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2022-2023年考博英语-中国财政科学研究院模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题_ the financial means to remain independent, Thomas Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator.问题1选项A.He was deprived ofB.That he was deprived ofC.Although he was deprived ofD.Deprived of【答案】D【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:由于没有了维持独立的经济来源,托马斯爱迪生不得不去找个夜间电报员的工作。选项和题干,逗号前是从句或者短语。A选项He was deprived of放进来题目变成两个完整且独立的句子,故错误。B选项That he was deprived of中that多余,不符合语法,故错误。C选项Although he was deprived of中although不符合语境,故错误。D选项Deprived of放进来句子还原后是Thomas Edison wasoperator deprived of the financial means to remain independent,符合题意。因此D选项正确。2. 单选题The _ question in this case is whether the accused had a motive for this crime or not.问题1选项A.crucialB.forcibleC.supremeD.valuable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项crucial“决定性的”;B选项forcible“有说服力的”;C选项supreme“最高的;极大的,极其的”;D选项valuable“有价值的;重要的”。句意:这个案子的_问题是被告是否有犯罪动机。根据语境,A选项crucial“决定性的”比较符合犯罪动机在案件中的参考作用,符合题意。因此A选项正确。3. 单选题To be sure, that is not what many see. Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke and others have blamed the financial crisis of 2008 on a global savings glut, which fueled flows of money from high-savings emerging-market economiesespecially in Asiathat run chronic balance-of-payments surpluses. According to this school of thought, excessive savings pushed long-term interest rates down to rock-bottom levels, leading to asset bubbles in the United States and elsewhere.The alternative theoryof a global credit glutgained more ground with the release last week of the Financial Stability Boards report on shadow banking. The FSB report contains startling revelations about the scale of global shadow banking, which it defines as “credit intermediation involving entities and activities outside the regular banking system”.The report, which was requested by G20 leaders at their summit in Seoul last November, found that between 2002 and 2007, the shadow banking system increased by $33 trillion, more than doubling in asset size from $27 trillion to $60 trillion. This is 8.5 times higher than the total US currentaccount deficit of $3.9 trillion during the same period.The shadow banking system is estimated at roughly 25%-30% of the global financial system ($250 trillion, excluding derivatives) and at half of total global banking assets. This represents a huge regulatory “black hole” at the center of the global financial system, hitherto not closely monitored for monetary and financial stability purposes. Its importance was exposed only by analysis of the key roles played by structured investment vehicles (SIVs) and money-market funds (MMFs) in the 2008 meltdown.The shadow banking system is complex, because it comprises a mix of institutions and vehicles. Investment funds other than MMFs account for 29% of total, and SIVs make up 9%, but the shadow system also includes public financial institutions (such as the government-backed mortgage lender Fannie Mae in the US). They are some of the largest counterparties with the regular banking system, and their combined credit creation and proprietary trading and hedging may account for much of the global liquidity flows that make monetary and financial stability so difficult to ensure.The trouble is that, by 2010, the shadow banking system was about the same size as it was just before the 2007 market crash, whereas the regulated global banking system was 18% larger than in 2007. That is why the FSB report pinpoints the shadow banking system, together with the large global banks, as sources of systemic risk. But the global problem is likely to be much larger than the sum of its parts. Specifically, global credit creation by the regular and shadow banking systems is likely to be significantly larger than the sum of the credit creation currently measured by national statistics.21. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?22. The global liquidity flows include the following EXCEPT _.23. According to the report requested by G20 leaders, how much money in total for the shadow banking system before 2008 meltdown?24. As the passage indicates, what is the rough figure for the total global banking assets just before the 2007 market crash?25. The words “proprietary trading” could best be replaced by which of the following?问题1选项A.Credit Glut or Saving GlutB.The coming Global Credit GlutC.The Regular and Shadow Banking SystemsD.Monetary and Financial Stability问题2选项A.money-market funds (MMFs)B.structured investment vehicles (SIVs)C.the combined credit creationD.proprietary trading and hedging fund问题3选项A.$17.4 trillionB.$27 trillionC.$3.9 trillionD.$60 trillion问题4选项A.$250 trillionB.$5.4 trillionC.$33 trillionD.$120 trillion问题5选项A.haircutB.carry tradeC.using the firms own capitalD.high frequency trading (HFT)【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:D第4题:D第5题:C【解析】21.主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句a global credit glutgained more ground(全球信贷过剩得到了更多的支持),后文对此展开讨论,根据文章最后一句Specifically, global credit creation by the regular and shadow banking systems is likely to be significantly larger than the sum of the credit creation currently measured by national statistics.(具体来说,常规银行和影子银行系统在全球创造的信贷很可能远远大于目前国家统计数据所衡量的信贷创造总量。),可知文章在预测全球信贷过剩,所以B选项“即将到来的全球信贷过剩”正确。A选项“信贷过剩还是储蓄过剩”:这只是文章开头的不同观点来引入主题,不是主要内容,故错误。C选项“常规银行系统和影子银行系统”和D选项“货币和金融稳定”:都是主要内容的部分内容,故错误。因此B选项正确。22.语义推测题。根据第五段第二句Investment funds other than MMFs account for 29% of total, and SIVs make up 9%(除MMFs之外的投资基金占总数的29%,SIVs占9%),可知B选项“结构性投资工具(SIVs)”包含在内,故错误。根据第五段最后一句and their combined credit creation and proprietary trading and hedging may account for much of the global liquidity flows(它们的信贷创造、自营交易和对冲交易可能是全球流动性流动的主要原因),可知C选项“联合信贷创造”和D选项“自营交易和对冲基金”包含在内,故错误。A选项“货币市场基金”没有提到,因此A选项正确。23.事实细节题。根据第三段第一句between 2002 and 2007, the shadow banking system increased by $33 trillion, more than doubling in asset size from $27 trillion to $60 trillion(2002年至2007年间,影子银行体系增加了33万亿美元,资产规模从27万亿美元增至60万亿美元,增加了一倍多),可知D选项“60万亿美元”正确。A选项“17.4万亿美元”,B选项“27万亿美元”和C选项“3.9万亿美元”错误。因此D选项正确。24.事实细节题。根据第四段第一句The shadow banking system is estimated at roughly 25%-30% of the global financial system ($250 trillion, excluding derivatives) and at half of total global banking assets.(据估计,影子银行体系约占全球金融体系的25%-30%(250万亿美元,不包括衍生品),占全球银行业总资产的一半。),可知全球银行业总资产应为250*25%*2=125,所以D选项“120万亿美元”正确。A选项“250万亿美元”,B选项“5.4万亿美元”和C选项“33万亿美元”错误。因此D选项正确。25.词义辨析题。proprietary trading意思为自营交易,C选项“使用公司自己的资本”符合意思,所以正确。A选项“发型”,B选项“套利交易”和D选项“高频交易(HFT)”错误。因此C选项正确。4. 单选题At every stage of early development, human babies lag behind infants from other species. A kitten can amble across a room within moments of birth and catch its first mouse within weeks, while its wide-eyed human counterpart takes months to make her first step, and years to learn even simple tasks, such as how to tie a shoelace or skip a rope, let alone prepare a three-course meal. Yet, in the cognitive race, human babies turn out to be much like the tortoise in Aesops fable: emerging triumphant after a slow and steady climb to the finish. As adults, we drive fancy sports cars, leap nimbly across football fields and ballet stages, write lengthy dissertations on every conceivable subject, and launch rockets into space. We have a mastery over ourselves and our environments that is peculiar to our species.Yet, this victory seems puzzling. In the fable, the tortoise wins the race because the hare takes a nap. But, if anything, human infants nap even more than kittens! And unlike the noble tortoise, babies are helpless, and more to the point, hopeless. They could not learn the basic skills necessary to their independent survival even if they tried. How do human babies mange to turn things around in the end?In a recent article in Current Directions in Psychological Science, Sharon Thompson-Schill, Michael Ramscar and Evangelia Chrysikou make the case