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2022年考博英语-中国政法大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题The legislation of a country recently considered a bill designed to reduce the uncertainty inherent in the ownership of art by specifying certain conditions that must be met before an allegedly stolen work of art can be reclaimed of by a plaintiff. The bill places the burden of proof in reclamation litigation entirely on the plaintiff, who must demonstrate that the holder of an item knew at the time of purchase that it had been stolen. Additionally, the bill creates a uniform national statute of limitations for reclamation of stolen cultural property.Testifying in support of the bill, James D. Burke, a citizen of the country and one of its leading art museum directors, specifically praised the inclusion of a statute of limitations; otherwise, he said, other countries could seek to reclaim valuable art objects, no matter how long they have been held by the current owner or how legitimately they were acquired. Any country could enact a patrimony law stating that anything ever made within the boundaries of that country is its cultural property. Burke expressed the fear that widespread reclamation litigation would lead to ruinous legal defense costs for museums.However, because such reclamation suits have not yet been a problem, there is little basis for Burkes concern. In fact, the proposed legislation would establish too many unjustifiable barriers to the location and recovery of stolen objects. The main barrier is that the bill considers the announcement of an art transaction in a museum publication to be adequate evidence of an attempt to notify a possible owner. There are far too many such publications for the victim of a theft to survey, and with only this form of disclosure, a stolen object could easily remain the object to a scholar for verification that it is not stolen, but it is a rare academic who is aware of any but the most publicized art thefts. Moreover, the time limit specified by the statute of limitations is very short, and the requirement that the plaintiff demonstrate that the holder had knowledge of the theft is unrealistic. Typically, stolen art changes hands several times before rising to the level in the marketplace where a curator or collector would see it. At that point, the object bears no trace of the initial transaction between the thief and the first purchaser, perhaps the only one in the chain who knowingly acquired a stolen work of art.Thus, the need for new legislation to protect holders of art is not obvious. Rather, what is necessary is legislation remedying the difficulties that legitimate owners of works of art, and countries from which such works have been stolen, have in location and reclaiming these stolen works.51. Which one of the following most accurately summarizes the main point of the passage?52. Which one of the following is an example of the kind of action that Burke feared would pose a serious threat to museums in his country?53. According to the passage, Burke envisaged the most formidable potential adversaries of his countrys museums in reclamation litigation to be _.54. Which one of the following best describes the authors attitude toward the proposed bill?55. Which one of the following best exemplifies the sort of legislation considered necessary by the author of the passage?问题1选项A.Various legal disputes have recently arisen that demonstrate the need for legislation clarifying the legal position of museums in suits involving the repossession of cultural property.B.A bill intended to prevent other governments from recovering cultural property was recently introduced into the legislature of a country at the behest of its museum directors.C.A bill intended to protect good-faith purchasers of works of art from reclamation litigation is unnecessary and fails to address the needs of legitimate owners attempting to recover stolen art works.D.Clashes between museum professionals and members of the academic community regarding governmental legislation of the arts can best be resolved by negotiation and arbitration, not by litigation.