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English Exercises for Grade Eight (1)一、单项选择( C )1There is _ kangaroo in the zoo. A. an eight-years old B. a eight years old C. an eight-year-old D. a eight-year old( C ) 2.The number of the trees in our school is getting_.A. more and more B. more and more large C. larger and larger D. higher and higher( B ) 3.On Friday the shops keep open_6 p.m. A. onto B. up to C. down to D. in to( B ) 4.If we keep_the land, the animals will have_ to live.A.took, anywhere B. taking, nowhere C. take, no place D. bring, somewhere( D ) 5.James with the Greens _ the White Tower Park if it_ tomorrow. A. are going to, isnt rainy B. are going to, doesnt rain C. is going to, wont rain D. is going to, isnt rainy( D ) 6.-Does Ted tell you if he_next Sunday?No, he doesnt. But if he_,Ill give you a ring. A. will come, will come B. comes, will come C. comes, comes D. will come, comes( B )7.Yesterday I talked to Amy on the phone and she _ happy.A. looked B. sounded C. smelled D. tasted( D )8.There is a lot of bread on the table. Can I have _? A. much B. many C. any D. some( A )9. I will tell the story _ I have time. A. when B. where C. what D. why( C )10.Everybody _ me Millie at school. A. says B. tells C. calls D. asks( B )11.I did not watch TV last night _ I had a lot of homework to do. A. if B. because C. when D. but( A )12.If we do _, soon giant pandas will die out. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything( C )13.If Simon _ hard, he _ good at English. A. work; is B. works; is C. works; will be D. will work; will be( D )14.How much did you _ on your new bike? A. pay B. take C. buy D. spend( B )15.All the students will write a report _ wild animals _ next week. A. on; in B. on; 不填 C. to; in D. to; 不填( D )16. Some people in the mountains hunt wild animals _ a living. A. at B. to C. with D. for( C )17. Last year I met _ elephant in _ wild. A. a; the B. a; an C. an; the D. an; an( A )18. We usually _ each other when we do not know what to do. A. look at B. look after C. look for D. look up( B )19. The English word “survive” means “stay _”. A. live B. alive C. living D. life( D )20. I know there is a candy in his left hand but I do not know what is in his _ hand. A. another B. the other C. others D. other( A )21. Some people kill tigers and make medicine _ their bones. A. from B. of C. into D. out( C )22. Last month I visited the famous bridge _ of wood. A. make B. making C. made D. was made( B )23. Mr. Wu often encourages us _ talk when we are having a lesson. A. dont B. not to C. wont D. not( C )24. If you have nothing important to do, you can walk _ and enjoy yourself here. A. through B. across C. around D. upright( D )25. Last night I was at home _ watching TV. A. aloud B. alive C. along D. alone( B )26. When did you see the lovely panda _ the first time?A. at B. for C. in D. on( A )27. What you he is a true friend?A. make, think B. makes, think C. make, to think D. makes, to think( D )28. Students always have g good time_each other.A. talk with B. talking C. to talk D. talking to( D )29. John worked very hard so he _ pass the exam.A. may B. can C. can able to D. was able to( C )30. My grand parents didnt have a large house_.A.to live B.live C.to live in D.live in( D )31. Could you say _about it, please ? Id like to know _.A. nothing else; moreB. anything else; mostC. anything other; moreD. something else; more( B )32. She doesnt like_.A.be in a lead B.being on a lead C.in a lead D.at a lead( A )33. He has some problems_his lessons.A.studying B.with studying C.study D.in study( C )34. There will be few minutes left, _?A. will it B. wont it C. will there D. wont there( A )35. Everyone knows Shanghai is larger than _ in Jiangsu.A. any city B. any other city C. the other cities D. any cities( B )36. Could you please _ my mother about it ?A. didnt tell B. not tell C. wont tell D. not to tell( D )37. You shouldnt leave your son at home _ for too long.A. by yourself B. by herself C. along D. alone( A )38. You should do more _.Dont always sit at the desk busy doing your _. A .exercise, exercises B. exercises,exercise C. exercises, exercises D. exercise, exercise( C )39. Kittys father _ her very much because she _ him. A. is like, like B. likes, is like C. likes, is alike D. is alike, likes( B )40. _ necessary that you hand in your homework on time every day. A. Thats B. Its C. Youre D. This is( C )41. _ we play baseball after class? A. If B. If what C. What if D. That if( C )42. They drive _ us. A. more careful than B. more carefully as C. more carefully than D. as carefully than( C )43. A dolphin is _ animal in the sea. A. the clever B. the most clever C. the cleverest D. cleverest( B )44. China is larger than _ in Asia(亚洲). A. any country B. any other country C. any other countries D. another country ( C ) 45. My shoes are too old.Im going to buy_. A. a new one B. another one C. a new pair D. any one(C ) 46. What is the American English for “电影”? A. film B.cinema C. movie D. video( C ) 47. If you want to know English words _,you should read English_ A. as much as possible, as much as you can B. as many as possible, as many as you canC. as many as possible, as much as you can D. as much as possible, as many as you can( B ) 48. Before you cross the road,you should look_. A. careful B. carefully C. careless D. carelessly( C ) 49. My little brother is generous_his friends.Hed like them to share_toys. A. for,he B.to, him C. to,his D.for,his( C )50. What colour do you like_,Black,green or purple? A. best B. favourite C. better D. most( C )51. Theyre very able to finish _work with _money. A. fewer,less B. more,fewer C. more,less D.more,more( C )52.1.You look nice _ this fur coat, but I dont think it looks _ me. A. on, nice on B. in, lovely in C. in, lovely on D. in, beautifully on( D )53.Some wild animals are in danger of _ of living areas. A. losting B. lose C. lost D. loss( B )54._ did you weigh when you were born? A. How heavy B. How much C. How many D. How(ABCD)55.Lucy could ride a bike _ . A.at seven years old B. when she was seven C. at seven D. at the age of seven( B )56.It is difficult _ us _ the ball to each other. A.for,to keep pass B. for,to keep passing C.of,to keep passing D.of,keeping to pass( C )57.Do you have _ problems _? A.some, cutting it down B. any, cutting down it C.any, cutting it down D. any, to cut it down( B )58.Before you learn to do _ you must first_ carefully. A.new something, see B. something new, watch C.anything new, look D. some new things, read ( D )59.There is _ sheep eating grass there. A.a little B. little C. a few D.few( D )60.Here _. A.the teacher is B.are your teacher C.is he D.is Mr. Hu( C )61.This is a _ zebra. A.ten-months-old B.ten months old C.ten-month-old D.ten-month old( B )62.Would you please _ the children _ with snake? A.to ask, not to play B. ask, not to play C. ask, not play D. ask, dont play( C )63. Lets find a seat _ and have a rest. A.to sit down B.sit on C.to sit D. to sit in( C )64.If you sell the poison _ you will be caught by the police. A.and B. but C. then D. or( C )65.They will walk _ the rainforest _. A.though, after one or two weeks B. past, in one or two week C.through, in one or two weeks D. across, in a week or two( C )66.Dinosaurs lived _ years ago.A.million of B. five millions C. millions of D. five millions of( C )67.Dont forget to put the book back on the shelf,_? A. do you B. dont you C. will you D.wont you( C )68.She has written a lot of books, but_ good ones. A. any B. some C. few D. Many( B )69.We hope that as many people as possible _ join us for the charity show tomorrow. A. need B. can C. must D. should( B )70. I wonder_. A. how much cost these shoes B. how much these shoes cost C. how much do these shoes cost D. how much are these shoes cos二用单词适当形式或根据汉语意思填空1.There is somedanger(dangerous) in front.2.You should take the following three actions(act) to stop this.3.Do you think Jackie Chan and Jet Lee are good actors(act)?4.We take anactive(act) part in all kinds ofactivities(act) after school.5.If people cut (砍伐) all the trees and forests,giant pandas (大熊猫们)will die.6Many kinds of wild animals like live as a family(以家庭方式群居)7.This food tastes (品尝)yummy.8I think_kangaroos(袋鼠)are very lovely.9. I will go_outside(在外面) when I work.10.Pandas like eating bambooleaves(叶子).11.He continues(继续)to work hard to get good results.12. Many animals are in_danger(危险), we should protect thesedangerous(危险) animals.13Do you know whats theweight(weigh) of the tortoise?14.Please answer thefollowing_(follow) questions correctly.15. I thinkdolphins(海豚) are very clever.16.There are all