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2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题This school promised to make classes smaller and offer more individualized( ).问题1选项A.presentationB.instructionC.convictionD.obligation【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项presentation“展示,描述”,B项instruction“指令,命令,教导”,C项conviction“定罪,确信”,D项obligation“义务,职责”;根据句子语境“这所学校承诺缩小班级规模,提供更个性化的”可知,只有B项符合。句意:这所学校承诺要缩小班级规模,提供更加个性化的教学。因此,该题选择B项正确。2. 单选题Tall people earn considerably more money throughout their lives than their shorter co-workers, with each inch adding about US$789 a year in pay, according to a new study. “Height(1)career success,” says Timothy Judge, a University of Florida professor of management, who led the study. “These findings are troubling since, with a few(2), such as professional basketball, no one could argue that height is something essential required for job(3),” Judge points out.Judge analyzed results of four large-scale studies in the US and Britain that followed thousands of people from childhood to adulthood, examining details of their work and personal lives. “If you take this(4)the course of a 30-year career, were talking about literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings(5)that a tall person enjoys,” Judge said.Greater height boosted both subjective ratings of work performancea supervisors(6)of how effective someone isand(7)measures of performancesuch as sales volume. Being tall may boost self-confidence, improving performance. Other people may also give higher(8)and greater respect to a tall person, giving them an edge in negotiating states, he says.The commanding influence of height may be a remainder of our evolutionary(9). Maybe from a time when humans lived among animals and size was(10)power and strength used when making “fight or run” decisions.问题1选项A.makes outB.works inC.takes onD.matters for问题2选项A.casesB.exceptionsC.examplesD.problems问题3选项A.performanceB.operationC.conditionD.environment问题4选项A.onB.withC.overD.to问题5选项A.deficiencyB.advantageC.lossD.necessity问题6选项A.imaginationB.decisionC.judgeD.evaluation问题7选项A.relativeB.absoluteC.objectiveD.initiative问题8选项A.stateB.statusC.situationD.statue问题9选项A.originsB.sourcesC.coursesD.organizations问题10选项A.a time inB.a hold onC.a work atD.a sign of【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B第6题:D第7题:C第8题:B第9题:A第10题:D【解析】第1题:考查词组辨析和上下文语境。A项make out“理解,辨认出”,B项work in“进入”,C项take on“呈现,接纳”,D项matter for“对重要”;根据上文Tall people earn considerably more money throughout their lives than their shorter co-workers, with each inch adding about US$789 a year in pay, according to a new study.(据一项最新研究显示,高个子一生中赚的钱要比矮个子同事多得多,身高每增加一英寸,年收入就会增加约789美元),可以推断出,下文Height( )career success表示“身高是事业成功的关键”。因此,该题选择D项正确。第2题:考查名词辨析和上下文语境。A项case“案件,情况”,B项exception“例外,异议”,C项example“例子”,D项problem“问题”;根据句子These findings are troubling since, with a few( ), such as professional basketball(这些发现令人不安,因为有一些,如职业篮球)可知,上文提到“身高对职业生涯很重要”,这里提到“这个发现也令人烦恼”可推断,空格部分表示“例外”。句意:这些发现令人不安,因为除了少数例外,比如职业篮球。因此,该题选择B项正确。第3题:考查名词辨析和上下文语境。A项performance“表现”,B项operation“操作,手术”,C项condition“条件”,D项environment“环境”;根据句子no one could argue that height is something essential required for job( )(没有人会说身高是工作的必要条件)可知,上文提到“身高对工作很重要”,所以可推断,这里的空格部分表示“工作表现”。