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2022-2023年考博英语-北京航空航天大学模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题Mr. Smith became very( )when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.问题1选项A.ingeniousB.empiricalC.objectiveD.indignant【答案】D【解析】D选项indignant意为“愤慨的”。句意:当被指出犯了错误的时候,史密斯先生变得非常( ),应选D。A选项ingenious聪明的;B选项empirical经验主义的;C选项objective客观的;D选项indignant愤慨的。D选项indignant符合句意。2. 单选题A controversy erupted in the scientific community in early 1998 over the use of DNA ( deoxyribo-nucleic acid) fingerprinting in criminal investigations. DNA fingerprinting was introduced in 1987 as a method to identify individuals based on a pattern seen in their DNA, the molecule of which gene are made. DNA is present in every cell of the body except red blood cells. DNA fingerprinting has been used successfully in various ways, such as to determine paternity where it is not clear who the fa- ther of a particular child is. However, it is in the area of criminal investigations that DNA fingerprint- ing has potentially powerful and controversial uses.DNA fingerprinting and other DNA analysis techniques have revolutionized criminal investigations by giving investigators powerful new tools in the attempt to prove guilt, not just establish innocence. When used in criminal investigations, a DNA fingerprint pattern from a suspect is compared with a DNA fingerprint pattern obtained from such material as hairs or blood found at the scene of a crime. A match between the two DNA samples can be used as evidence to convict a suspect.The controversy in 1998 stemmed from a report published in December 1991 by population genet- icists Richard C. Lewontin of Harvard University in Cambridge, Mass. , and Daniel L. Hartl called into question the methods to calculate how likely it is that a match between two DNA fingerprints might occur by chance alone. In particular, they argued that the current method cannot properly de- termine the likelihood that two DNA samples will match because they came from the same individual rather than simply from two different individuals who are members of the same ethnic group. Lewontin and Hartl called for better surveys of DNA patterns methods are adequate.In response to their criticisms, population geneticists Ranajit Chakraborty of the University of Texas in Dallas and Kenneth K. Kidd of Yale University in New Haven, Conn. , argued that enough data are already available to show that the methods currently being used are adequate. In January 1998, however, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and laboratories that conduct DNA tests an- nounced that they would collect additional DNA samples from various ethnic groups in an attempt to resolve some of these questions. And, in April, a National Academy of Sciences called for strict standards and system of accreditation for DNA testing laboratories.1.Before DNA fingerprinting is used, suspects( ).2.DNA fingerprinting can be unreliable when( ).3.To geneticists like Lewontin and Hartl, the current method( ) .4.The attitude of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows that() .5.National Academy of Sciences holds the stance that( ) .