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考研考博-考博英语-四川大学模拟考试题含答案1. 翻译题Translate the following passage into Chinese.The crux of the problem is: young people, being at the start of their own career and having to exert themselves to the utmost all the time, are always under the greatest stress and severest strain. The middle-aged people, on the other hand, having accomplished whatever they have, may relieve themselves of their load, and start to enjoy a quiet and leisurely life unburdened with any ambitions and away from the storms of life. Consequently, middle-aged persons quickly lapse into indolence. Most famous works that appeared in the past centuries, including the present, were written by authors around 30. Works with any creativeness seldom came from the pen of Chinese authors over 40, except autobiographies and notes by way of annotation. But for writers abroad, age does not seem to affect their energy or imagination at all. Some literary celebrities did not start their career until after 40.Because of various reasons, the life span of us Chinese used to be very short. Hence the old saying “mans life from old has rarely reached seventy. ” Therefore the middle-age period was much earlier, and men of letters very early in their lives became “old” and conservative psychologically.【答案】问题的核心是:年轻人正处于事业初创阶段, 必须时刻尽力发挥自己, 由此其总是面临莫大的压力, 受到的伤痛也极为严重。而中年人已经取得他们所要的一切, 可以卸下重负, 开始享受安静、惬意的生活, 这生活没有任何雄心壮志, 也远离生活的狂风暴雨。结果, 中年人很快就懒惰起来。自上世纪到目前的许多著名作品, 其作者都在30岁左右。40岁以上的中国作家极少能写出创意作品来, 当然有注解的自传和说明除外。但对国外作家而言, 年龄问题似乎丝毫不会影响其想象力。一些文学大家常常是到40岁之后才开始文学创作。由于种种原因, 过去中国人的寿命往往很短。由此产生了一句古话:“人生七十古来稀”。因此中年这一阶段就大大提前了, 而名人则很早就“变老”了, 心理上也开始保守起来。2. 单选题These goods are sold at reduced prices, ( ) .问题1选项A.the defects are pointed out to the customersB.the defects pointed out to the customersC.the defects have been pointed out to the customersD.the defects being pointed out to the customers【答案】D【解析】考查独立主格结构。现在分词短语做状语,起补充说明的作用。选项A,B,C结构完整,如果放于句中缺少连词,所以选项D正确。3. 翻译题Translate the following passage into Chinese.No issue is as vital to the futures of U.S. research universities as renewal of commitment to the mutual benefits of research and education. One of the great strengths of our research universities is their ability to link the creation of new knowledge with the transfer of that knowledge to students. Unfortunately, numerous signs (some real, some perceiveD. point toward a growing emphasis on research and a de-emphasis on education.A sensationalistic view of these trends often emerges in the popular press. Recent stories have described a detached professors leaving teaching to graduate students (often with deficient spoken English skills), reward systems based “publish or perish”, faculty “buying out” of teaching responsibilities, and tenure and promotion decisions based entirely on ones ability to attract federal research dollars. These types of reports have fueled a growing public backlash against higher education. A number of states have to institute minimum requirements for classroom time and office hours for faculty at public research universities.【答案】对于美国研究型大学的未来而言, 最重要的问题莫过于重新致力于研究与教育的共同利益。我国研究型大学的一大优势是能够把创造新知识与向学生传授新知识联系起来。不幸的是, 许多迹象(一些是真实的, 一些是可感知的)表明, 人们越来越重视研究, 而不再重视教育。这些趋势的耸人听闻的看法经常出现在大众媒体中。最近的一些报道描述了一位超然的教授将教学工作留给研究生(通常是英语口语能力不足的学生)、基于“出版还是毁灭”的奖励体系、教师“买断”教学责任、以及吸引联邦科研资金, 完全基于个人能力的任期和晋升决定。这类报道引发了公众对高等教育越来越强烈的反对。一些州必须对公立研究型大学的教师上课时间和办公时间提出最低要求。4. 单选题Social circumstances in Early Modern England mostly served to repress womens voices. Patriarchal culture and institutions constructed them as chaste, silent, obedient, and subordinate. At the beginning of 17th century, the ideology of patriarchy, political absolutism, and gender hierarchy were reaffirmed powerfully by King James in The Trew Law of Free Monarchie and the Basilikon Doron; by that ideology the absolute power of God the supreme patriarch was seen to be imaged in the absolute monarch of the state and in the husband and father of a family. Accordingly, a womans subjection, first to her father and then to her husband, imaged the subjection of English people to their monarch, and of all Christians to God. Also, the period saw an outpouring of repressive or overtly misogynist sermons, tracts, and plays, detailing womens physical and mental defects, spiritual evils, rebelliousness, shrewishness, and natural inferiority to men.Yet some social and cultural conditions served to empower women. During the Elizabethan era (15581603) the culture was dominated by a powerful Queen, who provided an impressive female example though she left scant cultural space for other women. Elizabethan women writers began to produce original texts but were occupied chiefly with translation. In the 17th century, however, various circumstances enabled women to write original texts in