(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 阶段模拟测试(三)

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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 阶段模拟测试(三)_第3页
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阶段模拟测试(三)(范围:八年级下册时间:100分钟分值:120分)题 号总分总分人核分人得 分.单项选择(15分) 1.Mr Smith was UNICEF officer.He came to the village and changed the poor girls life.A.aB.anC.theD./2.US scientist Edward T. Hall said that in a conversation between two persons, 65% of is done through body language.A.applicationB.pronunciationC.introductionD.communication3.The speaker showed some examples to make the science report easy to understand.A.awfulB.stupidC.properD.thick4.You can do lots of things in a science museum, but you obey the rules.A.canB.mayC.have toD.should 5.Ben forgot his key and had to wait his parents came back last night.A.whenB.whileC.sinceD.until6.I want to pick some apples. Please get the ladder and place it the tree.A.against B.over C.onD.in 7.She for ten years, and now she has a lovely daughter.A.marriedB.has been marriedC.got married D.has got married 8.British people are polite laugh loudly in public.A.enough; toB.too; toC.so; toD.so; that9.Peter, keep an eye on your younger brother. It is easy for babies to when they learn to walk.OK, Mum. I will take good care of him.A.get away B.move awayC.fall overD.fall behind10.Its ten years since we came here. How time flies! We in China for so long.A.workB.workedC.will workD.have worked11.How do you feel after watching the movie Amazing China?Well, I think it is lucky for us this great country.A.to liveB.to live inC.livingD.living in12.The iPhone 11 is very beautiful, but its too expensive. So I cant to buy it.A.saveB.supportC.offerD.afford13.Could you tell me how to pay for the food by QR Code(二维码) on the phone? . A.Take it easyB.It doesnt matterC.Youre welcomeD.Sure, Id love to 14.I learnt to swim when I was six. I by my mother.A.am taughtB.was taughtC.will be taughtD.have taught15.My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work.Great! .A.One tree cant make a forestB.Where there is a will, there is a wayC.Many hands make light work D.A friend in need is a friend indeed.完形填空(15分)When our son Bradley was ten, the new bicycle he had received as a birthday gift was stolen. Owning a bike was a big deal to our 16 when they were little. They spent hours and hours, day after day, 17 their bikes, riding up and down the footpath, and at the front of the house. We also rode together as a family a lot. 18 was a great way to get the kids out of the house and into the fresh air without spending any 19.Bradley discovered that his bike had been 20 from our backyard, when he and his sister went outside for a morning ride. He couldnt believe that 21 would do this. He got a large piece of cardboard, painted a sign 22 for the bike to be returned, and tied the sign to the letterbox. The following morning when I went out to collect the 23, I found a white envelope with the magical words “24 yourself a new bike”. It was a $100 banknote inside.We were very25 that someone had the heart to do this. Weve never been able to thank the person 26 we think it may be one of our wonderful neighbors. Bradley 27 a big “Thank you” on the sign and we left it outside for a couple of weeks afterwards in case it was someone who drove down our street.A happy Bradley was able to buy a new bike. As the years28, the bikes became bigger and more expensive but were still important for those family bike rides. Now 29 have taken the place of their bikes. Bradley is 25. Sometimes I miss the days when receiving a bicycle was the best thing in the world to them.All these years later, we are still 30 to that amazingly kind stranger who made Bradleys wish come true. We were a young family with three little children and it meant a lot to us. We still talk about it and, even now, wonder who he was.16.A.childrenB.friendsC.parentsD.relatives17.A.withB.inC.onD.to18.A.CampingB.HikingC.BicyclingD.Skating19.A.challengeB.timeC.energyD.money20.A.brokenB.stolenC.forgottenD.mistaken21.A.somebodyB.anybodyC.everyoneD.nobody22.A.standingB.waitingC.lookingD.asking23.A.mailB.clothesC.fruitD.food24.A.MakeB.CostC.PayD.Buy25.A.movedB.satisfiedC.interestedD.relaxed26.A.andB.butC.soD.or27.A.drewB.wroteC.paintedD.marked28.A.went awayB.went onC.went overD.went off29.A.shipsB.trainsC.carsD.e-bikes30.A.cheerfulB.usefulC.helpfulD.thankful.