问题1选项A.would have to leave their fingerprints for further investigationsB.would have to submit evidence for their innocenceC.could easily escape conviction of guiltD.could be convicted of guilt as well问题2选项A.the methods used for blood-cell calculation are not accurateB.two different individuals of the same ethnic group may have the same DNA fingerprinting pat-ternC.a match is by chance left with fingerprints that happen to belong to two different individualsD.two different individuals leave two DNA samples问题3选项A.is not so convincing as to exclude the likelihood that two DNA samples can never come from two individualsB.is arguable because two individuals of the same ethnic group are likely to have the same DNA patternC.is not based on adequate scientific theory of geneticsD.is theoretically contradictory to what they have been studying问题4选项A.enough data are yet to be collected from various ethnic groups to confirm the unlikelihood of two DNA samples coming from two individual membersB.enough data of DNA samples should be collected to confirm that only DNA samples from the same person can matchC.enough data are yet to be collected from various ethnic groups to determine the likelihood of two different DNA samples coming from the same personD.additional samples from various ethnic groups should be collected to determine that two DNA samples are unlikely to come from the same person问题5选项A.DNA testing should be systematizedB.only authorized laboratories can conduct DNA testingC.the academy only is authorized to work out standards for testingD.the academy has the right to accredit laboratories for DNA testing【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:A第4题:B第5题:B【解析】1.此句考查定语从句,空格处应填入关系代词,而先行词是zoologists,因此,正确答案为“who”,C选项正确。2.句意为:牛津大学的动物学家在对信鸽进行了18个月的 后,得出了结论,选项D“study”符合句意。3.此处需要结合文章倒数第三句“The scientists concluded that pigeons use a familiar visual landmarks(科学家得出结论,鸽子使用一种熟悉的视觉标志物)。因此此处选项B“familiar”正确。4.本句句意:鸽子会通过熟悉的地标按原路返回家里, 以最短的距离直线飞回家。这里D选项“rather than”是固定搭配,表示“而不是”。5.此处句意为:鸽子因其长距离的导航能力而 ,选项C“known”与“for”搭配表示“因闻名”,其他选项都不能与介词for搭配使用,故选项C正确。6.空格处句意:信鸽利用太阳和星星的 、它们的内置罗盘以及嗅觉来辨识方向。故C选项“position”符合句意。7.根据空后的 “or on a journey”判断,此处应填入与“journey”并列平行的单词。因此选项B“distance”正确。8.空格后分句句意:不同的因素会影响鸽子的航行,因此此处是一个转折关系,虽然C选项“otherwise”也有转折的意思,但其后不跟逗号,故选项B“however”正确。9.空格处句意:当信鸽被放飞到离家近的地方时,它的导航能力似乎会受到不同因素的影响。因此此处应选择A项“when”,表示“当时”。10.空格处句意为:当信鸽被放飞到离 近的地方时,它的导航能力似乎会受到不同因素的影响。因此此处应填C项home。11.此处句意为:通过给信鸽安装小型全球定位装置,将它们放到离家几公里的地方做实验,动物行为学家由此得出了 。选项C“conclusion”符合句意。12.句意:给信鸽安装全球定位装置是用来 信鸽的飞行位置的,选项D“record”符合句意。13.此处表达的是:实验应该对每一只信鸽每一次飞行过程中的每一秒进行记录,并且由“every second”推断,此处为“per”。14.此处句意为:在 起点进行放飞实验,选项A“same”符合句意。15.此处句意为:最初的几次放飞实验,信鸽的返回路径与放飞路径 ,选项B“varied”符合句意。16.“take off”为固定搭配,表示“起飞”。17.空格前后为转折关系。18.“flight after flight”为固定搭配,表示“成群的”。19.“a chain of”修饰后面的“landmarks”表示“一连串路标”。20.句意:在信鸽返回的途中,高速公路就是 。B项“such”正确。3. 单选题Some journalists often overstate the situation so that their news may create a great问题1选项A.explosionB.sensationC.exaggerationD.stimulation【答案】B【解析】名词辨析。create a great sensation表示 “引起轰动”4. 单选题The( )colonialists managed to wipe out the entire population.问题1选项A.aboriginalB.originalC.largeD.regional【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。句意:( )殖民主义者们设法消灭全部人口。aboriginal原始的,土著的;original最早的,最初的;large大量的;regional地区的。因此,A项aboriginal符合句意。5. 单选题This restaurant is frequently( )by tourists because of its famous cooking.问题1选项A.patronizedB.servicedC.attendedD.utilized【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。句意:旅客经常 这家餐馆,因为这里的烹饪很有名。patronized 光顾;serviced 为服务;attended 参加,出席;utilized 利用。故选A。6. 单选题He is holding a( )position in the company and expects to be promoted soon.问题1选项A.subordinateB.succeedingC.successiveD.subsequent【答案】A【解析】形容词辨析。句意:他如今在公司任一个( ) 职位,他期望能够尽快升职。subordinate 下级的,次要的;succeeding 以后的;successive 连续的,接替的;subsequent后来的,随后的。根据后半句 “他期望能够尽快升职”推测,A项subordinate次要的符合句意。7. 