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考研考博-考博英语-东北财经大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Extraordinary creative activity has been characterized as revolutionary flying in the face of what is established and producing not what is acceptable but what will become accepted. According to this formulation, highly creative activity transcends the limits of an existing form and establishes a new principle of organization. However, the idea that extraordinary creativity transcends established limits is misleading when it is applied to the arts, even though valid for the science. Differences between highly creative art and highly creative science arise in part from a difference in their goal. For the sciences, a new theory is the goal and end result of the creative act. Innovative science produces new propositions in terms of which diverse phenomena can be related to one another in more coherent ways. Such phenomena as a brilliant diamond or a nesting bird are relegated to the role of data, serving as the means for formulating or testing a new theory. The goal of highly creative art is different: the phenomenon itself becomes the direct product of the creative act. Shakespeares Hamlet is not a tract about the behavior of indecisive princes or the uses of political power, nor is Picassos painting Guernica primarily a prepositional statement about the Spanish Civil War or the evils of fascism. What highly creative activity produces is not a new generalization that transcends established limits, but rather an aesthetic particular. Aesthetic particulars produced by the highly creative artists extend or exploit, rather than transcend that form.This is not to deny that a highly creative artist sometimes establishes a new principle of organization in the history of all artistic field; the composer Monteverdi who created music of the highest aesthetic value, comes to mind. More generally, however, whether or not a composition establishes a new principle in the history of music has no bearing on its aesthetic worth. Because they embody a new principle of organization, some musical works, such as the operas of the Florentine Camerata, are of signal historical importance, but few listeners or musicologists would include these among the great works of music. On the other hand, Mozarts The Marriage of Figaro (费力罗的婚礼) is surely among the master-pieces of music even though its modest innovations are confined to extending existing means. It has been said of Beethoven that he toppled the rules and freed music from the stifling confines of convention. But a close study of his composition reveals that Beethoven overturned no fundamental rules. Rather, he was an incomparable strategist who exploited limits of the rules, forms, and conventions that he inherited from predecessors such as Haydn and Mozart, Handel and Bach, in strikingly original ways.1. According to the author, distinctions between those engaged in the creative arts and in natural sciences can in part be explained by _.2. Why does the author suggest that the work of Beethoven was, highly creative?3. The passage implies that an original contribution in science is one that _.4. Which of the following would most likely follow the final sentence of the passage?