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2022年考博英语-合肥工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题_ inflation, driven by rising food and oil costs, is striking hardest at the worlds poorest, who are forced to spend 60 to 80 percent of their income on food.问题1选项A.SproutingB.SurgingC.SpillingD.Spinning【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项sprout“发芽,长芽”,B项surge“汹涌,起大浪,蜂拥而来”,C项spill“(使)溢出,流出,(东西)倒出”,D项spin“旋转,纺纱,吐丝”。空格处填入的是一个现在分词做inflation“通货膨胀”的定语,根据后面的is striking hardest at the worlds poorest“对世界上最贫穷的人打击最大”可知,surging符合语境,表示“(物价等)激增的”。句意:食品和石油价格上涨导致的通货膨胀对世界上最贫穷的人打击最大,他们被迫将收入的60%到80%花在食品上。因此,该题选择B项正确。2. 单选题Human migration: the term is vague. What people usually think of is the permanent movement of people from one home to another. More broadly, though, migration means all the waysfrom the seasonal drift of agricultural workers within a country to the relocation of refugees from one country to another.Migration is big, dangerous, compelling. It is 60 million Europeans leaving home from the 16th to the 20th centuries. It is some 15 million Hindus, Skihs, and Muslims swept up in a tumultuous shuffle of citizens between India and Pakistan after the partition of the subcontinent in 1947.Migration is the dynamic undertow of population change: everyones solution, everyones conflict. As the century turns, migration, with its inevitable economic and political turmoil, has been called “one of the greatest challenges of the coming century.”But it is much more than that. It is, as has always been, the great adventure of human life. Migration helped create humans, drove us to conquer the planet, shaped our societies, and promises to reshape them again.“You have a history book written in your genes,” said Spencer Wells. The book hes trying to read goes back to long before even the first word was written, and it is a story of migration.Wells, a tall, blond geneticist at Stanford University, spent the summer of 1998 exploring remote parts of Transcaucasia and Central Asia with three colleagues in a Land Rover, looking for drops of blood. In the blood, donated by the people he met, he will search for the story that genetic markers can tell of the long paths human life has taken across the Earth. Genetic studies are the latest technique in a long effort of modern humans to find out where they have come from. But however the paths are traced, the basic story is simple: people have been moving since they were people. If early humans hadnt moved and intermingled as much as they did, they probably would have continued to evolve into different species. From beginnings in Africa, most researchers agree, groups of hunter-gatherers spread out, driven to the ends of the Earth.To demographer Kingsley Davis, two things made migration happen. First, human beings, with their tools and language, could adapt to different conditions without having to wait for evolution to make them suitable for a new niche. Second, as populations grew, cultures began to differ, and inequalities developed between groups. The first factor gave us the keys to the door of any room on the planet; the other gave us reasons to use them.Over the centuries, as agriculture spread across the planet, people moved toward places where metal was found and worked and to centers of commerce that then become cities. Those places were, in turn, invaded and overrun by people later generations called barbarians.In between these storm surges were steadier but similarly profound fides in which people moved out to colonize or were captured and brought in as slaves. For a while the population of Athens, that city of legendary enlightenment was as much as 35 percent slaves.