some numbers. For one thing, some counterweight to patriarchy was provided by female communities mothers and daughters, extended kinship networks, close female friends, the separate court of Queen Anne (King James consort) and her often op-positional masques and political activities. For another, most of these women had a reasonably good education (modern languages, history, literature, religion, music, occasionally Latin) and some apparently found in romances and histories more expansive terms for imagining womens lives. Also, representation of vigorous and rebellious female characters in literature and especially on the stage no doubt helped to undermine any monolithic social construct of womens nature and role.Most important, perhaps, was the radical potential inherent in the Protestant insistence on every Christians immediate relationship with God and primary responsibility to follow his or her individual conscience. There is plenty of support in St Pauls epistles and elsewhere in the Bible for patriarchy and a wifes subjection to her husband, but some texts (notably Galatians 3: 28) inscribe a very different politics, promoting womens spiritual equality: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Jesus Christ. ” Such texts encouraged some women to claim the support of God the supreme patriarch against the various earthly patriarchs who claimed to stand toward them in his stead.There is also the gap or slippage between ideology and common experience. English women throughout the 17th century exercised a good deal of actual power; as managers of estates in their husbands absences at court or on military and diplomatic missions; as members of guilds; as wives and mothers who sometimes dominated their men by sheer force of personality or outright defiance. Their power reached its apex during the English Civil War and Interregnum (164060) as the execution of the King and the attendant disruption of social hierarchies led many women to seize new roles as preachers, as prophetesses ,as deputies for exiled royalist husbands, as writers of religious and political tracts.1.What is the best title for this passage?2.What did the Queen Elizabeth do for the women in culture?3.Which of the following is not mentioned as a reason to enable women to original texts?4.What did the religion do for the women?5.What does the word “apex” mean in the last paragraph?问题1选项A.Womens Position in the 17th Century.B.Womens Subjection to Patriarchy.C.Social Circumstances in the 17th Century.D.Womens Objection in the 17th Century.问题2选项A.She set an impressive female example to follow.B.She dominated the culture.C.She did little.D.She allowed women to translate something.问题3选项A.Female communities provided some counterweight to patriarchy.B.Queen Annes political activities.C.Most women had a good education.D.Queen Elizabeths political activities.问题4选项A.It did nothing.B.It too asked women to be obedient except some texts.C.It supported women.D.It appealed to the God.问题5选项A.the lowest pointB.the endC.ultimateD.summit【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:D第4题:B第5题:D【解析】1.文章第一段主要是讲17世纪初,英国的社会环境主要是压制妇女的声音;第二段主要讲述17世纪,一些社会和文化条件赋予妇女权力;第三段讲述整个17世纪,英国女性行使了大量实际权力,并在中期达到顶峰。所以本文主要是论述 17世纪英国妇女的地位。选项A正确。2.根据第二段的第二句“During the Elizabethan era the culture was dominated by a powerful Queen, who provided an impressive female example though she left scant cultural space for other women.”伊丽莎白时代的文化由一个强大的女王统治,尽管她为其他女性没有留下多少文化空间,但她本人却树立了一个令人印象深刻的女性榜样。由此推断,选项C符合原文。3.根据第二段后半部分的内容“For one thing, some counterweight to patriarchy was provided by female communities., the separate court of Queen Anne and her often op-positional masques and political activities. For another, most of these women had a reasonably good education .”只有选项D没有提及。4.根据第三段的第二句“There is plenty of support., promoting womens spiritual equality.”,在圣保罗书信集和圣经的其他地方都有很多支持父权制,认为妻子应该对丈夫的服从,但是一些文本(尤其是迦3: 28章节)却记录了一种完全不同的政治,提倡妇女的精神平等。所以选项B符合原文。5.根据下文“Their power reached its apex during the English Civil War and Interregnum as the execution of the King and the attendant disruption of social hierarchies led many women to seize new roles”当时国王被处决,随之而来的社会等级制度被打破,导致许多女性获得了新的角色。由此推断,女性权力在英国内战和过渡期达到了顶峰,选项D正确。the lowest point指最低点;the end指终点;ultimate指终极的。5. 单选题Even when textbooks are ( ) through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.问题1选项A.commonplaceB.standardizedC.competitiveD.generalized【答案】B【解析】commonplace陈腐的, 平凡的;standardized标准化的;competitive有竞争力的, 竞争的;generalized广泛的, 普遍的。句意:即使是通过学校的系统把教科书规范化, 教学的方法也会有很大的不同。6. 单选题_ the wall, we decided that we should need three tins of paint.问题1选项A.Making upB.Doing upC.Putting upD.Sizing up【答案】D【解析】make up组成,化妆,编造;do up整理,修缮,使精疲力尽;put up提供,举起,提高;size up估计的大小。句意:从墙的大小估计, 我们应该需要三罐油漆。选项D符合句意。7. 