(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练16 Modules 5-6(九上)习题

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(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练16 Modules 5-6(九上)习题_第1页
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(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练16 Modules 5-6(九上)习题_第2页
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(鄂尔多斯专版)2019中考英语高分复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 课时训练16 Modules 5-6(九上)习题_第3页
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课时训练(十六)Modules 56(九上)(限时:30分钟).2018荆州完形填空One day, when a successful businessman opened the door of his car, a dog sleeping 1 his car suddenly came out and bit(咬) his leg! He threw a stone at the dog, 2 he was not able to hit it. How angry he was!Upon 3 his office, the businessman called a meeting of the workers. He took out his anger(愤怒) on them. Gradually, the businessmans anger 4 the company.The businessman was sill angry after returning home. His wife asked him, “Why are you so late today?” The man 5, “I didnt go to the office to play soccer. I went to work. So dont ask such stupid questions!”His wife was troubled about being shouted at 6. She turned her anger on their son who was watching TV. “This is all you do. You have no 7 in studying! Turn off the TV now!” she shouted.The son became 8 as well. He walked out of his house and saw a dog passing by. He picked up a stone and threw it at the dog 9. The dog ran away, barking(大吠) in pain.Sometimes, when we are angry about something, we might take out our anger on 10. We should learn to control our anger.1.A.onB.nearC.in front ofD.under2.A.althoughB.ifC.unlessD.so3.A.cleaningB.repairingC.fillingD.reaching4.A.ran intoB.came overC.spread throughD.rose up5.A.answeredB.shoutedC.repeatedD.said6.A.for no reasonB.after a whileC.in that caseD.by the way7.A.timeB.interestC.choiceD.attention 8.A.relaxedB.lonelyC.upsetD.helpless9.A.angrilyB.actuallyC.simplyD.painfully10.A.anotherB.any otherC.otherD.others.2018内江阅读理解Although people drive in all countries, the rules can be quite different between nations and areas. For this reason, you should always learn the laws before you decide to drive in a foreign country.In the USA, people in Alaska may have a learners permit at the age of fourteen. This is quite different from the driving laws of Niger, where a person must be at least twenty-three years old to drive. If you want to know the minimum(最小的) driving age in most countries, the answer is eighteen. It may also surprise you to learn that not every country allows people to drive, although most of them do. For example, women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia no matter how old they are.Driving on the right or left side of the road is also different. In Great Britain, Cyprus, Australia, India, and Malaysia, people drive on the left. However, in the US, Mexico, France, and Canada, people are required to drive on the right. In fact, one country can have different driving rules for different areas. People in Hong Kong drive on the left, while drivers in other parts of China use the right side of the road.Other different driving laws between countries include those about using mobile phones. In Japan, using any kind of mobile phones is illegal(违法的), even if you do not need to hold the phone with your hands. However, in Argentina and Australia, drivers are allowed to talk on their mobile phones if they do not use their hands.You might also find it interesting to learn that some countries have very unusual laws. For example, in Cyprus, it is against the law to eat or drink anything while driving.11.Which of the following is not discussed in the passage?A.The driving age.B.The driving speed.C.Right or left side traffic.D.Safety calls while driving.12.What can we know about driving from the passage?A.It is fun to drive in Britain in the afternoon.B.Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia.C.In Cyprus, you may make a phone call while driving.D.Its against laws for an Australian driver to use a mobile.13.What does the underlined word “those” in Paragraph 4 refer to?A.Drivers.B.Mobile phones.C.Driving laws.D.Countries.14.What is the main idea of the passage?A.Driving in all countries shares a common purpose.B.Countries have different ways to make laws on driving.C.There are differences in laws about driving among countries.D.People in different countries drive on different sides of the road.2018青岛改编选词填空阅读下列短文,用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。