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MODULEMODULE 1212 WesternWestern musicmusic检测题时间:60分钟;总分值:100分11.Who was the song Liu Huan.A. atB. withC. of12. What happened to her? She is so_ . She lost her new bike.A. livelyB. sadC. slow13.This is my brother. He is than me.A. older; elder B. elder; olderC. older; older14.Excuse me, is this the right way to the cinema ?-Sorry,.Please ask the policeman over there.A.I think soB. I dont believe itC. I agree with youD. Im not sure15.Shes too tired and she wants to have a rest.A. Excuse meB. Its my pleasureC. Give her a breakD. Im sure16.Lingling doesn t like Beijing Opera, does she?,but she loves classical music.A. No, she doesntB. Yes, she doesC. No, she doesD. Yes, she doesnt17.Tom likes outdoor activities. He is football.A. a ofC. a fan for一、听力测试总分值10分A.听句子,选择恰当的答语。1. A. I like music.2. A. Yes, it is.3. A. You are so kind.4. A. I play the piano.5. A. Twenty-eight yuan.B.听对话,选择正确答案。每题1分,总分值5分B. I dont like it.B. No, it is.B. Thanks, you too !8. I go to work.9. Three hundred miles.每题1分,总分值5分6. What does Jim 6 father like?A. Pop music.B. Beijing Opera.7. How long has the boy been in the school orchestra?A. One year and a half.8. What is the mans sister?A. She is a teacher.9. Where did Mozart come from?A. Austria.B. Half a year.B. She is a composer.B. Australia.10. Who learns to play the piano?A. Mr Smith.B. Kate.二、单项填空每题1.5分,总分值15分C. I like pop music.C. Yes, it does.C. That would be fine.C. Im a policeman.C. Two and a half years.C. Classical music.C. Two years.C. She is a musician.C. France.C. Kates sister.D. byD. noisyD. elder; elder18.She flew to Shanghai for the summer holidays, she?A. isntB. wasntC. didntD. doesnt19.Last week, we met a new classmate Zhang Ling from Wenchuan.A. callB. callsC. callingD. called20.I think classical music is wonderful, ?A. do IB. dont IC. is itD. isnt it三、完形填空每题1.5分,总分值15分Who is that? Thats Zhang Haochen. He is one of the greatest young 21 in China.Zhang Haochen was born on June 3,1990 in Shanghai. He showed his 22 talent when he was only a small boy. He23 his first music show in Shanghai Concert Hall at the 24 of five. In 2002, he took part 25 the 4th Tchaikovsky柴可夫斯基International Youngsters Music Competition. He became the 26 piano player who won first prize inthe history of the competition. In 2004, he took part in the 5th Asian International Chopin肖邦Piano Competitionin Japan, and won the gold 27. In 2005, Zhang Haochen went to 28 at the well-known Curtis Institute of Music 柯蒂斯音乐学院in America. His teacher is Gary Graffman. Mr Graffman is also the teacher of the 29 musician LangLang.In 2021,Zhang Haochen won the gold prize at the world 30 piano competition Van Cliburn International PianoCompetition in the United States. The 19-year-old boy was the youngest piano player in the competition and he wasalso the first Chinese to win this prize.21. A. singersB. writersC. artistsD. pianists22. A. memoryB. musicC. singingD. drawing23. A. gaveB. madeC. hadD. found24. A. ageB.yearC. endD. beginning25. A. atB. inC. forD. to26. A. richestB. poorestC. youngestD. oldest27. A. prizeB. ringC. photoD. chain28. A. spendB. developC. improveD. study29. A. goodB. famousC. foreignD. favourite30. A. brightB. safeC. topD. public四、阅读理解每题2分,总分值20分A AO. Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories. His real name was William Sydney Dorter.He was born in 1862.As a young boy, he lived an exciting life. He did not go to school for a long time, but he taughthimself everything he needed to know. When he was about 20 years old, O. Henry went to Texas. There he tried differentjobs. He first worked on a newspaper, and then had a job in a bank. When some money was missing from the bank, peoplethought he had stolen 偷it. So he was sent to prison 监狱.During the three years in prison, he learnedto write short stories. After he got out of prison, he went to New York and went on writing. He wrote mostly aboutNew York and life of the poor there. People liked his stories, because they thought the stories were simple 简单and they would finish with a sudden change at the end, to the readers surprise. You can try to read one of hisshort stories “ The Last Leaf.根据短文内容,判断以下句子正T误F。31.O. Henry was an English writer.32.People enjoyed reading O. Henrys stories because they were long and interesting.33.O. Henry went to prison because he wanted to write stories about the prison.34.He did not go to school for a long time.35.O. Henry wrote stories about life of the poor people in New York.B BMark Twain, as you know, was famous in his days as a public speaker. In his public speeches演讲he always liked to tell funny stories.He also liked to listen to funny stories and play jokes on his friends. One day one of his friends lost hiswallet and asked Mark Twain to pay the train fare for him.“But I dont have enough money to pay both your fare and my fare, Mark Twain said. The friend didntknow what to do.“We can do this, said Mark Twain. Wecan get on the train and when the conductor comes to check the tickets,you can hide unde r my seat. Later, however, when the conductor came to check the tickets, Mark Twain gave him two ticketsone for himselfand one for his friend. Then he explained in a loud voice, “ My friend is a strange man. When he travels on a train,he does not like to sit on the seat. He prefers to lie on the floor under the seat. Oeveryone on the train lookedat the poor friend under the seat and laughed at him.根据短文内容,答复以下问题。36.Did Mark Twain like to make public speeches in his days?37.He liked to tell funny stories in his public speeches, didn t he?38.What else did he like to do?39.What happened to one of his friends one day?40.Did his friend prefer 更喜欢to lie on the floor under the seat?、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词每题1分,总分值10分41.The river runs t the city.42.Sally likes music very much, so she dreams 梦想to be a m.43.My mother thinks rock music is too n;44.Do you like traditional Chinese music or traditional W music?45.My father and mother b enjoy Beijing Opera.51.Lingling is a活泼的Chinese girl.52.Sometimes my father listens to古典的music.53.They are all famous欧洲的composers.54.Its not at all polite to laugh at the贫穷的.55.Your answer is完美的.五、句型转换每题1分,总分值5分56.Im from Shanxi and Zhang Jie is from Shanxi too.改为同义句IZhang Jie from Shanxi.57.You can play the violin,?完成反意疑问句58.Your mother doesn like rock music,?完成反意疑问句59.He wrote over 400 waltzes.就画线局部提问waltzes he ?60.Mozart was born in Austria in 1756.就画线局部提问andwas Mozart born?六、根据汉语提示完成句子61.多么美丽的一个公园啊!_park!62.那部电影使他闻名于全世界。The filmall over the world.63.“我是一个篮球迷。“我也是。Im a basketball.64.烟台是中国东海岸上又一座美丽的城市。Yantai isbeautiful citythe east coast of China.65.谁将带你们参观工厂?Whoyouthe factory?七.书面表达:总分值15分假设你是李明,你的三位朋友分别喜欢不同的音乐,请根据下 面表格中的内容写一篇6080词左右的英语短文。