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2022年考博英语-首都师范大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题A healthy diet includes lots of ( )natural food with plenty of proteins and vitamins.问题1选项A.indigestibleB.wholesomeC.leftoverD.heavy【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。indigestible 难消化的;wholesome益于健康的;leftover剩余的,残留物。句意:健康的饮食包含许多益于健康的纯天然食物,这些食物含有丰富的蛋白质和维生素。根据healthy diet可知空格处应填B,答案B2. 单选题If sustainable competitive advantage depends on work-force skills, American firms have a problem. Human-resource management is not traditionally seen as central to the competitive survival of the firm in the United States. Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. Labor is simply another factor of production to be hiredrented at the lowest possible cost-much as one buys raw materials or equipment.The lack of importance attached to human-resource management can be seen in the corporation hierarchy. In an American firm the chief financial officer is almost always second in command. The post of head of human-resource management is usually a specialized job, off at the edge of corporate hierarchy. The executive who hold, it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). By way of contrast, in Japan the head of human-resource management is central-usually the second most important executive, after the CEO, in the firms hierarchy, While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese or German firm. The money they do invest is also more highly concentrated on professional and managerial employees. And the limited investments that are made in training workers are also much more narrowly focused on the specific skills necessary to do the next job rather than on the basic background skills that make it possible to absorb new technologies.As a result, problems emerge when breakthrough technology arrives. If American workers, for example, lake much longer to learn how to operate new flexible manufacturing station than workers in German (as they do), the effective cost of those stations is lower in German than it is in the united States. More time is required before equipment is up and running at capacity, and the need for extensive retaining generate costs and created bottlenecks that limit the speed with which new equipment can be employed. The result is a slower pace of the technological change. And in the end the skills of the bottom half the population affect the wages of the top half. If the bottom half cant effectively staff the processes that have to be operated, the management and professional jobs that go with these processes will disappear.1.Which of the following apply to the management of human resources in American companies?2.What is the position of the head of human-resource management in an American firm?3.According to the passage, the decisive factor in maintaining a firms competitive advantage is ( ).4.What is the main idea of the passage?问题1选项A.They hire people at the lowest cost regardless of their skills.B.They only hire skilled workers because of keen competition.C.They attach more importance to workers than to equipment.D.They see the gaining of skills as their employees own business.问题2选项A.He is one of the most important executives in the firm.B.His post is likely to disappear when new technologies are introduced.C.He has no say in making important decisions in the firm.D.He is directly under the chief financial executive.问题3选项A.the introduction of new technologyB.the improvement of workers basic skillsC.the rational composition of professional and managerial employeesD.the attachment of importance to the bottom half of the employees问题4选项A.American firms are different from Japanese and German firms in human-resource management.B.Extensive retraining is indispensable to effective human-resource management.C.The head of human-resource management must be in the central position in a firms hierarchy.D.The human resource management strategies of American firms affect their competitive capacity.【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由第一段“Skill acquisition is considered an individual responsibility. 获得技能被认为是个人的责任”可知D项是对该句的同义转述,答案D第2题:细节事实题。由第二段“The executive who hold, it is never consulted on major strategic decisions and has no chance to move up to Chief Executive Officer (CEO). 人力资源主管这个职位从不被征求主要决策的意见,也没有机会晋升为CEO。”可知在美国,人力资源主管在公司没有太多发言权。C项正确,答案C第3题:细节事实题。由第二段“While American firms often talk about the vast amounts spent on training their work forces, in fact they invest less in the skills of their employees than do either Japanese or German firm. 虽然美国公司经常谈论在员工培训上的巨额开支,但事实上,他们在员工技能上的投资比日本或德国公司都要少。”以及“As a result, problems emerge when breakthrough technology arrives.结果是,当突破性技术的到来时,美国就出现了问题。”