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考研考博-考博英语-重庆大学模拟考试题含答案1. 单选题Section AThe role of governments in environmental management is difficult but inescapable. Sometimes, the state tries to manage the resources it owns, and does so badly. Often, however, governments act in an even more harmful way. They actually subsidize the exploitation and consumption of natural resources. A whole range of policies, from farm price support to protection for coal-mining, do environmental damage and (often) make no economic sense. Scrapping them offers a two-fold bonus: a cleaner environment and a more efficient economy. Growth and environmentalism can actually go hand in hand, if politicians have the courage to control the vested interest that subsidies create.Section BNo activity affects more of the earths surface than farming. It shapes a third of the planets land area, not counting Antarctica, and the proportion is rising. World food output per head has risen by 4 percent between the 1970s and 1980s mainly as a result of increases in yields from land already in cultivation, but also because more land has been brought under the plough. Higher yields have been achieved by increased irrigation, better crop breeding, and a doubling in the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in the 1970s and 1980s.Section CAll these activities may have damaging environment impacts. For example, land clearing for agriculture is the largest single cause of deforestation; chemical fertilizers and pesticides may contaminate water supplies; more intensive farming and the abandonment of fallow periods tend to exacerbate soil erosion; and the spread of monoculture and use of high-yielding varieties of crops have been accompanied by the disappearance of old varieties of food plants which might have provided some insurance against pests of diseases in future. Soil erosion threatens the productivity of land in both rich and poor countries. The United State, where the most careful measurements have been done, discovered in 1982 that about one-fifth of its farmland was losing topsoil at a rate likely to diminish the soils productivity. The country subsequently embarked upon a program to convert 11 percent of its cropped land to meadow or forest. Topsoil in India and China is vanishing much faster than America.Section DGovernment policies have frequently compounded the environmental damage that farming can cause. In the rich countries, subsidies for growing crops and price supports for farm output drive up the price of land. The annual value of these subsidies is immense; about $250 billion, or more than all World Bank lending in the 1980s. To increase the output of crops per acre, a farmers easiest option is to use more of the most readily available inputs: fertilizers and pesticides. Fertilizer use doubled in Denmark in the period 1960-1985 and increased in The Netherlands by 150 percent. The quantity of pesticides applied has risen too: by 69 percent in 1975-1984 in Denmark, for example, with a rise of 115 percent in the frequency of application in the three years from 1981.In the late 1980s and early 1990s some efforts were made to reduce farm subsidies. The most dramatic example was that of New Zealand, which scrapped most farm support in 1984. A study of the environmental effects, conducted in 1993, found that the end of fertilizer subsidies had been followed by a fall in fertilizer use (a fall compounded by the decline in world commodity prices, which cut farm incomes). The removal of subsidies also stopped land-cleaning and over-stocking, which in the past had been the principal causes of erosion. Farms began to diversify. The one kind of subsidy whose removal appeared to have been bad for the environment was subsidy to manage soil erosion.In less enlightened countries, and