“What strikes me is how important migration is as a cause and effect in the great world events.” Mark Miller, co-author of The Age of Migration and a professor of political science at the University of Delaware, told me recently.It is difficult to think of any great events that did not involve migration. Religions spawned pilgrims or settlers; wars drove refugees before them and made new land available for the conquerors; political upheavals displaced thousands or millions; economic innovations drew workers and entrepreneurs like magnets; environmental disasters like famine or disease pushed their bedraggled survivors anywhere they could replant hope. “Its part of our nature, this movement,” Miller said, “Its just a fact of the human condition.”1. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?2. According to Kingsley Davis, migration occurs as a result of the following reasons EXCEPT _.3. Which of the following groups is NOT mentioned as migrants in the passage?4. There seems to be a (n) _ relationship between great events and migration.问题1选项A.Migration exerts a great impact on population change.B.Migration contributes to Mankinds progress.C.Migration brings about desirable and undesirable effectsD.Migration may not be accompanied by human conflicts.问题2选项A.human adaptabilityB.human evolutionC.cultural differencesD.inter-group inequalities问题3选项A.Farmers.B.Workers.C.Settlers.D.Colonizers.问题4选项A.looseB.indefiniteC.causalD.remote【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“下列哪个陈述是不正确的?”。根据第三段第一句Migration is the dynamic undertow of population change: everyones solution, everyones conflict.(移民是人口变化的动态的潜在影响:每个人的解决方案,每个人的冲突)可知,A项“人口迁移对人口变化有很大的影响”正确,而D项“移民可能不会伴随着人类冲突”与原文不符;由第三段最后一句As the century turns, migration, with its inevitable economic and political turmoil, has been called “one of the greatest challenges of the coming century.”(随着世纪之交的到来,移民及其不可避免的经济和政治动荡被称为“下个世纪最大的挑战之一”)以及第四段最后一句Migration helped create humans, drove us to conquer the planet, shaped our societies, and promises to reshape them again.(移民帮助创造了人类,驱使我们征服这个星球,塑造了我们的社会,并有望再次重塑它们)可知,B项“移民有助于人类的进步”和C项“移民带来了有利和不利的影响”都符合原文。因此,该题选择D项正确。2.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“根据Kingsley Davis的说法,移民的发生是由于以下原因,除了”。根据文章第七段To demographer Kingsley Davis, two things made migration happen. First, human beings, with their tools and language, could adapt to different conditions without having to wait for evolution to make them suitable for a new niche. Second, as populations grew, cultures began to differ, and inequalities developed between groups.(在人口统计学家Kingsley Davis看来,有两件事促成了移民的发生。首先,人类可以用他们的工具和语言来适应不同的环境,而不必等待进化使他们适应新的环境。其次,随着人口的增长,文化开始出现差异,不同群体之间的不平等也在发展。)可知,移民发生的原因包括人类的适应性和文化的差异以及不同群体之间的不平等,A项“人类的适应能力”、C项“文化差异”和D项“部落之间的不平等”都是其中的原因,只有B项“人类进化”未提及。