问题2选项A.The passage of a law by another country forbidding the future export of any archaeological objects uncovered at sits within its territory.B.An international accord establishing strict criteria for determining whether a work of art can be considered stolen and specifying the circumstances under which it must be returned to its country of origin.C.An increase in the acquisition of culturally significant works of art by private collectors, who are more capable than museums of bearing the cost of litigation but who rarely display their collections to the public.D.The passage of a law by another country declaring that all objects created by its aboriginal people are the sole property of that country.问题3选项A.commercial dealers in artB.law enforcement officials in his own countryC.private collectors of artD.governments of other countries问题4选项A.Reasoned oppositionB.Measured advocacyC.Fearful apprehensionD.Impassioned support问题5选项A.A law requiring museums to notify foreign governments and cultural institutions of all the catalogs and scholarly journals that they publish.B.A law requiring that a central archive be established for collecting and distributing information concerning all reported thefts of cultural property.C.A law providing for the creation of a national warehouse for storage of works of art that are the subject of litigation.D.A law instituting a national fund for assisting museums to bear the expenses of defending themselves against reclamation suits.【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】51.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干的意思是“以下哪个选项最准确地总结了文章的要点?”。通读全文可知,文章的话题主要是讨论一项新的法案对艺术作品持有者的保护和追回被盗物品方面的作用。通过文章最后一段的总结Thus, the need for new legislation to protect holders of art is not obvious. Rather, what is necessary is legislation remedying the difficulties that legitimate owners of works of art, and countries from which such works have been stolen, have in location and reclaiming these stolen works.(因此,新的立法保护艺术持有者的必要性并不明显;相反,需要的是用立法弥补艺术品的合法拥有者和被盗艺术品的国家已经找到并收回被盗艺术品所面临的困难),可以推断新的立法保护艺术品持有者是没有必要的,而是要去解决艺术品持有者或者国家在追回被盗艺术品种所面临的困难和需求;所以C项“一项旨在保护艺术品善意购买者免受回收诉讼的法案是没有必要的,而且未能解决试图追回被盗艺术品的合法所有者的需求”正确。A项“最近出现的各种法律纠纷表明,在涉及收回文化财产的诉讼中,有必要立法澄清博物馆的法律地位”,根据文章第二段最后一句Burke expressed the fear that widespread reclamation litigation would lead to ruinous legal defense costs for museums.(伯克表达了一种担忧,即广泛的回收诉讼将导致博物馆毁灭性的法律辩护费用)和第三段第一句However, because such reclamation suits have not yet been a problem, there is little basis for Burkes concern.(然而,因为这样的回收诉讼还没有成为一个问题,伯克的担心几乎没有根据)可知,A项不符合题意;B项“在一个国家博物馆馆长的要求下,一项旨在阻止其他国家政府收回文化财产的法案最近被提交到该国的立法机构”内容在文中没有提到,B项错误;D项“博物馆专业人员和学术团体成员之间关于政府对艺术品的立法的冲突最好通过谈判和仲裁来解决,而不是通过诉讼”,文中也未提到该内容,D项不选。因此该题选C。52.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节推断题。题干的意思是“下面哪一个是伯克担心会对他国家的博物馆造成严重威胁的行为的例子?”。根据题干定位到文章第二段,第二句otherwise, he said, other countries could seek to reclaim valuable art objects, no matter how long they have been held by the current owner or how legitimately they were acquired.(他说,否则,其他国家可能会寻求收回有价值的艺术品,不管它们被当前所有者持有了多久,也不管它们获得的合法性如何)和最后一句Burke expressed the fear that widespread reclamation litigation would lead to ruinous legal defense costs for museums.(伯克表达了一种担忧,即广泛的回收诉讼将导致博物馆毁灭性的法律辩护费用)有提到相关的内容,伯克赞同法案中包含的诉讼时效,因为超过了这个诉讼时效其他国家无法收回有价值的艺术品,不管这件艺术品的持有时间多长和合法性如何;不然的话,博物馆就会花费巨大的法律辩护费用;D项“另一个国家通过一项法律,宣布其土著人民所创造的一切物品都是该国的唯一财产”,这一例子更能很好的描述题干的内容,所以D项符合题意。A项“另一个国家通过了一项法律,禁止未来出口任何在其领土内发现的考古物品”,文中没有提到考古物品的内容;B项“一项国际协定,为确定一件艺术品是否可被认为是被盗的确定标准,并具体规定在何种情况下必须将其归还原籍国”,内容与原文相反,原文中伯克赞同的是诉讼的时效性,一旦过了时效,不管是否合法持有其他国家都不能追回,B项错误;C项“私人收藏家对具有文化意义的艺术作品的购买增加,他们比博物馆更有能力承担诉讼费用,但他们很少向公众展示他们的收藏”,文中没有提到相关内容,C项不选。因此该题选D。53.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节推断题。