单选题We( ) that he cannot finish the work before June 15.问题1选项A.prosecuteB.meddleC.presumeD.mingle【答案】C【解析】动词辨析。句意:我们 他不能在六月十五号之前完成工作。prosecute起诉;meddle干涉;presume假设,认为;mingle使混合,与交往。因此,C项符合句意。8. 单选题To compensate for the substantial decline in the availability of fossil fuels in future years, we will have to provide at least( )alternative energy source.问题1选项A.an anticipatedB.an officialC.an equivalentD.a redundant【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析。句意:为了弥补未来几年中矿物燃料供应量的大幅度下降,我们不得不提供一种至少是 ( )的替代能源。anticipated预期的,期望的;official官方的,正式的,公务的;equivalent等价的,相等的;redundant多余的,过剩的。C选项“相等的”符合句意。9. 单选题Recent research from animal behaviorists suggests that “ as the crow flies ” should no longer be taken to mean “the shortest distance between two points. ” Zoologists at Oxford University,(1)conducted an eighteen-month (2) of homing pigeons, have concluded that under some circum- stances ,pigeons follow (3)visual landmarks to find their way home (4) than taking the shor- test, most direct route. (5) for their ability to navigate long distances, homing pigeons use the (6) of the sun and stars, their inbuilt compasses,and perhaps also their sense of smell to direct their flight over long(7) or on a journey for the first time. (8),different factors appear to affect a pigeons navigation (9) it is released close to its(10) Animal behaviorists reached this (11)after attaching small global positioning devices to the backs of pigeons and releasing them a few miles from their home. These devices enabled the scientists to(12)the precise location of each pigeon ev- ery second of (13) flight. Each pigeon was tracked for approximately twenty flights from the (14)point. For the first several flights,each birds path(15)significantly from the paths it had taken (16)Subsequently,(17),the bird would tend to follow the same path, (18) after flight, even though that path was not always the most direct route home. The scientists concluded that pigeons use a (19) of familiar visual landmarks to find their way when they are near their home rather than rel- ying primarily on compass navigation. Major highways are one (20)landmark. Almost comically, some of the pigeons followed the path of a major highway they could see below them, turning where the road turned, and even following the circular path of the exit ramps.问题1选项A.whichB.thenC.whoD.had问题2选项A.checkB.flightC.periodD.study问题3选项A.fullB.familiarC.magneticD.no问题4选项A.longerB.otherC.fewerD.rather问题5选项A.CertainB.RegardlessC.KnownD.Concerning问题6选项A.compositionB.influenceC.positionD.dimensions问题7选项A.distractionsB.distancesC.momentsD.delays问题8选项A.SimplyB.HoweverC.OtherwiseD.Consequently问题9选项A.whenB.untilC.stillD.since问题10选项A.flightB.wingsC.homeD.young问题11选项A.decisionB.ideaC.conclusionD.summary问题12选项A.approveB.matchC.manipulateD.record问题13选项A.itsB.groupC.perD.one问题14选项A.sameB.actualC.distantD.home问题15选项A.reducedB.variedC.followedD.improved问题16选项A.offB.firstC.earlierD.over问题17选项A.neverthelessB.moreoverC.althoughD.though问题18选项A.flightB.rightC.thenD.soon问题19选项A.unitB.sumC.linkD.chain问题20选项A.exampleB.suchC.similarD.type【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:B第4题:D第5题:C第6题:C第7题:B第8题:B第9题:A第10题:C第11题:C第12题:D第13题:C第14题:A第15题:B第16题:A第17题:A第18题:A第19题:D第20题:B【解析】(1)此句考察定语从句,空格处应填入关系代词,而先行词是zoologists , 因此,正确答案为“who”,C选项正确。(2)句意为:牛津大学的动物学家在对信鸽进行了 18个月的 后,得出了结论,选项D “Study”符合句意。(3)此处需要结合文章倒数第五句“The scientists concluded that pigeons use a familiar visual landmarks(科学家得出结论,鸽子使用一种熟悉的视觉标志物)。因此此处选项B“familiar”正确。(4)本句句意:鸽子会通过熟悉的地标按原路返回家里, 以最短的距离直线飞回家。