问题1选项A.the different objectives of those involved in their respective pursuitsB.the different methods they employ in the collection of data to support their theoriesC.the different ways in which they attempt to extend accepted conventional formsD.the different principles of organization that they utilize in order to create new works问题2选项A.Because he sought to become the only composer of his time to challenge accepted musical conventions.B.Because he adopted a new principle of organization in his work by utilizing innovative strategies.C.Because he creatively manipulated the accepted rules and forms governing musical composition.D.Because he synthesized a transition between the older stylistic convention and the newer musical form.问题3选项A.is often quoted in the work of other scientistsB.is careful not to make a value judgment about the use of dataC.is applauded by all distinguished experimentalistsD.generates a novel and well-founded generalization问题4选项A.In the similar manner, several modern composers successfully established musical conventions.B.Similarly, the succeeding generation of composers manipulated accepted musical forms.C.In contrast to Beethoven, however, even great modern composers like Bela Bertok did not attempt to alter accepted musical conventions.D.Musicologists are continuing to study the compositional styles of composers in order to determine whether their contributions have been innovative.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B【解析】第1题:【选项释义】According to the author, distinctions between those engaged in the creative arts and in natural sciences can in part be explained by _. 作者认为,创造性艺术和自然科学之间的区别可以在某种程度上解释为_。A. the different objectives of those involved in their respective pursuits A. 它们各自追求的目标不同B. the different methods they employ in the collection of data to support their theories B. 它们用不同的方法来收集数据以支持它们的理论C. the different ways in which they attempt to extend accepted conventional forms C. 它们用不同的方式尝试扩展已被接受的传统形式D. the different principles of organization that they utilize in order to create new works D. 它们用不同的组织原则来创作新作品【答案】A【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词distinctions、creative arts和natural sciences定位到原文第1段第4句,该句提到“高度创造性的艺术和高度创造性的科学之间的差异,部分原因在于它们的目标不同(a difference in their goal)。”由此可知,A选项“它们各自追求的目标不同”表述正确。【干扰项排除】B选项“它们用不同的方法来收集数据以支持它们的理论”,原文第1段第5句提到“新的理论是科学创造追求的目标(a new theory is the goal and end result),数据是支持新理论的手段。”由此可知,该选项只体现了其中的一方,并且不是两者之间的区别,属于以偏概全;C选项“它们用不同的方式尝试扩展已被接受的传统形式”,原文第1段第7句提到“艺术创造的目标是现象本身(the phenomenon itself becomes the direct product),为此会延伸和开发原有的形式。”由此可知,该选项只体现了其中的一方,并且不是两者之间的区别,属于以偏概全;D选项“它们用不同的组织原则来创作新作品”,原文第1段第2句提到“高度创造性的活动超越了现有形式的限制,并建立了新的组织原则(establishes a new principle of organization)”,但原文并没有说创造性艺术和科学的区别在于组织原则不同,该选项属于过度推理。第2题:【选项释义】Why does the author suggest that the work of Beethoven was, highly creative? 为什么作者认为贝多芬的作品很有创造力?A. Because he sought to become the only composer of his time to challenge accepted musical conventions. A. 因为他试图成为那个时代唯一一个挑战公认音乐传统的作曲家。B. Because he adopted a new principle of organization in his work by utilizing innovative strategies. B. 因为他在工作中采用了新的组织原则,运用了创新的策略。C. Because he creatively manipulated the accepted rules and forms governing musical composition. C. 因为他创造性地运用了公认的音乐创作规则和形式。D. Because he synthesized a transition between the older stylistic convention and the newer musical form. D. 