that this very helplessness is what allows human babies to advance far beyond other animals. They propose that our delayed cortical development is precisely what enables us to acquire the cultural building blocks, such as language, that make up the foundations of human achievement. Indeed, the trio makes clear that our early vulnerability is an evolutionary “engineering trade-off”, much like the human larynxwhich, while it facilitates the intricate productions of human speech, is actually quite a precarious adaptation for anyone trying to swallow safely. In the same way, they suggest, our ability to learn language comes at the price of an extended period of cognitive immaturity.This claim hinges on a peculiar and unique feature of our cognitive architecture: the stunningly slow development of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). While other animals brain regions development in synchrony, in humans, the development of the PFC lags far behind that of other areas. The PFC is the swath of gray matter that makes up the anterior frontal lobes, and functionally, it appears to be heavily implicated in a wide-range of sophisticated planning and attention driven behaviors. Indeed, it is often referred to as the “control” center of the brain. One of its main functions appears to be that of selectively filtering information from the senses, allowing us to attend to specific actions, goals, or tasks. For this reason, “cognitive control” tasks are thought to be one of the best assessors of PFC function and maturity, and they are tests that young children reliably, and ignominiously, fail.The Stroop task serves as a simple assessor of PFC function in adults. The task involves naming the ink color of a contrasting color word: for example, you might see the word “red” written in green ink, in which case you have to say “green”. The task (saying “red” in response to seeing the word red) with a new response specific to the task (naming the conflicting ink color). Tricky or not, healthy adults can successfully compete the task with only minor hesitation.Children, with their immature PFCs, are a different story. Typically, the younger children are, the worse they are at solving Strooplike tasks, and under the age of four, they outright fail them. While young children are sensitive, apt learners, and often appear to fully understand what is being asked of them, they are unable to mediate the conflicting demands present in these sorts of tasks, and thus fail them, time and time again. Three-year olds simply cannot direct how they attend to or respond to the world.31. Why does the author compare human babies to the tortoise in Aesops fable?32. Why are human babies “helpless” according to the text?33. What is the purpose of mentioning human larynx in Paragraph 3?34. What is the function of the prefrontal cortex (PFC)?35. Which of the following is NOT true about the “Stroop task”?问题1选项A.They have a mastery over themselves.B.They lag behind at beginning and then slowly catch up.C.They are superior to infants from other species.D.They are quite slow in cognitive development.问题2选项A.They dont have the basic skills necessary for survival.B.They nap more often than infants of other species.C.They are not so persistent as the tortoise.D.They are not quick learners as infants of other species.问题3选项A.To show the peculiar function of human larynx.B.To emphasize the importance of human language.C.To explain the reasons for our early cognitive immaturity.D.To indicate how human develop speeches.问题4选项A.To collect information from the senses.B.To help perform sophisticated planning and attention-driven behaviors.C.To control the development of other areas of the brain.D.To enable human beings to carry out advance tasks.问题5选项A.Children would fail such task due to their inability to understand the task requirements.B.The task is often used to assess the maturity of PFC.C. The task requires the subjects to make responses contradictory to the well-learned ones.D.Adults could complete the task successfully with only little hesitation.