(湖南专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十一)Units 13-14(九全)试题

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(湖南专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十一)Units 13-14(九全)试题_第1页
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(湖南专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十一)Units 13-14(九全)试题_第2页
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(湖南专版)2020中考英语复习方案 第一篇 教材考点梳理 课时训练(二十一)Units 13-14(九全)试题_第3页
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课时训练(二十一) Units 13-14(九全)(限时:30分钟).单项填空 1.If peopletrees, pandas nowhere to live.A.cut down; have B.will cut down; will haveC.cut down; will have 2.Johnthe TV and helped his mother with the housework.A.turned off B.heard from C.joined in 3.Lin Jia, you have a loving grandma, right?Yes, she always her time with me whenever I need her.A.spendsB.paysC.takes4.Sally, is this a new bike?No. I it for two weeks.A.have boughtB.have hadC.had5.What should we do for the disabled children in the Childrens Home?Youre supposed to a study group to help them.A.take upB.fix upC.set up6.Do you think that paper is made wood?Yes, I do. And you can see that books are made paper.A.from; fromB.from; ofC.of; from7.2019重庆A改编Their plants dont grow very well, but look really good. A.weB.ourC.ours8.2019山西After the big exams, we can finally have a good relax. How I a chance to have a trip! I cant wait. A.am worried aboutB.am thirsty forC.am good at 9.I think cities will be crowded because there will be a lot people in the future. A.moreB.fewerC.less10.Shall we make a cake for Tina as a birthday gift?.It will give her a big surprise.A.Good ideaB.Its a pityC.Youre welcome.2019黄石改编阅读理解Im sure you all know how important recycling is. Recycling is when you take old things and turn them into new things. It sounds like magic. But its actually very scientific.MaterialsThe first thing you have to do is to collect items that can be recycled. Only certain materials can be recycled. These include things made out of paper, metal, glass and plastic.Daily thingsCan you think of everyday items made of these materials? Soda cans are a good example. They are made out of metal. Magazines and newspapers are made out of paper. So are cereal boxes. Some bottles of juice are made out of glass. Bags and yogurt containers are made out of plastic. There are many things that can be recycled.LoopThese things are usually stamped with the recycling loop. It has 3 arrows that go in triangular(三角形的) circle. This shows that cycle(循环) continues. Items are thrown away but continue their lives as something else.ProcessLets go back to the process of recycling. The items are put in a recycling bin. A truck carries the items to a recycling plant. The materials are separated and squashed into square cubes. Companies buy and turn them into new products.11.What is “recycling” according to the passage?()A.Its a magic performance.B.Its a way of burning old things.C.Its a way to make old things useful.12.Which material is not mentioned in the passage?()A.Rubber.B.Metal.C.Glass.13.You can put your old things into a recycling bin except .()A.soda cansB.all bottlesC.cereal boxes14.The “3 arrows” shows that the items .()A.have some valuable stampsB.are in a triangle circleC.are recycled and reused15.The passage is mainly about .()A.recycling in a scientific wayB.recyclable daily thingsC.the recycling process.2019抚顺回答问题Once upon a time, there was a king. He only had one leg and one eye, but he was very smart and kind. Everyone lived a happy and healthy life because of the king. One day, the king was walking through the palace hallway and saw the paintings of ancestors(祖先). He thought that one day his children would also walk in the same hallway and remember all the ancestors through these paintings. He wanted his children to remember him, too. So he invited many famous artists to his palace.All of the artists began to think about the kings physical disabilities(生理缺陷). How could his painting be made very beautiful? It was not possible. They werent sure what his painting would be like. So one by one, they all started to politely refuse to make a painting of the king.But suddenly one artist raised his hand and said he would make a very nice painting of the king. The king became happy hearing that. Then the artist started painting. After a long time, the painting was ready.When the artist showed the painting, everyone was shocked. In the painting, the king was sitting on a horse, on the one-leg side, holding his bow(弓箭) and aiming(瞄准) something with his one eye closed. The king was very happy and gave him lots of money.As we all know, no one is perfect. So we should try to focus on(关注) others advantages instead of their disadvantages. Just take an optimistic view(乐观的观点) of the event. Everyone can do a good job.16.What did the king see in the palace hallway? 17.Why did the king invite artists to draw a painting of him? 18.Was it an easy job or a hard job to draw a painting of the king? 19.How did the king like the painting? 20.What can we learn from the artist? .2019黄冈改编补全短文(5选5)Now students English handwriting(书写)gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful? 21. Use paper with linesWhen you write English words or sentences, you can use paper with lines. That will make your handwriting straight. 22. Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure these capital letters(大写字母) are written properly. Slow downIf your writing is hard to read, just slow down a little. 23. If you write too quickly, its hard for you to stop where you should, and you may make more mistakes easily. 24. When you hold your pencil in the correct way, writing is much better. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting bad. Try to be relaxed and dont hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit. Draw more pictures25. While you are drawing pictures, you need to use the skills to control(控制) your pencil better. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by drawing at home. Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course! A.If not, here are four steps that really work!B.Hold your pencil right C.Drawing can improve your handwriting. D.Going slower makes your handwriting clearer. E.Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size. .2019滨州补全对话(7选5) A: Hi, Grace. Lovely weather, isnt it?B: Yes, so cool! Lets go to school together.A: Sure. What are you going to do after class?B: I have no idea. 26.A: Ill have a math exam next week. I want to look for some important books and study at the library. 27.B: Sure, Id love to. I need to return some books to the library. 28.A: Great. We can play badminton after that.B: That sounds like a good idea. 29.A: Well, thats a good question. I havent played it for several weeks. 30.B: OK. Lets make it. Oh, its almost 8:00. Lets hurry.A.I think I need more practice.B.And I can also read some magazines there.C.Would you like to join me?D.What about you?E.What can I do for you?F.What time do you go to school?G.Are you good at badminton?【参考答案】1.Cif引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。故选C。2.A句意:约翰关掉了电视,帮助他母亲做家务。turn off 意为“关掉”;hear from 意为“收到的来信”; join in意为“参加”。根据句意可知选A。3.A考查动词用法辨析。spend意为“花费,度过”,常用sb.作主语; take意为“花费”,常用于It takes sb. some time to do sth.句型中;pay意为“付款”。根据句意及句中主语she可知,应用spend表示“花费”,故选A。4.B5.Ctake up意为“开始从事”;fix up意为“修理”;set up意为“建立”。由句意可知是建立一个学习小组。故选C。6.Bbe made from和be made of均表示“由制成”,前者看不出原材料,后者能够看出原材料。根据句意可知选B。7.C8.B9.A10.A.1115CABCA.16.The king/He saw the paintings of his ancestors.17.Because the king/he wanted his children to remember him, too.18.It was a hard job./A hard job.19.It was nice/perfect/wonderful/beautiful.20.We should try to focus on others advantages instead of their disabilities./We should take an optimistic view of the event.2125AEDBC.2630DCBGA6


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