kinds of insects(昆虫) in the world.17.Bears(熊) dont eat grass.18.A camels (骆驼) has three eyelids.19.Elephants(elephant) tusks are very expensive.20. We should protect the_peaceful(peace)animals21.The loss(lose) of his job worried him.22. He walked away_sadly_(sad).23. Do tigers have good eyesight and hearing(hear)?24Dont touch these animals. They are dangerous(danger).25.Many wild animals living (live) areas are becoming farmlands.26.At thebeginning(begin) of the lesson, we learned some new words.27It is very difficult for me to answer (answer) this question.28.The young parents were worried because of the loss (lose) of their son.29. Luckily (luck), they found their lost son.30. Some hunters_ kill bears for their paws. (hunt)31. Can you find any mistakes in the _following sentences? (follow)32. He came to China in 1998, two years later (late) , he became interested in Chinese history. (interest)33. The teacher encourages us to speak English as often as possible. (speak)34.I wonder if a camel attacks (attack) people.35. Mother giant pandas often leave baby pandas for two whole days by themselves . (they)36. Some medicine is made(make) from wolves (wolf) bones.37. These apples will get much redder(red) in autumn than in summer.38. My son will listen carefully when I sing songs to him.I think hes very musical(music).39Children should speak to old people politely (polite)40. The time is too shortIts impossible (possible) for Daniel to finish this work三、句型转换1. We should do something to save these endangered birds.= We shouldtake actions to save these endangered birds.2. He continued to speak for two hours.= He keep speaking for two hours.3. He went to bed after he finished his work.=Hedidnt go to bed until he finished his work.4. If there is no air, none of us can live.= None of us can live_without air.5. She felt very sad. Her favorite cat died.= She felt very sadbecause of thedeath of her favorite cat.6. I came here to take part in the dinner party.What did you come hereto do?= _ did you come here_?=_Why did you come here?7. These two dolphins have no places to live.= These two dolphins havenowhereto live.8. You should keep him from killing that dog.= You should stop him from killing that dog. =You shouldstop him _killingthat dog.9. After finishing the homework, Sandy keeps doing some cleaning.= After finishing the homework, Sandy conyinues to do some cleaning.10. When he was five years old, he could swim.=At the age of five, he was able to swim.11. If we grow more bamboos, pandas will have more food.=The more bamboos we grow,_the more food pandas will have.12. Please give the book back to me as soon as possible.= Please return the bookto me as soon as possible.= Please give me the book as soon as possible.13. He was late because of the traffic. Why was he late14. Daniel learns the most English words in his class.Daniel learns more English words than the others in his class.15.I cant leave my sister alone, she is too young. I cant leave my sister on her own, She is too young.16.He tried to speak more clearly so that we could understand him more easily. He tried to speak more clearly to make us understand more easily.17.How old were you when I first saw you? How old were you when I saw you foe the first time?18.Hurry up, or you wont catch the early bus. If you dont hurry up, you wont catch the early bus.19. A kangaroo runs so fast that it can catch up with a train. A kangaroo runs fast enough to catch up with a train.20.We not protect them, there not be any bears soon. (用if连成条件句) If we dont protect them, there wont be any bears soon.21.Li Lei had to look after her pet last Sunday. (改为否定句)Li Lei didnt have to look after her pet last Sunday.四、翻译句子1 妈妈鼓励我学好英语。Mum encourages me to learn English well.2 大象是陆地上最大的动物。Elephants are the biggest animals in the world.3 这些孩子将来要独自在国外生活。These children will live in the foreign country alone in the future.4 坚持不断相互传球,你们就会赢。If you keep passing the ball to each other, you will win.5 他喜欢海豚而不喜欢长颈鹿。He prefer giraffes to dolphins.6 如果不下雨,这个周末我们会去张家界旅游。If it doesnt rain this weekend, we will travel to Zhangjiajie.7 她的衣服是由动物的皮毛做成的。Her clothes are made of animal fur.8 下周有大象和猴子表演。There will be elephant and mokey shows next week.9 大熊猫每天花很多时间吃东西。Giant pandas sapend much time eating things every day.10假如农民继续占用土地,野生动物将无处生存。