(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 阶段模拟测试(一)

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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 阶段模拟测试(一)_第1页
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(盐城专版)2020中考英语复习方案 阶段模拟测试(一)_第3页
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阶段模拟测试(一)(范围:七年级上、下册时间:100分钟分值:120分)题 号总分总分人核分人得 分.单项选择(15分) 1.As university student, you should make a contribution to developing your hometown.A.aB.anC./D.the2.Ill be at home Sunday morning. You can phone me then.A.onB.inC.atD.to3.Nelson exercises because he has too much work every day.A.usuallyB.alwaysC.oftenD.seldom4.Dont be crazy about computer games, your parents will be worried.A.andB.orC.butD.so5.Youre in a hurry. Where are you going?To the cinema. Sue for me outside.A.waitsB.waitedC.is waitingD.was waiting6.To everyones surprise, their plan is exactly the same as .A.oursB.weC.ourD.us7.Would you like something to drink?Yes. Some please.A.potatoesB.waterC.breadD.apples8.How many friends will come to your birthday party? About .A.fifteen; fifteenB.fifteenth; fifteenthC.fifteen; fifteenthD.fifteenth; fifteen9.Mike, you look so excited!Yeah! There a football game this evening.A.will have B.is going to beC.is going to haveD.are going to be10.Amy, is the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge?Its 55 kilometers and it is the worlds longest over-water bridge.A.how farB.how manyC.how muchD.how long11.All passengers go through safety check before they take a plane.A.canB.mayC.mustD.ought12.The fish tastes . We have eaten it up.It is certain that she cooked it .A.good; wellB.well; goodC.well; wellD.good; good 13.Come and see! The baby is crying.Please do something to make him .A.stop cryingB.stop to cryC.cryingD.cry14.Thanks for your invitation, but Im so sorry I cant go. I need to my baby at home.A.take awayB.take offC.take care ofD.take out of 15.Would you like some more dumplings, Harry?. Im full.A.Yes, pleaseB.No wayC.No, thanksD.All right.完形填空(15分)When I was in college, a white cat liked to show up from time to time on our campus(校园). It is clear that he was a stray(流浪的) 16 because he looked thin and weak. Students would play with him after class and 17 him all kinds of food. The school didnt say 18 about the cat for a long time.But one day, we were told that one of our fellow students had an infectious(传染性的) disease and that the cat was 19 the source(源头). After that, we didnt allow 20 any stray animals on campus. The school started to make efforts to keep animals 21 campus as well.22 we were not allowed to feed the white cat, it was hard for him to find food on the street. He became weak and 23. But while the rest of us ignored the cat, a security guard at our school decided to 24 the responsibility(责任) of caring for him. He 25 the cat to an animal doctor for a health check. He then went to a nearby supermarket and bought food 26 the cat, as well as a small bed for him to sleep in. He made sure the cat was healthy and comfortable.27 the man did seemed like a small effort to some people, but he 28 his jobhis only source of incomejust to feed a tiny cat who no one else 29. It was a very heartwarming thing to see.All lives are equal. Men with a heart 30 love are those who truly understand the true meaning of life. Everyone should make every effort to help stray animals so that kindness goes a long way.16.A.animalB.boy C.cat D.dog17.A.affordB.borrowC.cookD.feed18.A.anythingB.everythingC.nothingD.something19.A.politelyB.possibly C.properlyD.peacefully20.A.greetingB.meetingC.touchingD.playing21.A.outB.intoC.onD.off 22.A.AlthoughB.SinceC.WheneverD.Whether23.A.funnyB.happyC.lucky D.skinny 24.A.put onB.take on C.turn onD.try on25.A.broughtB.carriedC.tookD.got26.A.atB.forC.toD.with27.A.WhatB.WhichC.ThatD.Where28.A.lostB.refusedC.riskedD.warned29.A.cared forB.looked forC.left for D.stood for30.A.lack ofB.full of C.known forD.tired out.