因为他形成了新旧音乐形式之间的过渡。【答案】C【考查点】事实细节题【解题思路】根据题干关键词Beethoven定位到原文第2段最后三句话。倒数第一句提到“他是一位无与伦比的战略家,他从等前辈那里继承了规则(rules)、形式(forms)和惯例(conventions),并以惊人的原创方式(original ways)加以利用。”由此可知,作者认为贝多芬作品的创造力来自对规则、形式和惯例的创造性继承,C选项“因为他创造性地运用了公认的音乐创作规则和形式”表述正确。【干扰项排除】A选项“因为他试图成为那个时代唯一挑战公认音乐传统的作曲家”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有;B选项“因为他在工作中采用了新的组织原则,运用了创新的策略”可定位到原文第2段倒数第2句,该句提到“贝多芬的作品并没有推翻任何基本的规则(overturned no fundamental rules)。”由此可知,该选项表述错误;D选项“因为他形成了新旧音乐形式之间的过渡”,原文并未提及,该选项属于无中生有。第3题:【选项释义】The passage implies that an original contribution in science is one that _. 这篇文章暗示,在科学上的原创贡献是_。A. is often quoted in the work of other scientists A. 一种在其他科学家的作品中经常被引用的贡献B. is careful not to make a value judgment about the use of data B. 一种很谨慎不对数据的使用做出价值判断的贡献C. is applauded by all distinguished experimentalists C. 一种受到所有杰出的实验家的赞扬的贡献D. generates a novel and well-founded generalization D.一种生成新颖并且有充分根据的概括表达的贡献【答案】D【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词an original contribution in science定位到原文第1段第5句,该句提到“对于科学来说,新理论(a new theory)是创造行为的目标和最终结果。”由此可知,科学创新就是要建立新的理论。另外,第1段第7句提到“像一颗灿烂的钻石或一只筑巢的鸟这样的现象,被降级为数据的角色,作为形成或检验新理论的手段(serving as the means for formulating or testing a new theory)。”由此可知,新的理论形成之前会通过现象数据的检验。综上,D选项“一种生成新颖且有充分根据的概括表达的贡献”表述正确,一种新的概括表达就是指一种新的理论。【干扰项排除】A选项“一种在其他科学家的作品中经常被引用的贡献”,原文并未提及“被引用”,该选项属于无中生有;B选项“一种很谨慎不对数据的使用做出价值判断的贡献”,原文只是提到某些现象作为数据用来检验新的理论,并没有提及“数据的价值判断”,该选项属于无中生有;C选项“一种受到所有杰出的实验家的赞扬的贡献”,原文并未提及“杰出的实验家的赞扬”,该选项属于无中生有。第4题:【选项释义】Which of the following would most likely follow the final sentence of the passage? 下面哪个选项最有可能跟在文章的最后一句话后面?A. In the similar manner, several modern composers successfully established musical conventions. A. 以类似的方式,一些现代作曲家成功地建立了音乐传统。B. Similarly, the succeeding generation of composers manipulated accepted musical forms. B. 同样地,后来的作曲家们也运用了已被接受的音乐形式。C. In contrast to Beethoven, however, even great modern composers like Bela Bertok did not attempt to alter accepted musical conventions. C. 然而,与贝多芬不同的是,即使是像贝拉贝尔托克这样伟大的现代作曲家也没有试图改变公认的音乐传统。D. Musicologists are continuing to study the compositional styles of composers in order to determine whether their contributions have been innovative. D. 音乐学家正在继续研究作曲家的创作风格,以确定他们的贡献是否具有创新性。【答案】B【考查点】推理判断题【解题思路】根据题干关键词the final sentence定位到原文最后一句,该句提到“相反,他(贝多芬)是一位无与伦比的战略家,他从海顿、莫扎特、亨德尔和巴赫等前辈那里继承了规则、形式和惯例,并以惊人的原创方式加以利用。”由此可知,该句讲的是贝多芬音乐的创造性。本题询问的是这一句话的后面可能会跟哪一句话,先分析一下本段的行文逻辑。本段的结构是“总分式”主要分三部分:第一部分,前两句,总述“并不是否认艺术领域的创造性会建立新的组织原则,只是笼统地说,是否确立了新的原则(a new principle),与其美学价值无关(has no bearing on its aesthetic worth)”;第二部分,介绍体现了“新的组织原则的作品”;第三部分,用莫扎特和贝多芬的例子,介绍虽然没有创造新的组织原则,但体现了美学价值的作品。根据原文的行文逻辑判断,接在最后一句话后的语句应也是介绍没有创造新的组织原则,但体现了美学价值的作品,因此,B选项“同样地,后来的作曲家们也运用了已被接受的音乐形式”符合原文行文逻辑。【干扰项排除】A选项“以类似的方式,一些现代作曲家成功地建立了音乐传统”,“建立新的音乐传统”即建立新的组织原则,是最后一段第二部分的内容,接在第三部分之后不合适;C选项“然而,与贝多芬不同的是,即使是像贝拉贝尔托克这样伟大的现代作曲家也没有试图改变公认的音乐传统。”原文没有体现接下来的内容会转折的暗示,该选项没有B选项符合原文行文逻辑;D选项“音乐学家正在继续研究作曲家的创作风格,以确定他们的贡献是否具有创新性”,原文第1段就指出了“艺术创造的目标是现象本身(the phenomenon itself becomes the direct product)”,由此可知,作者认为他们的作品是有艺术创新性的。该选项表述不符合作者在本文中的观点。2. 单选题The unruly crowd became even more _ when the negotiator tried to quiet them.问题1选项A.boisterousB.bombasticC.boorishD.bloated【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. boisterous 喧闹的 B. bombastic 浮夸的C. boorish 粗俗的 D. bloated 肿胀的【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】该句主语为“没有规矩的人群”,空格处所填词受more“更加”修饰,指“不守规矩的人群更加_”。