in the European Union, the trend has been to reduce rather than eliminate subsidies, and to introduce new payments to encourage farmers to treat their land in environmentally friendlier ways, or to leave it fallow. It may sound strange but such payments need to be higher than the existing incentives for farmers to grow food crops. Farmers, however, dislike being paid to do nothing. In several countries, they have become interested in the possibility of using fuel produced from crop residues either as a replacement for petrol (as ethanol) or as fuel for power stations (as biomass). Such fuels produce far less carbon dioxide than coal or oil, and absorb carbon dioxide as they grow. They are therefore less likely to contribute to the greenhouse effect. But they are rarely competitive with fossil fuels unless subsidized and growing them does no less environmental harm than other crops.Section EIn poor countries, governments aggravate other sorts of damage. Subsidies for pesticides and artificial fertilizers encourage farmers to use greater quantities than are needed to get the highest economic crop yield. A study by the international Rice Research institute of pesticide use by farmers in South East Asia found that, with pest-resistant varieties of rice, even moderate applications of pesticide frequently cost farmers more than they saved. Such waste puts farmers on a chemical treadmill: bugs and weeds become resistant to poisons, so next years poisons must be more lethal. One cost is to human health. Every year some 10,000 people die from pesticide poisoning, almost all of them in the developing countries, and another 400,000 become seriously ill. As for artificial fertilizers, their use world-wide increased by 40 percent per unit of farmed land between the mid 1970s and late 1980s, mostly in the developing countries. Overuse of fertilizers may cause farmers to stop rotating crops or leaving their land fallow. That, in turn, may make soil erosion worse.Section FA result of the Uruguay Round of world trade negotiations is likely to be a reduction of 36 percent in the average levels of farm subsidies paid by the rich countries in 1986-1990. Some of the worlds food production will move from Western Europe to regions where subsidies are lower of non-existent, such as the former communist countries and parts of the developing world. Some environmentalists worry about this outcome. It will undoubtedly mean more pressure to convert natural habitat into farmland. But it will also have many desirable environment effects. The intensity of farming in the rich world should decline, and the use of chemical inputs will diminish. Crops are more likely to be grown in the environments to which they are naturally suited. And more framers in poor countries will have the money and incentive to manage their land in ways that are sustainable in the long run. That is important. To feed an increasingly hungry world, farmers need every incentive to use their soil and water effectively and efficiently.问题1选项A.Abandonment of fallow periodB.Disappearance of old plant varietiesC.Increased use of chemical inputsD.Increased irrigationE.Insurance against pests and diseasesF.Soil erosionG.Cleaning land for cultivation问题2选项A.Abandonment of fallow periodB.Disappearance of old plant varietiesC.Increased use of chemical inputsD.Increased irrigationE.Insurance against pests and diseasesF.Soil erosionG.Cleaning land for cultivation问题3选项A.Abandonment of fallow periodB.Disappearance of old plant varietiesC.Increased use of chemical inputsD.Increased irrigationE.Insurance against pests and diseasesF.Soil erosionG.Cleaning land for cultivation问题4选项A.Abandonment of fallow periodB.Disappearance of old plant varietiesC.Increased use of chemical inputsD.Increased irrigationE.Insurance against pests and diseasesF.Soil erosionG.Cleaning land for cultivation【答案】第1题:G第2题:C第3题:F第4题:B【解析】1.