(每词限用一次)somethingquickwhichfootset smallwrite throughdiemillionThe British Museum is the biggest one in the world. Inside, you feel 15. than usual. There are about a hundred things in it to see: clocks 16. have been telling the time for six hundred years, Roman money, some of the earliest books in the world, including Shakespeares own works.The British Museum 17. up nearly 300 years ago by a doctor, Sir Hans Sloane. He liked to collect things and also hoped that his things would be well kept and visited by people after his 18.His wish came true, and the museum opened in 1759. The museum had a famous round Reading Room. There was 19. unusual in the room. Cool air came up 20. small holes in the tables. Hot air flowing under the floor kept readers 21. warm. Since its opening, many famous men 22. and studied there, like Karl Marx.There are lots of special exhibitions every day and there are different films and talks. Small machines tell you about the museum and as you walk around it, you can look and listen at the same time. So if you are one of the British Museums two 23.visitors this year, dont try to see it all too 24. There is a lifetime of looking in the British Museum. .2018淮安改编任务型阅读This is such a heart-warming piece of news in the cold winter. Some days ago, the temperature was only -6 in Kaifeng, Henan. Someone ordered 50 cups of warm porridge(粥) through Meituan App and noted “Please give the porridge to (A)这些正在路上清理雪的工人 and those delivery(递送) men who are delivering food.” When the porridge shop owner received the order, he was moved by the note and provided 60 cups.The story didnt end here. As soon as the food delivery man got the big (B)order, he shared it with his workmates so that they could also get paid. Finally, Meituan returned the money to the porridge buyer, Mr. Zhang and gave him a reward of ¥500. (C)Although he had to raise his newly-born baby and pay for his house every month, Mr. Zhang said he would surely continue delivering love.The kind help also encouraged many other citizens in Kaifeng. This summer, volunteers are sending cool drinks every day.Similar stories have happened in many other places in China. Outdoor workers in different cities are able to enjoy free and caring help. Lots of “love posts” are providing “coolness” in hot summer and “warmth” in cold winter. Just as a citizen of Kaifeng said, “I feel deeply moved and warm in heart.”In fact, we get love and give love every day. Love delivery makes our life better and more beautiful.25.根据短文内容回答问题。How did Mr. Zhang order 50 cups of warm porridge?26.将(A)处画线部分翻译成英语。27.(B)处画线单词“order”means in the passage.A.命令B.指示C.订单28.将(C)处画线句子翻译成汉语。29.用英语写出你读本篇文章后的感受。.根据中文提示补全句子(每空一词)30.这辆二手车花了我至少500美元。The second-hand car cost me $500.31.如果你把因特网和印刷术作比较,你将发现世界变得更小了。If you the Internet printing, you the world much smaller.32.我们住在一栋公寓的第二十层。We live the of a flat.33.托尼认为家庭作业不如音乐重要,但我不同意他的看法。Tony thinks homework is than music, but I dont him.34.你应该向他道歉而不是保持沉默。You should apologise to him silent.参考答案.主旨大意 一个商人开车门时, 被狗咬了一口, 他很生气, 于是他把愤怒的情绪带到了办公室, 又回家带给了妻子, 妻子又把愤怒的情绪带给了儿子。由此说明气愤是可以传播的, 我们要学会控制自己的情绪。1.D根据后面的“came out and bit his leg”可知, 狗是在车底下睡觉。故选D。2.A3.D根据后面的“his office”可知,是“到达办公室”, reach意为“到达”。故选D。4.C此处表示商人的愤怒情绪慢慢地传播到整个公司。故选C。5.B根据下文的“His wife was troubled about being shouted at”可知,这里是“shouted”。故选B。6.A此处表示他妻子对他无缘无故的嚷嚷很疑惑。表示“无缘无故”, 应用for no reason。故选A。7.B根据后面的“in studying”可推知句意“你对学习没有兴趣, 马上关上电视”。表示“兴趣”, 应用interest。故选B。8.C根据后面的“as well”可知,儿子也变得烦躁不安。表示“烦躁不安的”, 应用upset。故选C。9.A根据后面的“The dog ran away, barking in pain.”可知,他捡起一块石头, 生气地扔向狗。表示“生气地”, 应用 angrily。故选A。10.D表示“其他人”, 应用others。故选D。.主旨大意 本篇是一篇说明文, 主要向大家介绍了不同国家和地区制定的不同驾驶规则, 从驾驶年龄、左侧或右侧交通规则、驾驶过程手机使用规则等方面做了说明, 并列举了一些国家和地区不同寻常的驾驶规则。11.B细节理解题。根据全文可知, 本文提及了不同国家和地区在驾驶年龄限制、左侧或右侧交通规则、驾驶过程手机使用规则等方面的差异, 并没有涉及驾驶速度。故选B。12.B细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句 “women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia no matter how old they are.”可知,在沙特阿拉伯, 妇女无论多大都不允许开车。故选B。13.C代词指代题。根据画线词前半句“Other different driving laws”并结合后面段落介绍的关于不同国家对于驾车过程中手机使用情况的规定可知,画线部分指代的是“驾车规则”。故选C。14.C主旨大意题。本文介绍了不同国家和地区的驾驶规则。故选C。.主旨大意 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了世界上最大的博物馆大英博物馆。文章除了提到它所陈列的物品外, 还叙述了它建立的缘由、发展壮大, 直到今天, 每年都需要新增4千米长的陈列架, 吸引了大量的游客。最后说到不要试图太匆忙地看完它的全貌, 因为大英博物馆需要用一生的时间来慢慢观赏。15.smaller16.which17.was set18.death19.something20.through21.feet22.have written23.million24.quickly.25.Through Meituan App.26.the workers who are clearing snow on the road27.C28.尽管张先生不得不抚养新生儿和每月付房租, 但是他说他一定会继续传递爱。29.I felt warm and moved. (答案不唯一) .30.at leastpare; with/to; will find32.on; twentieth floor33.less important; agree with34.instead of keeping4


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