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2022年考博英语-昆明理工大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The new technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased( ), a wide range of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.问题1选项A.manipulationB.reproductionC.circulationD.penetration【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项manipulation“操作,处理”;B选项reproduction“繁殖,生殖”;C选项circulation“ (报纸、杂志的)发行量,销售量,流通,传播”;D选项penetration“穿透,渗透”。根据newspapers(报纸)可知C选项符合语境。句意:美国报纸的新技术革命带来了更多的发行量、广泛的出版物和扩大了报纸的就业机会。2. 单选题Being impatient is( )with being a good teacher.问题1选项A.intrinsicB.ingeniousC.incompatibleD.inherent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项intrinsic“固有的,内在的,本身的”,强调事物本身的特性,多用于术语;B选项ingenious“精巧的,心灵手巧的”;C选项incompatible“(与某事物)不一致,不相配,(与某人)合不来”;D选项inherent“固有的,内在的”,有继承而来的,传下来的这种内在和固定,多用于一般词语。由impatient(没有耐心的)可知C选项符合语境。句意:没有耐心是不可能成为一名好老师的。3. 单选题The terrorist attacks in London Thursday served as a stunning reminder that in todays world, you never know what you might see when you pick up the newspaper or turn on the TV. Disturbing images of terror can trigger an instinctive response no matter how close or far away from home the vent happened.Throughout history, every military conflict has involved psychological warfare in one way or another as the enemy sought to break the morals of their opponent. But thanks to advances in technology, the popularity of the Internet, and proliferation of news coverage, the rules of engagement in this type of mental battle have changed.Whether its a massive attack or a single horrific act, the effects of psychological warfare arent limited to the physical damage inflicted. Instead, the goal of these attacks is to instill a sense of fear that is much greater than the actual threat itself.Therefore, the impact of psychological terror depends largely on how the acts are publicized and interpreted. But that also means there are ways to defend yourself and your loved ones by putting these fears into perspective and protecting your children from horrific images.What Is Psychological Terror? “The use of terrorism as a tactic is based upon inducing a climate of fear that is disproportionate with the actual threat.” says Middle Eastern historian Richard Bulliet of Columbia University. “Every time you have an act of violence, publicizing that violent becomes an important part of the act itself.”“There are various ways to have your impact. You can have your impact by the magnitude of what you do, by the symbolic character of target, or the horrific quality of what you do to a single person,” Bulliet tells WebMD. “The point is that it isnt what you do, but its how its covered that determines the effect.” For example, Bulliet says the Iranian hostage crisis, which began in 1979 and lasted for 444 days, was actually one of the most harmless things that happened in the Middle East in the last 25 years. All of the U.S. hostages were eventually released unharmed, but the event remains a psychological scar for many Americans who watched helplessly as each evenings newscast counted the days the hostages were being held captive.Bulliet says terrorists frequently exploit images of a group of masked individuals exerting total power over their captives to send the message that the act is a collective demonstration of the groups power rather than an individual criminal act. “You dont have the notion that a certain person has taken a hostage. Its an image of group power, and the force becomes generalized rather than personalized,” says Bulliet. “The randomness and the ubiquity (无处不在)of the threat give the impression of vastly greater capacities.”Psychiatrist Ansar Haroun, who served in the U.S. Army Reserves in the first Gulf War and more recently in Afghanistan, says that terrorist groups often resort to psychological warfare because its the only tactic they have available to them. “They dont have M-16s, and we have M-16s. They dont have the mighty military power that we have, and they only have access to things like kidnapping,” says Haroun, who is also a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego.“In psychological warfare, even one beheading(斩首)can have the psychological impact that might be associated with killing 1.000 of the enemy,” Haroun tells WebMD. “You havent really harmed the enemy very much by killing one person on the other side. But in terms of inspiring fear, anxiety, terror, and making us all feel bad, youve achieved a lot of demoralization.”1.What has changed the rules of psychological warfare?2.The goal of psychological warfare is to( ).3.According to Richard Bulliet, publicizing an act of violence becomes an important part of terrorism itself because( ).4.The Iranian hostage crisis shows that( ).5.In this passage the author( ).