根据Section C,“land clearing for agriculture is the largest single cause of deforestation”,用于农业的土地开荒是森林砍伐的最大原因。可判断出可能造成开发森林的农业活动是农地开荒。选项G符合题意。2.根据Section C,“chemical fertilizers and pesticides may contaminate water supplies”,化肥和杀虫剂可能污染水源。可判断出可能造成供水质量下降的原因是化学物品的使用。选项C符合题意。3.根据Section C,“more intensive farming and the abandonment of fallow periods tend to exacerbate soil erosion”,可判断出更密集的耕作和休耕期的丧失往往会加剧土壤侵蚀。可判断出密集的农业活动可能会导致土壤侵蚀。选项F符合题意。4.根据Section C,“the spread of monoculture and use of high-yielding varieties of crops have been accompanied by the disappearance of old varieties of food plants which might have provided some insurance against pests of diseases in future.”,随着单一栽培和高产作物品种的推广和使用,导致一些原来的粮食作物的消失,这可能为今后防治病虫害提供了一些保障。可判断出单一栽培方式的使用可能导致一些旧的粮食作物品种的消失。选项B符合题意。2. 翻译题Virtual assistants mostly women are increasingly being used as a way of keeping the modern workplace functioning amid a shift away from full-time support staff. Their emergence reflects a shift in female working practices as well as a general squeeze on spending.For the first time in the UK, mothers raising children are more likely to have jobs than women without young families, according to the latest UK figures from the Office for National Statistics. Employment rates among women with childcare responsibilities stand at 69.6 percent, compared with 67.5 percent for women without.The growth in the use of virtual assistants is partly demand-led. Time Etc, whose clients pay 19- 27 per hour, has been offering its services since 2007 and has grown to a size that makes it something of a bellwether for this service sector niche, complete with a US arm.But some of the growth is supply-led too, by women who enjoy the work of being a PA, but not the lengthy commute or the long office hours. With email, internet and Skype at their disposal, there are few tasks that they did in the office which cannot be done remotely, on a self-employed basis and from the comfort of their home.Many of Ms Malagueiras clients are sole traders unwilling to take on a full-time personal assistant. Not all are male. “Ive worked for a few women too, some with high-powered jobs and families who need someone to make up a short list of nannies or cleaners that they can interview.”Choosing a career as a virtual assistant does involve some sacrifice, admits Ms. Stubblefield. “I dont get paid as much now as I did when I was a PA, though I save on travel and food.”There is another downside to leaving the usual nine-to-five day behind. “Most of my communication is by email so I miss the banter and chat over coffee. But I dont miss the office politics.”【答案】随着全职的助理人员减少,虚拟助理(大部分为女性)逐渐成为保持现代工作运行的一种方式。他们的出现反映了女性工作方式的转变,也反映了企业普遍的开支紧缩。英国国家统计局的最新数据显示,在英国,抚养孩子的母亲比没有孩子的女性更有可能拥有工作,这是首次出现这种情况。有育儿责任的妇女的就业率为69.6%,而没有育儿责任的妇女的就业率为67.5%。虚拟助理使用的增长是由需求带动的。Time Etc从2007年起就开始提供虚拟助理服务,客户每小时需支付19-27英镑的费用,并且已经发展到一定的规模,成为这个服务行业的领头羊,并拥有一家美国分公司。但是部分增长是由供给拉动的,是由那些喜欢私人助理却不喜欢长时间通勤和办公的女性带来的。有了供她们使用的电子邮件、互联网和网络电话,几乎所有她们以前在办公室所做的工作都能以自雇的方式在舒适的家里远程完成。玛拉盖拉女士的很多顾客都是不愿意雇佣全职私人助理的个体营业者。他们并非全都是男性。玛拉盖拉说,“我也为几位女性工作过,她们有些人做着高能力的工作并且有自己的家庭,她们需要有人列出一个简单的保姆或清洁工名单,以便让她们安排面试。”选择一个虚拟助理的职业需要做出一些牺牲。斯塔布菲尔德女士承认,“尽管我在交通和食物上节省了开支,但是我现在的薪水却不如当私人助理时高了。”抛弃通常的朝九晚五的工作有另一个不利之处。“大部分的交流都是通过邮件进行,所以我怀念喝咖啡开玩笑和闲聊的时光。然而,我不怀念办公室的明争暗斗。”3. 单选题Universities are institutions that teach a wide variety of subjects at advanced levels. They also carry out research work aimed(1)extending mans knowledge of these subjects. The emphasis given to each of these functions(2)from university to university, according to the views of the people in(3)and according to the resources available. The smaller and newer universities do not(4)the staff or equipment to carry out the(5)research projects possible in larger institutions.