题干的意思是“根据文章,伯克设想他的国家博物馆在回收诉讼中最可怕的潜在对手将是”。根据文章第二段最后两句话Any country could enact a patrimony law stating that anything ever made within the boundaries of that country is its cultural property. Burke expressed the fear that widespread reclamation litigation would lead to ruinous legal defense costs for museums.(任何国家都可以颁布一项遗产法,规定任何在该国境内做出的东西都是其文化财产;伯克表达了一种担忧,即广泛的回收诉讼将导致博物馆毁灭性的法律辩护费用)可知,国家博物馆在回收诉讼中最可怕的潜在对手将是其他国家的政府,因此D项“其他国家政府”正确。A项“艺术商人”,根据第三段第五句Moreover, the time limit specified by the statute of limitations is very short, and the requirement that the plaintiff demonstrate that the holder had knowledge of the theft is unrealistic. Typically, stolen art changes hands several times before rising to the level in the marketplace where a curator or collector would see it.(此外,诉讼时效规定的期限很短,要求原告证明持有人知晓盗窃行为的要求也不现实;通常情况下,被偷的艺术品会几经易手,才会在市场上升至馆长或收藏家能看到的水平)可知,因为有不同的经手艺术品的商人,所以原告在证明持有人知晓盗窃行为方面会有困难,这不是博物馆在诉讼中的潜在对手,A项不选;B项“他自己国家的执法人员”和C项“私人艺术品收藏家”也不是国家博物馆在回收诉讼中最可怕的潜在对手。因此该题选D。54.【试题答案】A【试题解析】作者态度题。题干的意思是“下列哪一项最好地描述了作者对提案的态度?”。根据题干定位到文章最后一段第一句Thus, the need for new legislation to protect holders of art is not obvious.(因此,新的立法保护艺术持有者的必要性并不明显),从not obvious可以看出作者对该提案的态度是理性的反对,所以A项“理性的反对”符合题意。B项“慎重的拥护”和D项“慷慨激昂的支持”错误;C项“可怕的忧虑”有点过度解读。因此该题选A。55.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节推理题。题干的意思是“下列哪个选项最好地说明了文章作者认为有必要的那一类立法?”。根据最后一段Rather, what is necessary is legislation remedying the difficulties that legitimate owners of works of art, and countries from which such works have been stolen, have in location and reclaiming these stolen works.(相反,需要的是用立法弥补艺术品的合法拥有者和被盗艺术品的国家已经找到并收回被盗艺术品的困难)可知,作者认为建立一项帮助艺术品合法拥有者和拥有国家找到并收回被盗品的法案是有必要的,所以B项“要求建立中央档案,收集和分发有关所有已报告的文化财产盗窃的资料的一项法律”符合题意。A项“要求博物馆将其出版的所有目录和学术期刊通知外国政府和文化机构的一项法律”, 内容与原文无关,A项不选;C项“规定建立国家仓库以储存作为诉讼主体的艺术品的一项法律”,储存作为诉讼主体的艺术品与帮助艺术品合法拥有者和拥有国家找到并收回被盗品不相干,C项错误;D项“设立国家基金,以协助博物馆承担在回收诉讼中自卫的费用的一项法律”,根据第三段第一句However, because such reclamation suits have not yet been a problem, there is little basis for Burkes concern.(然而,因为这样的回收诉讼还没有成为一个问题,伯克的担心几乎没有根据)可知,关于广泛的回收诉讼还没有成为一个问题,设立国家基金是没有必要的,所以D项不选。因此该题选B。2. 填空题Directions: In this part you will read a passage and a summary of it. Then fill in the spaces in the summary with a maximum of three words from the passage. Write your answers On the Answer Sheet.Tough Sensor Can Take the HeatA new gas sensor made from a nickels worth of materials can endure high temperatures, corrosion, vibrations, and exposure to water, according to its inventors at Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois. The tiny sensor detects a variety of gases.Conventional silicon sensors do not work well at temperatures above 150F. But Argonnes new sensor, made of ceramics and metals, is not affected by high temperatures. “The materials in this sensor behave well through a wide range of temperatures.” says Michael Vogt, a control systems engineer at Argonne.Vogt and his colleagues made the sensor by film-screening layers of ceramic and metal on a ceramic substratethen firing the sensor in an industrial oven at more than l000C. The Argonne researchers set out to build a sensor that would detect overheating computer components. Before an overheating component fails, and possibly ignites, epoxy in the circuit boards releases a gas. The Argonne sensor can detect this vapor and cut off power to the circuit.The device senses gases by applying a steadily increasing voltage across its electrical leads and monitoring current spikes induced as gases react on the sensors surface. Each gas reacts at a characteristic voltage, and the size of the current spike indicates the “signature” of several representative organic solvents.The sensor could be used to monitor hydrocarbon emissions from cars; todays typical sensors only measure oxygen. The sensor could also monitor gases in industrial chemical processes.Summary of the passage:A new sensor made of ceramics and metals can endure corrosion, vibrations, exposure to water, and 66_, while not affected by 67_. As each gas reacts at a 68_, the device applies a steadily increasing voltage and monitors current spikes induced. 