句意:没有人会说身高是工作表现的必要条件。因此,该题选择A项正确。第4题:考查介词辨析。A项on“在之上”,B项with“随着,和一起”,C项over“越过,之上”,D项to“到,向”;根据句子If you take this( )the course of a 30-year career(如果你30年的职业生涯都是这样)可知,空格部分应该填入一个表示时间跨度的介词,只有C项符合。句意:如果你在30年的职业生涯中都是这样。因此,该题选择C项正确。第5题:考查名词辨析。A项deficiency“缺陷,缺点”,B项advantage“优点,优势”,C项loss“损失”,D项necessity“需要,必然性”;根据句子were talking about literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings( )that a tall person enjoys(我们谈论的是一个高个子享受数十万美元的收入)可知,空格部分应该表示“优势”。句意:我们说的是一个高个子享受的数十万美元的收入优势。因此,该题选择B项正确。第6题:考查名词辨析。A项imagination“想象”,B项decision“决定”,C项judge“评判,判断”,D项evaluation“评价,评估”;前面提到Greater height boosted both subjective ratings of work performance(更高的身高会提高对工作表现的主观评价),根据空格前后的关键词supervisor(监督者)和how effective someone is(一个人的效率有多高)可知,空格部分表示“评价,评估”。句意:主管对某人工作效率的评估。因此,该题选择D项正确。第7题:考查形容词辨析和上下文逻辑。A项relative“相对的”,B项absolute“绝对的,完全的”,C项objective“客观的,客观存在的”,D项initiative“主动的,自发的”;前面提到了subjective(主观的),那么可以推断出空格部分要填入一个与之相反的词语,这样才能构成一个完整的上下文逻辑关系。句意:身高越高,对工作表现的主观评价(主管对工作效率的评价)和对工作表现的客观评价(如销售额)都越高。因此,该题选择C项正确。第8题:考查名词辨析。A项state“国家,情形”,B项status“地位,重要身份”,C项situation“情况,形势”,D项statue“雕像,塑像”;根据后面的greater respect(更多的尊重)可猜测,空格处部分表示“更高的地位”。句意:其他人可能也会给予高个子更高的地位和更多的尊重,这使他们在谈判中具有优势。因此,该题选择B项正确。第9题:考查名词辨析。A项origin“起源,源点”,B项source“来源,水源”,C项course“课程”,D项organization“组织”;根据句子The commanding influence of height may be a remainder of our evolutionary( )(身高的重要影响可能是我们进化的残余)可猜测,空格处部分表示“起源,开端”。句意:身高的制胜作用可能是我们进化起源的一个遗留物。因此,该题选择A项正确。第10题:考查词义辨析。A项a time in“在一段时间”,B项a hold on“对的控制”,C项a work at“在的一份工作”,D项a sign of“一个的象征,一个的标志”;根据句子Maybe from a time when humans lived among animals and size was( )power and strength used when making “fight or run” decisions.(也许从人类和动物生活在一起的时候起,体型就是力量和强壮的,在做出“战斗或逃跑”的决定时使用)可猜测,空格处部分表示“象征,标志”。句意:也许从人类和动物生活在一起的时候起,当做出“战斗或逃跑”的决定时,体型就是力量和强壮的象征。因此,该题选择D项正确。3. 单选题This patients life could be saved only by a major operation. That would( )her to a high risk.问题1选项A.exposeB.leadC.contributeD.send【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。A项expose“暴露”,B项lead“导致”,C项contribute“贡献”,D项send“发送,寄”。上文讲到“只有大手术才能挽救这位病人的生命”,根据risk(风险)猜测空格处是表示“使病人面临”,四个选项中只有expose最符合句意。句意:只有大手术才能挽救这位病人的生命;那会让她面临很高的风险。因此,该题A项正确。4. 单选题Diesel engines provide excellent mileage, but they are relatively noisy and their acceleration is sluggish.问题1选项A.unevenB.loudC.slowD.hard【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。sluggish表示“萧条的,迟钝的”;A项uneven“不均匀的,不平坦的”,B项loud“大声的,喧闹的”,C项slow“慢的,减速的”,D项hard“努力的,硬的”。句意:柴油发动机提供优良的里程,但它们相对嘈杂,加速缓慢。根据句意可知,sluggish在句子中表示“缓慢的”,四个选项中只有slow符合。故该题选择C项正确。5. 单选题What we see when we photograph the Sun is a huge glowing ball of gas. Underneath this hot and extremely bright photosphere lies other gas while, in the central parts of the Sun, atoms are continually being broken down and built up. In the center of the Sun it is just as if hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs were continually exploding, and the results of this reach the photosphere. This is why the photosphere shines so brightly and sends out x-rays and ultra-violet light. Yet sometimes dark spots appear on the photosphere and these “sunspots” are evidence of greatly increased activity below. When sunspots appear, great bursts of the longer radio waves are often received. These