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2022-2023年考博英语-中国农业科学院模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Because Chinese social tradition emphasized the( )of the individual to his birthplace and family, those gentry who served in public office were discouraged from concerning themselves with their native localities.问题1选项A.glueB.feelingsC.separationD.attachment【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项glue“胶”;B选项feeling“感觉”;C选项separation“分离”;D选项attachment“连接,联系”,attach to“连接到”,为固定搭配。句意:因为中国的社会传统强调个人与他的出生地和家庭的连接,所以那些公职人员对于将他们与他们的祖籍在一起感到很懊丧。因此D选项正确。2. 不定项选择题A type of cell that floats freely in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women has been found to have many of the same traits as embryonic stem cells, including an ability to grow into brain, muscle and other tissues that could be used to treat a variety of diseases, scientists reported yesterday.The cells, shed by the developing fetus and easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing, are easier to maintain in laboratory dishes than embryonic stem cells-the highly versatile cells that come from destroyed human embryos and are at the center of a heated congressional debate that will resume this week.Moreover, because the cells are a genetic match to the developing fetus, tissues grown from them in the laboratory will not be rejected if they are used to treat birth defects in that newborn, researchers said. Alternatively, the cells could be frozen, providing a personalized tissue bank for use later in life.The new cells are adding credence to an emerging consensus among experts that the popular distinction between embryonic and “adult” stem cells-those isolated from adult bone marrow and other organs-is artificial.Increasingly, it appears there is a continuum of stem cell types, ranging from the embryonic ones that can morph into virtually any kind of tissue but are difficult to tame, up to adult ones that can turn into a limited number of tissues but are relatively easy to control.The newly analyzed fetal stem cells, scientists said, have many of the advantages of both.“They grow fast, as fast as embryonic stem cells, and they show great pluripotentiality,” meaning they can become many kinds of tissues, said study leader Anthony Atala, director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, N.C. “But they remain stable for years without forming tumors,” he added, something that embryonic cells are not very good at.Atala and other scientists emphasized that they dont believe the cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevant.“Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all,” said Robert Lanza, scientific director at Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass. “Were going to have to see which ones are most useful for which clinical conditions.”George Daley, a Harvard stem cell researcher, echoed that sentiment. “They are not a replacement for embryonic stem cells,” he said.But in the past, even hints that non-embryonic cells might have medical potential similar to embryonic ones have complicated the political push to expand federal funding for the controversial field. And accordingly, opponents quickly pounced on the new results.65.( )is not a trait of embryonic stem cells.66. The cells that are shed by the developing fetus are( ).67. Tissues grown from these cells in the laboratory will not be rejected as they are( ).68. Embryonic stem cells can( ).69. Robert Lanza said “Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all.” He meant( ).70. The word “retrieved” in the second paragraph can be best replaced by( ).