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2022年人教新起点五年级下学期英语看图写单词家庭专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据图片提示完成句子。1This is a_. I dont like it.2-Where is the ball?-Its_the bed.3-Where are my shoes?-They are_the desk.4Look! There are some_near the sofa.5The bird is_the tree.2. 看图,回答下列问题。(1)Whats the weather like?(2)Is it raining heavily?(3)Do the people go home quickly or slowly?(4)Does the wind blow strongly? (5)Can you go out and play? 3. 看图,给下列句子选择正确答语,将其序号填入括号里。A. Its in the pencil box. B. Its under the desk. C. Its beside the desk.D. Its on the desk. E. Its behind the desk.1Where is the chair?(_)2Where is the book?(_)3Where is the toy car?(_)4Where is the schoolbag?(_)5Where is the bike?(_)4. 看图并根据所给词语提示写句子。1(Mikes mother; help; now)2(they; usually)3(Lucy; likes)5. 看图写单词。1 23 456. 看图,根据图片写出正确的问句或答句。1-Is there a bridge in the park?-2-Are there any houses in the park?-3-Are there any boats on the lake?-4-Yes, there are.5-No, there isnt.7. 根据图片,用现在进行时完成句子。1Li Ming and his motherbook.2They.3Lucywith her brother.4My grandma is.5Bobping-pong?8. 看图,补全句子。1Here is an_.2I sent Lingling an_yesterday.3Did you travel by train?_,_.4They went to the_on Saturday.9. 读一读,根据图片将单词补充完整。1_TV 2_the room3go for a_ 4_an English class5_sports 6_breakfast10. 看图片,写单词。1 23 4511. 看图,填上适当的单词或词组完成句子,每线词数不限。1. _is he?Hes Tony.What can he do?He can_.What does he do?Hes a_.2. I want to be a_. I want to help_people better.3. What do you want to be in the future?I want to be a_.12. 读一读,根据图片、句意及字母提示补全单词。1The students often say hello to Miss White. Theyre p_.2This funny girl is our music teacher. She is very y_.3I love s_dw_es. Theyre nice.4Oliver and I often do h_w_k on Sundays.5My parents often watch TV on S_evening.13. 根据图片补全句子,并掌握句子在情境中的运用。I am a pupil.I go to school at_.Mr. Zhang is a_.He goes to work at_.14. 看图,补全单词。1g_ 2d_3m_ 4f_5n_15. 根据图及所给单词的首字母填写所缺单词。1.S_is the best season to p_trees.2.Summer is the best season to c_under the s_.3.A_is cool and windy, the boy likes c_mountains.4.Winter is the best season to g_s_.16. 根据图片,将单词补充完整。1 ph_t_ 2pl_t3b_k_ 4cl_ck5w_ter b_ttle17. 看图补全句子。1I sometimes_on the weekend.2New Years Day is on_.3The elephant is_water with its_.4Its 9:00 a.m. We are_an English class.5I like autumn best, because I can_in autumn.18. 根据图片的提示,结合上下文写单词补充句子。1Father: What would you like to eat?Sarah: Id like a_, a_, an_and some_.2Father: What would you like to drink?Sarah: Id like some_, some_ and some_, please.3I like ice-cream and cakes, theyre_.4I like fish. Its_.5I dont like red peppers(红辣椒), theyre too_.19. 看图,写短语。123410 / 10


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