are a thousand times more intense than those which radio-astronomers normally receive and which comes from what is called “quiet” Sun, being radiated by the corona and the “chromospheres” that layer of not very bright gas which lies just above the photosphere.These immense bursts of radio waves are usually accompanied by an intensely bright area of “flare” near a sunspot, and it is clear that they are caused by a sudden burst of thermal radiation from below the photosphere. The visible flare and the burst of radio waves are also accompanied by a burst of X-rays, ultra-violet rays, and atomic particles.When there are sunspots but no flares accompanying them, the radio waves emitted by the “quiet” sun do not remain constant but began to fluctuate, and the radio signals gradually become stronger. These changes do not correlate with changes in the number of sunspots, although it has been emitted by the “quiet” Sun do not remain constant but began to fluctuate, and the radio signals gradually become stronger. These changes do not correlate with changes in the number of sunspots, although it has been found that the radio waves seem to be generated in the Suns atmosphere above the sunspots and not in the sunspots themselves. The changes in radio signals do, however, correlate with the calcium areas of the Suns spectrum.Radio astronomy has helped considerably to increase our knowledge of the corona. Being visually very dim, the corona is hard to observe by optical means, even during total eclipses. During some eclipses it has been traced quite a long way from the Sun but was believed to extend no more than about two million miles at the most above the photosphere. Direct radiation of radio waves from the corona has been received during day light up to about 1.5 million miles. However, by examining a distant radio source as the Sun passes in front of it, it is possible to discover how far the corona extends by observing how the radio waves from the distant source are affected. It was in this way that Professors M. Ryle and A. Hewish at Cambridge University, England, found that the corona could be traced out to more than 6 million miles, and in the line of the Suns equator to 12 million miles or more. It has ever been suggested that the corona extends as far as the Earth itself.1. A good title for this passage would be( ).2. From the center out, the correct order of the suns layers is( ).3. The photosphere is the( ).4. The passage does not mention information dealing with the( ).5. Professor M. Ryle and A. Hewish have found that the suns corona( ).问题1选项A.What Radio Astronomy Tells Us About the SuntB.Radio AstronomytC.Facts About the Suns CoronatD.The Nature of the Sunt问题2选项A.photosphere, corona, chromospherestB.spectrum, chromospheres, photosphere, coronatC.corona, photosphere, chromospherestD.photosphere, chromospheres, coronat问题3选项A.part of the sun we usually seetB.layer of gas which forms the coronatC.area in the sun where atoms break down and build uptD.area of the sun which sends out radio wavest问题4选项A.nuclear activity in the center of the suntB.intensity of ultra-violet rays in the earths atmospheretC.activity of the chromospherestD.extent of the coronat问题5选项A.extends as far as the earth itselftB.can be measured by noting its effect on radio waves passing through ittC.extends not more than two million miles above the photospheretD.gives off x-rays【答案】第1题:D第2题:D第3题:C第4题:B第5题:B【解析】第1题:主旨大意题。