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Key to ExercisesOpener1. Winston Churchill led Britain to defeat Germany in WWII. Nelson Mandela ended apartheid in South Africa.2. The young Winston Churchill was a military officer, a war correspondent and a writer before becoming a Member of Parliament. The young Nelson Mandela was a law student before getting involved in political opposition to white rule in South Africa.3. When Winston Churchill was forced out of government he learned to paint and lay bricks, wrote tirelessly, gave speeches, and seized opportunities to return to politics. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail, suffering inhuman punishment. Yet he never gave up. He even managed to earn a law degree from the University of London and encouraged his fellow prisoners to seek better treatment through nonviolent resistance.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasI am an aide to Premier Li Keqiang. This morning, he was scheduled to meet Marcia McNutt,Editor-in-Chief ofSciencefor 30 minutes. Before the meeting, the Premier instructed me to collect data to demonstrate Chinaseffortsin addressingenvironmental problems. Dr. McNutt arrived early. They hadteaat the reception hall. The discussion went so well that neither realizedtimehad run out.At one point, I had to interrupt them with anurgentnote for the Premier. Hedismissedme. Dr. McNutt was clearlyimpressed. And the national media coverage of this meeting impressed her even more. She later commented that all these sent strongsignalsas to how China seesscienceas critical to its future well-being.2.2 Digging into detail1.She was in disbelief, because she thought Premier Li had too many pressing issues of national and international concern to attend to than to meet her.2.Current/present.3.The meeting would be one-on-one and U.S. reporters were not allowed. The meeting would last 30 minutes. They would discuss science and the economy, not politics. Some topics were off limits for the Premier, being suggested as more appropriate for conversations between her and President Bai Chunli of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.4.Three. They are: returning farmland to forest; the value of Chinas energy-saving and environmental industries; and clean drinking water for rural Chinese people.5.The importance of training more brilliant scientists for China, including extending training opportunities to rural students.6.To show that scientific research is highly respected/has a high status in China.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11.Hiscareeras a soldier ended with injury to both eyes.2.Hot money flows around the world looking for investments that willyieldhigh returns.3.The Prime Ministers speech sent out asignalthat his government is ready for peace negotiations.4.This morning Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella published a report on hisvisionfor the companys future.5.New China has been promoting closercooperationwith other countries for world peace since its founding in 1949.6.Oil prices in China now followglobaltrends.7.The actress decided to take advantage of her recent fame tolaunchher own fashion brand.8.China didntattainits 2012 foreign trade goal due to the debt crisis in Europe.9.In the early days of his career, heheadeda team to attract overseas Chinese scientists to his university.10.Do you think college graduation, wedding and giving birth to babies aresignificantevents in your life?1.2 1) off limits 2) At first 3) previous 4) thanks to 5) appropriate1.31.The only realsolution toChinas pollution problems, scientists claim, is to cut emissions (排放) from power plants, factories and cars.2.The Chinese government has officiallydeclared war onthe global gambling industry, which makes it likely that Chinese citizens will be gambling much less in China, its neighboring countries, and the US.3.A bigproportion oftigers die of human demand for their bones.4.We are working with computer expertsto ensure thatsuch accidents do not happen again.5.This shelf holds 80 pairs of shoes with pricesranging from$120 to $150 each.2. Usage1.1)The Yangtze River is five times longer than the Dadu River.2)The Yangtze River is six times as long as the Dadu River.3)The Yangtze River is six times the length of the Dadu River.2.1)Despite competition, prices of our productshave increased by 10 per centsince last year.2)In the event of a 1% fall in the market rate, the return on the stock is expectedto decrease by less than 1 per cent.3)Mr Baker, General Manager of the company, saw his salaryincrease from 130,000 to 400,000while his workers had to settle for a 5.5 per cent wage rise.4)In the United States, the average stay in hospital for a patient aged 65decreased from 13 days in 1967 to 8.8 days in 1986.3. Sentence Patterns1.1)Politicians depend on experts for adviceas to foreign policies.2)Im not absolutely certain, you see,as to whether I should say it.3)By 3 pm, the Mayor demanded a timetableas to when the power would be back on.4)As to how to go to Shanghai Museum by bus, Im not sure about it because I have just moved to Shanghai.2.1)What caused the plane crash remains unknown.2)What you told me this morning is amazing.3)What is important to the beginning of life is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.4)Whatever we say or do at home may have an influence on our children.4. Comprehensive Practice1. A:As the governments spokesperson, what can you tell us about Americas employment situation in June?B:Among the major worker groups, unemployment ratesranged from21% for teenagersto5.3% for adult women. The unemployment rates for adult women and