句中作表语, 所以定语从句中关系词用that。9. 单选题She ( )fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.问题1选项A.must beB.had beenC.could beD.must have been【答案】D【解析】句意:我第一次在会议上遇见她吋,她可能50岁左右。语法题。 “must have been”表示对过去事实的肯定推测。由句中关键词“ fifty or so 50 岁左右”与 “when I first met her at the conference” 可知这里表示对己发生的过去情况的一种推测,故选D。10. 单选题It is said in some parts of the world, goats, rather than cows, serve as a vital ( )of milk.问题1选项A.storageB.sourceC.reserveD.resource【答案】B【解析】句意: 据说,在世界上某些地方,牛奶的重要来源是山羊,而不是奶牛。名词辨析。Storage存储,仓库; source来源; reserve储备,储存; resource资源,财力。因此B符合句意。11. 单选题Since we are so social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationship. One strength of the human condition is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under stressful circumstances. Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties.Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to cope with major life changes and daily hassles. People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off illness and absence of such support makes poor health more likely.Social support cushions stress in a number of ways. First, friends, relatives, and co-workers may let us know that they value us. Our self-respect is strengthened when we feel accepted by others despite our faults and difficulties. Second, other people often provide us with informational support. They help us to define and understand our problems and find solutions to them. Third, we typically find social companionship supportive. Engaging in leisure-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting us from our worries and troubles. Finally, other people may give us instrumental supporta financial aid, material resources, and needed servicesthat reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.1.Social companionship is beneficial in that ( ).2.Interpersonal relationships are important because( ).3.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “cushions” (Para. 3)?4.Research shows that peoples physical and mental health( ).5.Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work is an example of ( ).问题1选项A.it helps strengthen our ties with relativesB.it enables us to eliminate our faults and mistakesC.it makes our leisure-time actives more enjoyableD.it draws our attention away from our worries and trouble问题2选项A.they are indispensable to peoples social well-beingB.they waken peoples desire to exchange resourcesC.they help people to cope with life in the information eraD.they can cure a range of illnesses such as heart disease, etc.问题3选项A.Adds up to.B.Does away with.C.Lessens the effect of.D.Lays the foundation for.问题4选项A.relies on the social welfare systems which support themB.has much to do with the amount of support they get from othersC.depends on their ability to deal with daily worries and troublesD.is closely related to their strength for coping with major changes in their lives问题5选项A.instrumental supportB.informational supportC.social companionshipD.the strengthening of self-respect【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。根据题干关键词Social companionship定位至最后一段: we typically find social companionship supportive. Engaging in leisure-time activities with others helps us to meet our social needs while at the same time distracting us from our worries and troubles(特别是,我们发现社会成员的身份是具有支持性作用的。与他人共度时光,进行娱乐活动有助于在满足自己社交需求的同时转移对担忧和麻烦事情的注意力),由这句话可以推断出social companionship的好处在于它有助于帮助我们转移对担忧和麻烦事情的注意力,即选项D。2.细节事实题。根据题干关键词Interpersonal relationshipsd定位至第一段: Since we are so social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationship(我们都是社会中的个体,我们的生活质量在很大程度上取决于我们的社会人际关系),由这句话体现了 interpersonal relationship的重要性及其原因一 我们都是社会中的个体,我们的生活离不开社会人际关系,故选项A “interpersonal relationship之所以重要是因为他是人们的社会活动中不可或缺的一部分”正确。3.词义题。cushions词来源于文章中的Social support cushions stress in a number of ways;分析段落结构可知,这句话是文章第三段的中心句,后面列举的四个方法都是有关缓解压力的。而且因此可以推断出cushions stress是“缓解压力”的意思。故选C “减少 的影响”。4.细节事实题。根据题干关键词physical and mental health定位至第二段:Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease, reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off illness and absence of such support makes poor health more likely(有关疾病的研究,从抑郁症到心脏病,表明社会支持能够帮助人们摆脱疾病,而社会支持的缺失则会增加身体不适的可能性),在这句话中depression相当于题干中的mental health的范围,heart disease属于physical health的范围,由此可知人们的身体和心理健康是与社会支持密切相关的,这里的社会支持相当于选项B中的 support they get from others,故答案选项为 B。5.细节事实题。根据题干关键信息Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work 定位至最后一段:Finally, other people may give us instrumental supporta financial aid, material resources, and needed servicesthat reduces stress by helping us resolve and cope with our problems.其中 needed services 就相当于题干的Helping a sick neighbor with some repair work,故属于 instrumental support。12. 单选题Did you know that womens brains are smaller than mens? The average womens brain weights 10% less than mens. Since research has shown that the bigger the brain, the clever the animal, men must be more intelligent than women. Right? Wrong. Men and women always score similarly on intelligence tests, despite the difference in brain size. Why? After years of study, researchers have concluded that its whats inside that matters, not just the size of brain. The brain consists of “grey matter” and “white matter”. While men have more of the latter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost exactly the same in both sexes.It has been suggested that smaller brain appears to work faster, perhaps because the two sides of the brain are better connected in women. This means that little girls tend to learn to speak earlier, and that women can understand sorts of information from different sources at the same time. When it comes to talking to the boss on the phone, cooking dinner and keeping an eye on the baby ail at the same time, its women who come out on top every time.There are other important differences between two sexes. As white matter is the key to spatial tasks, men know better where things are in relation to other things. “A great