(6)most experts agree that some research activity is(7)to keep the staff and their students in(8)with the latest developments in their subjects.Most students attend a university mainly to(9)the knowledge needed for their chosen(10). Educationists believe that this aim should not be the(11)one. Universities have always aimed to produce men and women(12)judgment and wisdom as well as knowledge. For this reason they(13)students to meet other with differing (14)and to read widely to(15)their understanding in many fields of study.(16)a secondary school course, a student should be interested enough in a subject to enjoy gaining knowledge for its own(17). He should be prepared(18)to sacrifices to study his chosen(19)in depth. He should have an ambition to make some(20)contribution to mans knowledge.问题1选项A.atB.byC.toD.in问题2选项A.turnsB.rangesC.movesD.varies问题3选项A.prospectB.placeC.controlD.favor问题4选项A.occupyB.possessC.involveD.spare问题5选项A.maximumB.mediumC.virtualD.vast问题6选项A.ButB.AsC.WhileD.For问题7选项A.naturalB.essentialC.functionalD.optional问题8选项A.coordinationB.accordanceC.touchD.grasp问题9选项A.acquireB.acceptC.endureD.ensure问题10选项A.processionB.professionC.possessionD.preference问题11选项A.typicalB.trueC.mereD.only问题12选项A.withB.underC.onD.through问题13选项A.promptB.provokeC.encourageD.anticipate问题14选项A.historiesB.expressionsC.interestsD.curiosities问题15选项A.broadenB.lengthenC.enforceD.specify问题16选项A.AmidB.OverC.AfterD.Upon问题17选项A.objectB.effectC.courseD.sake问题18选项A.takeB.sufferC.makeD.pay问题19选项A.fieldB.targetC.scopeD.goal问题20选项A.radicalB.meaningfulC.truthfulD.initial【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:D第6题:A第7题:B第8题:C第9题:A第10题:B第11题:D第12题:A第13题:C第14题:C第15题:A第16题:C第17题:D第18题:C第19题:A第20题:B【解析】1.固定搭配。Aim at “针对,瞄准,目的在于”,没有B、C和D项的搭配,可排除。句意:他们还开展调查研究工作旨在扩大人类对这些学科的认识。选项A符合题意。2.动词词义辨析。Turn “转变”;ranges “范围,range fromto范围从到”;move “转移”;vary “变化,不同,vary from 不同于”。句意:各大学对这些功能的重视程度各不相同。选项D符合题意。3.固定搭配。In prospect “在期望中”;in place “在适当的地方”;in control “掌权,控制”;in favor “有利于,喜爱”。句意:各大学对这些功能的重视程度各不相同,这取决于负责人所持的观点和现有的资源。选项C符合题意。4.动词词义辨析。Occupy “占据,占领”;possess “拥有”;involve “涉及,使卷入”;spare “多余的”。句意:小型的和新的大学没有这些人员和设备。选项B符合题意。5.形容词词义辨析。Maximum “最高的,最大极限的”;medium “中间的,中等的”;virtual “虚拟的,实质上的”;vast “大量的,巨大的,广泛的”。句意:小型的和新的大学没有那么多的人员或设备,无法进行只有在大型机构才能进行的大规模的研究项目。选项D符合题意。6.逻辑关系。上一句提到小型的和新的大学没有那么多的人员或设备,无法进行只有在大型机构才能进行的大规模的研究项目。空格后一句提到大多数专家认为,一些研究活动对保持教职员工和他们的学生时刻接触他们学科的最新发展是有必要的。前后两句存在转折关系,所以选用转折连词but。选项A符合题意。7.形容词词义辨析。Natural “自然的”;essential “必要的,本质的”;functional “功能的”;optional “可选择的,随意的”。句意:大多数专家认为,一些研究活动对保持教职员工和他们的学生时刻接触他们学科的最新发展是必要的。选项B符合题意。8.固定搭配。Keep in touch with “有联系,与接触”,句意:一些研究活动对保持教职员工和他们的学生时刻接触他们学科的最新发展是必要的。选项C符合题意。9.动词词义辨析。Acquire “获得,取得”;accept “接受”;endure “忍耐,容忍”;grasp “抓牢,理解”。句意:大多数学生上大学主要是为了获取知识。选项A符合题意。10.名词词义辨析。Procession “队伍,行列”;profession “职业,专业”;possession “拥有,财产”;preference “偏爱,优先权”。句意:大多数学生上大学主要是为了获得他们所选择的职业所需的知识。选项B符合题意。11.形容词词义辨析。Typical “典型的”;true “真实的”;mere “仅仅的,只不过的”;only “仅有的”。句意:教育家认为这一目标不应该是唯一的。选项D符合题意。12.介词词义辨析。With “和,具有”;under “在之下”;on “在上”;through “通过”。句意:大学一直致力于培养具有明辨是非的能力、富有智慧和知识的人。选项A符合题意。13.动词词义辨析。Prompt “提示,促进”;provoke “趋使,激怒”;encourage “鼓励,鼓舞”;anticipate “预期,预见”。句意:因此,他们鼓励学生广泛结交有不同兴趣的人。选项C符合题意。14.名词词义辨析。History “历史”;expression “表情,表达方式”;interest “兴趣”;curiosity “好奇心”。句意:他们鼓励学生广泛结交有不同兴趣的人。选项C符合题意。15.动词词义辨析。Broaden “拓宽”;lengthen “加长”;enforce “实施,强迫”;specify “指定,详细说明”。句意:因此,他们鼓励学生广泛结交其他有不同兴趣的人,广泛阅读以拓宽他们在许多研究领域的理解。选项A符合题意。16.介词词义辨析。Amid “在过程中,四周是”;over “在上方”;after “在之后”;upon “根据,接近”。句意:中学课程结束后,学生应该对某一学科有足够的兴趣,从而享受获得知识的乐趣。选项C符合题意。17.固定搭配。For its own sake “为此,为了这个本身”。句意:中学课程结束后,学生应该对某一学科有足够的兴趣,从而享受知识本身带来的乐趣。选项D符合题意。18.固定搭配。Make sacrifices to do “为做出牺牲”。句意:他应该准备为了自己的兴趣做出牺牲,深入研究他所选择的领域。选项C符合题意。19.名词词义辨析。Field “领域”;target “目标”;scope “范围”;goal “目标”。句意:他应该准备为了自己的兴趣做出牺牲,深入研究他所选择的领域。选项A符合题意。20.形容词词义辨析。Radical “激进的,根本的”;meaningful “有意义的”;truthful “真实的”;initial “最初的”。句意:他应该有一个志向,为人类的知识做出一些有意义的贡献。选项B符合题意。4. 