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D【解析】31.推理判断题。根据第一段第三句Yet, in the cognitive race, human babies turn out to be much like the tortoise in Aesops fable: emerging triumphant after a slow and steady climb to the finish.(然而,在认知方面,人类婴儿很像伊索寓言中的乌龟:缓慢而稳定地爬到终点后,胜利出现。),可知人类婴儿和乌龟的相似在于慢慢走,最终却能胜利,所以B选项“他们一开始落后,然后慢慢地赶上来了”正确,D选项“他们的认知发展相当缓慢”不是表达的重点,故错误。A选项“他们能掌控自己”和C选项“他们优于其他物种的婴儿”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此B选项正确。32.推理判断题。根据第二段第四、五句And unlike the noble tortoise, babies are helpless, and more to the point, hopeless. They could not learn the basic skills necessary to their independent survival even if they tried.(和高贵的乌龟不同,婴儿是无助的,更确切地说,是绝望的。即使他们尝试,他们也学不到独立生存所必需的基本技能。),可知人类婴儿无助是因为A选项“他们没有生存所需的基本技能”。B选项“他们比其他物种的婴儿更经常打盹”:根据第二段第三句But, if anything, human infants nap even more than kittens!(但是,如果说有什么不同的话,那就是人类的婴儿比小猫更喜欢打盹!),这里是说人和猫的不同,而不是解释为什么人类婴儿无助,故错误。C选项“他们不像乌龟那样固执”和D选项“他们不像其他物种的婴儿一样快速学习”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此A选项正确。33.推理判断题。根据第三段our delayed cortical development is precisely what enables us to acquire the cultural building blocks, such as languageIndeed, the trio makes clear that our early vulnerability is an evolutionary “engineering trade-off”, much like the human larynxwhich, while it facilitates the intricate productions of human speech, is actually quite a precarious adaptation for anyone trying to swallow safely. In the same way, they suggest, our ability to learn language comes at the price of an extended period of cognitive immaturity.(我们大脑皮层发育迟缓恰恰是我们获得文化基础的原因,比如语言的确,这三人清楚地表明,我们早期的脆弱是一种进化上的“工程权衡”,就像人类的喉头一样虽然喉头有助于人类复杂的语言表达,但对于任何想要安全吞下食物的人来说,它实际上是一种相当不稳定的适应。同样,他们认为,我们学习语言的能力是以长期认知不成熟为代价的。),这里举喉头的例子表明长期认知不成熟是为了获得文化,所以C选项“解释我们早期认知不成熟的原因”正确。A选项“为了显示人类喉部的特殊功能”,B选项“强调人类语言的重要性”和D选项“表明人类如何发展语言”:不是表达的重点,故错误。因此C选项正确。34.事实细节题。根据第四段The PFCfunctionally, it appears to be heavily implicated in a wide-range of sophisticated planning and attention driven behaviors. Indeed, it is often referred to as the “control” center of the brain. One of its main functions appears to be that of selectively filtering information from the senses, allowing us to attend to specific actions, goals, or tasks.(PFC在功能上似乎与一系列复杂的计划和注意力驱动的行为密切相关。事实上,它经常被称为大脑的“控制”中心。它的主要功能之一似乎是有选择地过滤来自感官的信息,让我们专注于特定的行动、目标或任务。),可知PFC的功能是B选项“帮助执行复杂的计划和注意力驱动的行为”,同时PFC过滤来自感官的信息,故A选项“从感官收集信息”错误。C选项“控制大脑其他区域的发展”和D选项“使人类能够执行高级任务”:文章没有提到,故错误。因此B选项正确。35.推理判断题。根据第五段最后一句Tricky or not, healthy adults can successfully compete the task with only minor hesitation.(不管棘手与否,健康的成年人只要稍有犹豫就能成功完成这项任务。),可知成年人完成任务时有犹豫的情况,所以D选项“成年人可以毫不犹豫地完成任务”正确。根据第六段第二句Typically, the younger children are, the worse they are at solving Strooplike tasks, and under the age of four, they outright fail them.(通常情况下,年龄越小的孩子,在完成Stroop任务方面表现得越差,而不到四岁的孩子,就会彻底失败。)和最后一句Three-year olds simply cannot direct how they attend to or respond to the world.(根本无法指导三岁的孩子如何注意或回应这个世界。),所以孩子会因为不能理解题目而不能完成测试,A选项“孩子会因为无法理解任务要求而失败”符合文章意思,故错误。根据第四段最后一句“cognitive control” tasks are thought to be one of the best assessors of PFC function and maturity(“认知控制”任务被认为是评估PFC功能和成熟度的最佳指标之一)和第五段第一句The Stroop task serves as a simple assessor of PFC function in adults.(Stroop任务是一个简单的评估成年人的PFC功能的任务。),可知Stroop任务用来评估PFC的成熟度,B选项“这个任务经常被用来评估PFC的成熟度”符合文章意思,故错误。根据第五段第二句The task involves naming the ink color of a contrasting color word: for example, you might see the word “red” written in green ink, in which case you have to say “green”.(这项任务包括说出一个对比色单词的墨水颜色:例如,你可能会看到单词“红”是用绿色墨水写的,在这种情况下,你必须说“绿”),可知在这个测试中,受试者必须说颜色而不是单词,C选项“这个任务要求受试者做出与有知识的人相反的反应”符合文章意思,故错误。因此D选项正确。5. 