footballer always knows where he is in relation to the other players, and he knows where to go,” says one researcher. That may explain one of lifes great mysteries: why men refuse to ask for directions. and women often need to!The differences begin when fetuses are about nine weeks old, which can be seen in the action of children as young as one. A boy would try to climb a barrier before him or push it down while a girl would attract help from others. These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills while more women speech skills. It may all go back to our ancestors, among whom women needed speech skills to take care of their babies and men needed spatial skills to hunt, according to the research.If all this disappoints you, it shouldnt. “The brain changes throughout our lives according to what we do with it.” says a biologist.1.The passage mainly tells us ( ).2.Which of the following is true according to the first paragraph?3.What can we infer from the second and third paragraphs?4.Which of the following do you agree with according to the fourth paragraph?5.What is the writers attitude in writing this passage?问题1选项A.the differences between mens and womens brainsB.the changes in brain throughout our livesC.that men are better at spatial tasksD.that brain differences are related to our ancestors问题2选项A.Womens brain is 10% less than mens.B.Grey matter plays the same role as white matter.C.Grey matter controls thinking in the brain.D.Both sexes have the same amount of white matter.问题3选项A.Women prefer doing many things at a time.B.Men do better dealing with one job at a time.C.Women do not need to tell directions.D.Men have weaker spatial abilities.问题4选项A.Young boys may be stronger than young girls.B.More women take up jobs requiring speech skills.C.Women may have stronger feelings than men.D.Our ancestors needed more spatial skills.问题5选项A.DefensiveB.PersuasiveC.SupportiveD.Objective【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.主旨大意题。文章首先通过否定脑袋越大的动物越聪明, 所以男性一定比女性聪明的论断来引出文章的中心论点,即男女性在智利方而是没有什么 差异的,是他们的大脑构造的不同导致了知识的掌握以及行为等方面的不同。因此选项A “男女性大脑的不同”比较能概括全文。2.判断推理题。选项A“女性的大脑比男性轻10%”,根据文章第一段The average womens brain weights 10% less than mens.中的关键词 average “ 平均”可知选项 A 表述不够准确,不是所有的女性的大脑都比男性轻10%;根据文章第一段中的The brain consists of “grey matter” and “white matter”. While men have more of the latter, the amount of “thinking” brain is almost exactly the same in both sexes. “大脑包括大脑灰质”和白质,尽管男性有更多的白质,但男女思维几乎是相同的”可以推断出大脑灰质是“思维型”,而根据文章第三段中的As white matter is the key to spatial tasks.“由于对于完成需要空间思维的任务至关道要”可知白质是“空间想象型”,故选项B “灰质和白质所起到的作用相同”和选项D “男女性拥有等量的白质”错误,而选项C “大脑灰质控制思维”正确。3.判断推理题。根据文章第二段中的women can understand sorts of information from different sources at the same time. “女性大脑可以同吋处理来自不同地方的多种信息”可 以推断出选项A “女性愿意同时做多件事”正确;选项B “男性能更好地在一个吋间内处理件事情”在文章中没有体现;根据文章第三段中的why men refuse to ask for directions. and women often need to!“为什么男性不会去询问有关方向的问题,而女性却常常问这样的问题” 可知选项C “女性不需要辨别方向”和选项D “男性的空间思维能力更弱”错误,故选A。4.判断推理题。根据第四段的These brain differences also explain the fact that more men take up jobs that require good spatial skills while more women speech skills (这些大脑的区别解释了一种实际现象一一大部分男性都会从事需要很好的空间思维能力的工作而女性却从事需要语言技巧的工作), 可推断出选项B“更多的女性从事需要语言技巧的工作”正确。5.观点态度题。这是一篇具有科普类性质的文章,科普类的一般是客观的,故答案选项为D“客观的”。13. 单选题Pity those who aspire to put the initials PhD after their names. After 16 years of closely supervised education, prospective doctors of philosophy are left more or less alone to write the equivalent of a large book. Most social-science postgraduates have still not completed their theses by the time their grant runs out after three years. They must then get a job and finish in their spare time, which can often take a further three years. By then, most new doctors are sick to death of the narrowly defined subject, which has blighted their holidays and mined their evenings.The Economic and Social Research Council, which gives grants to postgraduate social scientists, wants to get better value for money by cutting short this agony. It would like to see faster completion rates: until recently, only about 25% of PhD candidates were finishing within four years. The ESRCs response has been to stop PhD grants to all institutions where the proportion taking less than four years is below 10%; in the first year of this policy the national average shot up to 39%. The ESRC feels vindicated in its toughness, and will progressively raise the threshold to 40% in two years. Unless completion rates improve further, this would exclude 55 out of 73 universities and polytechnics-including Oxford University, the London School of Economics and the London Business School.Predictably, howls of protest have come from the universities, who view the blacklisting of whole institutions as arbitrary and negative. They point out that many of the best students go quickly into jobs where they can apply their research skills, but consequently take longer to finish their theses. Polytechnics with as few as two PhD candidates complain that they are penalized by random fluctuations in student performance. The colleges say there is no hard evidence to prove that faster completion rates result from greater efficiency rather than lower standards or less ambitious doctoral topics.The ESRC thinks it might not be a bad thing if PhD students were more modest in their aims. It would prefer to see more systematic teaching of research skills and fewer unrealistic expectations placed on young men and women who are undertaking their first piece of serious research. So in future its grants will be given only where it is convinced that students are being trained as researchers, rather than carrying out purely knowledge-based studies.The ESRC can not dictate the standard of thesis required by external examiners, or force departments to give graduates more teaching time. The most it can do is to try to persuade universities to change their ways. Recalcitrant professors sho


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