阅读理解(30分)AGaode map is one of the most professional mobile phone maps. Its based on the location of life services and may be the most comprehensive, most informative mobile phone map nowadays.This software is a mobile phone camera tool. It can help people who like both taking photos and making them into a comic style. Its such an interesting application and is popular with the young.This software is suitable for friends who are going to take exams, or for the users to remember more words. Its designed to be easily used by offering users pictures, sounds as well as short videos in English.How many steps did you take today? This App does not just mark down the number of steps you take. Your real steps can take you on a virtual journey around the world. It can really give you the power to move ahead.31.Which of the following apps can tell you the route to a place?A.Gaode map App.B.The camera App.C.The 100 App.D.The walking App.32.What can you do with the 100 App?A.Find the way to a place.B.Take pictures.C.Remember the words.D.Mark down the steps.33.Which of the statements is wrong?A.Gaode map is the most professional mobile phone map.B.The camera App is popular with the young.C.The Walking App can encourage you to move ahead.D.The 100 App provides the users with pictures, sounds and short videos.BBullying can happen to me or you or anybody, but there are things that we can all do to help.What is bullying?Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school or online. Bullying includes:calling people mean nameslaughing at peopletelling lies about peopletaking someones things without being allowednot letting someone play in a grouphitting peopleWhat is cyberbullying?Cyberbullying happens online and includes:sending mean messagessharing photos without being allowednot letting someone be part of an online groupWhat can you do?If someone is mean to you, tell an adult who you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher. You can block a person who sends mean messages online. Dont reply.Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult who you know well if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend.Say sorry if youre mean to someone. You can write a message or talk to the person. Think about how to be friendly in the future.We can all help to say no to bullying.34.Which type of bullying is the picture about?A.Laughing at people.B.Telling lies about people.C.Not letting someone play in a group.D.Hitting people.35.What can you do if you are bullied online?A.Turn to your parents or teachers for help.B.Write back and try to make more friends.C.Keep the problems and worries to yourself.D.Tell strangers about the harm of cyberbullying.36.Which can be the best title for this passage?A.Bullying is EverywhereB.Say no to BullyingC.Keep away from CyberbullyingD.Say Sorry to People Who Are BulliedCIf you look at the top of your phone, youll usually see a little symbol that says 3G or 4G. The “G” stands for the “generation”(代) of your mobile network. But the symbols will become things of the past after 5G networks fully arrive.On March 30, Shanghai vice-mayor Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on a Huawei Mate X Smartphone. Shanghai has also become the first city in China to start testing 5G networks.About 100 times faster than 4G networks, 5G will let people download and upload data(数据) faster than ever before. But 5G wont just bring faster mobile internet. People can use it for many other things as well.For example, 5G will help to make self-driving cars safer. Todays self-driving test cars have one problemlag(延迟). When the car “sees” an obstacle(障碍物), it sends this information to a data center and receives instructions. However, it will be some time before it sends and receives this information. With this kind of lag, the cars might crash because they dont receive instructions in time. With 5G, this lag will be greatly lowered, making the cars safer.5G could also be used to power the internet of things (IoT), that is, a large online network that connects all things and people. Fast internet speeds will be the key to developing this technology. The IoT could be used in a lot of ways. For example, with IoT, your refrigerator could automatically(自动地) place an order online for eggs when it finds that there are no eggs left inside.37.What can we infer(推测) according to the passage?A.5G is widely used in China now.B.5G networks will make our lives more convenient.C.There are no symbols at the top of our phones.D.5G will just bring faster mobile internet.38.The writer used self-driving cars as an example to .A.explain how 5Gs fast speed can be helpfulB.warn about the possible dangers of self-driving carsC.explain how self-driving cars workD.introduce the danger of self-driving cars39.What is IoT according to the passage?A.A robot that can do housework.B.An online store where you can buy anything.C.A large online network that connects things and people.D.A refrigerator which without eggs in it could automatically(自动地) place an order online for eggs.40.Which sentence is right according to the passage?A.5G will help us buy eggs quickly.B.Robots can help us buy eggs online.C.5G is about 80 times faster than 4G networks.D.Our refrigerator can order eggs online for us.DOne morning, as Mary was skipping(跳绳) slowly along the long path, she heard the sound of music. She was very curious and went to find out. A boy was sitting under a tree. He was playing music. He had blue eyes and red cheeks(脸颊). A squirrel and two rabbits were watching him and listening to the music. When he saw Mary he said, “Im Dickon. I know who you are. You are Miss Mary.” He took out a parcel(包裹).