因此,该题选择B项正确。3.【试题答案】A【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“下列哪个群体在文章中没有提到是移民?”。最后一段讲述了几起重大事件引起的人口迁移:Religions spawned pilgrims or settlers; wars drove refugees before them and made new land available for the conquerors; political upheavals displaced thousands or millions; economic innovations drew workers and entrepreneurs like magnets; environmental disasters like famine or disease pushed their bedraggled survivors anywhere they could replant hope.(宗教催生了朝圣者或定居者;战争把难民赶到了他们面前,为征服者提供了新的土地;政治动荡使成千上万人流离失所;经济创新像磁铁一样吸引着工人和企业家;像饥荒或疾病这样的环境灾难把他们脏兮兮的生还者推到任何他们可以重新种植希望的地方。),由此可知,B项“工人”、C项“定居者”和D项“殖民者”都是移民的群体,只有A项“农民”没有被提到。因此,该题选择A项正确。4.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“在重大事件和移民之间似乎有一个的关系”。根据倒数第二段“What strikes me is how important migration is as a cause and effect in the great world events.” Mark Miller, co-author of The Age of Migration and a professor of political science at the University of Delaware, told me recently.(特拉华大学政治学教授、移民时代的合著者Mark Miller最近告诉我:“让我震惊的是,移民和世界重大事件是因果关系。”)可知,C项“因果”正确;A项“松散的”、B项“不确定的”和D项“遥远的”都不准确。因此,该题选择C项正确。3. 单选题For Saint Paul, conscience brings not only illumination but also agony: It relentlessly exposes the inner battle that human beings must wage against their own impulses.问题1选项A.insightB.distressC.reflectionD.stimulus【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。agony表示“苦恼,极大的痛苦”;A项insight“洞察力,洞悉”,B项distress“危难,不幸,贫困”,C项reflection“反射,沉思”,D项stimulus“刺激,激励,刺激物”。句意:对圣保罗来说,良心带来的不仅仅是光明,也带来了痛苦:它无情地揭露了人类必须与自己的冲动进行的内心斗争。因此,根据句意可知B选项正确。4. 单选题During our exploration, we discovered that people will exploit the newness and breadth of the Information Marketplace to support their wishes and _.问题1选项A.breachesB.premisesC.rutsD.predilections【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A项breach“违背,违反,缺口”,B项premise“前提,假定”,C项rut“发情期,惯例,性冲动”,D项predilection“偏爱,嗜好”。根据句子可知空格处填入的词和wishes“愿望”并列,那么四个选项中只有predilection符合语境。句意:在我们的探索过程中,我们发现人们会利用信息市场的新颖性和广度来支持他们的愿望和偏好。因此,该题选择D项正确。5. 单选题Malaysia and Indonesia rely on open markets for forest and fishery products. _, some Asian countries are highly protectionist.问题1选项A.NaturallyB.ConverselyC.DeliberatelyD.Evidently【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A项naturally“自然地”,B项conversely“相反地”,C项deliberately“故意地,缓慢而谨慎地”,D项evidently“显然,明显地,清楚地”。由open markets“开放市场”和protectionist“贸易保护主义的”可知,前后语义是相反的,conversely符合语境。句意:马来西亚和印度尼西亚的森林和渔业产品依赖开放市场;相反,一些亚洲国家贸易保护主义色彩浓厚。因此,该题选择B项正确。6. 单选题It is all very well to blame traffic jams, the cost of petrol and the quick pace of modern life, but manners on the roads are becoming horrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men become monsters behind the wheel. It is all very well, again, to have a tiger in the tank, but to have one in the drivers seat is another matter altogether. You might tolerate the odd road-hog, the rude and inconsiderate, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule. Perhaps the situation calls for “Be Kind to Other Drivers Campaign,” otherwise it may get completely out of hand.Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the tensions of motoring. A friendly nod or a wave of acknowledgment in response to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance so necessary in modem traffic conditions. But such acknowledgments of politeness are all too rare today. Many drivers nowadays dont even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.However, misplaced politeness can also be dangerous. Typical examples are the driver who brakes violently to allow a car to emerge from a side street at some hazard to following traffic, when a few seconds later the road would be clear anyway; or the man who waves a child across a zebra crossing into the path of oncoming vehicles that may be unable to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they care to. It always amazes me that the highways are not covered with the dead bodies of these grannies.A veteran driver, whose manners are faultless, told me it would help if motorists learnt to filter correctly into traffic streams one at a time without causing the total blockages that give rise to bad temper. Unfortunately, modem motorists cant even learn to drive, let alone master the subtler aspects of roadsmanship. Years ago the experts warned us that the “car-ownership explosion” would demand a lot more give-and-take from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.1. The sentence “You might tolerate the odd road-hogthe rule. (Para. 1)” implies that _.2. By “good sense”, the writer means _.3. Experts have long pointed out that in the face of car-ownership explosion _.4. In the writers opinion, _.问题1选项A.our society is unjust towards well-mannered motorists.B.rude drivers can be met only occasionally.C.the well-mannered motorist cannot tolerate the road-hog.D.nowadays impolite drives constitute the majority of motorists.问题2选项A.the drivers ability to understand and react reasonablyB.the drivers prompt response to difficult and severe conditionsC.the drivers tolerance of rude or even savage behaviorD.the drivers acknowledgment of politeness and regulations问题3选项A.road users should make more sacrificeB.drivers should be ready to yield to each otherC.drivers should have more communication among themselvesD.drivers will suffer great loss if they pay no respect to others40. In the writers opinion, _.问题4选项A.strict traffic regulations are badly neededB.rude drivers should be punishedC.drivers should apply road politeness properlyD.drivers should avoid traffic jams【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:B第4题:C【解析】1.【试题答案】D【试题解析】推理判断题。题干意思是“第一段中的You might tolerate the odd road-hogthe rule.这一句暗示了”。根据题干定位到文章第一段倒数第二句You might tolerate the odd road-hog, the rude and inconsiderate, but nowadays the well-mannered motorist is the exception to the rule.(你可能会容忍那些乱开车的怪人、那些粗鲁而不体谅人的司机,但如今懂礼貌的司机却不在此列),结合上文提到人们在公路上开车的举止非常可怕,可以推断,现在大多数都是不礼貌驾驶,故D项“现在,不礼貌的驾驶占大多数”符合题意;B项“粗鲁的司机只能偶尔碰到”错误;A项“我们的社会对有礼貌的驾车者不公平”与文意不符,文章表达的是不礼貌的驾驶这一种普遍现象,并不是说社会对有礼貌的驾驶者不公平;C项“彬彬有礼的司机不能容忍蛮横的司机”,无法从文中推断出“你”指的是彬彬有礼的司机。因此,该题选择D项正确。2.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义推测题。题干意思是“作者用good sense来指”。根据题干定位到第二段第一句Road politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too.(礼貌驾车不仅是文明的举止,而且也是good sense),结合后文句子It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered of drivers to resist the temptation to revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior.(只有最冷静、最宽容的司机才能在遇到不文明行为时忍住报复的冲动)可知,good sense指的是在遇到不文明行为时,驾驶者能够保持冷静和宽容,因此A项“司机能够谅解和做出合理反应的能力”符合题意;B项“司机对困难和严峻条件的迅速反应”和C项“司机对粗鲁甚至野蛮行为的容忍”都不全面;D项“司机对礼貌和规则的承认”并不是good sense指代的内容。因此,该题选择A项正确。3.【试题答案】B【试题解析】细节事实题。题干意思是“专家早就指出,面对汽车拥有量的激增,”。根据文章最后一段倒数第二句Years ago the experts warned us that the “car-ownership explosion” would demand a lot more give-and-take from all road users.(多年前,专家警告过我们,拥有汽车的人数量剧增,这将要求所有驾车的人更多地互相礼让)可知,B项“司机应该准备彼此让步”正确;A项“道路使用者应该做出更多的牺牲”和C项“司机之间应该有更多的沟通”都不符合原文;D项“如果他们不尊重他人,司机将遭受巨大的损失”在该段并未提及。因此,该题选择B项正确。4.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。题干意思是“在作者的观点中,”。第一段作者先通过公路驾驶的现状引出第二段的中心,即礼貌驾驶,接着作者具体说明了司机应该如何文明驾驶,第三段作者通过举例说明不恰当的礼让会引起危险,反向支持礼貌驾驶的重要性,最后在文章最后一段号召大家文明驾驶;综合可以推断出,作者认为驾驶者应该文明驾驶,互相礼让,因此,C项“司机应该正确地运用道路礼貌”符合题意;A项“严格的交通规则是非常需要的”和B项“粗鲁的司机应该受到惩罚”文中没有提到;D项“司机应该避免交通堵塞”这只是其中一个方面,概括不够全面。因此,该题选择C项正确。7. 单选题Something unexpected happened to the mountain climber, but he was calm enough to _ the protruding rock.问题1选项A.size upB.hang ontoC.pack inD.break up【答案】B【解析】考查词组辨析。A项size up“打量,估计的大小”,B项hang onto“依附,继续保留,紧紧抓住”,C项pack in“停止”,D项break up“打碎,破碎,结束”。由Something unexpected happened to the mountain climber“那位登山者发生了意想不到的事”和the protruding rock“突出的岩石”可知,“紧紧抓住”符合语境。句意:登山者发生了意想不到的事情,但他足够冷静地抓住了突出的岩石。因此,该题选择B项正确。8. 单选题The gloomy myth-makers foresee a world destroyed by floods or fire, and a human population _ by war, starvation or infectious diseases.问题1选项A.stagnatedB.suppressedC.contrivedD.decimated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项stagnate“停滞,淤塞,变萧条”,B项suppress“抑制,镇压,废止”,C项contrive“设计,发明,图谋”,D项decimate“大批杀害,大量毁灭,大大削弱”。根据world destroyed by floods or fire“被洪水或火灾摧毁的世界”可知,human population _ by war填入decimated符合语境。句意:悲观的神话制造者预测世界将被洪水或火灾摧毁,人类将被战争、饥饿或传染病夺去生命。因此,该题选择D项正确。9. 单选题So wide is its sweep that 345 million people use English as their first language and an additional 400 million as their second.问题1选项A.rangeB.powerC.vigorD.expansion【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项range“范围;幅度;山脉”;B选项power“力量;电力”;C选项vigor“活力;精力”;D选项expansion“膨胀”。句意:英语的是如此之广,以至于3.45亿人将英语作为第一语言,另外还有4亿人将英语作为第二语言。由关键信息so wide“如此广泛”以及345 million people use English as their first language“3.45亿人将英语当成第一语言使用”,可知本句是在讲英语的普及范围广。因此A选项符合题意。10. 单选题It was broadcast on the radio that trains to the city were delayed due to the exceptionally heavy rain flooded a nearby area east of it.问题1选项A.on theB.toC.floodedD.east of it【答案】C【解析】考查语法。Due to后面只能跟名词、动名词或者名词性短语,所以flooded a nearby area east of it只能做heavy rain的定语,修饰heavy rain;而heavy rain和flood之间是主动的关系,所以不能用flooded,而要用flooding。句意:电台广播说,由于特大暴雨淹没了该市东部附近地区,前往该市的火车延误了。因此,该题选择C项。11. 单选题The presidents critics say he has been too _ in responding to changing international developments.问题1选项A.lusciousB.forlornC.timidD.eloquent【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项luscious“甘美的,满足感官的”,B项forlorn“被遗弃的,绝望的,孤独的”,C项timid“胆小的,羞怯的”,D项eloquent“意味深长的,雄辩的,有口才的”。由The presidents critics“总统的批评者”可知,后面是负面的评价,排除A项和D项,根据responding to changing international developments“应对国际形势的变化”可知,C项符合语境。句意:总统的批评者说,他在应对不断变化的国际发展方面过于胆怯。因此,该题选择C项正确。12. 单选题From the vast arsenal of existing science and technology, the developing countries should select what suits their own purposes and what corresponds to their aspirations.问题1选项A.conceptsB.desiresC.goalsD.spirits【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。