题干意思是“这篇文章最好的标题是什么?”。通读文章,可知文章主要介绍太阳结构及其运行状况,以及太阳对地球无线电的影响;第一段介绍了太阳的内部结构,第二段和第三段介绍太阳黑子对无线电波的影响,最后一段介绍射电天文学对太阳日冕的研究;D项“太阳的本质”最能概括本文的内容;A项“射电天文学告诉我们关于太阳的事”、B项“射电天文学”和C项“关于太阳日冕的事实”都只是部分提及,不够全面。因此,该题选择D项正确。第2题:细节事实题。题干意思是“从中心往外看,太阳各层的正确顺序是”。文章第一段提到In the center of the Sun it is just as if hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs were continually exploding, and the results of this reach the photospherebeing radiated by the corona and the “chromospheres” that layer of not very bright gas which lies just above the photosphere.(在太阳的中心,就好像成千上万颗氢弹不断地爆炸,最后到达光球层被日冕层和位于光球层上方的一层不太亮的色球层辐射出来),由此可知,太阳层从内往外的顺序是光球层、色球层、日冕层;所以D项“光球、色球、日冕”正确。A项“光球,日冕,色球”、B项“光谱,色球,光球,日冕”和C项“日冕,光球,色球”都是错误的。因此,该题选择D项正确。第3题:细节事实题。题干意思是“光球层是”。根据文章第一段第二句Underneath this hot and extremely bright photosphere lies other gas while, in the central parts of the Sun, atoms are continually being broken down and built up.(在这个炙热而又极其明亮的光球层下面,还存在着其他气体,而在太阳的中心部分,原子正在不断地被分解和形成)可知,太阳的中心部分即光球层是用来分解和形成原子的,所以C项“太阳中原子分解和形成的区域”正确。A项“我们看到的部分太阳”,我们看到的太阳是光球层分解合成原子后所形成的太阳光,而非光球层本身;B项“形成日冕的气体层”表述错误;D项“太阳发出无线电波的区域”,这是太阳黑子发射出来的。因此,该题选择C项正确。第4题:细节事实题。题干意思是“这篇文章没有提到关于的信息”。根据第一段第三句In the center of the Sun it is just as if hundreds of thousands of hydrogen bombs were continually exploding, and the results of this reach the photosphere.(在太阳的中心,就好像成千上万颗氢弹不断地爆炸,结果到达光球层),可知A项“太阳中心的核活动”有提及;根据第一段第四句This is why the photosphere shines so brightly and sends out x-rays and ultra-violet light.(这就是光球发出如此明亮的光并发出x射线和紫外线的原因)可知,文章只提到了紫外线产生的原因,并未提及B项“地球大气层中紫外线的强度”;根据第一段最后一句These are a thousand times more intense than those which radio-astronomers normally receive and which comes from what is called “quiet” Sun, being radiated by the corona and the “chromospheres” that layer of not very bright gas which lies just above the photosphere.(这些辐射比射电天文学家通常接收到的辐射强一千倍,它们来自于被称为“安静”的太阳,由日冕和位于光球层上方的一层不太亮的色球层辐射而来)可知,C项“色球层的运动”在文中有提及;根据最后一段倒数第二句It was in this way that Professors M. Ryle and A. Hewish at Cambridge University, England, found that the corona could be traced out to more than 6 million miles, and in the line of the Suns equator to 12 million miles or more.(正是通过这种方式,英国剑桥大学的M. Ryle和A. Hewish教授发现日冕可以追溯到600万英里以上,在太阳赤道线上可以追溯到1200万英里以上)可知D项“日冕范围”也有提及。因此,该题只有B项未提及,选择B项正确。第5题:细节事实题。题干意思是“M. Ryle和A. Hewish教授发现了太阳的日冕”。根据文章倒数第三句话However, by examining a distant radio source as the Sun passes in front of it, it is possible to discover how far the corona extends by observing how the radio waves from the distant source are affected.(然而,当太阳从一个遥远的射电源前面经过时,通过观察来自遥远的射电源的无线电波是如何受到影响的,就有可能发现日冕延伸了多远)可知B项“可以通过注意它对通过它的无线电波的影响来测量”正确。A项“延伸到地球本身”,文章最后一句提到It has ever been suggested that the corona extends as far as the Earth itself.(曾经有人认为日冕一直延伸到地球本身),可知这不是M. Ryle和A. Hewish教授的发现;根据文章倒数第二句It was in this way that Professors M. Ryle and A. Hewish at Cambridge University, England, found that the corona could be traced out to more than 6 million miles, and in the line of the Suns equator to 12 million miles or more.