阅读理解(30分)ATo: CarlaFrom: EricSubject: HelpDate: 15/04/2020 9:05 A.M.Dear Aunt Carla,Im having a problem with my classmate, Joan, at school. The other day I wrote an e-mail to another classmate, Beth, in which I said something about Joan that perhaps wasnt very nice. Unluckily, when Beth was writing back to me, she sent it to Joan, which is Joans e-mail address! Now Joan is really angry with me and wont talk to me, and Beth is unhappy as well. She has said sorry to me a hundred times already, but the harm is done. I feel sad, because I would never have said those things to Joans face, but how do I get her to forgive(谅解) me? What should I do?EricTo: EricFrom: CarlaSubject: Some adviceDate:16/04/2020 8:30 A.M.Dear Eric,This problem is more common than you might think! E-mail is very useful, but also very dangerous, as you dont know where your massage might end up! First of all, you should say sorry right away to Joan. Explain that it was a mistake, and that you didnt mean to hurt her feelings. It may take time for her to be able to forgive you, but thats up to her. Then you might want to do something nice for her. Perhaps send her some flowers to show youre truly sorry. Also, you should remember that old saying, “If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all.”And good luck!Carla31.How soon did Eric get the reply from Aunt Carla?A.In one day.B.In two days.C.In a week.D.In a month.32.Why did Eric write the e-mail to Carla?A.To say sorry.B.To ask for advice.C.To give advice.D.To say something friendly.33.Carla gave pieces of advice to Eric.A.fiveB.fourC.threeD.twoBDreams are like stars. You may never catch them, but if you follow them, they will lead you to success. Yan Ning is such a dream follower.Yan is a rising star in the science world. When Yan Ning was only a little girl, she dreamed of being a great scientist. After years of hard work, in 1996, she went to Tsinghua University to study biology. After graduating from Tsinghua in 2000, she went to Princeton University and finished her study abroad in 2007. Then she returned to Tsinghua and set up her own lab. At the age of 30, she became the youngest professor(教授) at Tsinghua. Now, Yan, 42, has become a leading biology researcher at Princeton. On April 30, she was included among the 100 new members and 25 foreign associates(院士) into the US National Academy of Sciences(国家科学院).However, it was a long and difficult road for her to make such achievements. She said that in order to realize her dream, she experienced a lot of failures and pains. But she never gave up her dream. Instead, she followed her dream and fought for it.She usually works at least 14 hours a day. Sometimes she even forgets to eat and rest and works until late night. She never gets tired because she thinks doing research is the most “comfortable” job for her.In a TV interview, Yan encouraged young people to work hard for their dreams. “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to follow them.”34.Yan went to Tsinghua to study in 1996.A.chemistryB.physics C.medicineD.biology35.We can learn from the passage that . A.Yan wanted to give up when she had failures and pains in researchB.Yan never gets tired because doing research is the easiest jobC.Yan achieved her dream because she had the courage to follow itD.Yan made these achievements mainly by asking others for help36.What is the best title(标题) for this passage?A.A Difficult Research.B.A Dream Follower.C.A Smooth Road.D.A Famous University.CEveryone wants to succeed in their life, dont they? It really isnt that hard. Follow the steps below, and you can have a successful teenage life! Do well in school. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you later. Try your best at school, listen to teachers, finish your homework, and get good grades. Doing so will help you get into a better university, which will help you get a great job in the future.Do good in your free time. Volunteering can enrich your experience; it can also make you happier. Find voluntary opportunities that interest you. For example, if you love animals, volunteer at an animal hospital. If you want to do something good for the environment, plant trees or pick up litter. When you help others, it will make you feel better about yourself. Having lots of voluntary hours will make your rsum(履历) look good!Find out your goals in life and work towards them. Start thinking about jobs you would like to get, and make a good choice according to your interests. Challenge yourself and youll be surprised at what you can do after you finish a hard job!Get active! Join a sports team at school or out of school. Just exercise! Studies show that people who get active in their teens will