“Here are the garden tools. I bought some packets of seeds(种子), too.”“Please show them to me,” said Mary.“If you like,” Dickon said, “I can plant them for you. Wheres your garden?”“Can you keep a secret?” she said.“I keep secrets all the time,” Dickon laughed.“I stole a garden,” Mary said quickly. “Nobody wants it. Perhaps everything is dead in it already. I dont know.” She began to cry.“Where is it?” asked Dickon.“Come with me,” she said.She took him along the path to the wall with the ivy(常春藤) on it. Then she unlocked the door and they went in together.“Here it is,” she said. “Its a secret garden.”Dickons blue eyes opened wide in surprise as he looked at the garden.“Its very pretty,” he whispered. “Its like being in a dream. In the spring there are going to be loads(大量的) of birds nests here.”“Are the roses alive or dead?” Mary asked him. He went up to an old tree and pointed at the branch(树枝). It was dry and grey but there was a small green bit growing on it.“This bits alive,” he explained. “But theres a lot of old wood that is dead. We must cut it off. There are going to be lots of roses here this summer.” They went from bush to bush and from tree to tree. He was very strong and clever with his knife. He knew how to cut off the dry and dead wood.“Theres a lot of work to do here,” he said.“Can you come again and help me?” Mary asked him. “Please, Dickon!”“Yes, every day if you like,” he answered.“Please, please dont tell anyone about the secret garden, Dickon,” she said.“Of course not,” answered Dickon. “Its our secret.”41.Dickon was when Mary found him.A.playing musicB.listening to musicC.planting the seedsD.skipping along the long path42.What was in Dickons parcel?A.The key to the door of the garden.B.Some garden tools.C.Some musical instruments.D.Some birds nests.43.From the dialogue between Mary and Dickon, we can infer(推断) that .A.they might meet here againB.Dickon felt scared in the gardenC.there were lots of dead rosesD.neither of them would keep the secret44.The underlined word “work” refers(所指) to .A.making some new birds nestsB.planting some seeds in the gardenC.clearing up the dry and grey branchD.cutting off the dry and dead wood45.The best title(标题) of this passage probably is .A.A Helpful BoyDickonB.A Boys SecretC.Exploring the Secret GardenD.Mary and Dickon.任务型阅读(10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。Hollywood is a shiny, bright place. It is the movie capital of the world. And it is also one of the tourist destinations(目的地) in America.In 1911, the small, peaceful village of Hollywood in California was voted to become part of Los Angeles. Today, over 100 years later, this village has grown into the home of one of the most well-known industries in the worldthe American film industry.With this growth came many well-known symbols. There is the famous Hollywood sign which stands above the hills of the town. The first sign was built in 1923. Then there is the Hollywood Hall of Fame(名人堂), where great actresses, actors and directors leave their footprints or handprints. Norma Talmadge was the first actress to do this in 1927. But the most famous of all is the Oscar Academy Awards(奥斯卡颁奖). Every spring, a large number of actresses, actors and directors wait excitedly and nervously to find out if they have won an “Oscar”. The 85th Oscar Academy Awards was held in Los Angeles. Ang Lee, a Chinese director, won the Award for Best Director again. It was the second time he had won the Award.Nowadays it is the home of films, and thousands of hopeful young actresses, actors, writers and directors still come to “the Dream Factory” every year. But not all Hollywood dreams have been happy onesas one actress, who later died tragically(悲惨地), said, “Hollywood is a place where they will pay you 500 dollars for a kiss, and 50 cents for your soul(灵魂).”A brief introduction of HollywoodIts the home of the film 46.Its a famous tourist destination in 47.It used to be a 48.49. of HollywoodThe famous Hollywood sign 50. above the hills of the town.The Hollywood Hall of Fame.The Oscar Academy 51.Details of the Oscar Academy AwardsActresses, actors and directors are excited and 52. to wait before it begins.Ang Lee has won the Oscar for Best Director 53.The Dream FactoryThousands of actresses, actors, writers and directors go there every year with 54.Some Hollywood dreams have been 55. ones. One actress even died tragically.