(正是通过这种方式,英国剑桥大学的M. Ryle和A. Hewish教授发现日冕可以追溯到600万英里以上,在太阳赤道线上可以追溯到1200万英里以上)可知,C项“在光球层上方延伸不超过200万英里”和D项“放射x射线”在这里都未提及。因此,该题选择B项正确。6. 单选题Assumingly that he disagrees with our proposal, what shall we do next?问题1选项A.IfB.What ifC.WhenD.What about【答案】B【解析】考查词义辨析与条件状语从句。Assumingly的动词原形是assume,放在句首表示疑问“假定,假使”;A项if“如果”,一般用法为if that +从句;B项what if“假使将会怎么样”,用法为what if+主语+谓语;C项when“何时”,引导时间状语从句;D项what about“怎么样”,引导特殊疑问句。句意:假如他不同意我们的建议,那我们下一步怎么办?根据句意可知,该题选择B项正确。7. 翻译题British previous colonial policies led to the spread of English across the world. This wide use of English has been reinforced by the sweeping influence of the U.S. However, the dominance of English as an international language is considered both a blessing and a curse. For one thing, it has accelerated the extinction of some languages. People have been wondering about the possibility of creating a global language which might hold promises for an end to language-caused troubles and conflicts. Unfortunately, attempts to harmonize world languages have met with little success as a result of the reluctance of native speakers of a particular language to adopt another language as their mother tongue. To discard ones native language is to have the distinct features of his nation erased.【答案】答:英国以前的殖民政策导致了英语在世界各地的传播。美国的广泛影响又进一步加强了英语的广泛使用。然而,英语作为国际语言的主导地位既是好事,也是坏事。一方面,它加速了一些语言的灭绝。人们一直在想是否有可能创造一种全球语言,从而有望结束那些语言引起的麻烦和冲突。不幸的是,因为某一语言的本族语者不愿意把另一种语言当作自己的母语,世界语言一致的尝试收效甚微。抛弃自己的母语,就等于是抹掉自己民族的特色。8. 单选题He will be considered to have nothing less than full acquaintance with the nature of the thing and to share in the knowledge of it.问题1选项A.limitation tB.remark tC.ownership tD.understanding【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。acquaintance表示“了解,相识”;A项limitation“限制”,B项remark“注意,言辞”,C项ownership“所有权,物主身份”,D项understanding“理解”。句意:他将被认为完全了解事物的性质,并分享对它的知识。根据句意可知,该题选择D项正确。9. 单选题Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jefferson contended that the country should remain chiefly agricultural问题1选项A.inclinedB.struggledC.arguedD.competed【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。contend表示“主张,斗争”;A项incline“倾向于”,B项struggle“奋斗,斗争”,C项argue“争论,辩论”,D项compete“竞争,比赛”。句意:汉密尔顿希望国家是由城市组成的,而杰斐逊则主张国家应以农业为主。根据句意可知,选择C项正确。10. 单选题This summit talk is thought to be instrumental in bringing about peace in this region.问题1选项A.helpfulB.uselessC.harmlessD.inappropriate【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。instrumental表示“有帮助的,乐器的”;A项helpful“有帮助的”,B项useless“无用的”,C项harmless“无害的,无恶意的”,D项inappropriate“不适当的,不相称的”。句意:人们认为,这次首脑会谈有助于在该地区实现和平。根据句意可知,该题选择A项正确。11. 单选题This monument image was designed to (stir up)emotions of awe and respect, but could scarcely evoke feelings of warmth and affection.问题1选项A.tangleB.teemC.stipulateD.agitate【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。stir up表示“激起,煽动”;A项tangle“(使)缠结在一起,(使)乱成一团”,B项teem“大量出现,充满”,C项stipulate“规定,保证”,D项agitate“摇动,骚动”。句意:这个纪念碑形象的设计是为了激起敬畏和尊敬的情绪,但几乎不能唤起温暖和喜爱的感情。根据句意可知,该题选择D项正确。12. 单选题Because of( )ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along with each other.问题1选项A.incomprehensibleB.incomparableC.inconceivableD.incompatible【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项incomprehensible“费解的,无限的”,B项incomparable“无比的,不能比较的”,C项inconceivable“不可思议的,难以置信的”,D项incompatible“不相容的,矛盾的”;根据后文“这对夫妇相处起来有些困难”可知,D项符合语境。