文章第二段讲了美国公司与日德公司在劳动力培训方面的差异,美国主要培训那些管理层,而日德重视员工技巧培训。第三段说到了结果,美国员工学习新技术时需要花更多时间。由此可见给员工培训技巧是非常重要的。答案B第4题:主旨大意题。本文主要通过对比美国公司与日德国公司的人力资源策略,表明如果美国公司不培养员工技巧将导致美国公司在全球竞争中失去优势。答案D不培养员工技巧将导致美国公司在全球竞争中失去优势。答案D3. 单选题“( )are visitors allowed to feed the animals. The warning can be seen on the signboard in from every cage.问题1选项A.In any timeB.In no timeC.On no accountD.On any account【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。in any time 在任何时候;in no time 立刻;on no account 绝不;on any account任何情况下。句意:“决不允许游客给动物喂食”,每一个笼子前面都可以看到这种警示语。C项符合句意,答案C4. 单选题Alone in the deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt( ) lonely.问题1选项A.nothing butB.anything butC.all butD.everything but【答案】B【解析】考查固定搭配。 nothing but只有,只不过; anything but根本不,决不;all but几乎,差不多。句意:虽然他独自待在一个荒芜的房子里,但他忙于他的研究工作以至于他一点也不感到孤独。由“he was so busy with his research work”可知,他忙于研究,一点也不觉得孤独。答案B5. 单选题You cannot be ( )careful when you drive a car.问题1选项A.veryB.soC.tooD.enough【答案】C【解析】考查固定用法。can not too“再.也不为过”。句意:开车时你再怎么小心也不为过。答案C6. 单选题To survive, psychologically as well as physically, human being must inhabit a world that is relatively free of ambiguity and reasonably predictable. Some sort of structure must be placed upon the endless profusion of incoming signals. The infant, born into a world of flashing, hissing, moving images, soon learns to adapt by resolving this chaos into toys and tables, dogs and parents. Even adults who have had their vision or hearing restored through surgery describe the world as a frightening and sometimes unbearable experience; only after days of effort are they able to transform blur and noise into meaningful and therefore manageable experiences.It is commonplace to talk as if the world has meaning, to ask what is the meaning of a phrase, a gesture, a painting, a contract. Yet when thought about, it is clear that events are devoid of meaning until someone assigns it to them. There is no appropriate response to a bow or a handshake, a shout or a whisper, until it is interpreted. A drop of water and the color red have no meaning, they simply exist .The aim of human perception is to make the world intelligible so that it can be managed successfully; the attribution of meaning is a prerequisite to and preparation for action.People are never passive receivers, merely absorbing events of obvious significance, but are active in assigning meaning to sensation. What any event acquired in the way of meaning appears to reflect a transaction between what is there to be seen or heard, and what the interpreter brings to it in the way of past experience and prevailing motive. Thus the attribution of meaning is always a creative process by which the raw data of sensation are transformed to fit the aims of the observer.The diversity of reactions that can be triggered by a single experience - meeting a stranger, negotiating a contract, attending a textile conference-is immense. Each observer is forced to see it through his own eyes, interpret it in the light of his own values, fit it to the requirements of his own circumstances. As a consequence, every object and message is seen by every observer from a somewhat different perspective. Each person will note some features and neglect others. Each will accept sonic relations among the facts and deny others Each will arrive at some conclusion, tentative or certain, as the sounds and forms resolve into a temple or barn, a compliment or insult.1.It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that ( ).2.In order to assign meaning to anything in the world, one needs to( ).3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?4.The authors main purpose in writing this article is to ( ).问题1选项A.the world is bewildering to the infant and to the adult alike .B.surgery will restore a meaningful world to those who undertake itC.any response to the world would be impossible if meaning were not first assigned to itD.the world will be devoid of meaning if people fail to understand the special incoming signals问题2选项A.have a full knowledge of the structure of the worldB.transform the incoming signals, with the help of previous experiences, so that they can serve ones own purposeC.differentiate incoming signals that are of significance and those that are notD.be endowed with creativeness问题3选项A.Only visual images can be assigned meaningB.Incoming signals exist for the purpose of conveying meaning to peopleC.An individual might have to adapt himself to the diversified experience in this worldD.People may have different responses to the same incoming signal.问题4选项A.illustrate the different perspectives people may take in interpreting an experienceB.show that meaning is but a subjective matterC.demonstrate how we can assign meaning to the worldD.argue that one needs to have some insight to understand the world【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B【解析】第1题:推理判断题。