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2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题21-25问题1选项A.The cause of COPD.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.D.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.D.B.Harmful effects of smoking.C.Men more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.D.Women more susceptible to harmful effects of smoking.问题2选项A.954B.955C.1909D.1955问题3选项A.On May 18 in San Diego.B.On May 25 in San Diego.C.On May 18 in San Francisco.D.On May 25 in San Francisco.问题4选项A.When smoking exposure is high.B.When smoking exposure is low.C.When the subjects received medication.D.When the subjects stopped smoking.25.问题5选项A.Hormone differences in men and women.B.Genetic differences between men and women.C.Womens active metabolic rate.D.Womens smaller airways.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C【解析】(21) Woman may be more susceptible to the lung-damaging effect to smoking than men, according to new research by Inga-Cecilie Soerheim, M.D., and her colleagues from Chiming Laboratory, Brigham and Women Hospital and University of Bergen Norway. (22) They analyzed the data from the Norwegian case control study, including 954 subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD慢性阻塞性肺疾病)and 955 controls, all the current or ex-smokers. And COPD subject had moderate or severe COPD. Overall analysis indicated the women may be more vulnerable to the effect to smoking, which is something previously suspected but not proven, said Dr.Soerheim. (23) The study results would be presented on May 18, at the 105th international conference of American society in San Diego. Examining the total study sample, there were no gender differences with respect to lung function (FEVI) and COPD severity, but the women were on average younger and had smoked significantly less than men.To explore these differences further; they also analyzed two subgroups of the study sample: COPD subjects under the age of 60 (early onset group) and COPD subjects with less than 20 pack year of smoking (low exposure group). In both subgroups, women had more severe disease and greater impairment of lung function than men.“This means that female smokers in our study experienced reduced lung function at a lower level of smoking exposure and at an earlier age than men, said Dr. Soerheim.It has long been suspected that the effect of smoking on lung function may be modified by gender. Interaction analysis confirmed that being female represents a higher risk of reduced lung function and severe COPD, (24) but this gender effect of was most pronounced when the level of smoking exposure was low.The gender difference in COPD susceptibility seems to be most important when smoking exposure is low. Women may tolerate small amounts of tobacco worse than men,” Dr. Soerheim explained.According to Dr. Soerheim, the reason why women may be more susceptible to the effects of cigarette smoke is still unknown, but there are several possible explanations: (25) “Women have small airways, therefore each cigarettes may be more harm. Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke, genes and hormones could also be important.”21. Whats the most likely the topic of this talk?【解析】从短文录音的第一句便可知道答案:Woman may be more susceptible to the lung damaging effect to smoking than men。因此本题答案为D。22. How many subjects did Dr.Soerheim recruited in the study?【解析】根据录音中.including 954 subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 955 controls可知,总共招录的实验对象(subjects))为954+955=1909,故本题答案为C。23. When and where was Dr.Soerheim present their study results?【解析】根据录音中的.May 18, at the 115 international conference of American directive society in Santiago,可知本题的答案为A。24. According to the talk, when is the gender difference most likely to be obviously in COPD sensibility?【解析】从录音中“But this gender reset was most pronounced womens level of smoking exposure was low”可知,当smoking exposure较低时,性别差异最明显。