问题1选项A.Terrorist attacks.B.The increase of military conflicts.C.Advances in nuclear weapons.D.Prosperity of the media.问题2选项A.change the ideology of the opponentB.win a battle without military attacksC.generate a greater sense of fearD.bring about more physical damage问题3选项A.psychological terrorism is a tacticB.terrorism depends on a climate of fear rather than on the actual threatC.the use of terrorism is to inspire fear that is more destructive than the actual threatD.publicizing the violence can make more people know the actual threat问题4选项A.means determines effectsB.hostage crises are prevalentC.psychological terrors remain harmlessD.the American media is effective问题5选项A.emphasizes the great impact of psychological warfareB.criticizes the violence of terrorismC.calls for an end to psychological warfareD.opposes the hostage crisis【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。由文章第二段中的But thanks to advances in technology, the popularity of the Internet, and proliferation of news coverage, the rules of engagement in this type of mental battle have changed.(但由于科技的进步、互联网的普及和新闻报道的扩散,这种心理战的交战规则已经改变)可知D选项“媒体的繁荣”符合题意。2.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的Instead, the goal of these attacks is to instill a sense of fear that is much greater than the actual threat itself.(相反,这些攻击的目的是灌输一种比实际威胁本身更大的恐惧感)可知C选项“产生更大的恐惧感”符合题意。3.细节事实题。由文章第五段中的The use of terrorism as a tactic is based upon inducing a climate of fear that is disproportionate with the actual threat.(将恐怖主义作为一种战术是基于制造一种与实际威胁不相称的恐惧气氛)可知C选项“使用恐怖主义是为了激起比实际威胁更具破坏性的恐惧”符合题意。4.推理判断题。由文章第六段中的The point is that it isnt what you do, but its how its covered that determines the effect.(关键不是你做了什么,而是它的报道方式决定了效果)可知A选项“手段决定效果”符合题意。5.主旨大意题。文章首段提出恐怖活动;第二段引出心理战;第三至六段介绍了心理战带来的影响比实际威胁更大;第五段介绍了伊朗人质危机给美国人带来的心理创伤;第六段介绍了恐怖分子随机性和普遍性给人心理上产出更大的威胁;第七段介绍了恐怖组织利用心理战作战;最后一段引用Haroun的话,再次强调心理战带来的影响。因此A选项“强调心理战的巨大影响”符合题意。4. 单选题Our journey was slow because the train stopped( )at different villages.问题1选项A.constantlyB.continuallyC.continuouslyD.gradually【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项constantly“不断地,时常地”,侧重于事件发生的稳定性和持续性以及经久不变的状态;B选项continually“不停地,持续地,频繁地”,侧重于一段时间内多次发生、时断时续或中断时间很短而又接连发生的状态;C选项continuously“连续不断地”,侧重在时间、物质或广度上没有间断的;D选项gradually“逐步地,渐渐地”。由“我们的行程很慢,因为火车_在不同的村中停靠”可知这种停靠是在“我们的行程中”发生的,是在一段时间内发生的,因此B选项符合语境。句意:我们的行程很慢,因为火车频繁地在不同的村中停靠。5. 单选题Mr. Lee is far too wise a man not( )that.问题1选项A.seeingB.being seenC.seeD.to see【答案】D【解析】考查固定结构。too.to表示“太以至于不能”,too. not to属于双重否定的结构,表示“太不能不”。句意:李先生太聪明了,不会不知道这点的。6. 单选题The fishing village of 1,480 people is a bleak and lonely place. Set on the southwestern edge of Iceland, the volcanic landscape is whipped by the North Atlantic winds, which hush everything around them. A sculpture at the entrance to the village depicts a naked man facing a wall of seawater twice his height. There is no movie theater, and many residents never venture to the capital, a 50-minute drive away.But Sandgerdi might be the perfect place to raise girls who have mathematical talent. Government researchers two years ago tested almost every 15-year-old in Iceland for it and found that boys trailed far behind girls. That fact was unique among the 41 countries that participated in the standardized test for that age group designed by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. But while Icelands girls were alone in the world in their significant lead in math, their national advantage of 15 points was small compared with the one they had over boys in fishing villages like Sandgerdi, where it was closer to 30.The teachers of Sandgerdis 254 students were only mildly surprised by the results. They say the gender gap is a story not of talent but motivation. Boys think of school as sufferings on the way to a future of finding riches at sea; for girls, its their ticket out of town. Margret Ingporsdottir and Hanna Maria Heidarsdottir, both 15, students at Sandgerdis gleaming schoolwhich has a science laboratory, a computer room and a well-stocked libraryhave no doubt that they are headed for university. “I think I will be a pharmacist,” says Heidarsdottir. The teens sat in principal Gudjon Kristjanssons office last week, waiting for a ride to the nearby town of Kevlavik, where they were competing in West Icelands yearly math contest, one of many throughout Iceland in which girls excel.Meanwhile, by the harbor, Gisli Tor Hauksson, 14, already has big plans that dont require spending his afternoons toiling over geometry. “Ill be a fisherman,” he says, just like most of his ancestors. His father recently returned home from 60 days at sea off the coast of Norway. “He came back with 1.1 million krona,” about $18,000,says Hauksson. As for school, he says,“it destroys the brain.” He intends to quit at 16, the earliest age at which he can do so legally “A boy sees his older brother who has been at sea for only two years and has a better car and a bigger house than the