问题1选项A.Growing into brain tissuesB.Using embryonic stem cells to treat a variety of diseasesC.Causing a variety of diseasesD.Growing into muscle tissues问题2选项A.at the center of a heated congressional debateB.more difficult to maintain in laboratory dishes than embryonic stem cellsC.difficult to retrieve during routine prenatal testingD.easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing问题3选项A.free of birth defectsB.easier to cultivateC.a genetic match to the donorD.can be frozen for use by anyone in need问题4选项A.turn into a limited number of tissues and are difficult to tameB.turn into a limited number of tissues but are relatively easy to controlC.can morph into virtually any kind of tissue and are relatively easy to controlD.can morph into virtually any kind of tissue but are difficult to tame问题5选项A.he does not believe these cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevantB.he knows people have different size feetC.he will still need to see which ones are most useful for which clinical conditionD.even hints that non-embryonic cells might have medical potential has complicated things问题6选项A.taken out for testingB.collected for other usesC.sampled for testingD.used for testing【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A第6题:A【解析】65.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。根据文章第一段第一、二句A type of cell that floats freely in the amniotic fluid of pregnant women has been found to have many of the same traits as embryonic stem cells, including an ability to grow into brain, muscle and other tissues that could be used to treat a variety of diseases.(一种可以在孕妇羊水中自由漂浮的细胞被发现与胚胎干细胞有许多相同的特征,包括能够生长成大脑、肌肉和其他组织,用于治疗各种疾病),选项C“引起各种疾病”,文章没有提到此内容,C选项正确。A选项“在脑组织中生长”,文章提到,这种细胞可以生长大脑,A选项可排除。B“利用胚胎干细胞治疗多种疾病”,文章提到,这种细胞可以治疗各种疾病,B选项可排除。D选项“长成肌肉组织”,文章提到,这种细胞,可以长成肌肉组织,D选项可排除。因此C选项正确。66.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第二段第一句The cells, shed by the developing fetus and easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing(这些细胞由发育中的胎儿脱落,在常规的产前检查中很容易得到),D选项“在常规产前检查中很容易找回”,符合文章内容,D选项正确。A选项“处于激烈的国会辩论的中心”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。B选项“比胚胎干细胞更难在实验室培养皿中保存”,文章没有提到这些细胞更难在实验室培养皿中保存,B选项可排除。C选项“很难在常规产前检查中恢复”,文章没有提到此内容,可排除。因此D选项正确。67.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第三段第一句because the cells are a genetic match to the developing fetus, tissues grown from them in the laboratory will not be rejected(因为这些细胞在基因上与发育中的胎儿相匹配,所以在实验室中从它们生长出来的组织不会被排斥),可推测,这些细胞在基因上与发育的胎儿相匹配,C选项“和捐赠者的基因匹配”正确。其余选项,A选项“无出生缺陷”,B选项“更容易培养”和D选项“可以冷冻起来供有需要的人使用”,不符合文章内容,可排除。因此C选项正确。68.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。根据第五段第三句the embryonic ones that can morph into virtually any kind of tissue but are difficult to tame(胚胎细胞几乎可以变成任何一种组织,但很难驯服),可以推断出D选项“可以转化成几乎任何一种组织,但很难驯服”正确。A选项“变成数量有限的组织,很难驯服”,文章没有提到会变成数量有限的组织,A选项可排除。B选项“转化成数量有限的组织,但相对容易控制”,说法错误,可排除。C选项“可以转化成几乎任何一种组织并且相对容易控制”,文章中没有提到细胞容易控制,C选项可排除。因此D选项正确。69.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。根据Atala and other scientists emphasized that they dont believe the cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevant.(Atala和其他科学家强调,他们不相信这些细胞会使胚胎干细胞变得无关紧要)和“Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all,” said Robert Lanza(罗伯特兰扎(Robert Lanza)表示:“没有一双鞋是适合所有人的”),可知Robert Lanza,Atala and other scientists的观点是一致的,他不认为这种新型细胞是万能的,会代替胚胎干细胞的所有功能,使之变得不相干。所以题干中的这句话实际上是在支撑前面的科学家的那句话they dont believe the cells will make embryonic stem cells irrelevant.(他们不相信这些细胞会使胚胎干细胞变得无关紧要),A选项“他不相信这些细胞会使胚胎干细胞变得无关紧要”,符合文章内容,A选项正确;B选项“他知道每个人的脚大小都不一样”并不是Robert Lanza所暗示的含义;根据原文“Theres not going to be one shoe that fits all,” said Robert Lanza, scientific director at Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass. “Were going to have to see which ones are most useful for which clinical conditions.”(“没有一只鞋适合所有人”,Robert Lanza说,他是麻省Worcester先进细胞技术的科学总监“我们将不得不确定哪些药物对哪些临床情况最为有用”)可知C选项“他还需要看看哪些药物对哪些临床情况最有用”在文章中有提及,但这句话是补充说明前文,表达他不认为这种新型细胞是万能的,而是要对症下药;D选项“即使暗示非胚胎细胞可能具有医疗潜力,也会使事情变得复杂”并不是Robert Lanza的观点。因此A选项正确。70.【试题答案】A【试题解析】词义辨析题。根据题干可以定位到第二段第一句The cells, shed by the developing fetus and easily retrieved during routine prenatal testing(这些细胞由发育中的胎儿脱落,在常规的产前检查中很容易得到)。这句话表达的是“在常规产前检查中容易取出这种细胞做检查”。A选项“拿出来测试”,符合文章内容。B选项“收集作其他用途”,不符合文章内容,可排除。C选项“取样测试”,文章没有提到取样,可排除C选项。D选项“用于测试”,文章没有提到这种细胞用于测试,可排除。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题Aircraft and rocket can be used to collect radioactive debris, while high-altitude satellites carry detectors for gamma rays and other emissions.