be more active when theyre adults, so start getting active now.37.The writer thinks it is for teenagers to have a successful life.A.easyB.possibleC.impossibleD.difficult38.What will help you get a great job in the future?A.Doing good in your free time.B.Starting to think about your jobs.C.Getting a good education.D.Joining a sports team.39.The underlined word “opportunities” in the passage means “ ”.A.experiencesB.chancesC.storiesD.dreams40.According to the passage, volunteering can help teenagers to be .A.healthierB.more importantC.happierD.more knowledgeable41.The passage mainly tells us some ways to .A.look for a good jobB.become active in teenage yearsC.make a good choiceD.have a good teenage lifeDIt was one oclock in the morning when I at last succeeded in creating life.As I looked at the lifeless human being, I saw one eye slowly open. Then he began to breathe and move his arms.At first, I thought he would be a fine-looking man. He had yellow skin, black hair and very white teeth. Unluckily, his eyes were watery, and his lips were thin and colourless. I soon realized that there was nothing beautiful about him. I ran out of the room, disgusted(恶心) by the creature I had created. I tried to sleep, but for hours I could not. Then, when I did get to sleep, I had bad dreams. When I awoke the next morning, I did not want to return to my laboratory and the monster I had created. I went for a long walk until I came to an inn. There, to my pleasure and surprise, I found my friend, Henry Clerval. “Tell me about my family,” I asked him. “And Elizabeth, how is she?”“They are all well, Frankenstein,” he said. “But you do not look well, my friend. Your eyes look as if you have not slept for many weeks.”I knew this was true. “I have been so busy,” I explained, “that I have been working without rest.”Henry walked back with me to my apartment. I did not want him to, but I could not stop him. I was afraid that the creature I had left there might be alive and walking about. When we reached my apartment, I asked Henry to wait outside for a few minutes. I did not explain why. I slowly opened the door and entered the room. To my surprise, it was empty. The creature had gone. I was so overcome by the feeling that I fainted. I was ill for many months.During my illness, Henry was my only nurse. He heard me talking in my sleep about a monster. At first, he thought I was just having a bad dream, but then he realized that something very bad happened in my life. At last, I began to get better.42.What is this passage probably taken from?A.A news report.B.A science fiction.C.A travel guide.D.A history book.43.Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?A.The birth of the creature.B.The personalities of the creature. C.The happy feeling of creating life.D.The spirit of the creature.44.Why couldnt Frankenstein sleep well?A.He was too tired to sleep.B.He missed his family very much. C.The ugly creature frightened him.D.He was excited at the success of creating life.45.What does the underlined word “fainted” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?A.broke downB.cheered upC.lost sensesD.went wrong46.What can you infer(推断) from the passage?A.Henry looked after Frankenstein until he got better.B.Frankenstein didnt want Henry to meet the monster.C.Elizabeth was one of Frankensteins family members.D.The monster would make a difference to Frankensteins life.任务型阅读(10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。Whenever we meet with difficulty or failure, teachers, parents or others often say to us or perhaps we say to ourselves, “Never give up.” These can be encouraging words and words of determination(决心). A person who believes in himself will keep trying to reach his goal(目标) no matter how many times he fails. I think the quality of determination to succeed is an important one to have. So I believe that we should never give up.One reason is that if we give up too easily, we will hardly achieve anything. It is not unusual for us to fail in our first taste at something new, so we should not feel disappointed and should try again. Besides, if we always give up when we fail, we will not be able to develop new skills and grow.Another reason we should never give up is that we can learn from our mistakes so that we can not make the same ones. If we do not try again, the lesson we have learned is wasted.Finally, we should never give up because as we work to reach our goals, we develop confidence, and this confidence can help us succeed in other areas of our lives. If we never challenge ourselves, we