headmaster,” says Kristjansson.But the story of female achievement in Iceland doesnt necessarily have a happy ending. Educators have found that when girls leave their rural enclaves to attend universities in the nations cities, their science advantage generally shrinks. While 61% of university students are women, they make up only one-third of Icelands science students. By the time they enter the labor market, many are overtaken by men, who become doctors, engineers and computer technicians. Educators say they watch many bright girls suddenly flinch back in the face of real, head-to-head competition with boys. In a math class at a Reykjavik school, Asgeir Gurdmundsson, 17, says that although girls were consistently brighter than boys at school, “they just seem to leave the technical jobs to us.” Says Soirun Gensdottir, the director of education at the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture: “We have to find a way to stop girls from dropping out of sciences.”Teachers across the country have begun to experiment with ways to raise boys to the level of girls in elementary and secondary education. The high school in Kevlawik tried an experiment in 2002 and 2003, separating 16-to-20-year-olds by gender for two years. That time the boys slipped even further behind. “The boys said the girls were better anyway,” says Krlstjan Asmundsson, who taught the 25 boys. “They didnt even try.”1.Which of the following words can best describe Sandgerdi?2.According to the passage, the reason why girls do better than boys in math at Sandgerdi is most probably the following EXCEPT( ).3.The fifth paragraph suggests that in the field of science( ).4.Girls flinch back in the competition with boys most probably because( ).5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?问题1选项A.desolateB.poorC.bustlingD.thriving问题2选项A.boys and girls share different incentives in math learningB.the girls are more anxious about their future careerC.the boys consider that fishing doesnt necessarily need mathD.the boys spend more time on their part time jobs问题3选项A.women have advantages over men in competitionB.women tend to be in a less embarrassing levelC.men are plying more important rolesD.Men are one third less than women in number问题4选项A.they are short of confidence in themselvesB.employers often prefer boys to take technical jobsC.they have poorer performance in technical jobsD.they are willing to leave technical jobs to boys问题5选项A.A Village In IcelandB.A Land Where Girls Rule in MathC.Boys Cleverer Than Girls?D.Science Students in Sandgerdi【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.细节事实题。A选项desolate“荒凉的”;B选项poor“贫穷的”;C选项bustling“繁忙的”;D选项thriving“繁荣的”。由文章第一段中的The fishing village of 1,480 people is a bleak and lonely place.(这个有1480人的渔村是一个荒凉而孤独的地方)可知Sandgerdi是一个荒凉的地方,因此选A。2.细节事实题。由文章第三段中的They say the gender gap is a story not of talent but motivation.(他们说性别差距不是来自资质的差别,而是学习动力的差别)可知D选项“男孩们把更多的时间花在兼职上”符合题意,A、B、C选项都与“学习动力”有关。3.推理判断题。由文章第五段中的 While 61% of university students are women, they make up only one-third of Icelands science students. By the time they enter the labor market, many are overtaken by men, who become doctors, engineers and computer technicians.(尽管61%的大学生是女性,但她们只占冰岛理科学生的三分之一。当他们进入劳动力市场时,许多人被男性所取代,他们成为医生、工程师和计算机技术人员)可知C选项“男人扮演着更重要的角色”符合题意。4.推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段中的Educators say they watch many bright girls suddenly flinch back in the face of real, head-to-head competition with boys.(教育家们说,他们看到许多聪明的女孩在面对真实的、面对面的与男孩的竞争时突然退缩)可知A选项“她们对自己缺乏信心”符合题意。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了在冰岛上的Sandgerdi由于男女学生学习的动机不一样,女生在数学成绩上男生优秀,因此B选项“女生在数学上占统治地位的地方”符合题意。7. 单选题Some women( )a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.问题1选项A.must makeB.would makeC.should have madeD.could have made【答案】D【解析】考查情态动词。must do表示对现在的肯定的推测;would do表对将来的推测;should have done表示过去本应该做某事却未做,表达一种责备或内疚的语气;could have done表示过去本能够做某事却未做,表示对过去事情的假设。此句是对过去情况的一种推测,因此选D。句意:有些女性本可以在工作中挣到高薪,而不是呆在家里,但她们决定为了家庭而不去工作。8. 单选题The( )language of local officials makes them seem very ignorant and rude.问题1选项A.artificialB.livelyC.indecentD.humorous【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项artificial“人工的,人造的”;B选项lively“精力充沛的,生气勃勃的”;C选项indecent“不得体的,不合适的,粗鄙的”;D选项humorous“滑稽有趣的,有幽默感的”。由very ignorant and rude(非常无知和粗鲁)可知地方官员的语言应该是“不得体的,粗鄙的”。句意:地方官员的不得体语言使他们显得非常无知和粗鲁。9. 单选题It is well known that the retired workers in our country are ( )free medical care.问题1选项A.entitled toB.involved inC.associated withD.assigned to【答案】A【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项 entitled to“有权享有,有资格”;B选项involved in“涉及”;C选项associated with“参加,与有关”;D选项assigned to“被分配给”。根据free medical care(免费医疗)可知A选项符合语境。句意:众所周知,我国退休职工享有免费医疗。10. 单选题( )excessive consumption of fried foods has serious consequences as has been proved.