根据后文“当谈判代表试图让他们安静下来(quiet them)时”可知,人群很吵闹,因此,人群应该是变得更加“吵闹”,A选项boisterous“喧闹的”符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】当谈判代表试图让这群不守规矩的人安静下来时,他们变得更喧闹了。3. 单选题Factory and accompanying prosperity muted memories of the Great Depression and made him a national hero.问题1选项A.transpireB.upbraidC.muffleD.twist【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. transpire 为人所知 B. upbraid 训斥C. muffle 使(声音)降低 D. twist 使弯曲【答案】C【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】划线词的主语为“工厂和随之而来的繁荣”,宾语为“关于大萧条的记忆”,根据常理推断,繁荣冲淡了人们对大萧条的记忆;原词muted“消音;减弱”。因此,C选项muffle“使(声音)降低”最接近原句句意。【干扰项排除】A、B、D选项不符合原句句意。【句意】工厂和随之而来的繁荣掩盖了人们对大萧条的记忆,并且使他成为了民族英雄。4. 单选题Mark was absolutely _ by the puzzle, so he was confused and didnt know how to deal with it.问题1选项A.baffledB.barteredC.batteredD.barged【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. baffled 困惑 B. bartered 以物换物C. battered 连续猛击 D. barged 冲撞【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接与形近词辨析【解题思路】空格所在部分的语义为“马克(Mark)完全被这个谜题_了”,根据后文“他很困惑(was confused),不知道该如何处理”推测,这个谜题是马克非常困惑,不知道怎么解决,A选项baffled“困惑”最符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项都是正确选项的形近词,但不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】马克完全被这个难题难住了,所以他很困惑,不知道该如何处理它。5. 单选题_ as it was at such a time, his work attracted much attention.问题1选项A.Being publishedB.PublishedC.PublishingD.To be published【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. Being published 被发表(被动语态的现在分词形式) B. Published 发表(过去分词)C. Publishing 发表(现在分词) D. To be published 发表(不定式)【答案】B【考查点】倒装强调句【解题思路】本题考查的是as引导的让步状语从句的倒装句用法。在as引导的让步状语从句中,可以将名词、形容词、副词或分词置于句首,表示强调。原句的正确语序为“As it was _ at such a time, his work attracted much attention”,此处it指的是“他的作品”,根据语义,他的作品应该是被发表,所以此处应该使用被动语态,题干中已经有了be动词,因此只需填入一个过去分词即可,B选项Published“发表(过去分词)”符合要求。【干扰项排除】A选项Being published“被发表(被动语态的现在分词形式)”,题干中已经有be动词了,不需要再使用一个be动词,另外,现在分词形式表主动,语态不对;C选项Publishing“发表(现在分词)”,现在分词形式表主动,语态不对;D选项To be published“发表(不定式)”,使用不定式形式,说明作品尚未发表,不符合原句语义。【句意】尽管他的作品在这样一个时期出版,但还是引起了很大的关注。6. 单选题_ being useful, glass is also ornamental.问题1选项A.BesidesB.AsideC.ThoughD.Because【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. Besides 除了之外 B. Aside (用于名词之后)除以外C. Though 尽管 D. Because 因为【答案】A【考查点】句间逻辑与近义词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“_有用的,玻璃也(also)具有装饰性。”由“也(also)”可知,本句提到了玻璃的两个特性:有用性和装饰性,前后两个分句之间是并列关系;另外,空格处所填词位于句首,A选项Besides “除了之外”符合题意。【干扰项排除】B选项Aside “除以外”,语义虽然符合,但是使用位置不符;该词用于名词之后,(例如:Money worries aside, things are going well. 除了资金令人发愁外,事情进展顺利。);C选项Though“尽管”,表转折,不符合原句语义逻辑;D选项Because“因为”,表原因,不符合原句语义逻辑。【句意】除了实用之外,玻璃也具有装饰性。7. 翻译题美元的贬值使得许多外国投资者购买美国股票更加划算。这就引发了来自美国以外的投资者的抢购,特別是日本投资者的抢购。另外,如果贸易状况有所好转,美国公司的竞争力最终将会更加强大。因此,许多投资者购买以出口为导向的美国公司的股票,以期在明年获得更大的利润。但这只是当前的一种时髦理念。如果今后几个季度里美国公司的整体收益令人失望的话,那么,这种狂热的购买行为就会消失。【答案】The depreciation of U.S. dollar makes it more cost-effective for many foreign investors to buy American stocks, which has triggered panic buying by investors from outside the United States, especially Japan. In addition, if the trade situation improves, American companies will eventually become more competitive. As a result, many investors are buying shares of export-oriented U.S. companies in the hope of making greater profits next year. But this is just a fashionable idea at the moment. If the overall earnings of U.S. companies in the next few quarters are disappointing, this frenetic buying behavior will disappear.8. 