(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 首字母填空(六)人物故事+蚂蚁森林+恐惧之洞试题

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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 首字母填空(六)人物故事+蚂蚁森林+恐惧之洞试题_第1页
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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 首字母填空(六)人物故事+蚂蚁森林+恐惧之洞试题_第2页
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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 首字母填空(六)人物故事+蚂蚁森林+恐惧之洞试题_第3页
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首字母填空(六)人物故事+蚂蚁森林+恐惧之洞A2019武汉It was at an exhibition of the artists works organized by the Red Cross. I was invited as a special 1.g to attend the exhibition. During this period, two cute girls of 16 or 17 years old came to me and asked me for my signature(签名).“I havent brought my pen. Is the 2.p okay?” Actually, I knew they wouldnt 3.r. I Just wanted to show a well-known writers good manners to the 4.c readers.“Certainly,” the young girls 5.a. I could see they were very excited. Of course, their excitement also made me feel more pleased and satisfied. One of the girls 6.h her fine notebook to me. I turned over the cover of the notebook, wrote a few words of encouragement 7.n, and signed my name. The girl read my signature, frowned(皱眉), looked at me carefully and asked, “Arent you Robert Charboss?”“No,” I told her proudly, “Im the author of Alice Adams, the 8.w of two Pulitzer Prizes.”The young girl turned to the 9.o, shrugged(耸肩) and said, “Mary, lend your rubber to me.” At that moment, all my 10.p turned into a bubble(泡泡) immediately. Since then, I always warn myself: no matter how outstanding you are, dont think highly of yourself.B2019南京二模Chinese net users have found a new way to fight desertification(沙漠化) in the country by playing virtual(虚拟的) planting games.Ant Forest, which is under Ant Financial of the Alibaba Group, has planted 55,520,000 trees covering about 507 square kilometers 1.a China during the past few years.Ant Forest is the first such game in China. It 2.m the Internet, finance(金融) and a low-carbon(低碳的) lifestyle together and contributes to making desertification less 3.h.In the game, any low-carbon activity, 4.l walking, taking public transport and online payments, will be rewarded with “green energy”. The energy will be used to 5.g a virtual(虚拟的)tree in the users “forest”. Users exchange it for a 6.r tree by paying some energy.Ant Forest will plant the trees in spring and autumn each year with the help of local 7.g in desertified areas mostly in Northwest China and North China.Planting online trees has become a popular activity, especially among young Chinese people. Users get a planting certificate(证书) each time they plant a tree and this 8.e users to plant more trees online.A recent NASA study spoke highly of Chinas great tree-planting 9.p between 2010 and 2017. Many Chinese net users said that they were so 10.p that they had made a contribution to the greening of the world through online games. And its reported that Chinese forest coverage will increase a lot more within three years.C2020原创Once upon a time, there was a cave near a town. It was called “Cave of Fear”.1.A who entered it didnt return. People said that there must be a monster(怪兽) living in the cave. In order to stop the monster from 2.g out of the cave, people often left gifts at the mouth of the cave, and these valuable things always disappeared soon. One day, a young man decided to enter the cave and wanted to find out 3.w there was a monster. He asked some people to go with him, but everyone 4.r. So he had to go inside alone. As he went into the cave, he heard some strange 5.s. Suddenly he felt something was pushing his back. He 6.f down and believed that he was about to die. As he landed in the cave, he got very 7.s. He didnt see any monsters. He got nearer and saw a group 8.o people. They shouted, “Surprise!” They were having a party. The people at the party were those who had 9.n returned to the town. They explained to him that all was the 10.i of an old leader of the town. That leader wanted to show that if someone wanted to make a change, he should be brave. The leader said only brave people could enjoy the big parties in the cave. 【参考答案】A1.guest2.pencil3.refusemon5.agreed6.handed7.naturally8.winner9.other10.prideB1.across2.mixes3.harmful4.like5.grow6.real7.government(s)8.encourages9.program(s)10.proudC1.Anybody/Anyone2.getting3.whether4.refused5.sound6.fell7.surprised8.of9.never10.idea


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