单选题Modern manufacturers, who need reliable sources of materials and technologically advanced components to operate profitably, face an increasingly difficult choice between owning the producers of these items (a practice known as backward integration) and buying from independent producers. Manufacturers who integrate may reap short-term rewards, but they often restrict their future capacity for innovative product development.Backward integration removes the need for some purchasing and marketing functions, centralizes overhead, and permits manufacturers to eliminate duplicated efforts in research and development. Where components are commodities (ferrous metals or petroleum, for example), backward integration almost certainly profits. Nevertheless, because product innovation means adopting the most technologically advanced and cost-effective ways of making components, backward integration may entail a serious risk for a technologically active companyfor example, a producer of sophisticated consumer electronics.A company that decides to make rather than buy important parts can lock itself into an outdated technology. Independent suppliers may be unwilling to share innovations with assemblers with whom they are competing. Moreover, when an assembler sets out to master the technology of producing advanced components, the resulting demands on its resources may compromise its ability to assemble these components successfully into end products. Long-term contracts with suppliers can achieve many of the same cost benefits as backward integration without compromising a companys ability to innovate.However, moving away from backward integration is not a complete solution either. Developing innovative technologies requires independent suppliers of components to invest huge sums in research and development. The resulting low profit margins on the sale of components threaten the long-term financial stability of these firms. Because the ability of end-product assemblers to respond to market opportunities depends heavily on suppliers of components, assemblers are often forced to integrate by purchasing the suppliers of components just to keep their suppliers in business.1. According to the passage, all of the following are benefits associated with backward integration EXCEPT ( ).2.According to passage, when an assembler buys a firm that makes some important component of the end product that the assembler produces, independent suppliers of the same component may( ).3.Which of the following best describes the way the last paragraph functions in the context of the passage?4.According to the passage, which of the following relationships between profits and investments in research and development holds true for producers of technologically advanced components?问题1选项A.improvement in the management of overhead expensesB.enhancement of profit margins on sales of componentsC.simplification of purchasing and marketing operationsD.reliability of a source of necessary components问题2选项A.withhold technological innovations from the assemblerB.experience improved profit margins on sales of their productsC.lower their prices to protect themselves from competitionD.suffer financial difficulties and go out of business问题3选项A.The last in a series of arguments supporting the central argument of the passage is presented.B.A viewpoint is presented which qualifies one presented earlier in the passage.C.Evidence is presented in support of the argument developed in the preceding paragraph.D.Questions arising from the earlier discussion are identified as points of departure for further study of the topic.问题4选项A.Modest investments are required and the profit margins on component sales are low.B.Modest investments are required but the profit margins on component sale


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