单选题The period of adolescence, i.e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on societys definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood. In primitive societies adolescence was frequently a relatively short period of time, while in industrial society with patterns of prolonged education coupled with laws against child labor, the period of adolescence is much longer and may include most of the second decade of ones life. Furthermore the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may change in a given society as social and economic conditions change. Examples of this type of change are disappearance of the frontier in the latter part of the nineteenth century in the United States, and more universally, the industrialization of an agricultural society.In modern society, ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance and there no longer is agreement as to what constitutes initiation ceremonies. Social ones have been replaced by a sequence of steps that lead to increased recognition and social status. For example, grade school graduation, high school graduation and college graduation constitute such a sequence, and while each step implies certain behavioral changes and social recognition, the significance of each depends on the socio-economic status and the educational ambition of the individual. Ceremonies for adolescence have also been replaced by legal definitions of status, roles, rights, privileges and responsibilities. It is during the nine years from the twelfth birthday to the twenty-first that the protective and restrictive aspects of childhood and minor status are removed and adult privileges and responsibilities are granted. The twelve-year-old is no longer considered a child and has pay full fare for train, airplane, theater and movie tickets. Basically, the individual at this age loses childhood privileges without gaining significant adult right. At the age of sixteen the adolescence is granted certain adult rights which increase his social status by providing him with more freedom and choices. He now can obtain a drivers license lie can leave public schools; and he can work without the restrictions of child labor laws. At the age of eighteen the law provides adult responsibilities as well as rights The young man can now be a soldier, but he also can marry without parental permission. At the age of twenty-one the individual obtains his full legal rights as an adult. He now can vote, he can buy liquor, he can enter into financial contacts, and he is entitled to run for public office. No additional basic rights are acquired as a function of age after maturity status has been attained. None of these legal provisions determine at what points adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged period of adolescence.1.The period of adolescence is much longer in industrial societies because ( )2.Former social ceremonies that used to mark adolescence have given place to ( ) .3.No one can expect to fully enjoy the adulthood privileges until he is ( ) .4.Starting from 22 ( ).5.According to this passage, it is TURE that ( ).问题1选项A.the definition of maturity has changedB.the industrialized society is more developedC.more education is provided and laws against child labor are madeD.ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance问题2选项A.graduations from schools and collegesB.social recognitionC.socio-economic statusD.certain behavioral changes问题3选项A.eleven years oldB.sixteen years oldC.twenty-one years oldD.between twelve and twenty-one years old问题4选项A.one will obtain more basic rightsB.the older one becomes, the more basic rights he will haveC.one wont get more basic rights than when he is 21D.one will enjoy more right granted by society问题5选项A.In the late 19th century in the United States the dividing line between adolescence and adult hood no longer existedB.no one can marry without the permission of his parents until the age of twenty-oneC.one is considered to have reached adulthood when he has a driver s licenseD.one is not free from the restrictions of child labor laws until he can join the army【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:C第4题:C第5题:A【解析】1.根据第一段的第二句“while in industrial society with patterns of prolonged education coupled with laws against child labor, the period of adolescence is much longer.”由于教育时间较长, 法律又禁止童工, 所以青春期要长得多。选项C符合原文。2.根据第二段的三四句“Social ones have been replaced by a sequence of steps that lead to increased recognition and social status. For example, grade school graduation, high school graduation and college graduation constitute such a sequence,.”社会仪式已经被一系列的步骤所取代, 即从小学, 高中和大学的毕业这一系列步骤 。选项A正确。3.根据第二段的后半部分“At the age of twenty-one the individual obtains his full legal rights as an adult. ”在21岁时, 个人作为成年人获得了完全的合法权利。选项C正确。4.