这里D选项“rather than”是固定搭配,表示“而不是”。(5)此处句意为:鸽子因其长距离的导航能力而 ,选项D“known”与“for”搭配表示“因闻名”,其他选项都不能与介词for搭配使用,故选项D正确c(6)空格处句意:信鸽利用太阳和星星的 、它们的内置罗盘以及嗅觉来辨识方向。故C选项“position”符合句意。(7)根据空后的 “or on a journey”判断,此处应填入与 “journey”并列平行的单词 。因此选项B“ distance ”正确。(8)空格后分句句意:不同的因素会影响鸽子的航行,因此此处是一个转折关系,虽然C选项“otherwise”也有转折的意思,但其后不跟逗号,故选项B“however”正确。(9)空格处句意:当信鸽被放飞到离家近的地方时,它的导航能力似乎会受到不同因素的影响。因此此处应选择A项“when”,表示“当时”。(10)空格处句意为:当信鸽被放飞到离 近的地方时,它的导航能力似乎会受到不同因素的影响。因此此处应填C项home。(11)此处句意为:通过给信鸽安装小型全球定位装置,将它们放到离家几公里的地方做实验,动物行为学家由此得出了 。选项C“ conclusion”符合句意。(12)句意:给信鸽安装全球定位装置是用来 信鸽的飞行位置的,选项D“record”符合句意。(13)此处表达的是:实验应该对每一只信鸽每一次飞行过程中的每一秒进行记录,并且由 “every second ”推断,此处为“per”。(14)此处句意为:在 起点进行放飞实验,选项A“same”符合句意。(15)此处句意为:最初的几次放飞实验,信鸽的返回路径与放飞路径 ,选项B“varied”符合句意。(16)“take off”为固定搭配,表示“起飞”。(17)空格前后位转折关系。(18)“flight after flight”为固定搭配,表示“成群的”。(19)“a chain of”修饰后面的 “landmarks”表示 “一连串路标”。(20)句意:在信鸽返回的途中,高速公路就是 。B项 “such”正确。10. 单选题The( )cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike.问题1选项A.incompatibleB.exceedingC.instantaneousD.eternal【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析。incompatible不相容的,矛盾的;exceeding超越;instantaneous瞬间的,即刻的;eternal永恒的,不朽的。句意: ( ) 生死轮回是一个科学家和哲学家都感兴趣的课题。D选项eternal符合句意。11. 写作题Directions: “The purpose of education should be to create an academic environment that is separate from the outside world. This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back bypractical concerns. ”Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an essay of no less than 200 words to explain your opinions on this issue.【答案】The Purpose of Education12. 单选题The company that Joan works for is( )with an automotive company, so she can get a dis-count on a new car.问题1选项A.correlatedB.parallelC.affiliatedD.accounted【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析。句意:Joan工作的公司 ( ) 一家汽车公司,所以她买新车有折扣。correlated有相互关系的;parallel平行的;affiliated附属的,有关的;accounted记账的;报告的。此处“be affiliated with”为固定搭配,意思是“隶属于”,A项“有相互关系的”说得太模糊,看到C项是可以确定是隶属关系,公司员工才能拿到折扣,故选C。13. 单选题It is difficult to ( ) this goal if you work hard continuously.问题1选项A.attribute toB.auditC.bareD.attain【答案】D【解析】动词辨析。句意:即使你一直努力工作,也很难 这个目标。attribute to归因于;audit稽查,审计;bare揭开; 脱掉(衣服);attain获得,达到。因此,D项符合句意。14. 单选题The language barrier made communication difficult, but finally,part of my mes-sage( ).问题1选项A.passed awayB.went overC.came upD.got through【答案】D【解析】短语辨析。passed away去世;went over重温,仔细检查;came up发生,接近;got through使理解,向讲清楚。句意:语言障碍使沟通很困难,但我的一部分想法最终还是被( )了。因此D选项符合句意。15. 单选题There are( )differences between theory and practice.问题1选项A.legibleB.ladenC.radicalD.medieval【答案】C【解析】形容词辨析。句意:理论和实践之间有根本的区别。故选C。16. 单选题During our first teacher training year, we often visited local schools for the( )of lessons.问题1选项A.observationB.investigationC.inspectionD.examination【答案】A【解析】句意:教师培训的第一年,为了( )课程, 我们经常参观当地的学校。A选项observation观察;B选项investigation调查,研究;C选项inspection检查;D选项examination检查,考试。选项A符合句意。17. 单选题The medicine( )his pain but did not cure his illness.问题1选项A.activatedB.alleviatedC.deterioratedD.mediated【答案】B【解析】句意:这种药( )他的疼痛,但不能治愈他的疾病。A选项activated触发;B选项alleviated减轻,缓解;C选项deteriorated使恶化;D选项mediated调解。选项B符合句意。18. 单选题Some biologists argue that each specifically human trait must have arisen gradually and erratical-ly, and that it is therefore difficult to isolate definite( )in the evolution of species.问题1选项A.fluctuationsB.manifestationsC.predispositionsD.milestones【答案】D【解析】名词辨析。句意:一些生物学家认为每种特定的人类特征都是逐渐地、不规则地形成的,因此很难隔离出物种进化过程中明确的( )。fluctuations 变动,起伏现象;manifestations 显示,证明;predispositions 倾向,素质;milestones 里程碑。前半句“每种人类特征都是逐渐地产生的”,可知难以将其发展过程分离开,空格以及空格前的“definite”一起应该表示明确的标志,选项D“里程碑”符合句意。