If farmers keep taking the land, wild animals will have nowhere to live.11未来,人类将会与动物成为朋友。People will make friends with animals in the future.12虽然她没有长成一个大人,但我们大家都叫她小大人。Although she doesnt grow into an adult, all of us call her small adult.14. 你对熊知道多少?How much do you know about bears?15.我怕老鼠,如果我看到前面有只老鼠的话,我会掉头就跑。Im afraid of mice. If I see a mouse in front of me,Ill run the other way.16.他们上周四决定写一篇有关濒危北极熊的报告。The decided to write a report about the endangered polar bear last Thursday.17.在所有学科中我的表弟最不喜欢地理。My cousin brother likes Geogarphy least of all the subjects.18.由于那场大雨有40多人丧了命。More than 40 people lost their lives because of the heavy rain.19.很遗憾,大多数野生动物很难在野外生存。Sadly, its difficult for most of the wild animals to survive in the wild.20.我认为如果我们小心的话,并非所有这些户外运动都是危险的I dont think all of these outdoor activities are dangerous if we are careful.五.阅读理解。下面有两篇短文,看谁阅读得快,做得正确。要耐心阅读啊!AIn the past 300 years, more than 130 species of animals have become extinct. One of these extinct species is the passenger pigeon(旅鸽). At one time there were millions of these birds in North America, but now there are none. The last one died in the Cincinnati Zoo in 1914. Another extinct animal is the cape lion(西非狮). The animal has been extinct since 1860.What cause animals to become extinct? Too much hunting is one cause; pollution is another.Governments around the world have begun to protect wild animals in danger. In the United States, the US Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for(承担义务)endangered animals. It has listed nearly 200 species of endangered animals in North America.( B ) 1. The underlined word “extinct” in the first sentence probably means “ ”. A. ill B. dying out C. becoming D. changing( C ) 2. There were many cape lions in North America . A. last century B. in the twentieth century C. more than two hundred years ago D. in 1914( D ) 3. isnt the reason for the extinction of wild animals in North America. A. The pollution B. Too much killing C. Too much hunting D. The war( B ) 4. Three are species of wild animals in danger listed by the US Fish and Wildlife.” A. less than 130 B. about 200 C. over 200 D. nearly 300( B )5. The best title of this passage should be “ ”. A. A sad story B. Endangered animals in North America C. Wild animals D. The US Fish and Wildlife ServiceBThe Red Cross Society of China (RCC) (中国红十字会)has so far received 150 million yuan (18 million US dollars) in donation (捐款) for tsunami-hit(遭受海啸袭击的) countries, reports from the RCC said on January 14, 2005.2.66 million US dollars of the money were sent to Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Maldives soon after they were hit by the killer disaster(灾难)late last month. The rest(剩余部分) of the money will be sent for rebuilding villages, schools and orphanages(homes for children who lost their parents) in the disaster area, the reports said.According to the reports, two RCCs rescue(营救) teams have arrived in Indonesia and Sri Lanka Friday. A third team will go to Thailand early next week.The RCC will report how much money has been collected and the uses of the money on its Website on time, the reports said.( B )6. The countries were hit by _.A. a forest fire B. a tsunami C. a big flood D. a drought disaster.( B )7. The RCC collected money for _, Thailand and Maldives. A. Indonesia, China B. Indonesia, Sri Lanka C. China, Sri Lanka D. Indonesia, America ( C )8. The rest of the money will NOT be used to rebuild _ in the disaster area. A. villages B. schools C. airports D. orphanages( D )9. Which statement (陈述) is true according to the passage?A. The RCC has so far received USD 2.66 million in donation for tsunami-hit countries.B. A third team will be sent to Maldives next week.C. Two RCCs rescue teams have arrived in Thailand.D. The uses of the money will be reported on its Website on time by the RCC.( A )10. The passage is probably from _.A. A newspaper. B. An advertisement. C. An instruction book. D. A storybook.COne day ,a woman got on a bus with a child in her arms.The woman sat down next to an old couple.The old woman took a look at the child and said in a low voice to her husband,”Look at the child.Hes so ugly(丑陋的).” The woman heard what the old woman said and began to cry.She cried and cried and no one could


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