阅读与回答问题(10分)When I was not adding little things to my new home, I was busy learning about the animals and plants on the Island, and about myself.I discovered that the birds that lived in holes and rocks were good to eat.One day I found an old bag that I wanted to use to store things in. Some old corn fell out of this bag and made roots in the dirt. Soon green barley grew from the seeds. When I saw these plants, I cried. They reminded me of England. When I was young I wanted to leave England for a life of adventure at sea, but now I was trapped alone. I only wanted to return.One day, when I was sitting by my little cave, I heard a terrible noise. The next moment much dirt came falling down the hill. There was so much of it that I was afraid it would swallow(吞没) me! I ran away and climbed over my fence using a ladder I had made. I realized that the island was being taken by a terrible earthquake.The earthquake soon ended, but then a terrible storm began. The sea became black and violent(猛烈的) and full of huge waves that crashed onto the beach. Thunder roared and lightning hit the water. The storm lasted for three hours, but when it finished, it began to rain. This was not the gentle, calm rain of England, but a rain so hard and terrible that I had to cut a hole in my fence to let the water pour out. Otherwise, my house would have been drowned(淹没), and me with it!回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过5个词。56.Where did Robinson live according to the passage? 57.Did Robinson want to continue travelling at sea or return to England when he was trapped? 58.How long did the storm last? 59.How was the rain after the storm? 60.What do you think of Robinsons life in the passage? .词汇(20分)A.根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。61.You shouldnt leave your child in the house (单独).62.In autumn, we can see (树叶) everywhere on the ground.63.It is so dark at night that we cannot see (任何人).64.Look at the star. (它的) light is so bright.65.Jim (掉落) off a tree yesterday and hurt himself badly. B.根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。66.Were the children very (excite) to see their favourite football player?67. Lots of the latest novels can be borrowed in these newly built (library).68.He did (badly) among the students in his class.69.They dont like to eat out. They often cook meals by (they) at home.70.Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks, but it cost (two) as much as Jacks.C.根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。In the third century, China was divided into three kingdoms: Wei, Shu and Wu. Wei was powerful and rich, Wu had brave generals and wise ministers 71.w Shu was small and weak.The head of Shu, Liu Bei, heard of a very wise man called Zhuge Liang who lived in a small town of Longzhong. He wanted Zhuge Liang to 72.hhim strengthen his state.So together with his best men Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, Liu Bei 73.tthe great distance to Longzhong to visit Zhuge Liang. They brought a valuable gift for him but Zhuge Liang was not at his cottage. They had no 74.cbut to return home.Later, on a snowy day, the three men came again. But again they 75.fto see Zhuge Liang. Zhang Fei became impatient and asked Liu Bei to go 76.b. Liu Bei took out some paper and a brush and left a 77.nexpressing his admiration for Zhuge Liangs talent.It was spring and Liu Bei was still thinking of going to visit Zhuge Liang. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were not pleased about his idea. However, Liu Bei insisted on making a 78.t trip to visit Zhuge Liang. Luckily, Zhuge Liang was home this time. But he was still 79.s. “Shh! Do not disturb him. Lets wait outside the door for him to wake up.” Liu Bei said this to his men, and waited patiently. When Zhuge Liang woke up and saw them, he was moved by Liu Beis sincerity. He finally 80.a to work for Liu Bei.书面表达(20分)三年的初中生活马上就要结束了,这三年的生活一定给你留下了很多美好回忆。班级将举行“畅谈毕业感想”的活动,请以“My three years life in middle school”为题,写一篇发言稿。注意事项(1)词数:100左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);(2)文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;(3)文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。My three years life in middle schoolHow time flies! I have studied in my middle school for three years. And I will leave school in about two months. Now I want to share my


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