单选题She had said little so far, responding only briefly when _.问题1选项A.speakingB.spoken toC.spokenD.speaking to【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. speaking 说(现在分词) B. spoken to 交谈(过去分词)C. spoken 说(过去分词) D. speaking to 交谈(现在分词)【答案】B【考查点】非谓语动词【解题思路】原句句意为“到目前为止,她说得很少,只是在_时才简短地回复了一下。”根据句意可得,她话很少,只有别人跟她说话时,她才简短地回复一下;并且“她”不是主动说话的一方,而是被动接话的一方,因此,应该使用speak to“交谈”的过去分词形式,B选项spoken to“交谈(过去分词)”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项speaking“说(现在分词)”,指说,不表示跟某人交谈;C选项spoken“说(过去分词)”,指说,不表示跟某人交谈;D选项speaking to“交谈(现在分词)”,现在分词表主动,不符合原句句意。【句意】到目前为止,她说得很少,只是别人跟她说话时,才简短地回复了一下。9. 写作题There are a lot of choices you have to make in your life and some events or changes that have occurred because of them. In the following you are requested to write a composition about one of the choices you have made. Describe how your life changed because of the choice and then describe how it might have been or might be if you have done things differently. Your essay should be about 400 words. The suggested title is A Turning Point in My Life.In the first part of your writing you should state clearly your main idea, and in the second part you should support the main idea with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.【答案】【略】10. 单选题The car in front _ suddenly at the traffic light.问题1选项A.pulled inB.pulled intoC.pulled upD.pulled through【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. pulled in 停下 B. pulled into 驶入后停下,如进站、进车库等C. pulled up 慢慢停下 D. pulled through 渡过难关【答案】A【考查点】词组辨析【解题思路】空格处所填的内容,受副词suddenly“突然地”修饰,并且主语为“前面的车”,后文为“在红绿灯处”,参考选项推断原句表达的句意为“前面的车在红绿灯那突然停下”。因此,A选项“停下”符合原句句意。【干扰项排除】B选项pulled into侧重于指驶入某处后停下,如进站、进车库等,与“在红绿灯处”矛盾;C选项pulled up侧重于指慢慢停下,与suddenly“突然地”矛盾;D选项pulled through“渡过难关”,不符合原句句意。【句意】前面的车在红绿灯那突然停下。11. 单选题Why does a vegetarian restaurant make its dishes resemble meat in everyone except _?问题1选项A.ingredientsB.elementsC.componentsD.compounds【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. ingredients (烹饪的)原料 B. elements 要素C. components 组成部分 D. compounds 混合物【答案】A【考查点】近义词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“为什么素食餐厅除了_以外,所有的菜都像肉?”根据各选项的意思推测,这句话指的是素食餐厅的菜除了原料都像肉,A选项ingredients“(烹饪的)原料”最符合原句语义衔接。【干扰项排除】B选项elements“要素”,侧重于指某物的必要部分或基础部分;C选项components“组成部分”,泛指某物的组成部分;D选项compounds“混合物”,指由两种或两种以上元素组成的物质。【句意】为什么素食餐厅除了原料以外,所有的菜都像肉?12. 单选题His testimony is of no _ to the case.问题1选项A.relevanceB.relationC.substanceD.connection【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. relevance 相关性 B. relation 关系C. substance 根据 D. connection 关联【答案】A【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】原句句意为“他的证词与此案没有_”,根据选项推测,原句想表达的是“没有关系;不相关”,即他的证词与这个案件不相关,对这个案件没有帮助,A选项relevance“相关性”,最符合要求。某物与某一情境的相关性(relevance)是指它对该情境的重要性或意义。【干扰项排除】B选项relation“关系”,侧重于指两者之间的关系,比如艺术与生活之间的关系;C选项substance“根据”,不符合原句语义衔接;D选项connection“关联”,与relation相似,侧重于指两者之间的关系。【句意】他的证词与此案并不相关。13. 单选题The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one _ the other.问题1选项A.increasingB.reinforcingC.emphasizingD.multiplying【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. increasing 使增加 B. reinforcing 加强C. emphasizing 强调 D. multiplying 使大大增加【答案】B【考查点】动词辨析【解题思路】空格处前后为“一个”和“另一个”,根据前文提到“相同的因素同时推动工资和价格上涨”,根据各选项的词义推测,原句中“一个”和“另一个”指代的是推动工资和价格上涨的不同的因素,B选项reinforcing“加强”最符合原文前后语义衔接,指一个因素的推动作用使另一个因素的推动作用得到加强。