25. Which of the following is not the explanation for womens great susceptibility to the effect of smoking?【解析】从录音最后“Women have small airways, therefore eat cigarettes may do more harm. Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke, genes and hormones could also be important.”可知,男女的新陈代谢和荷尔蒙差异、女性狭窄的气道都是让女性更容易受到吸烟后果影响的因素,但其中并未说女性比男性的新陈代谢更活跃,因此C正确。2. 单选题The community health nurse often notes the devastating effects on family members as the patients chronic illness takes its course.问题1选项A.develops graduallyB.deteriorates suddenlyC.recovers ultimatelyD.recurs frequently【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. develops gradually 逐渐发展 B. deteriorate suddenly 突然恶化C. recovers ultimately 最终恢复 D. recurs frequently 频繁发作【答案】A【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】根据句意:社区卫生护士经常注意到,家庭成员会受到毁灭性的影响,当病人的慢性疾病应该是慢性疾病的慢慢发展会给家庭带来毁灭性影响。划线词组takes its course“顺其自然”,也就是病程。因此选A develops gradually“逐渐发展”与划线词词义相似。【干扰项排除】B选项deteriorate suddenly 突然恶化,不符合划线词词义;C选项recovers ultimately最终恢复,不符合划线词词义;D选项recurs frequently频繁发作,不符合划线词词义。【句意】社区保健护士经常注意到病人的慢性疾病的病程对家庭成员的破坏性影响。3. 单选题Blocked vessels have several( )symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, and an abnormal cardiac stress test.问题1选项A.classicB.conciseC.originalD.obscure【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. classic 典型的;经典的 B. concise 简明的C. original 原来的;首创的;新颖的 D. obscure 偏僻的;阴暗的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析。【解题思路】阻塞的血管有许多症状:胸痛,气促,心脏应激性骤停。根据句意,应该是首发的症状,C选项original“原来的;首创的;新颖的”可引申为首发的意思。因此选C。【干扰项排除】A选项classic典型的;经典的,多用来指著作、理论等是经典的、典型的,所以排除;B选项concise简明的,多指简洁明了,不用来形容病症;D选项obscure偏僻的;阴暗的,不符合句意。【句意】阻塞的血管有很多首发症状:胸痛,气促,心脏应激性骤停。4. 单选题16-20问题1选项A.Liver failure.B.Breast cancer.C.Kidney failure.D.Diabetes out of control.问题2选项A.Shape.B.Color.C.Price.D.Size.问题3选项A.It is much smaller than a microwave.B.It leaves much room for reduction.C.It is adjustable.D.It is perfect.问题4选项A.It is under a clinical trial.B.It is available in the market.C.It is widely used in the clinic.D.It is in the experimental stage.问题5选项A.The commercial companies have invested a lot in the new machine.B.The further development of the machine is in financial trouble.C.The federal government finances the research.D.The machine will come into being in no time.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C【解析】A lot of doctors can tell whats wrong with you by sleeping, and I can do this by smelling. This actually goes back to the day of ancient Greece. For example, you can walk into a room or get close to a patient who had diabetes that is not well controlled. There is a kind of sweetish smell. That means I can walk into a room and tell if a patient has kidney failure or liver failure. And now there is a machine that can do that too. It is fascinating that there have been these machines in the past, but they were just enormous. These machines are impossible to use clinically, because, you know, in a whole room for the equipments. So in the past, they were not used in therapy. But the newly-invented ones are very small and concise. They use new laser technology and now available given the size of the machine. Unlike the previous, they are just of the size of microwave. However, they are very much in the experimental stage. Interesting. Unlike any of these things which are produced by commercial company, this work is being done by the federal government.16. What disease cant be smelt?【解析】从短文开始可知,男士通过嗅觉感知有“diabetes”糖尿病病人的存在,女士接着又提到如果病人“kidney”(肾脏)或者“liver”(肝脏)功能有问题是否能感知到。因此未被提及的病只有B(乳腺癌)。17. What was the problem of the machine in the past?【解析】从男士的话语中可知,过去使用的机器是“enormous”(巨大的),由此可知是尺寸太大的问题,故D选项是正确答案。18. Which of the following statement is true?【解析】根据短文的最后一句可知,新款机器还“very much in the experimental stage”(很大程度处于试验阶段),由此可推理得知这款机器还有很大的浓缩空间。故选B。19. What stage of the new machine is now?【解析】根据上文的解析可知,D为正确答案。