问题1选项A.diffusionB.remainsC.glitterD.transfer【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。debris表示“碎片,残骸”。A项diffusion“扩散,传播”,B项remain“遗留,残骸”,C项glitter“闪光,灿烂”,D项transfer“转移”。句意:飞机和火箭可以用来收集放射性碎片,而高空卫星携带探测伽马射线和其他辐射的探测器。根据句意,该题选B正确。4. 单选题I didnt know it then, but this disruptive way of reading started with the very first novel I ever picked up.问题1选项A.harmfulB.persistentC.interruptiveD.characteristic【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。disruptive在句中是“破坏性的,扰乱性的”;A选项harmful“有害的”;B选项persistent“持久稳固的”;C选项interruptive“中断的,阻碍的”;D选项characteristic“有特征的”,句意:我当时不知道,但这种颠覆性的阅读方式始于我捡到的第一本小说。因此只有C项符合。5. 问答题Directions: After you have read the following passage, write out a summary in English whit about 70 to 90 words. Put your summary on the ANSWER SHEET.What is Society?Society is a group of human beings, held together by agreement for reasons that are mutually beneficial to the individual members. Societies operate as a whole, as a collective body, chiefly in ways that look out for the highest common good of all. Members have specific roles and responsibilities within the society. One of the best direct analogies is with the human body itself. The cells are all alive, independently, yet they group together and establish roles, responsibilities, and relationships that allow a greater whole to exist that is more than just the sum of the parts. The cells gain from the specific roles they play because they are allowed to be what they are more effectively. Further, they are given a limited awareness of the whole that their efforts aid in creating.Similarly, when individual human beings group together to form societies, an organization is created in which the members are the cells. Subgroups of the members may form organs through which higher level functions can then manifest. If the relationships are loose, the body created has limited functionality over that of any individual member because there is little synergy. When the relationships are close and founded on a basis of love, the body thus created has significant functionality over that of the individuals. When the group is small, few organs can be created so there is limited complexity or functionality. When the group is large, many organs can be created, resulting in highly increased complexity and functionality. Countries, regions, states cities, and neighborhoods could all be considered to be societies as could teams, groups, and any other organizations of people. For our purposes here, the most important society is The United States of America since it is the one established to set up the New Order for the Ages, novus ordo seclorum.Society is more than the government, however. It also includes all the economic and social infrastructure necessary to provide people with what they need.【答案】参考范文:Society is a group of human beings, held together by agreement for reasons that are mutually beneficial to the individual members. Societies operate as a whole, chiefly in ways that look out for the highest common good of all. Members have specific roles and responsibilities within the society. Society is more than the government, however. It also includes the entire economic and social infrastructure necessary to provide people with what they need.6. 不定项选择题We do not know when man first began to use salt, but we do know that it has been used in many different ways throughout history. (21)( )evidence shows, for example, that people who lived over three thousand years ago ate (22)( )fish. Stealing salt was considered a major crime at certain times in history. In the eighteenth century, for instance, if a person was (23)( )“stealing salt”, he could be put in prison. History reveals that about ten thousand people were put in prison during that century (24)( )stealing salt.In the modern world salt has many uses (25)( )the dining table. It is used in making glass and airplane parts, in the (26)( )of crops and in killing weeds. It is also used to make water soft, to melt ice on roads and highways, to make soap, and to (27)( )colors in cloth. Salt can be obtained in various ways, besides being taken from mines underground. Evaporation of salt water from the ocean or from salt water lakes or small seas is one of the (28)( )common processes for manufacturing salt. In Australia, it can even be taken from a “salt bush.” Yet, (29)( )it is obtained, salt will continue to play an important (30)( )in the lives of men and women everywhere.