69 of which indicates the concentration of the gases. Conventional sensors on the other hand, do not work well at temperatures above 150F and could be used only to 70_.【答案】66.detect gases67.high temperatures68.characteristic voltage69.the “signature”70.measure oxygen【解析】66.文章开篇描述了A new gas sensor made from a nickels worth of materials can endure high temperatures, corrosion, vibrations, and exposure to water.The tiny sensor detects a variety of gases.(一种由镍含量的材料制成的新型气体传感器可以经受高温、腐蚀、振动和暴露在水里这个微小的传感器能探测到各种气体),其他几个在摘要提到了,所以这里需要写的是侦察气体。因此填detect gases。67.文章开篇描述了A new gas sensor made from a nickels worth of materials can endure high temperatures, corrosion, vibrations, and exposure to water.The tiny sensor detects a variety of gases.(一种由镍含量的材料制成的新型气体传感器可以经受高温、腐蚀、振动和暴露在水里这个微小的传感器能探测到各种气体),上一空已经提到了侦察气体,所以这一空应该填入抗高温,因为前面有否定词not,所以空格处填入high temperatures。68.根据第四段第二句话提到Each gas reacts at a characteristic voltage(每种气体在一个特征电压下反应)可知,空格处应该填入characteristic voltage。69.根据第四段第二句话提到Each gas reacts at a characteristic voltage, and the size of the current spike indicates the “signature” of several representative organic solvents.(每种气体在一个特征电压下反应,而脉冲的大小表明了几种代表性有机溶剂的“特征”)可知,脉冲的不同特征暗示了不同气体,所以空格处应该填入the “signature”。70.根据最后一段第一句todays typical sensors only measure oxygen(今天的典型传感器只测量氧气)可知,传统的传感器在150F以上的温度下不能很好地工作,只能用于测量氧气;所以空格处应该填入measure oxygen。3. 单选题Americans usually consider themselves a friendly people. Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their life time, and consider other “friends” to be just social acquaintances. This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like to be dependent on other people. They tend to “compartmentalize” friendships, having “friends at work”, “friends on the softball team”, “family friends”, etc.Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go. In this highly charged atmosphere, Americans can sometimes seem brusque or impatient. They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and then move on to something else. Sometimes, early on, they will ask you questions that you may feel are very personal. No insult is intended; the questions usually grow out of their genuine interest or curiosity, and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter. And the same goes for you. If you do not understand certain American behavior or you want to know more about them, do not hesitate to ask them questions about themselves. Americans are usually eager to explain all about their country or anything “American” in which you may be interested. So much so in fat that you may become tired of listening. It doesnt matter because Americans tend to be uncomfortable with silence during a conversation. They would rather talk about the weather or the latest sports scores, for example, than deal with silence.On the other hand, dont expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs, unless those subjects directly involve the United States. Because the United States is not surrounded by many other nations, some Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world.41. The general topic of the passage is _.42. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?43. The phrase “highly charged” (Paragraph 2) most probably means _.44. It can inferred from the passage that _.45. According to the passage, Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world because _.问题1选项A.American cultureB.American societyC.Americans personalityD.Americans activities问题2选项A.Americans know a lot about international affairs.B.Friendships among Americans tend to be casual.C.Americans do not like to depend on other people.D.Americans always seem to be on the go.