20. What is the difference about the machines from the past ones?【解析】在最后男士说:“与商业公司生产的药品不同,这次是由联邦政府做的”。由此可知,该产品是由联邦政府支持研发并提供资金支持。故本题选C。5. 单选题21-25问题1选项A.Suicide.B.Obesity.C.Turmoil.D.Drug abuse.问题2选项A.Preventable.B.Destructive.C.Treatable.D.Curable.问题3选项A.Combining antidepressants and talk therapy.B.Promoting the transmission between neurons.C.Winning parental assistance and support.D.Administering effective antidepressants.24.问题4选项A.Because it adds to the effect of treatment.B.Because it works better than the medications.C.Because it can take the place of antidepressants.D.Because it helps reduce the use of antidepressants.25.问题5选项A.65 percent.B.75 percent.C.85 percent.D.95 percent.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:A第5题:B【解析】(21) Suicide is a very real risk for young people who suffer from clinical depression. In fact during the past two years suicide has increased among youths between the ages of 10 and 19, but there arent treatments that can help. (22)(23) Researchers show that the most effective treatment is the combination of anti-depression and talk therapy. Anti-depressants work by increasing chemicalwhich facilitate communications between neurons in the brain Anti-depressants are the most effective treatment for most adults. But when it comes to teenagers, its not enough.” Says doctor R, a psychiatrist. Withuniversity medical center. 13 age years are full of turmoil, emotions and changes. And there are family conflicts and conflicts with relationship that can contribute to distress in adolescents says. And anti-depressant medications may not be able to deal with all of those problems, psychotherapy, specifically problem- behavioral therapy need to be combined, he says. (24)(25) In his recent major study, with the therapy in use along with anti-depressants. 75% of kids are reported feeling better and less suicidal after 3 month probably because the problem-behavioral therapy tackle thinking and feeling in a very particular way that medicines may not. And in particular suicidal case .It intervenes in a positive way.Say.doctor F, a psychiatrist within the medical college.21. What is the passage mainly about?【解析】从首句可知:对于临床抑郁症的年轻人来讲,他们非常有可能自杀。因此本文的主要内容是讲如何治疗抑郁从而避免自杀的风险。故A为正确选项。22. To what extent can the problem be dealt with?【解析】通过文章中的“researchers show that the most effective treatment is the combination of anti-depression and talk therapy”(研究表明,最有效的治疗方式是抗抑郁和谈话治疗的结合),由此可知,临床抑郁症是可治疗的。故本题选C。23. What way is the better alternative now to treat the problems?【解析】通过上题解析可知,A项正确。24. Why should talk therapy be combined?【解析】通过录音中可知,75%的青少年都在使用心理疗法(psycho therapy)之后,感觉会好一些,自杀的冲动也会减轻。因此,心理疗法可以与药物疗法同时使用,因为能增加后者的效果。故本题选A。25. What is the percent age of the kids who feel better after the combined therapy?【解析】该数字应为75%。6. 单选题问题1选项A.The necessity to be a PAB.Her love for the position of PAC.Her journey to being a PAD.The hardship she suffered for being a PA问题2选项A.Her family encouraged her to choose PAB.She did have interest in PAC.Physical therapy is not accessible to herD.It is easier for her to be a PA问题3选项A.She should acquire a masters degreeB.She needed to study Organic ChemistryC.She had to have the experience in AnatomyD.She should prepare some materials she didnt have【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B【解析】第1题:本文说到的是说话人成为PA的经历,因此C选项“Her journey to being a PA”正确。第2题:说话者说到了成为医生助理的原因:I looked more into the PA route because I was really interested in it(我更多地关注了PA路线,因为我真的很感兴趣)。因此B选项正确。第3题:文中说到“I still needed some learning in subjects like organic chemistry and anatomies and stuff that I didnt have(我还需要学习一些学科,比如有机化学和解剖学,还有一些我没有学过的东西)”,对比信息,可知B选项正确。7. 单选题13.问题1选项A.In the school.B.At school.C.In the hospital.D.To the dorm.【答案】C【解析】M: It seems to be your source of comfort to pray when you are on your own at night.W: Yes, it is. I dont know what I will do if I didnt have faith.M: I know its important for you to be able to pray. That is why I need to find a way for you to say your prayers and yet be sure the other patients are not awakened.