aspiration表示“渴望,抱负”;A项concept“观念,概念”,B项desire“欲望,要求,心愿”,C项goal“目标,球门”,D项spirit“精神,心灵,情绪”。句意:发展中国家应从现有的大量科学技术中,选择符合自身目的、符合自身愿望的科学技术。根据句意可知,B项意思与aspiration相近。因此,该题选择B项正确。13. 单选题The more skilful you are, the more yon tend to cut corners which, if unchecked for long periods, will _ into bad habits.问题1选项A.splitB.sneakC.deludeD.degenerate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项split“分离,使分离,劈开”,B项sneak“溜,鬼鬼祟祟做事,向老师打小报告”,C项delude“欺骗,哄骗,诱惑”,D项degenerate“使退化,恶化,堕落”。由The more skilful you are, the more yon tend to cut corners“你的技术越熟练,你就越容易走捷径”可知,空格处填入“养成、变成”符合语境,而degenerate into表示“退化为”,意思与之相近。句意:你的技术越熟练,你就越容易走捷径,如果长期不加以控制,就会退化为坏习惯。因此,该题选择D项正确。14. 单选题The idea that hard work was to be _ distinguished Americans from Europeans who admired their gentlemen of leisure.问题1选项A.inversedB.esteemedC.exclaimedD.hoarded【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项inverse“使倒转,使颠倒”,B项esteem“尊敬,尊重”,C项exclaim“呼喊,惊叫,大声叫嚷”,D项hoard“贮藏(钱财或贵重物品),(在某物匮乏时)积敛”。由Europeans who admired their gentlemen of leisure“欧洲人羡慕美国悠闲的绅士”可推理,美国人悠闲,而欧洲人重视努力工作。句意:努力工作是受人尊敬的观念使美国人和欧洲人区别开来,欧洲人羡慕他们悠闲的绅士。因此,该题选择B项正确。15. 单选题This is but a _ of the total amount of information which the teenagers have stored.问题1选项A.frictionB.fractionC.factionD.fracture【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项friction“摩擦”,B项fraction“分数,部分,小部分”,C项faction“派别,内讧,小集团”,D项fracture“破裂,断裂”。由the total amount of information“信息的总量”可知,“一部分”符合语境。句意:这只是青少年储存的全部信息的一小部分。因此,该题选择B项正确。16. 单选题She said goodnight a second time and ran downstairs again to _ all her preparations for the morrow.问题1选项A.turn onB.account forC.wrestle withD.let down【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A项turn on“打开,发动,取决于”,B项account for“对负有责任,对做出解释”,C项wrestle with“全力对付,努力克服”,D项let down“使失望,放下,辜负”。由句子句意“她第二次道了晚安,然后又跑下楼去_为明天所做的一切准备”可知,四个选项中只有wrestle with符合语境。句意:她又道了一声晚安,然后又跑下楼去为明天做准备。因此,该题选择C项正确。17. 单选题The English teacher paused a few seconds _ the most effective word to express his meaning.问题1选项A.embarking onB.embroiling inC.branching outD.groping for【答案】D【解析】考查短语辨析。A项embark on“从事,着手,登上船”,B项embroil in“使(自己或某人)卷入,牵连”,C项branch out“长出枝条,扩展范围,偏离主题”,D项grope for“探索”。由the most effective word“最有效的词”可知,四个选项中只有grope for符合语境。句意:英语老师停顿了几秒钟,想找一个最有效的词来表达他的意思。因此,该题选择D项正确。18. 翻译题如果想给别人留下良好的形象,你首先得树立良好的自我形象。一个具有失败者形象的人永远无法在别人面前树立成功者的形象。从古至今,一些伟大的哲人都说过:你自认为是什么样的人就是什么样的人。既然我们都可以选择如何想象自己,我们就应该尽力往积极、良好的方面去想。【答案】If you want a winning image with others, your first concern must be a winning self-image. The individual who has a losing self-image will never be able to project a winning image to others. Throughout the ages, great philosophers have stated, “You are what you think you are.” Since we can all choose how we want to think ourselves, we should try to have positive, winning thoughts.19. 单选题The lost car of the Lees was found _ in the woods off the highway.问题1选项A.vanishedB.scatteredC.disregardedD.abandoned【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项vanish“消失,突然不见,成为零”,B项scatter“撒播,散开,散布”,C项disregard“忽视,无视,不尊重”,D项abandon“遗弃,离开,放弃”。根据句子可知,空格部分是动词的过去分词做宾语补足语,与The lost car“丢失的汽车”形成被动关系,四个选项中只有abandon符合语境。句意:Lee的那辆丢失的汽车被发现遗弃在高速公路旁的树林里。因此,该题选择D项正确。20. 单选题At planning meetings with the senior management I often had to endure predictable little


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