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cha ngeable of internati onal sit uation and difficult heavy of dome stic reform devel opme nt stable task, XI Ge neral Se cretary made China e conomi c devel opment i nto ne w normal of scie nce judge , proposed i nnovati on, a nd coordinati on, and gre en, a nd ope n, and shared five big dev elopment concept, implementation macro poli cy to stabil ity, and industry poli cy to associ ate, and micro poli cy to live, and reform poli cy to real, a nd social poli cy to backi ng five big pillar sex poli cy, vig orously advance supply side structural reform, new conce pt, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domestic producti on total a nnual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier w orld e conomi c 2.3% of annual growt h, on worl d economi c growt h of contribution over 25%, tertiary i ndustry accounted for domesti c production total shar e over 50%, ev entually consumption on economi c growth of contribution rate reache d 66%, economic structure a djustme nt made important progre ss, development of quality and be nefits signifi cantlyupgrade , Chi na economic show out huge of sw ing room and broa d of devel opment prospe cts. This aspects XI General Se cretary of speech main including e conomic gr owth must is real and no water of growth impr ove open type economic level see missing of hand and see have see of hand are to with good spee d up from eleme nts drive, a nd i nvestment scale drive devel opment mai nly to to innovation drive development mai nly of cha nge active promote d Chi na e nergy production and consumptio n revol ution,. 5. wit h regard to buil ding the r ule of law i n Chi na. 18 big yilai, Central tightl y around full adva nce law r uling , put party of led, a nd people masters, and law rul ing orga nic unified up, i nsiste d law ruli ng, and law ruli ng, a nd law a dministrative common a dvance, insisted r ule of law nati onal, a nd r ule of law Governme nt, and rule of law social one constr uction, full a dvance sci nce legi slation, and strictly law e nforceme nt, and just judi cial, a nd universal law -abidi ng, China features socialistreform results, economy, and political sy stem, and cult ure system, and social system, a nd disci pline check system, a nd party of construction system reform solid a dvance, tax, and financial, a nd price, a nd a dministrative approval, a nd State-ow ned e nterprises, and ecologi cal civ ilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration i n the of deci sive role sig nifica ntly enhanced, Unpre cedented burst of mome ntum and vitality of economi c and social deve lopme nt. XI Ge neral Secretarys spee ch i n this regar d include the reform only whe n there i no complete, t he notes on the 18 session of ideas i nto the partys spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the in creasi ng use of the Socialist system wit h Chinese characteristi cs such as the a bility to run the country. 4. with regar d to pr omoting sustained and he althy economic development. Face compl exlegal system further sound perfect, l eaders at all leve ls ca dres using rul e of law thi nking and rul e of law way dee pening reform, and医院库房管理制度为保证医院各级各项物资保管得当,调度与使用合理、及时、有效,制定本制度。一、适用范围凡医院办公用品、劳保用品、卫生材料、药品等均由库房保管,并适用本制度。二、库房管理要求1、库存物品要建账建卡,做到入库有验收,出库有凭证,登记账目及时,保证库存物品数字准确,帐、卡、物相符,做到逐日清点。2、各种物资按类存放,顺序编号建卡。凡经批准报残物品和帐外物品,应登记明确,不得与其它物品混杂存放。3、严格物品验收入库手续,验收人员须清点数量、验收质量后,方可签字办理入库手续。4、库内不得代存其它物品(除极特殊情况,经院领导特批外) ,其它一律拒绝存放。5、保管人员应了解掌握各类物品的性能用途、使用方法,按领用单限定的品名、数量单价分发各类物品,做到计划供应、满足需要、防止浪费。6、各种物资不得外供和私用,特殊领用情况必须经院领导批准。7、库房要保持通风、干燥、清洁,注意安全,做到防火、防盗、防爆、防潮、防鼠,严谨烟火。三、出入库管理流程promoted development, a nd T he ability to resolv e conflicts a nd constantly improve, our . 6. on the bui lding of Sociali st cult ure in Chi na. A country, a nati on str ong, al ways supported by cult ure flouri she d, the i nherita nce a nd development of civ ilization, without cult ure to devel op and prosper, there will be no realizati on of the dream of China. 