由第二段最后一句“The aim of human perception is to make the world intelligible so that it can be managed successfully; the attribution of meaning is a prerequisite to and preparation for action. 人类感知的目的是使世界变得可理解,以便成功地管理世界; 意义的归属是行动的前提和准备。”可知C项“如果世界没有提前被赋予具体意义,那么对于世界的任何反应都是不可能的”正确。第2题:细节事实题。由第三段可知“what the interpreter brings to it in the way of past experience and prevailing motive. Thus the attribution of meaning is always a creative process by which the raw data of sensation are transformed to fit the aims of the observer. 这是解释者根据过去的经验和普遍的动机而得出的结论。因此,意义的归属始终是一个创造性的过程,通过这个过程,原始的感觉被转化为符合观察者的目标。”答案B第3题:细节事实题。由第四段“every object and message is seen by every observer from a somewhat different perspective. Each person will note some features and neglect others. 每个观察者从不同的角度来看待每一个对象和信息。每个人都会注意到一些特征而忽略其他的。”可知D项正确,答案D第4题:主旨大意题。文章第一段就提到,世界必须被赋予具体的意义。以及第四段“every object and message is seen by every observer from a somewhat different perspective. Each person will note some features and neglect others.人们看待事物的视角和观点不同,那么赋予事物的含义也会不同。”可知整篇文章作者的写作目的是表明事物的含义都是人赋予的,是主观的东西。答案B7. 单选题This is the ( )piano on which the composer created some of his greatest works.问题1选项A.actualB.genuineC.realD.original【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。actual “实际存在的”;genuine “真实的”;real “真实的,实在的”; original “原创的,原来的”。句意:那位作曲家就是在这台钢琴上创作出了他最伟大的作品。D项符合句意,答案D8. 单选题Technology has( )the sharing of information and the storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.问题1选项A.formulatedB.furnishedC.functionedD.facilitated【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。formulated 构想出,用公式表示;furnished供应,装备; functioned运行,行使职责; facilitated 促进,帮助。句意:科技促进了信息的分享和存储以及信息的传递,进而使得更多的信息为更多人所用。D项符合句意,答案D。9. 单选题He was punished ( )he should make the same mistake again.问题1选项A.unlessB.providedC.ifD.lest【答案】D【解析】考查连词辨析。unless 除非;provided 倘若;if如果;lest 以防,以免。句意:他被处罚了以免他再犯同样的错误。后半句用的是虚拟语气,表示对未来的虚拟。由句意可知,D项正确。答案D10. 单选题The accountant ( )thousands of dollars from the charity while appearing to be its best funder raiser.问题1选项A.donatedB.validatedC.embezzledD.certify【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。donate捐赠;validate 证实,验证 ;embezzled 盗用,挪用 ;certify证明,保证。句意:那个会计盗用善款几千美元,却表现出自己是最佳的捐助者。由while可知,前后两句关系为转折,后半句提到“最佳捐赠者”,那么前半句句意应与之相反。故C项符合题意,答案C11. 单选题The newspaper must provide for the reader objectively selected facts; But in these days of complex news it must provide interpretation, the meaning of the facts.However, the opponents of interpretation insist that the writer and the editor should confine themselves(1)the facts : This insistence(2)two questions: What are the facts? Are the bare facts enough?As to the first question, consider how a so-called factual story comes about. The reporter collects(3) fifty facts; out of these fifty his space (4) being necessarily restricted, he selects ten(5) he considers most important. This is Judgment Number One. Then he or his editor decides which of these ten facts shall(6) the lead of the piece. (This is an important decision because many readers do not(7) eyond the first paragraph.) This is Judgment Number Two. Then the night editor determines whether the article shall be presented on page one, where it has a large impact,(8) on page twenty-four, where it has little. Judgment Number Three.Thus, in the presentation of a so-called factual or objective story, at least three judgments are involved. And they are judgments not at all unlike(9) involved in interpretation, in which reporter and editor, calling(10) their research resources, their general background, and their news neutralism arrive at a conclusion as to the significance of the news.问题1选项A.withB.byC.throughD.to问题2选项A.raisesB.risesC.arisesD.rouses问题3选项A.speakB.stateC.remarkD.say问题4选项A.agreementB.assignmentC.allotmentD.arrangement问题5选项A.whatB.whichC.howD.whether问题6选项A.determineB.involveC.constituteD.organize问题7选项A.progressB.prolongC.prospectD.proceed问题8选项A.ratherB.thanC.orD.instead问题9选项A.thatB.thisC.theseD.those问题10选项A.upB.offC.uponD.for【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C第5题:B第6题:C第7题:D第8题:C第9题:D第10题:C【解析】第1题:考查固定搭配。confine sb. to“将某人限定在内”,答案D第2题:考查固定搭配。此空意为提出问题 raise questions,答案A第3题:考查动词辨析。say做副词用,前后用逗号隔开,表示“大约、例如”,答案D第4题:考查名词辨析。agreement 协议;arrangement安排; assignment分派指定的任务;allotment 分配、配发。由上下文可知此空意为“分配”,答案C第5题:考查连词辨析。此处由which引导定语从句,答案B第6题:考查动词辨析。 determine 决定、下决心; involve 包含、牵涉;constitute组成,构成;organize 组织。句意:编辑要从这十个事实选一个构成总领 。答案C第7题:考查动词辨析。 progress 进步;prolong 延长;prospect 勘探;proceed继续进行。句意:读者不会继续再读下一段。答案D第8题:考查固定搭配。whetheror“不管还是 ”第9题:考查代词辨析。those指代judgments第10题:考查词组辨析。call up征召入伍;call off 取消;call upon 号召,要求,拜访; call for 要求、需要。句意:记者和编辑会结合调查资源、大环境背景和新闻中立性原则答案C12. 