问题1选项A.TheoreticallyB.PresumablyC.IncrediblyD.Practically【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项theoretically“理论地,理论上”;B选项presumably“据推测,很可能,大概”;C选项incredibly“极其,难以置信地”;D选项practically“实际上,几乎,差不多”。由as has been proved(如已证实的那样)可知前面的内容应该是一种猜测比较符合逻辑,即证实推测。句意:据推测,过度食用油炸食品会造成严重后果,这已被证实。11. 单选题Speaking two languages rather than just one has obvious practical benefits in an increasingly globalized world. But in recent years, scientists have begun to show that the advantages of bilingualism are even more fundamental than being able to converse with a wider range of people. Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter. It can have a profound effect on your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even shielding against dementia(痴呆)in old age.This view of bilingualism is remarkably different from the understanding of bilingualism through much of the 20th century. Researchers, educators and policy makers long considered a second language to be an interference, cognitively speaking, that hindered a childs academic and intellectual development.They were not wrong about the interference: there is ample evidence that in a bilinguals brain both language systems are active even when he is using only one language, thus creating situations in which one system obstructs(痴呆)the other. But this interference, researchers are finding out, isnt so much a handicap as a blessing in disguise. It forces the brain to resolve internal conflict, giving the mind a workout that strengthens its cognitive muscles.The collective evidence from a number of such studies suggests that the bilingual experience improves the brains so-called executive function. A command system directs the attention processes that we use for planning, solving problems and performing various other mentally demanding tasks. These processes include ignoring distractions to stay focused, switching attention willfully from one thing to another and holding information in mindlike remembering a sequence of directions while driving.Why does the tussle(搏斗)between two simultaneously active language systems improve these aspects of cognition? Until recently, researchers thought the bilingual advantage stemmed primarily from an ability for inhibition that was honed(磨炼)by the exercise of suppressing one language system: this suppression, it was thought, would help train the bilingual mind to ignore distractions in other contexts. But that explanation increasingly appears to be inadequate, since studies have shown that bilinguals perform better than monolinguals even at tasks that do not require inhibition, like threading a line through an ascending series of numbers scattered randomly on a page.The key difference between bilinguals and monolinguals may be more basic: a heightened ability to monitor the environment. “Bilinguals have to switch languages quite oftenyou may talk to your father in one language and to your mother in another language,” says Albert Costa, a researcher at the University of Pompea Fabra in Spain. “It requires keeping track of changes around you in the same way that we monitor our surroundings when driving.” In a study comparing German-Italian bilinguals with Italian monolinguals on monitoring tasks, Mr. Costa and his colleagues found that the bilingual subjects not only performed better, but they also did so with less activity in parts of the brain involved in monitoring, indicating that they were more efficient at it.The bilingual experience appears to influence the brain from infancy to old age, and there is reason to believe that it may also apply to those who learn a second language later in life.1.According to the passage, the more recent and old views of bilingualism differ mainly in( ).2.The fact that interference is now seen as a blessing in disguise means that( ).3.What is the role of Paragraph Four in relation to Paragraph Three?4.Which of the following can account for better performance of bilinguals in doing non-inhibition tasks?5.What is the main theme of the passage?问题1选项A.its practical advantagesB.perceived language fluencyC.its role in cognitionD.its role in medicine问题2选项A.its potential benefits have remained undiscoveredB.it has led to unexpectedly favorable resultsC.its effects on cognitive development have been minimalD.only a few researchers have realized its advantages问题3选项A.It provides counter evidence to Paragraph Three.B.It offers another example of the role of interference.C.It serves as a transitional paragraph in the passage.D.It further illustrates the point in Paragraph Three.问题4选项A.An ability to ignore distractionsB.An ability to monitor surroundings.C.An ability to perform with less effort.D.An ability to exercise suppression.问题5选项A.Features of bilinguals and monolinguals.B.Interference and suppression.C.Bilinguals and monitoring tasks.D.Reasons why bilinguals are smarter【答案】第1题:C第2题


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