18 big yilai , XI General Se cretary around foster a nd pr omote Socialist core value s promote China excellent traditi onal cult ure firmly master ideology work le d right and discourse right, aspe cts do has series important spee ch, main i ncl udi ng put publ icity thought w ork do have better for achieve d China dre am conde nse d powerful m oral support improv e national culture soft strength foster a nd promote Socialist core values youth to consci ously practi ce line Soci alist core values Chil dhood active ly cultivate a nd pra ctice t he core value s of sociali sm and t he partys important spee ch o n the press conference. 7. pr omote the reform and deve lopme nt of socia l undertaking s and social manageme nt. 18 big yilai, Ce ntral insi sted put guarante es and improve d liveli hood as r uling a cting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic sol ution masses most care most directly most reality of interests pr oblem, 3 years cum ulative reduction pover ty more than 50 milli on people, e quivale nt to a medium national population of total, annual a dde d town employme nt more tha n 10 million pe opl e, starts constr ucti on supporta bility housi ng engi neeri ng near 4 milli on sets, built worl d Sha ng sca le maximum, and cover universa l of basi c medical guarantees netw ork and pe nsi on guara ntees network, urba n and rural resi dents i ncome continued growth, T he lives of the people of all ethni c groups have m ore on bot h material and spirit ual thriving. This aspects XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch mai n incl udi ng pr omoted poverty area poverty, a nd spee d up devel opment let 1.3 billi on people e njoy s better more fair of education speed up adva nce housi ngguarantees a nd supply system constr ucti on always put people life security put i n first bit efforts put China construction be came netw ork power insisted ge neral nati onal security views, go Chi na features nati onal security road ef fective mainte nance nati ona l security and social settle d,. 8. w ith regar d to com prehe nsive stri ctly admini stering the party. Party of 18 big yilai , Central stati on i n party and national survival of heig ht, firmly grasp strengthe ning party of ruling capa city constr uction, a nd adva nce d purity construction this arti cle mainli ne, to styl e construction for breakthr oug h, to dev eloped intr oduce d eight items pr ovide s started start, put discipli ne a nd rul es is i n front, organi zation carrie d out has party of mass line e ducation practi ce activitie s and three strict thre e real topic e ducation, insisted zero t olerance, a nd full cover, a nd no area, i nsiste d T iger flies with playing, style political wind society conti nue d improve d, More perfect system of laws wit hin t he party, discipli ne ofauthoritative seriousness i ncreasing, for the history of winni ng ha s a lot of new feature s provi de a strong politicalcha ngeable of internati onal sit uation and difficult heavy of dome stic reform devel opme nt stable task, XI Ge neral Se cretary made China e conomi c devel opment i nto ne w normal of scie nce judge , proposed i nnovati on, a nd coordinati on, and gre en, a nd ope n, and shared five big dev elopment concept, implementation macro poli cy to stabil ity, and industry poli cy to associ ate, and micro poli cy to live, and reform poli cy to real, a nd social poli cy to backi ng five big pillar sex poli cy, vig orously advance supply side structural reform, new conce pt, achieved has 2013 to 20 15 during, Domestic producti on total a nnual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier w orld e conomi c 2.3% of annual growt h, on worl d economi c growt h of contribution over 25%, tertiary i ndustry accounted for domesti c production total shar e over 50%, ev entually