问题1选项A.AncientB.HistoricC.HistoricalD.Old问题2选项A.saltB.saltedC.saltingD.salty问题3选项A.arrestedB.caughtC.gotD.seized问题4选项A.asB.byC.forD.through问题5选项A.besidesB.beyondC.exceptD.over问题6选项A.bearingB.developingC.growingD.training问题7选项A.fastenB.fixC.preserveD.tie问题8选项A.littleB.manyC.muchD.more问题9选项A.howeverB.whateverC.wheneverD.wherever问题10选项A.dutyB.functionC.responsibilityD.role【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:C第5题:A第6题:C第7题:C第8题:B第9题:D第10题:D【解析】21.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查上下文和词语辨析。A项ancient“古代的”,B项historic“有历史意义的”,C项historical“历史的”,D项old“老的”。上文提到it has been used in many different ways throughout history(盐的使用方式在历史上有很多种),那么接下来的空格根据文章逻辑可知是表示“历史证明”,historical evidence表示“历史证明,史实”。故该题选C。22.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查词语辨析。A项salt“含盐的”,B项salted“用盐腌渍的,用盐调味的”,C项salting是salt的现在分词形式,D项salty“咸的;含盐的”。根据句子people who lived over three thousand years ago atefish(生活在三千多年前的人们吃鱼),结合上文提到了盐,可知空格是表示“咸鱼,腌鱼”;salted fish表示“咸鱼,腌鱼”。故该题选B。23.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查动词辨析和语境。A项arrest“逮捕”,指根据法律或命令进行逮捕并予以监禁或拘留;B项catch“抓住”,指捉住跑动或隐藏中的人或动物,一般指活捉;C项get“得到”;D项seize“夺取,逮捕”,侧重指以突然、有力地动作迅速抓住或捉住。根据句子if a person was. “stealing salt”(如果一个人被偷盐),可知空格是表示“抓住”;故该题选B。24.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查介词辨析。A项as“作为”,B项by“通过”,C项for“为,因为”;D项through“通过”。根据句子History reveals that about ten thousand people were put in prison during that centurystealing salt.(历史表明,在那个世纪大约有一万人被关进监狱偷盐。),可知空格是表示原因;故该题选C。25.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查介词辨析。A项besides“除了还有,另外”,B项beyond“超过”,C项except“除外”;D项over“完全覆盖,翻转”。根据句子In the modern world salt has many usesthe dining table.(在现代,餐桌上,盐还有许多用途),结合后文可知空格是表示“除了”;故该题选A。26.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查词义辨析。A项bearing“承载,忍受”,B项developing“发展”,C项growing“成长”;D项training“训练”。根据空格处后面的crops(庄稼,农作物)可知,空格表达的是“庄稼的种植”;故该题选C。27.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查动词辨析。A项fasten“使固定”,B项fix“维修”,C项preserve“保存,维持”;D项tie“系牢,打结”。根据句子It is also used to make water soft, to melt ice on roads and highways, to make soap, and tocolors in cloth(它也被软化水,融化道路和高速公路上的冰,制造肥皂,以及给布料的颜色)可知,空格表达的是“保持颜色”;故该题选C。28.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查词语辨析。A项little“少的”,修饰不可数名词,B项many“许多的”,修饰可数名词,C项much“许多”,修饰不可数名词;D项more“更多”,多用于比较级。根据空格处前面one of the可知,如果空格处是最高级,应该是one of the most,more是比较级,没有one of the more这个用法,因此D项排除。little和much都是修饰不可数名词,但是空格处后面是processes,所以A项和C项也排除。句意:从海洋、咸水湖或小海中蒸发盐水是制造盐的许多常见过程之一。故该题选B。29.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查连词辨析。A项however“然而”,B项whatever“无论什么”,C项whenever“无论何时”,D项wherever“无论哪里”。根据句子Evaporation of salt water from the ocean or from salt water lakes or small seas is one of the much common processes for manufacturing salt. In Australia, it can even be taken from a “salt bush”.(从海洋、咸水湖或小海中蒸发盐水是制造盐的许多常见过程之一。在澳大利亚,它甚至可以取自“盐性灌木”。),结合前面提到的能够提取盐的地方,可知空格处应该是表示“无论在哪里获得盐”;故该题选D。30.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查固定搭配。A项duty“责任”,B项function“功能”,C项responsibility“责任,义务”,D项role“角色”,固定搭配play a role in表示“在起作用”;句意:然而,无论在哪里获得盐,盐将继续在人们的生活中发挥重要作用。故该题选D。7. 不定项选择题Corporate and financial restructuring was not the reason for Japans commercial(31). But it will be essential to the countrys future. Japans(32)production capacity will disappear. That fact, combined with the(33)labor force, will gradually depress the long-term growth rate to just 1 percent for two decades. Such a tepid growth rate could invite a financial crisis. The national debt has reached a vertiginous 160 percent of GDP.