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?【解析】细节题。对话中提到了patients,由此推断对话发生在医院。8. 单选题4.问题1选项A.Four days.B.Ten days.C.One week.D.Two weeks.【答案】D【解析】W: Well, Mr. Black, what brought you along today?M: Ive got a pain in my stomach.W: How long have it been bothering you?M: A fortnight.Q: How long has the mans stomach ache?【解析】细节题。A fortnight的意思是十四日,两周。9. 单选题6.问题1选项A.He has lost some weight.B.He has gained a lot.C.He needs to exercise more.D.He is still overweight.【答案】C【解析】W: You dont seem to be overweight. M: No, not really. If I run up a flight of stairs, it takes me a while to get my breath back. I need to work out more. Q: What does the man mean? 【解析】细节题。男士说:I need to work out more(我需要加强锻炼)。10. 单选题5.问题1选项A.The blouse is a bargain.B.The blouse is too expensive.C.The blouse is colorful.D.The blouse is so fashionable.【答案】B【解析】W: The blouse cost me like 8000 yuan.M: Thats such a rip off.W: I really like it, the color, the design.M: Fashion really kills women.Q: What does the man mean?【解析】推断题。男士说:Fashion really kills women,由此推测他认为这件上衣贵了。11. 单选题 In planning for the health needs of these immigrant families, Francesca Weissman, a healthcare practitioner, asked two questions: (1) “What are the most urgent needs of this population?” and (2) “How can this population be induced to use the health services that are available?” In some respects, the second question is more important because persuading immigrant families to utilize services is a basic problem. Building trust is a primary goal. Employing caregivers who can speak the clients language will do much to lower ethnic barriers and reduce suspicion on the part of the potential clients. Many traditional families are slow to develop personal relationships, and this holds true in the interactions with caregivers. Unless the families can communicate with caregivers, they cannot begin to trust them. Without trust, they are not likely to seek or even accept assistance. Communication is a two-way channel. Caregivers, Francesca realized, have an obligation to become acquainted with the culture of the growing ethnic populations, and of their diverse subgroups. By becoming informed and by conveying respect, caregivers can make interactions with immigrant families less frightening and more productive. Awareness of the economic climate and other conditions in the place of origin helps caregivers recognize that the suspiciousness of immigrant families towards officials. A family approach to health care is recommended for immigrant groups. If the whole family can be involved in the healthcare program, the individual members are likely to be less fearful. Family-oriented programs may begin with practical advice about the neighborhood: locations of grocery stores, where to apply for food stamps, and how to look for work. Any programs developed for immigrant families must be offered at convenient times and places because they may not have the knowledge or resources to travel freely in their new community.1. The passage begins by implying that immigrant families may not( ).2. It is difficult to build trust between immigrant clients and caregivers because( ).3. Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3?4. Which of the following is important when the family approach is adopted?5. What does the passage mainly focus on in terms of services to immigrant families?问题1选项A.be aware of their own health needsB.be willing to use the available servicesC.be entitled to the basic healthcare servicesD.be able to afford services other than the most basic问题2选项A.caregivers have little overseas working experienceB.caregivers may not speak the clients native languageC.caregivers have a strong sense of cultural superiorityD.caregivers are averse to the clients ethnic background问题3选项A.Understanding different cultures is necessary in offering good services.B.Lack of information and respect is a common problem among caregivers.C.Ethnic populations are gaining significant influence in the healthcare system.D.It is unreasonable to emphasize specific conditions in immigrants native homes.