consumption on economi c growth of contribution rate reache d 66%, economic structure a djustme nt made important progre ss, development of quality and be nefits signifi cantly reform results, economy, and political sy stem, and cult ure system, and social system, a nd disci pline check system, a nd party of construction system reform solid a dvance, tax, and financial, a nd price, a nd a dministrative approval, a nd State-ow ned e nterprises, and ecologi cal civ ilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration i n the of deci sive role sig nifica ntly enhanced, Unpre cedented burst of mome ntum and vitality of economi c and social deve lopme nt. XI Ge neral Secretarys spee ch i n this regar d include the reform only whe n there i no complete, t he notes on the 18 session of ideas i nto the partys spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasi ng use of the Socialist system wit h Chinese characteristi cs such as the a bility to run the country. 4. with regar d to pr omoting sustained and he althy economic development. Face compl exupgrade , Chi na economic show out huge of sw ing room and broa d of devel opment prospe cts. This aspects XI General Se cretary of spe ech main including e conomic gr owth must is real and no water of growth impr ove open type economic level see missing of hand and see have see of hand are to with good spee d up from eleme nts drive, a nd i nvestment scale drive devel opment mai nly to to innovation drive development mai nly of cha nge active promote d Chi na e nergy production and consumption revol ution,. 5. wit h regard to buil ding the r ule of law i n Chi na. 18 big yilai, Central tightl y around full adva nce law r uling , put party of led, a nd people masters, and law rul ing orga nic unified up, i nsiste d law ruli ng, and law ruli ng, a nd law a dministrative common a dvance, insisted r ule of law nati onal, a nd r ule of law Governme nt, and rule of law social one c onstr uction, full a dvance sci nce legi slation, and strictly law e nforceme nt, and just judi cial, a nd universal law -abidi ng, China features socialistlegal system further sound perfect, l eaders at all leve ls ca dres using rul e of law thi nking and rul e of law way dee pening reform, and1、物资领用时必须持有院(科室)领导签批的领用申请单,库管员见单方能出货;2、物资出库前应先填写出库单,领用人应在出库单上签字,签字清晰完整;3、库管员收货入库前应认真核对采购清单,如发现数量不符、名称不符、质量明显不合格的物品应拒收, 并与采购员及时联系更换或退货事宜;四、安全管理要求1、闲杂人员及领料者未经同意不得进入库房。2、库房内严禁烟火,严禁在库房内吸烟,不得以任何理由秉烛入库。3、库房严谨私拉乱接电源及电器。4、库管员应爱护好库房内外消防设施,发现消防设施损坏应及时上报。5、库房门窗应经常检查有无损坏,库房门应随开随关。6、库管员下班离库前必须巡库一次,清查问题隐患。promoted development, a nd T he ability to resolv e conflicts a nd constantly improve, our . 6. on the bui lding of Sociali st cult ure in Chnia. A country, a nati on str ong, al ways supported by cult ure flouri she d, the i nherita nce a nd development of civ ilization, without cult ure to devel op and prosper, there will be no realizati on of the dream of China. 18 big yilai , XI General Se cretary around foster a nd pr omote Socialist core value s promote China excellent traditi onal cult ure firmly master ideology work le d right and discourse right, aspe cts do has series important spee ch, main i ncl udi ng put publ icity thought w ork do have better for achieve d China dre am conde nse d powerful moral support improv e national culture soft strength foster a nd promote Socialist core values youth to consci ously practi ce line Soci alist core values Chil dhood active ly cultivate a nd pra ctice t he c ore value s of sociali sm and t he partys important spee ch on the press conference. 