单选题The word of science is heard so often in modern times that almost everybody has some notion of its meaning. On the other hand, its definition is difficult for many people. The meaning of the term is confusing, but everyone should understand its meaning and objectives. Just to make the explanation as simple as possible, suppose science is defined as classified knowledge.Even in the true sciences distinguishing fact from fiction is not always easy. For this reason great care should be taken to distinguish between beliefs and truths. There is no danger as long as a clear difference is made between temporary and proved explanations. For example, hypotheses and theories are attempts to explain natural phenomena. From these positions the scientist continues to experiment and observe until they are proved or discredited. The exact status of any explanation should be clearly labeled to avoid confusion. The objectives of science are primarily the discovery and the subsequent understanding of the unknown. Man can not be satisfied with recognizing that secrets exist in nature or that questions are unanswerable; he must solve them. Toward that end specialists in the field of biology and related fields of interest are directing much of their time and energy.Actually, two basic approaches lead to the discovery of new information. One, aimed at satisfying curiosity, is referred to as pure science. The other aimed at using knowledge for specific purposes-for instance, improving health, raising standards of living, or creating new consumer products. In this case knowledge is put to economic use. Such an approach is referred to as applied science.Sometimes practical-minded people miss the point of pure science in thinking only of its immediate application for economic rewards. Chemists responsible for many of the discoveries could hardly have anticipated that their findings would one day result in applications of such a practical nature as those directly related to life and death. The discovery of one bit of information opens the door of the discovery of another. Some discoveries seem so simple that one is amazed they were not made years ago: however one should remember that the construction of the microscope had to precede the discovery of the cell. The hosts of scientists dedicating their lives to pure science are not apologetic about ignoring the practical side of their discoveries; they know from experience that most knowledge is eventually applied.1.Which of the following sentences about pure science is true?2.A scientist interested in general knowledge about oxygen would probably call this approach ( ).3.Which of the Following does the author imply?4.Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?问题1选项A.It may lead to antiscientific, impure results.B.It necessarily precedes applied science and discovery of the cell.C.It is not always as pure as we suppose.D.It necessarily results from applied science and the discovery of the cell.问题2选项A.applied scienceB.chemical scienceC.pure scienceD.environmental science问题3选项A.Pure scientists should not be blamed for ignoring the practical side of their discoveriesB.Today few people have any notions of the meaning of science.C.In science, it is not difficult to distinguish fact from fiction.D.Practical-minded people can understand the meaning and objectives of pure science.问题4选项A.On Distinguishing Fact from FictionB.Biology and the Scientific AgeC.Hypotheses and TheoriesD.The nature of Science and Scientists【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D【解析】第1题:细节事实题。由最后一句“The hosts of scientists dedicating their lives to pure science are not apologetic about ignoring the practical side of their discoveries; they know from experience that most knowledge is eventually applied. 那些把自己的生命奉献给纯科学的科学家们并没有为忽视了他们的发现中的实用价值而道歉;他们从经验中知道,大多数知识最终都会被应用。”可知纯科学并不总是像人们想象的那么纯粹,它也会被运用。故答案C第2题:细节事实题。由第三段中“One, aimed at satisfying curiosity, is referred to as pure science. 一种是为了满足好奇心,被称为纯科学”,题干中所说的“一个对于氧气的总体知识感兴趣的科学家”,属于这类,故答案C。第3题:推理判断题。由最后一段“The hosts of scientists dedicating their lives to pure science are not apologetic about ignoring the practical side of their discoveries; they know from experience that most knowledge is eventually applied. 那些把自己的生命奉献给纯科学的科学家们并没有为忽视了他们的发现中的实用价值而道歉;他们从经验中知道,大多数知识最终都会被应用。”可知A项“纯理论科学家忽视了他们的发现的实用性而受到谴责”正确。B项“如今很少有人对科学的定义有一些理解”与原文表述不符;C项“在科学界,区分事实与虚拟不困难”与原文第二段第一句“even in the”不符;D项与原文“Some times practical-mindede”不符。故答案A第4题:主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了科学的定义,以及纯科学与应用科学的对比,这都是属于揭示科学的本质,故答案D。13. 单选题An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a (1)education, justified for reasons radically different from why educat


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