单选题The genetic characteristics of all life forms on earth are embodied in the chemical structure of DNA molecule. An organisms DNA molecules provide a complete blueprint for its physical makeup. Genetic engineering is the process of altering the DNA genetic code to characteristics of plants and animals. Through the process, scientists can literally build to order new life forms that perform desired functions. For hundreds of years, humans have engineered the development of food crops and domesticated animals through selective breeding practices. For example, the modern dairy cow is the result of centuries of carefully breeding individual animals that carried the genetic trait for high milk production. However, new technology makes it possible for scientists to restructure the DNA molecules themselves and this obtains more rapid and more radical genetic changes than were possible in the past. This new process is commonly called recombinant DNA technology or gene splicing the pieces according to a new pattern. The genespliced DNA molecule may have a genetic code that has never existed before.Although recombinant DNA technology is still in its infancy, it has already demonstrated its value. New crop breeds produced by his process are already growing in farmers fields. Crops that are genetically engineered to resist pests, diseases, and drought could be important in efforts to alleviate starvation around the world. Scientists are trying to use genetic engineering to produce important drugs such as insulin and interferon cheaply. They are also working on a genetically engineered generation of wonder drags to combat cancer and other killer diseases. However, the recombinant DNA technology brings with it problems our society has not previously faced. Gene splicing could produce new disease microorganisms, deadly to us or to the plants and animals upon which we depend. The possibility of altering human genetic structure raises serious moral political, and social issues. Genetic engineering illustrates dramatically the promises and angers of technological development. The decisions our society makes about genetic engineering will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in the years to come.31. The best title for this passage is _.32. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about recombinant DNA technology?33. The word “alleviate” in paragraph 2 is nearest in meaning to _.34. It can be inferred from the passage that _.35. The authors attitude towards genetic technologies is _.问题1选项A.The Basic Function of Genetic EngineeringB.New Applications of Genetic EngineeringC.Recombinant DNA Technology, A New Process in Genetic EngineeringD.The Promises & Dangers of Technological Development问题2选项A.It can bring about rapid and radical genetic changes in life forms.B.It can be used to restructure DNA molecules to produce new desired plant and animal breeds.C.It may increase the risk of producing some unexpected diseases.D.It proves an effective way to cure cancer and other incurable diseases.问题3选项A.relieveB.avoidC.eliminateD.terminate问题4选项A.there will inevitably be a heated debate over the general application of the recombinant DNA technologyB.the use of the recombinant DNA technology on human beings will be forbiddenC.the recombinant DNA technology can be traced back to hundreds of years agoD.serious dilemmas may be generated when it is used to modify human genetic code问题5选项A.enthusiasticB.indifferentC.criticalD.objective【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:D第5题:D【解析】31.主旨大意题。第一段倒数第二句This new process is commonly called recombinant DNA technology(这种新过程通常被称为DNA重组技术),随后文章讲DNA重组技术的好与坏,所以C选项“重组DNA技术,基因工程的新方法”正确。A选项“基因工程的基本功能”,B选项“基因工程的新应用”和D选项“技术发展的承诺与危险”不符合题意。因此C选项正确。32.推理判断题。A选项“能给生命形式带来迅速而彻底的基因变化”:根据第一段倒数第三句restructure the DNA molecules themselves and this obtains more rapid and more radical genetic changes than were possible in the past.(重组DNA分子本身,从而获得比过去更迅速、更彻底的基因变化。),符合题意。B选项“可以用来重组DNA分子来产生新的想要的植物和动物品种”:根据第二段第二句New crop breeds produced by his process are already growing in farmers fields.(通过这种方法生产的新作物品种已经在农民的田地里生长。),符合题意。C选项“可能会增加产生一些意想不到的疾病的风险”:根据第二段第七句Gene splicing could produce new disease mi


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