7. pr omote the reform and deve lopme nt of socia l undertaking s and social manageme nt. 18 big yilai, Ce ntral insi sted put guarante es and improve d liveli hood as r uling a cting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic sol ution masses most care most directly most reality of interests problem, 3 years cum ulative reduction pover ty more than 50 milli on people, e quivale nt to a medium national population of total, annual a dde d town employme nt more tha n 10 million pe opl e, starts constr ucti on supporta bility housi ng engi neeri ng near 4 milli on sets, built worl d Sha ng sca le maximum, and cover universa l of basi c medical guarantees netw ork and pe nsi on guara ntees network, urba n and rural resi dents i ncome continued growth, T he lives of the people of all ethni c groups have m ore on bot h material and spirit ual thriving. This aspects XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch mai n incl udi ng pr omoted poverty area poverty, a nd spee d up dev el opment let 1.3 billi on people e njoy s better more fair of education speed up adva nce housi ngguarantees a nd supply system constr ucti on always put people life security put i n first bit efforts put China construction be came netw ork power insisted ge neral nati onal s ecurity views, go Chi na features nati onal security road effective mainte nance nati ona l security and social settle d,. 8. w ith regar d to com prehe nsive stri ctly admini stering the party. Party of 18 big yilai , Central stati on i n party and national survival of heig ht, firmly grasp strengthe ning party of ruling capa city constr uction, a nd adva nce d purity construction this arti cle mainli ne, to styl e construction for breakthr oug h, to dev eloped intr oduce d eight items pr ovide s started start, put discipli ne a nd rul es is i n front, organi zation carrie d out has party of mass line e ducation practi ce activitie s and three strict thre e real topic e ducation, insisted zero t olerance, a nd full cover, a nd no area, i nsiste d T iger flies with playing, style political wind society conti nue d improve d, More perfect system of laws wit hin t he party, discipli ne ofauthoritative seriousness i ncreasing, for the history of winni ng ha s a lot of new feature s provi de a strong politicalcha ngeable of internati onal sit uation and difficult heavy of dome stic reform devel opme nt stable task, XI Ge neral Se cretary made China e conomi c devel opment i nto ne w normal of scie nce judge , proposed i nnovati on, a nd coordinati on, and gre en, a nd ope n, and shared five big dev elopment concept, implementation macro poli cy to stabil ity, and industry poli cy to associ ate, and micro poli cy to live, and reform poli cy to real, a nd social poli cy to backi ng five big pillar sex poli cy, vig orously advance supply side structural reform, new conce pt, achieved has 2013 to 2015 during, Domestic producti on total a nnual growth 7.3%, obviously fast Yu earlier w orld e conomi c 2.3% of annual growt h, on worl d economi c growt h of contribution over 25%, tertiary i ndustry accounted for domesti c production total shar e over 50%, ev entually consumption on economi c growth of contribution rate reache d 66%, economic structure a djustme nt made important progre ss, development of quality and be nefits signifi cantly reform results, economy, and political sy stem, and cult ure system, and social system, a nd disci pline check system, a nd party of construction system reform solid a dvance, tax, and financial, a nd price, a nd a dministrative approval, a nd State-ow ned e nterprises, and ecologi cal civ ilization, important field and key link reform made major progress, market in resources configuration i n the of deci sive role sig nifica ntly enhanced, Unpre cedented burst of mome ntum and vitality of economi c and so cial deve lopme nt. XI Ge neral Secretarys spee ch i n this regar d include the reform only whe n there i no complete, t he notes on the 18 session of ideas i nto the partys spirit of the reforms more difficult to move forward, the increasi ng use of the Socialist system wit h Chinese characteristi cs s uch as the a bility to run the country. 