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如皋市搬经镇常青初级中学八年级英语组 八(下)Unit 1复习讲义8BUnit 1 背诵讲义一、单词1. 过去的 past 2. 现在, 目前 present 3. 刚才 just 4. 曾经 ever 5. 自以来 since 6. 街区 block 7. 在期间 during 8. 把变成 turninto 9. 废料 waste 10. 意识到,实现realize/realise 11. 形势,情况 situation 12. 在某种程度上in some ways 13. 然而 however 14. 以前 before 15. 孤独的 lonely 16. 不时,有时from time to time 17. 尽管 anyway 18. 丈夫husband 19. 采访,会见 interview 20. 一生all ones life 21. 还,仍 yet 22. 过去的past 23. 环境 environment 24. 条件 condition 25. 返回 return 26. 最近recently 27. 到国外 abroad 28. 小学教育的primary 29. 正是,没错exactly30. 保持联系 keep in touch 31. 开阔的空地open space32.习惯于be/get used to 33. 北方的northern( 名词 ) north34. 已婚的married( 动词 ) marry 35. 妻子wife( 复数 ) wives 36. 污染,污染物pollution( 动词 ) pollute 37. 工厂factory( 复数 ) factories 38. 不可能的impossible( 反义词 )possible 39. 近来,最近recently ( 形容词 )recent40. 交流,交际 communicate( 名词 ) communication二、释义 1. married having a husband or wife 2. block a group of buildings with streets on both sides 3. factorya place where things are made by machines 4. realizeknow or understand something that you did not know before 5. improve make something better 6. lonelynot happy because of being alone 7. from time to time sometimes三、短语 NoChineseEnglish1在碗里in the bowl2一小时前an hour ago3饥饿be hungry4过去经常做某事used to do sth.5与某人分享某物share sth with sb6步行去某地 go to sp. on foot / walk to sp7骑车去某地ride a bike to sp / go to sp by bike8乘车去某地take a bus to sp / go to sp by bus9开车去某地drive a car to sp / go to sp by car10飞往某地fly to sp / go to sp by air/plane11周游城市go around the city12太多的人too many people13等待某人wait for sb.14去其它城市go to other cities15很了解某事know sth very well16搬走/搬家move away/move house17在镇北边in the northern part of town18与某人结婚get/be married to19搬开两个街区move two blocks away20改变很多change a lot21在镇中心in the town centre 22把变成turninto23把废物排进河里put the waste into the river24采取措施改善这种情况take action to improve the situation25更加干净得多much cleaner26在某地方面in some ways27我们中的大多数人most of us28他们中的许多人many of them29看见彼此see each other30打牌play cards31下象棋play Chinese chess32感到有点儿寂寞feel a bit lonely33有时sometimes / at times / from time to time34令人惊讶的改变the amazing changes35使某事更好make sth better36由制成be made by37因为孤独because of being alone38一群建筑物a group of buildings39关于知道很少know little about40搬离某地move away from sp41发生happen / take place42在某人的一生中all ones life43在过去in the past44在最近几年里in/during/over the past / last few years45在过去的几年里over the (past / last) years46许多次many times47到达(不及物)家/这儿/那儿arrive/reach/get home/here/there48到达某地(及物)arrive in/at / get to / reach sp.49教我们很多关于teach us a lot about50中国的历史the history of China51计划做某事plan to do sth52生活条件living conditions53向某人借某物borrow sth from sb54旅游进出小镇travel to and from the town55从美国归来return/come back from the USA56出国go abroad57在小学at primary school58与某人保持联系keep in touch with59通过电子邮件交流communicate by email60使交际更加容易make communication much easier61中国的首都the capital of China62一个娱乐的好地方a good place to have fun63流经镇中心run through the centre of town64感到不开心feel unhappy65习惯于(做)某事be / get used to (doing) sth66单独alone / by oneself / on ones own67在(做)某事上花时间spend some time on / (in) doing sth.68在路的两边on both sides of the road69享受舒适的生活enjoy a comfortable life70自从三年前以来since three years ago四、句型1 你过去对我那么好。 You used to be so kind to me.2 你对阳光镇非常了解吗?Do you know Sunshine Town very well? 3. 阳光河边曾经有一个钢铁厂。There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River.4. 做某事对某人来说。 Its + adj + for sb to do sth.对我们来说像以前一样经常见面已经变得不可能了。 It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.5. 我们过去常在一起打牌下中国象棋。 