19. 单选题Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children( )a violent act previ-ously seen on television.问题1选项A.modifyingB.duplicatingC.acceleratingD.stimulating【答案】B【解析】动词辨析。句意:最近报道了很多案例:孩子们总是 以前在电视上见过的暴力行为。modify 修改,修饰;duplicate 复制,重复;accelerate 加速,促进;stimulate 刺激。B项duplicate 在此可译为“模仿”。20. 单选题Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sum needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business is new development if they are to serve us properly, and requires more money than is raised through The Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals both at home and overseas.When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with which he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker (证券经纪人)to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money.Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or by local authorities. Hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, equipment and new development, if they are to serve us properly, require more money than is raised through taxes alone. The Government, local authorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and then too, come to The Stock Exchange.There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.1.Almost all companies involved in new production and development must( ).2.The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is() .3.When the savers want their money back they ().4.All the essential services on which we depend are( ) .5.The Stock exchange makes it possible for the Government, local authorities and nationalized indus-tries( ) .问题1选项A.rely on their own financial resourcesB.persuade the banks to provide long-term financeC.borrow large sums of money from friends and people we knowD.depend on the population as a whole for finance问题2选项A.repaid to its original owners as soon as possibleB.raised by the selling of shares in the companiesC.exchanged for part ownership in The Stock ExchangeD.invested in different companies on The Stock Exchange问题3选项A.ask another company to obtain their money for themB.look for other people to borrow money fromC.put their shares in the company back on the marketD.transfer their money to a more successful company问题4选项A.run by the Government or our local authoritiesB.in constant need of financial supportC.financed wholly by rates and taxesD.unable to provide for the needs of the population问题5选项A.to borrow as much money as they wishB.to make certain everybody saves moneyC.to raise money to finance new developmentsD.to make certain everybody lends money to them【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节题。第一段指出:SO companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits(因此,公司转向公众,邀请人们借钱给他们,或是在企业中分一杯羹,以换取未来利润的一份份额)。因此,D选项“依靠大众作为资金来源”,符合题意。2.B。细节题。第一段指出:This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business is new development if they are to serve us properly, and requires more money than is raised through The Stock Exchange (他们通过发行股票和股票来实现这一目标)。因此B项“通过出售公司股份筹集”正确。3.C。细节题。第二段指出:Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker (证券经纪人)to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money (相反,通过证券经纪人出售股票给其他正在寻求投资机会的人,就可以让资金回笼)。因此,C项“put their shares in the company back on the market”正确。4. B。推理题。第三段指出:Hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, equipment and new development, if they are to serve us properly, require more money than is raised through t


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