blacksdeclined, while the rate increased for teenagers.As to the ratesfor adult men, whites, and Asians, they didnt showany significantchange.2. A:When I have to stand up to speak to a crowd, I tend to be lost for words. Then when I can finally talk more smoothly, I notice people whisper to each other or look at their phone. What can I do to get them to listen?B:Many speakers quickly lose control duringthe most critical time the first five minutes. A good introduction to your topic canimpress your listenersgreatly. Ask questions or tell a personal storyto ensure thatthe crowd doesnt lose interest in you.3. A:How did you become a diplomat?B:When I beganmy careerI thought I would become a university professor. Then my roommate sent my CV to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with some of my published papersto demonstratemy understanding of foreign affairs. Idismissed his actionas a joke. But you know what? A few months later, I found myself working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!4. A:What is Chinese governments position on IPR (intellectual property rights) protection?B:Our national leaders havea vision ofinnovation-driven growth. IPR protection is key to innovation. Weve decided on a level of IPR protectionappropriate forour national situation. Major progress has been made in this area in China over the past yearsthanks toefforts made by people from all walks of life. We are also keen on learning the best practices throughcooperation withother countries.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 1 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) T 9) F 10) T2. Translation1.因为挺身主张自由,他被全世界赞为传奇,但更令人惊异的是,他没有因为遭遇非人待遇而变成铁石心肠。2.我最怕的莫过于早上醒来,却没有什么计划能帮我为那些没有资源、贫困交加、不识字不会写、身患绝症的人送去一点欢乐。3.我们出狱时会脱胎换骨,我们甚至可以带着两个学位出狱。自学是一个途径,它赋予我们争取自由的最强大的武器。4.我出狱时比我入狱时更有见识。你越有见识,你就越不会傲慢、越不会那么咄咄逼人。Reading 2Comprehension Check for Reading 21.On the one hand, he was confident because the British military forces concentrated in Britain were stronger than ever. On the other hand, home defense still needed strengthening, as Britain must fight back and fight overseas, which would draw troops away from Britain.2.Enemy aliens and suspicious characters of other nationalities, British subjects who may become a danger or a nuisance should the war be transported to the United Kingdom, and the Fifth Column.3.It could never be ruled out that a chance combination of factors favorable to an invasion might come together (the blockading fleet mentioned was the British navy, which was keeping much of the French fleet penned up in port).4.A long one. Because he said the war might last for years, the enemy was powerful and had lots of new ways of fighting, and the British people might have to fight beach by beach, hill by hillIntegrated Skills PracticingI. Viewing & ListeningOprah:How did you get the graceless guard to treat you with respect? You were in prison, and you said, “I wouldonly respond tothe name Mandela or Mr. Mandela.”Mandela:You mustfightthe battle for dignity on the very first day you go to jail. And that was what we did. Weput our foot downand insisted in being respected, even though we were prisoners.Oprah:How is there no bitterness?Mandela:Well, I hated oppression. And when I think of the past, the type of things they did, I feel angry.Our emotionsaid, “The white minority is an enemy. We must never talk with them.” Butour brainsaid, “If you dont talk with these men, your country will go up in flames. And,for many years to come, this country will be covered in rivers of blood.” So we have to reconcile that conflict, and our talking to the enemy was the result of the domination of the brain over emotion.Oprah:This has not happened before,nor since, that as he was leaving the building, every one of the Harpo staff, of the 300 people in the building, lined the hallwayto shake his hand. Now we call it the Nelson Mandela Hallway here at Harpo.Transcript:Oprah:How does a man spend 27 years in prison, put there by an oppressor, and come out of that experience with, not a heart of stone, not a cold heart, but a heart that is willing to forgive and embrace?Mandela:If I had not been to prison, I would not have been able to achieve the most difficult task in life, and that is changing yourself. An opportunity to sit down and think. I was in the company of great men indeed. Some of them are more qualified, more talented than I am. And to sit down with them, to exchange views, was one of the most revealing experiences I had.Oprah:How did you get the graceless guard to treat you with respect? You were in prison, and you said, “I would only respond to the name Mandela or Mr. Mandela.”Mandela:You must fight the battle for dignity on the very first day you go to jail.Oprah:Really?Mandela:And that was what we did. We put our foot down and insisted in being respected, even though we were prisoners.Oprah:How is there no bitterness?Mandela:Well, I hated oppression. And when I think of the past, the type of things they did, I feel angry. Our emotion said, “The white minority is an enemy. We must never talk with them.” But our brain said, “If you dont talk with these men, your country will go up in flames. And, for many years to come, this country will be covered in rivers of blood.” So we have to reconcile that conflict, and our talking to the enemy was the result of the domination of the brain over emotion.Oprah:This has not happened before, nor since, that as he was leaving the building, every one of the Harpo staff, of the 300 people in the building, lined the hallway to shake his hand. Now we call that the Nelson Mandela Hallway here at Harpo.


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