【干扰项排除】A选项increasing侧重于指数量或水平的增强;C选项emphasizing“强调”,不符合原文语义衔接;D选项multiplying侧重于指数量的大量增加。【句意】相同的因素同时推动工资和价格上涨,一个因素促进另一个因素。14. 单选题It is also believed that these steroids could be used to treat disorders such as acute anxiety and premenstrual syndrome.问题1选项A.enmityB.symptomC.adversityD.plaintiff【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. enmity 敌意 B. symptom 症状C. adversity 逆境 D. plaintiff 原告【答案】B【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】原句中划线词受premenstrual“经期前的”修饰,并且与acute anxiety“急性焦虑”并列;原词syndrome“综合症状”。因此,B选项symptom“症状”与原词最接近,最符合原句句意。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原句句意。【句意】人们也认为,这些类固醇可以用于治疗急性焦虑和经前综合症等疾病。15. 单选题If you go into a good library, you will find thousands of books on globalization. Some will laud it. Some will warn about its dangers. But theyll agree that globalization is the chief process driving our age. Our lives are being transformed by the increasing movement of goods, people and capital across borders.The globalization paradigm has led, in the political arena, to a certain historical narrative: there were once nation-states like the U.S. and the European powers, whose economies could be secured within borders. But now capital flows freely. Technology has leveled the playing field. Competition is global and fierce.New dynamos like India and China threaten American Dominance thanks to their cheap labor and manipulated currencies. Now, everything is made abroad. American manufacturing is in decline. The rest of the economy is threatened.Hillary Clinton summarized the narrative this week: “They came for the steel companies and nobody said anything. They came for the auto companies and nobody said anything. They came for the office companies, people who did white-collar jobs, and no one said anything. And they came for the professional jobs that could be outsourced, and nobody said anything.”The globalization paradigm has turned out to be very convenient for politicians. It allows them to blame foreigners for economic woes. It allows them to treat economic and social change as a great mercantilists competition, with various teams competing for global supremacy, and with politicians starring as the commanding generals.But theres a problem with the way the globalization paradigm has evolved. It doesnt really explain most of what is happening in the world.Globalization is real and important. Its just not the central force driving economic change. Some Americans have seen their jobs hipped overseas, but global competition has accounted for a small share of job creation and destruction over the past few decades. Capital does indeed flow around the world. But as Pankaj Ghemawat of the Harvard Business School has observed, 90 percent of fixed investment around the world is domestic. Companies open plants overseas, but thats mainly so their production facilities can be close to local markets.Nor is the globalization paradigm even accurate when applied to manufacturing. Instead of fleeing to Asia, U.S. manufacturing output is up over recent decades. As Thomas Duesterberg of Manufacturers Alliance/MAPI, a research firm, has pointed out, the U.Ss share of global manufacturi


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