namenamefavouritefavourite musicmusicfavouritefavouritemusicianmusicianreasonreasonPeterPeterPopPop musicmusicLeehomLeehom WangWangmakemake peoplepeople relaxedrelaxedLindaLindaChineseChinese classicalclassical musicmusicLangLang LangLangplayplay thethe pianopiano bestbestTimTimRockRock musicmusicCuiCui JianJianmakemake peoplepeople excitedexcited八、书面表达(总分值20分)周杰伦一一备受千万“粉丝青睐的明星之一,不仅在音乐方面有很大的成就,而且在表演方面也有一定的天赋。请根据下表提供的信息,以My Favorite Star Jay Chou为题写一篇100词左右的短文。姓名Jay Chou出生日期1979.1.18出生地台湾身高1.73 m外貌自乐方圆创作大约100首歌曲、获得300多项奖表演万曲曾主演?头文子D?(Initial D )?功夫灌篮?(Kung fu Dunk)?满城 尽带黄金甲?(Curse of the Golden Flower )等影片2005年荣获金马奖(the Golden Horse Award)最正确新人奖My Favorite Star JayChouMODULEMODULE 1212 WesternWestern musimusi婚测题听力原文及参考答案听力原文:A.听句子,选择恰当的答语。1. Do you like traditional Western music or pop music?2. The song is wonderful, isn t it?3. Have a good day, Maggie!4. What do you often do in your free time?5. How long have you been in the music club?B.听对话,选择正确答案。6. M: Jims father doesnt like classical music, does he?W: No, he doesnt. He likes Beijing Opera.7. W: Are you playing in the school orchestra?M: Yes, I have been in it for one and a half years.8. W: Is your sister a musician?M: Yes, she liked music when she was young.9. W: Mozart was an Australian, wasn t he?M: No, he was an Austrian.10.W: Can you hear Kate playing the piano?M: Yes, Mr Smith teaches her every evening.1 5 CABAC610 BACAB11.Dby作介词,可以表示“由,被。由本句句意“这首歌是谁写的?可知选Do12.B由答语“她丢了她的新自行车可知她很伤心,故sad符合句意。13.Belder brother哥哥;older可用于比拟级句型而elder不可以。14.D由后句“请问那边的警察可知本句句意为“对不起,我不能确定,应选D。15.Cgive sb. a break意为“让某人清静一会儿,由后句可知选C。16.AC项和D项前后矛盾,故应排除;由答语的后半句可知此处应作否认答复,因此又排除B项。答语句意为“是的,她不喜欢,但她喜欢古典音乐。17.C一个足球迷应为a fan of footballo18.C陈述局部为一般过去时,含有行为动词,因此疑问局部用助动词did。19.D由句意“上周我们认识了一位叫张玲的来自汶川的新同学可知用过去分词短语作后置定语修饰名词classmate“I think+宾语从句在变反意疑问句时,疑问局部应根据从句来确定。本句20.D的从句为classical music is wonderful ,故疑问局部用isnt it。21.D由下文可知张昊辰是一位年轻的钢琴家,应选pianists。22.B钢琴和音乐有关,所以此处指在张昊辰很小的时候,就表现出了非凡的音乐天赋。23.Agive a music show意为进行了一次音乐表演。24.A由下文的five可知,此处为短语“at the age of+年龄。25.Btake part in意为参加。26.C联系上下文不难看出张昊辰是一位非常年轻的钢琴家,所以此题应选youngest。27.A由上文“In 2004, he took part in the 5th Asian International Chopin肖邦PianoCompetition in Japan可知,他参加了在日本举行的钢琴比赛并且赢得了金奖。28.D由下文“the well-known Curtis Institute of Music柯蒂斯音乐学院可知张昊辰在2005年去柯蒂斯音乐学院学习。29.B根据常识可知,郎朗是我国著名的青年钢琴家,故用famous。30.C由下文“he was also the first Chinese to win this prize.不难推测出范?克莱本国际钢琴大赛是一项国际的顶级的比赛,应选top。31.F由第一句可知他是一个美国作家。32.F由倒数第二句话可知,人们喜爱他的作品的原因是:简单和有一个令人吃惊的结尾。33.F由第九句和第十句可知,他入狱的原因是被疑心偷钱。34.T由第五句可知。35.T由倒数第三句可知,他的小说主要描述纽约和那儿的穷人的生活。36. Yes, he did.37. Yes, he did.38. He also liked to listen to funny stories and play jokes on his friends.39. He lost his wallet.40. No, he didnt.44. Western 45. both49. poor 50. perfect53. does she 54. How many, did, write55.When, where was56.What a beautiful 57. made him famous of, Me too59. another, on 60. will take, aroundOneOne possiblepossible version:version:MyMy FavoriteFavorite StarStar JayJay ChouChouMy favorite star is Jay Chou. He was born in Taiwan on 18th January 1979. Hes 1.73 metres tall. He s cool(smart,handsome.etc.)with small eyes. He s one of the most popular stars loved by millions of fans. He s good atnot only writing but also singing songs. He has written about 100 songs and got over 300 awards. He also doeswell in acting. He played the lead role in the films Initial D , Kung fu Dunk , Curse of the Golden Flower andso on. In 2005, he won the Best Newcomer Award at the Golden Horse Award. I hope hell be even more successfulin the music and acting fields.41. through42. musician46. lively47. classical51. Not only, but also, is43. noisy48. European52. cant you


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