句意:由于生活方式不相容,这对夫妇很难相处。因此,该题选择D项正确。13. 单选题Harvard Universitys under-graduate education is being reformed so that it includes some time spent outside the US and more science courses, the US Cable News Network (CNN) has reported. For the first time in 30 years, Harvard is(1)its under-graduate curriculum. William Kirby, dean of the faculty of arts and sciences, said this(2)what many people had said that Harvards curriculum did not provide enough choice and encourage premature specialization.“Harvard needs to(3)its education for a world where global connections, cross disciplinary research, and science in general are ever more important,” said Kirby.Particularly(4)is the idea that students need to spend time overseas, either in a traditional study-abroad program or over a summer, perhaps doing an internship or research.Students can either find the program themselves or(5)some exchange programs offered by the university.“(6)studying Chinese history without leaving the university, students interested in the subject should be spending a semester at a university in China.”It was also recommended that Harvard(7)its required “core curriculum”. The core curriculum was an effort created in 1978 to broaden education by requiring students to choose from a list of courses in several areas of study. Classes often focused on a highly(8)topic and emphasized “ways of knowing”.Under a new plan, the curriculum would be replaced with a set of(9)“Harvard College Courses”, emphasizing knowledge over methodology and(10)wider territory. A life sciences course, for example, might combine molecular and evolutionary biology and psychology, rather than focusing on one of those, said Benedict Gross, Harvard College dean.问题1选项A.inspectingB.reviewingC.searchingD.underlying问题2选项A.in accordance withB.in line withC.in charge ofD.in response to问题3选项A.updateB.upholdC.upsetD.upward问题4选项A.trust-worthyB.note-worthyC.praise-worthyD.reward-worthy问题5选项A.turn outB.turn inC.turn toD.turn over问题6选项A.In spite ofB.As ifC.Let aloneD.Rather than问题7选项A.perishB.destroyC.abolishD.denounce问题8选项A.appropriateB.imaginativeC.specialD.specific问题9选项A.opticalB.optionalC.oppositeD.optimistic问题10选项A.sparingB.spiralingC.spanningD.sparkling【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C第6题:D第7题:C第8题:D第9题:B第10题:C【解析】第1题:考查动词辨析。A项inspect“检查,视察”,B项review“回顾,复审”,C项search“搜索,搜寻”,D项underlying“放在的下面,为的基础”。根据句子Harvard is( )its under-graduate curriculum(哈佛大学它的本科课程)推测,空格部分应该表示“审视”。句意:哈佛大学正在审查其本科课程。故该题选B项正确。第2题:考查词组辨析。A项in accordance with“依照,与一致”,B项in line with“符合,与一致”,C项in charge of“负责,主管”,D项in response to“响应,回答”。上文提到哈佛大学会审查本科课程,根据句子this( )what many people had said that Harvards curriculum did not provide enough choice and encourage premature specialization.(这许多人说哈佛的课程没有提供足够的选择,并鼓励过早的专业化)可推测,空格部分应该表示“回应”。句意:这是对许多人说哈佛的课程没有提供足够的选择,并鼓励过早的专业化的回应。故该题选D项正确。第3题:考查动词辨析。A项update“更新”,B项uphold“支持,支撑”,C项upset“使心烦,扰乱”,D项upward“向上”。根据句子Harvard needs to( )its education for a world where global connections, cross disciplinary research, and science in general are ever more important(哈佛需要它的教育,在这个世界上,全球联系、跨学科研究和一般科学越来越重要)可推测,空格部分的意思应该是“更新”。句意:哈佛需


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