We used to play cards and Chinese chess together.6. 我有时会觉得有点孤独。 I feel a bit lonely from time to time.7. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化,还是不错的。 Anyway, its good to see the amazing changes in the town.8. 近几年我的家乡发生了许多变化。 (3种)Many changes have taken place in my hometown over the years.There have been many changes in my hometown over the years.My hometown has changed a lot over the years.9. 自从他去世以来已经三年了。( 4种 ) He died three years ago. He has been dead for three years/ since three years ago . It is / has been three years since he died. Three years has passed since he died.10. 现在人们可以乘公共汽车、出租车或火车进出城镇,但是在过去,人们只能乘公共汽车或骑自行车旅行 People can now travel to and from the town by bus, taxi or train, but in the past, people could only travel by bus or bicycle.11. 当地人过去住在老房子里, 但现在大部分人已经搬进了新公寓。 Local people used to live in old houses, but now, most of them have moved into new flats. 12. 他习惯于晚饭后散步。 He is used to walking after supper.13. 你们如何互相保持联系? How do you keep in touch with each other?14. 我们主要通过QQ交流。 We mainly communicate by QQ.15. 我过去步行上学。 I used to walk to school. / I used to go to school on foot.16. 因特网使得交际容易得多。 The Internet makes communication much easier.17. 很快适应生活的变化不容易。 Its not easy to get used to the changes of life quickly.18. 过去,小镇上的路又狭窄又脏;但是现在街道又宽又干净,两边绿树成荫。In the past, there were (only) narrow and dirty roads in the small town. But now the streets are wide and clean, with many green trees on both sides.19. 政府也在一些大的空地上建了商店和高楼。 The government has also built shops and tall buildings in some large open spaces.20. 现在人们正享受舒适的生活。 Now people are enjoying a comfortable life.21. 现在政府把镇中心的一部分变成了一个新的公园。 Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park. 8BUnit 1 默写讲义班级_姓名_学号_得分_一、单词1. 过去的 _ 2. 现在, 目前 _ 3. 刚才 _ 4. 曾经 _ 5. 自以来 _ 6. 街区 _ 7. 在期间 _ 8. 把变成 _ 9. 废料 _ 10. 意识到,实现_ 11. 形势,情况 _ 12. 在某种程度上_ 13. 然而 _ 14. 以前 _ 15. 孤独的 _ 16. 不时,有时_17. 尽管 _ 18. 丈夫_ 19. 采访,会见 _ 20. 一生_ 21. 还,仍 _ 22. 过去的_ 23. 环境 _24. 条件 _ 25. 返回 _26. 最近_ 27. 到国外 _ 28. 小学教育的_ 29. 正是,没错_30. 保持联系 _ 31. 开阔的空地_32.习惯于_ 33. 北方的_( 名词 ) _34. 已婚的_( 动词 ) _ 35. 妻子_( 复数 ) _ 36. 污染,污染物_( 动词 ) _ 37. 工厂_( 复数 ) _ 38. 不可能的_( 反义词 )_ 39. 近来,最近_ ( 形容词 )_40. 交流,交际 _( 名词 ) _二、释义 1. having a husband or wife_ 2. a group of buildings with streets on both sides_ 3. a place where things are made by machines_ 4. know or understand something that you did not know before_ 5. make something better_ 6. not happy because of being alone_ 7. from time to time _三、短语 NoChineseEnglish1在碗里2一小时前3饥饿4过去经常做某事5与某人分享某物6步行去某地 7骑车去某地8乘车去某地9开车去某地10飞往某地11周游城市12太多的人13等待某人14去其它城市15很了解某事16搬走/搬家17在镇北边18与某人结婚19搬开两个街区20改变很多21在镇中心22把变成23把废物排进河里24采取措施改善这种情况25更加干净得多26在某地方面27我们中的大多数人28他们中的许多人29看见彼此30打牌31下象棋32感到有点儿寂寞33有时34令人惊讶的改变35使某事更好36由制成37因为孤独38一群建筑物39关于知道很少40搬离某地41发生42在某人的一生中43在过去44在最近几年里45在过去的几年里46许多次47到达(不及物)家/这儿/那儿48到达某地(及物)49教我们很多关于50中国的历史51计划做某事52生活条件53向某人借某物54旅游进出小镇55从美国归来56出国57在小学58与某人保持联系59通过电子邮件交流60使交际更加容易61中国的首都62一个娱乐的好地方63流经镇中心64感到不开心65习惯于(做)某事66单独67在(做)某事上花时间68在路的两边69享受舒适的生活70自从三年前以来四、句型1. 你过去对我那么好。 _2. 你对阳光镇非常了解吗?_3. 阳光河边曾经有一个钢铁厂。_4. 对我们来说像以前一样经常见面已经变得不可能了。 _5. 我们过去常在一起打牌下中国象棋。 _6. 我有时会觉得有点孤独。 _7. 不管怎样,能看到小镇这些令人惊叹的变化,还是不错的。 _8. 近几年我的家乡发生了许多变化。 (3种) _9. 自从他去世以来已经三年了。( 4种 ) _ _ _ _10. 现在人们可以乘公共汽车、出租车或火车进出城镇,但是在过去,人们只能乘公共汽车或骑自行车旅行 _ _11. 当地人过去住在老房子里, 但现在大部分人已经搬进了新公寓。 _12. 他习惯于晚饭后散步。 _13. 你们如何互相保持联系? _14. 我们主要通过QQ交流。 _15. 我过去步行上学。 _16. 因特网使得交际更加容易。 _17. 很快适应生活的变化不容易。 _18. 过去,小镇上的路又狭窄又脏;但是现在街道又宽又干净,两边绿树成荫。 _ _19. 政府也在一些大的空地上建了商店和高楼。 _20. 现在人们正享受舒适的生活。 _21. 现在政府把镇中心的一部分变成了一个新的公园。 _8


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