根据第二段的倒数第二句“No additional basic rights are acquired as a function of age after maturity status has been attained.”当达到成熟的年龄段, 不再有12-21岁享有的这些基本权利。选项C符合原文。5.根据原文可知选项B,C,D均错误, 根据第一段的最后一句“Examples of this type of change are disappearance of the frontier in the latter part of the nineteenth century in the United States,”所以选项A在19世纪末的美国, 青春期和成年期之间的分界线已不复存在, 符合原文。8. 单选题Hurricanes form over the tropical oceanic regions where the Sun heats huge masses of moist air. An ascending spiral motion results, in the same manner as described in tornado formation. When the moisture of the rising air condenses, the latent heat provides additional energy and more air rises up the column. This latent heat is a chief source of the hurricanes energy and is readily available from the condensation of the moist air of its source region.Unlike the tornado, a hurricane gains energy from its source region. 1As more and more air rises, the hurricane grows, accompanied by clouds and increasing winds that blow in a large spiral around a relatively calm, low-pressure center_the eye of the hurricane. The eye may be 20 to 30 miles wide, and ships sailing into this area have found that it is usually calm and clear with no indication of the surrounding storm. The air pressure is reduced 6-8% (to about 28 in. of Hg) near the eye. Hurricanes move rather slowly at a few miles per hour.2Covering broad areas, hurricanes can be particularly destructive. There we winds of at least 74 mi/h; but these can be much greater, up to 120-130 mi/h, which are very dangerous. Mobile homes are particularly vulnerable to hurricane winds. The greatest threat from a hurricanes winds comes from their cargo of debrisa deadly barrage of flying missiles such as lawn furniture, signs, roofing, and metal siding.Hurricane winds do much damage, but drowning is the greatest cause of hurricane deaths. 3As the eye of the hurricane comes ashore or makes landfall, a great dome of water called a storm surge, often over 50 mi wide, comes sweeping across the coastline. It brings huge waves and storm tides that may reach 25 ft or more above normal. The rise may come rapidly, flooding coastal lowlands. Nine out of ten hurricane casualties are caused by the storm surge. The torrential rains that accompany the hurricane produce sudden flooding as the storm moves inland. As its winds diminish, rainfall floods constitute the hurricanes greatest threat.Once cut off from the warm ocean, the storm begins to die, starved for water and heat energy, and cragged apart by friction as it moves over the land. Even though a hurricane weakens rapidly as it moves inland, the remnants of the storm can bring 6-12 in. of rain or more to the areas they cross. 4For example, Hurricane Diane of1955 caused little damage as it moved into the Gulf coastal area; but long after its winds subsided, it brought floods to Pennsylvania, New York, and New England that killed 200 persons and cost an estimated $700 million in damage. In 1972, Hurricane Agnes fused with another storm system, flooding creek and river basins in the Northeast with more than a foot of rain in less than 12 hours, killing 117 people, and causing almost $3 billion damage.1.The subject in this passage is ( ) .2.In Paragraph 1, the word latent means( )3.If the author were delivering this passage orally, his or her tone of voice would probably be ( ) .4.What does the sentence in Paragraph 4 “Nine out of ten.” do in relation to the sentence Hurricane winds do.?5.Which of these statements would the author support?问题1选项A.tornadoesB.hurricanesC.windsD.hurricane winds问题2选项A.potentialB.lowC.highD.extreme问题3选项A.objectiveB. celebratoryC.righteousD.awestruck问题4选项A.It contradicts what is said in the latter.B.It summarizes what is said in the latter.C.It acts as a specific example of what is stated in the latter.D.It alters the meaning of what is stated in the latter.问题5选项A.Hurricanes are merely big storms like tornadoes.B.Hurricane winds arent much of a problem unless you live on the coast.C.Hurricanes are more of a problem for airplanes than for boats.D.Hurricanes are destructive and dangerous across large areas.【答案】第1题:B第2题:A第3题:A第4题:A第5题:D【解析】1.根据原文内容, 本文主要讲的是飓风。选项B和D都是飓风, 但是hurricane winds强调的是winds, 所以选项B正确。2.根据第一段的最后一句“This latent heat is a chief source of the hurricanes energy and is readily available from the condensation of the moist air of its source region.”这种 热能是飓风能量的主要来源, 很容易从其来源地区潮湿空气的冷凝中获得。所以选项A潜在的符合原文。3.作者如果用口头表达这篇文章的话, 他的语气可能是 . objective客观的;celebratory有褒扬意味;righteous正义的;awestruck被吓住而毕恭毕敬。4.根据第四段内容“Nine out of ten.”十分之九的飓风伤亡是由风暴潮造成的。这与第四段的首句Hurricane winds do.飓风造成的破坏很大, 但溺水是造成飓风死亡的最大原因。前后矛盾。所以选项A正确。5.根据第三段的第一句“Covering broad areas, hurricanes can be particularly destructive.”选项D飓风在大面积的开阔地带威


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