begin to doubt(怀疑) our abilities.In short, it is important that we do not give up when working for our goals. Whether we succeed in the end or not, we will learn something, and what we learn will help us to become better and more confident. Besides, if we give up, we have no chance of achieving our goals any more, but if we keep making great efforts, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.Topic: Never Give Uppossible meanings and the writers opinions(观点)The words “Never give up” can 47. others or oneself and express ones determination.A person who wants to 48. should have determination. So we should never give up.The 49.If we give up too 50., maybe we will achieve nothing, so when we fail in our first taste at something 51., we should not disappoint ourselves but try again.Always giving up means that we will not be able to make any 52.Never giving up will make us learn from the 53. weve made before and learn the lesson in order not to make the same ones.If we never challenge 54., we will begin to doubt(怀疑) our abilities.ConclusionsIf we give up, we will have no 55. of reaching our goals. But if we 56. making great efforts, there is always a chance that we will succeed one day.阅读与回答问题(10分)Dust storms(沙尘暴) appear when strong wind blows sand and dirt from a dry surface. Strong dust storms may cause deaths, so you should know how to protect yourself from dust storms when you meet them.Be careful of dust storm warningsDust storms probably happen on hot summer days, and its not safe for people to travel during this period. So you should listen to the local TV or radio before travelling, and consider changing or giving up your trip if dust storms are predicted(预测).Be preparedIf you are in a place where storms happen often, carry a mask to keep dust and dirt away from your face, and a pair of glasses to protect your eyes.Stay insideDo not move around when a dust storm comes, as you will not be able to see hidden dangers. So if you are in a house, dont go out and just stay inside.Protect yourself from flying objectsCover your body as much as possible in a dust storm. A strong wind of dust storms can carry heavy objects, so you should try to stay low, and close to the ground, and protect your head with your arms or a backpack.回答下面5个问题,每小题答案不超过5个词。57.What may strong dust storms cause? 58.When do dust storms probably happen? 59.Why do people need to carry a pair of glasses if they are in a place where storms happen often? 60.Which is safer when dust storms happen, staying in a house or staying outside? 61.What should you protect most if you are in a dust storm? .词汇(20分)A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。62.The secretary isnt able to (翻译) this business letter into French.63.Jim is very interested in sports, (尤其) football. 64.Many people like to (预定) tickets and hotels online now.65.They should do a (调查) before building a new supermarket here.66.You have to get a (护照) before you go travelling abroad.B.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。67.Its dangerous to drive on (snow) days.68.All the students are making a (discuss) on how to have the graduation party.69.My friends and I would like to help the (home) people as volunteers after the terrible earthquake.70.I have ever been to several (Europe) countries, such as Britain, Norway and France.71.Everyone in the world should focus on the air (pollute). C.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。It was 7:15 a.m. on 15th April, 2019. Forty-year-old Earl Brown was 72.w for the train at a subway station in New York. His two sons, aged five and eight, were with him. 73.S a sick man fell down on the platform. The man, 24-year-old James Wilson, got up, but then fell againthis time, onto the track between the two rails. A train was coming into the station. It was a frightening 74.m.But Mr. Brown wasnt frightened. He looked at the man, and he looked at the space that the man was in. It was about half a metre 75.d.And he thought, “The train is going to travel over this man. If he tries to get up, the train will kill him. But if he 76.l on the ground and doesnt move, he will be OK.” So he knew he had to make a 77.d.He jumped. Mr. Brown lay on top of Mr. Wilson, and kept him down on the ground. The train driver saw them. He was frightened, but he couldnt 78.s in time. Five carriages travelled over the two men before the train stopped.The people on the platform were shocked. When Mr. Brown heard them screaming, he shouted, “Were fine, and tell


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