问题3选项A.extremely freeB.highly responsibleC.full of mobility and changeD.very cheerful问题4选项A.Americans want to participate in all kinds of activitiesB.Americans, character is affected by their social and geographical environmentC.Americans do not know how to deal with silenceD.curiosity is characteristic of Americans问题5选项A.they are not interested in other countriesB.they are too proud of themselvesC.their country does not have many neighboring nationsD.they are too busy to learn about other countries【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】41.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干的意思是“这篇文章的主题是什么?”。根据文章首段Americans usually consider themselves a friendly people. Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. It is not uncommon for Americans to have only one close friend during their life time, and consider other “friends” to be just social acquaintances. This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like to be dependent on other people.(美国人通常认为自己是一个友好的民族。然而,与其他文化背景的人相比,他们的友谊往往更短,也更随意。美国人一生中只有一个亲密的朋友,并认为其他“朋友”只是社会上的熟人,这是很常见的。这种态度可能与美国人的流动性以及美国人不喜欢依赖他人这一事实有关。)可知,这篇文章主要讨论的是美国人性格方面的内容;所以C项“美国人的性格”符合题意。A项“美国文化”,B项“美国社会”和D项“美国人的活动”都只是在文中提及过几句而已,不足以代表全文的主旨。因此该题选C。42.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节推理题。题干的意思是“根据文章,下列哪一项陈述是不正确的?”。A项“美国人对国际事务很了解”,文章末段提到On the other hand, dont expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs, unless those subjects directly involve the United States.(另一方面,不要期望美国人对国际地理或世界事务了如指掌,除非这些问题直接涉及美国。),由此可知,美国人对国际事务不是很了解,所以A项错误。B项“美国人之间的友谊往往是随意的”,根据第一段第二句Their friendships, however, tend to be shorter and more casual than friendships among people from other cultures. (然而,与其他文化背景的人相比,他们的友谊往往更短,也更随意)可知B项正确。C项“美国人不喜欢依赖别人”,第一段倒数第二句提到This attitude probably has something to do with American mobility and the fact that Americans do not like to be dependent on other people.(这种态度可能与美国人的流动性以及美国人不喜欢依赖他人这一事实有关),由此可知C项正确。D项“美国人似乎总是忙个不停”,根据第二段第二句In this highly charged atmosphere, Americans can sometimes seem brusque or impatient.(在这种高度紧张的气氛中,美国人有时会显得粗鲁或不耐烦)和第三句They want to get to know you as quickly as possible and then move on to something else.(他们想尽快了解你,然后再去做其他的事情)可知,美国人总是忙碌的,所以会尽快了解一个人然后再去做其他的事情。D项正确。因此该题选A。43.【试题答案】C【试题解析】语义推测题。题干的意思是“第二段的短语highly charged最有可能是什么意思?”。根据题干定位到文中第二段;上文指出Because the United States is a highly active society, full of movement and change, people always seem to be on the go.(因为美国是一个高度活跃的社会,充满了运动和变化,人们似乎总是在前进),由此可知,下文的highly charged指的是上文中的full of movement and change,所以C项“充满流动性和变化”正确。A项“极度自由”,B项“高度负责”和D项“其乐融融”都不符合。因此该题选C。44.【试题答案】B【试题解析】推理判断题。题干的意思是“从文章可以推断出”。文章最后一段指出On the other hand, dont expect Americans to be knowledgeable about international geography or world affairs, unless those subjects directly involve the United States. Because the United States is not surrounded by many other nations, some Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world.(另一方面,不要期望美国人对国际地理或世界事务了如指掌,除非这些问题直接涉及美国。由于美国周围没有许多其他国家,一些美国人倾向于忽视世界其他地区。),由此可推断出美国这种对世界其他的事情不关心态度的性格可能是由于它的地理位置所致,因为它周围并没有其他的国家包围;所以B项“美国人的性格受到社会和地理环境的影响”符合题意。A项“美国人希望参加各种各样的活动”文中没有提到;C项“美国人不知道如何应对沉默”,第二段倒数第二句提到It doesnt matter because Americans tend to be uncomfortable with silence during a conversation.(这没关系,因为美国人往往会对交谈中的沉默感到不舒服)可知,美国人不是不知道如何应对沉默而是他们会感到不舒服,C项错误;D项“好奇心是美国人的特点”,第二段第四句提到the questions usually grow out of their genuine interest or curiosity, and their impatience to get to the heart of the matter(这些问题通常是出于他们真正的兴趣或好奇,以及他们没有耐心去了解问题的核心),这里提到美国人的好奇不是描述美国人好奇的特点,而是解释美国人不耐烦的原因,D项也错误。因此该题选B。45.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干的意思是“根据文章,美国人倾向于忽视世界其他地区,因为”。根据文章最后一句Because the United States is not surrounded by many other nations, some Americans tend to ignore the rest of the world.(由于美国周围没有许多其他国家,一些美国人倾向于忽视世界其他地区)可知,美国人倾向于忽视世界其他地区是因为美国周围没有许多其他国家,所以C项“他们的国家没有许多邻国”正确。A项“他们对其他国家不感兴趣”文章没有提到美国人对其他国家不感兴趣;B项“他们太过骄傲”文中也未提及;D项“他们太忙以至于没有时间去了解其他国家”,这是他们会显得粗鲁或不耐烦的原因,不是没时间去了解其他国家的原因。因此该题选C。4. 单选题The house in which the former president used to live is rep


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