(34)this problem is the impending retirement of a large proportion of the work force. To thwart these trends, Japan must(35)taxes significantly, something that will only be possible if aggressive structural reforms have been put in place to raise production capacity and facilitate faster growth.Japan, however, is having second thoughts about the benefits of reform. The first warning(36)was a series of bureaucratic attempts to prevent foreigners from earning “inordinate” profits from the(37)in the economy. Tokyo decided last year to impose a tax on foreign investors in Japanese real(38). The government has also proposed a levy on foreign private-equity that would allow domestic companies to use “poison pills” and other measures to prevent(39)mergers and acquisitions. The cumulative effect of these initiatives would be to(40)the catalytic process of foreign direct investment.问题1选项A.boomB.prosperityC.flowerD.resurgence问题2选项A.extraB.surplusC.additionalD.more问题3选项A.growingB.expandingC.shrinkingD.contracting问题4选项A.ExacerbatingB.ImprovingC.Turning for the betterD.Deteriorate问题5选项A.hikeB.decreaseC.go upD.go down问题6选项A.signB.signalC.arrivalD.coming问题7选项A.addictionB.tangleC.involvementD.entanglement问题8选项A.propertyB.housingC.possessionsD.estate问题9选项A.friendlyB.kindC.hostileD.cruel问题10选项A.encourageB.discourageC.pushD.drag【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A第6题:B第7题:C第8题:D第9题:C第10题:B【解析】31.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项boom“繁荣”;B选项prosperity“繁荣,成功”;C选项flower“花,精华”;D选项resurgence“复活,再现”,根据上下文,可推测,这里应该讲的日本商业繁荣,可排除C、D选项,commercial boom“商业繁荣”为固定搭配,可排除B选项。句意:公司和金融重组不是日本商业的原因。因此A选项正确。32.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查形容词词词义辨析。A选项extra“额外的”;B选项surplus“剩余的,过剩的”;C选项additional“附加的”;D选项more“更多的”。四个选项中的词都有“过多,额外”的意思,又根据“production capacity生产能力”,可知此处表示的应该是“生产力过剩”,即“surplus production capacity”。句意:日本的生产能力将会消失。因此B选项正确。33.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项growing“生长;发育”;B选项expanding“扩大;扩展”;C选项shrinking“缩水,收缩”;D选项contracting“收缩,缩小”,前面提到生产力过剩将会消失,后面又提到增长率的下降,所以我们可知该空表达的是“劳动力区域短缺”,即“shrinking labor force”,因为生产力不足结合劳动力不足,就会导致增产率的下降,甚至招来金融危机。因此C选项正确。34.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项Exacerbating“恶化”;B选项Improving“提高;改善”;C选项Turning for the better“好转”;D选项Deteriorate“恶化”。该空前一句的意思是“国民债务已经达到了GDP的160%”。所以此处的意思是“大量的劳动力的即将退休将会加剧这个问题”,四个选项中表示“加剧,恶化”的是A。D虽然也有此意,但形式不对,应该用动词ing的形式。因此A选项正确。35.【试题答案】A【试题解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项hike“远足”;B选项decrease“减少,减小”;C选项go up“增长;上升”;D选项go down“下降”。如果要解决前面的问题,就必须增收赋税。四个选项中hike, go up 表示“提高”,但是“go up”是不及物动词,只能表示“tax goes up”,所以答案为A。因此A选项正确。36.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项sign“迹象”;B选项signal“信号;暗号”;C选项arrival“到来;到达”;D选项coming“到来”。warning signal表示警告信号,符合文章内容。warning sign通常表示警告牌,警告标志,可排除。因此B选项正确。37.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项addiction“上瘾,沉溺”;B选项tangle“缠结,混乱”;C选项involvement“参与,牵连”;D选项entanglement“纠缠”。后面三个选项意思相近,这里有固定搭配,involvement in the economy“经济干预,经济参与”。句意:第一个警告信号是一系列的官僚主义企图阻止外国人从经济赚取“过多”的利润。因此C选项正确。38.【试题答案】D【试题解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项property“性质,性能”;B选项housing“房屋”;C选项possessions“财产,所有物”;D选项estate“房地产,财产”。固定词组,real estate房地产。句意:日本政府去年决定对外国投资者征收日本税。因此D选项正确。39.【试题答案】C【试题解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项friendly“友好的,亲切的”;B选项kind“和蔼的,宽容的”;C选hostile“敌对的,敌方的”;D选项cruel“残酷的,残忍的”。固定搭配,hostile merger and acquisition恶意并购,恶意收购。该句子的意思是“阻止恶意兼并”。句意:政府还提议对外国私募股权投资征税,这将允许国内公司使用“毒丸”和其他措施来阻止宗合并和收购。因此C选项正确。40.【试题答案】B【试题解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项encourage“鼓励,怂恿”;B选项discourage“阻止,使气馁”;C选项push“推动,增加”;D选项drag“拖拉,拖曳”。前面提到了日本对外商采取的措施:阻止外商通过参与日本经济从中获利;增加外商在日本房地产业的税收;阻止恶意并购。这些措施都会阻止外商在日本的直接投资,所以表示“阻止”的B选项。句意:这些倡议的累积效果将是外国直接投资的催化过程。因此B选项正确。8. 单选题Critical and independent thinking is a valued skill among American academics and professors who often sadly lament that modern students lack these skills.问题1选项A.mourn aloudB.express sorrow demonstrativelyC.complainD.regret strongly【答案】D【解析】考查副词以及形容词词义辨析。A选项mourn aloud“大声哀悼”;B选项express sorrow demonstratively“表达悲伤”;C选项complain“抱怨”;D选项regret strongly“强烈后悔”。题目中的lament表达的是“遗憾”的意思,所以D“regret strongly深表遗憾”与题目意思相符。句意:美国专业学者和教授认为批判思维独立思维是一种很有价值的技能,他们通常会因现在


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