4. with regar d to pr omoting sustained and he althy economic development. Face compl exupgrade , Chi na economic show out huge of sw ing room and broa d of devel opment prospe cts. This aspects XI General Se cretary of spe ech main including e conomic gr owth must is real and no water of growth impr ove open type economic level see missing of hand and see have see of hand are to wit h good spee d up from eleme nts drive, a nd i nvestment scale drive devel opment mai nly to to innovation drive development mai nly of cha nge active promote d Chi na e nergy production and consumption revol ution,. 5. wit h regard to buil ding the r ule of law i n Chi na. 18 big yilai, Central tightl y around full adva nce law r uling , put party of led, a nd people masters, and law rul ing orga nic unified up, i nsiste d law ruli ng, and law ruli ng, a nd law a dministrative common a dvance, insisted r ule of law nati onal, a nd r ule of law Governme nt, and rule of law social one constr uction, full a dvance sci nce legi slation, and strictly law e nforceme nt, and just judi cial, a nd universal law -abidi ng, China features socialistlegal system further sound perfect, l eaders at all leve ls ca dres using rul e of law thi nking and rul e of law way dee pening reform, and医院低值易耗品管理制度一、医院低值易耗品实行定额管理、定期核销、科室核算的原则。二、凡不够固定资产标准,又不属材料范围的用具设备 ( 医用设备单位价值在 1500元以下, 通用设备单价在 1000 元以下, 使用年限不够一年的,均属低值易耗品范围 ) ,例如低值仪器、仪表、工具、玻璃器皿、一般用具、脸盆、暖瓶,独立使用的元件、配件等,均属低值易耗品。三、总务科根据医院各科室低值易耗品实际消耗的统计分析资料, 并结合当年医院经费的可能和库存情况, 在认真调查研究的基础上, 作出采购计划,报院领导审批后购买。四、低值易耗品入库前,必须及时认真组织验收,办理入库手续。验收时必须注意质量的检查, 验收中发现问题应立即根据有关规定向供货或运输单位提出,及时办理退换或赔补手续。五、库房低值易耗品的管理应科学化,做到存放有序、零整分开、账物对号、固定存放,便于收发和检查,严防损坏、变质、丢失。六、严格领退手续, 在用的低值易耗品, 应设立登记簿, 登记其分布、使用及消耗情况, 定人保管。 使用损耗后, 及时办理手续, 以旧换新。七、建立清查盘点制度,坚持日清、月结、季盘点。盘点内容一般包括收发有无错误、账物是否相符、物品有无变质及损坏情况。八、清查盘点多年不用的积压、 呆滞低值易耗品, 对其应按有关规定,积极进行修旧利废、改制利用、变价出售和调剂处理。使用部门对于领取后多年不用的低值易耗品,应当办理退料手续。promoted development, a nd T he ability to resolv e conflicts a nd constantly improve, our . 6. on the bui lding of Sociali st cult ure in Chnia. A country, a nati on str ong, al ways supported by cult ure flouri she d, the i nherita nce a nd development of civ ilization, without cult ure to devel op and prosper, there will be no realizati on of the dream of China. 18 big yilai , XI General Se cretary around foster a nd pr omote Socialist core value s promote China excellent traditi onal cult ure firm ly master ideology work le d right and discourse right, aspe cts do has series important spee ch, main i ncl udi ng put publ icity thought w ork do have better for achieve d China dre am conde nse d powerful moral support improv e national culture soft strength foster a nd promote Socialist core values youth to consci ously practi ce line Soci alist core values Chil dhood active ly cultivate a nd pra ctice t he core value of sociali sm and t he partys important spee ch on the press conference. 7. pr omote the reform and deve lopm nt of socia l undertaking s and social manageme nt. 18 big yilai, Ce ntral insi sted put guarante es and improve d liveli hood as r uling a cting political of starting point and foothold, Xia big pneumatic sol ution masses most care most directly most reality of int erests pr oblem, 3 years cum ulative reduction pover ty more than 50 milli on people, e quivale nt to a medium national population of total, annual a dde d town employme nt more tha n 10 million pe opl e, starts constr ucti on supporta bility housi ng engi neeri ng near 4 m illi on sets, built worl d Sha ng sca le maximum, and cover universa l of basi c medical guarantees netw ork and pe nsi on guara ntees network, urba n and rural resi dents i ncome continued growth, T he lives of the people of all ethni c groups have m ore on bot h material and spirit ual thriving. This aspects XI Ge neral Secretary of spee ch mai n incl udi ng pr omoted poverty area poverty, a nd spee d up dev el opment let 1.3 billi on people e njoy s better more fair of educa


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