问题4选项A.Sufficient resources should be guaranteed to ensure the success.B.The daily life of the family should be cared for first and foremost.C.Fear among family members should be relieved at the beginning stage.D.What is included in the programs should be both practical and practicable.问题5选项A.How to establish an immigrant-friendly neighborhood.B.How to help immigrants enjoy available healthcare services.C.How to make an assessment of the existing healthcare services.D.How to assist caregivers in understanding immigrants family influence.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.【选项释义】The passage begins by implying that immigrant families may not( ). 文章一开始就暗示移民家庭可能不会_。A. be aware of their own health needs A. 了解他们自己的健康需求B. be willing to use the available services B. 愿意使用现有的服务C. be entitled to the basic healthcare services C. 享有基本保健服务D. be able to afford services other than the most basic D. 能够负担得起除最基本的服务外的其他服务【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第一段“弗朗西斯卡韦斯曼提到两个有关移民家庭健康规划的问题:他们最迫切的医疗需求是什么?和怎样引导移民使用现有的医疗卫生服务?在某些方面,第二个问题更重要,因为说服移民家庭使用服务是一个基本问题”。由这一段可知移民家庭不太愿意使用现有的医疗服务。所以B选项“愿意使用现有服务”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“了解他们自己的健康需求”,根据解题思路可知是两个有关移民家庭健康规划中的第一个问题,文中说的是第二个问题更加重要,该选项本末倒置;C选项“享有基本保健服务”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;D选项“能够负担得起除最基本的服务外的其他服务”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。2.【选项释义】It is difficult to build trust between immigrant clients and caregivers because( ). 移民客户和照顾者之间很难建立信任,因为_。A. caregivers have little overseas working experience A. 护理人员海外工作经验少B. caregivers may not speak the clients native language B. 护理人员可能不会说客户的母语C. caregivers have a strong sense of cultural superiority C. 看护者具有强烈的文化优越感D. caregivers are averse to the clients ethnic background D. 护理人员不喜欢客户的种族背景【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文第二段第二句“雇用会讲客户语言的护理人员将大大降低种族障碍”以及倒数第二句“除非家属能与护理人员沟通,否则他们无法信任护理人员”,由这两句可知B选项“护理人员可能不会说客户的母语”是使移民和护理人员很难建立信任的原因,符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项“护理人员海外工作经验少”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“看护者具有强烈的文化优越感”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;D选项“护理人员不喜欢客户的种族背景”,文中没有提及属于无中生有。3.【选项释义】Which of the following can be inferred from Paragraph 3? 下面哪一项可以从第三段推断出来?A. Understanding different cultures is necessary in offering good services. A. 了解不同的文化是提供优质服务的必要条件。B. Lack of information and respect is a common problem among caregivers. B. 缺乏信息和尊重是照顾者中普遍存在的问题。C. Ethnic populations are gaining significant influence in the healthcare system. C. 少数民族人口在医疗体系中的影响力越来越大。D. It is unreasonable to emphasize specific conditions in immigrants native homes. D. 强调移民家乡的具体情况是不合理的。【答案】A【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据出处提示词Paragraph 3与题干信息可定位至原文第三段,该处讲到开展移民医疗服务工作第二个方法,由第二句提到“弗朗西斯卡认识到,护理人员有义务熟悉不断增长的种族人口及其多样化的子群体的文化。”,由此句可知A选项“理解不同的文化对于提供好的业务是必要的”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项“缺乏信息和尊重是照顾者中普遍存在的问题。”,文中没有提及属于无中生有;C选项“少数民族人口在医疗体系中的影响力越来越大。”,属于无中生有;D选项“强调移民家乡的具体情况是不合理的。”,属于无中生有。4.【选项释义】Which of the following is important when the family approach is adopted? 当采用家庭方法时,下列哪项是重要的?A. Sufficient resources should be guaranteed to ensure the success. A. 应该保证有足够的资源来确保成功。B. The daily life of the family should be cared for first and foremost. B. 家庭的日常生活应该首先被关心。C. Fear among family members should be relieved at the beginning stage. C. 家庭成员的恐惧应该在开始阶段得到缓解。D. What is included in the programs should be both practical and practicable. D. 计划所包括的内容应该是切实可行的。【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据题干信息可定位至原文最后一段“移民家庭保健方案”,由第四段第三句“以家庭为导向的项目可能会从有关社区生


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