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2022年考博英语-中国农业科学院考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题1. Translate the following passage into Chinese.Water is a limited natural resource and a public good fundamental for life and health. The human right to water is indispensable for leading a life in human dignity. It is a prerequisite for the realization of other human rights. The Committee has been confronted continually with the widespread denial of the right to water in developing as well as developed countries. Over 1 billion persons lack access to a basic water supply, while several billion do not have access to adequate sanitation, which is the primary cause of water contamination and diseases linked to water. The continuing contamination, depletion and unequal distribution of water is exacerbating existing poverty. States have to adopt effective measures to realize, without discrimination, the right to water.【答案】参考译文:水是一种有限的自然资源,是人们生活和健康的公共基本物质。水的权力是人类尊严的生活所必不可少的,是实现其他所有人权的先决条件。委员会一直面临着发展中国家以及发达国家对水的权力的普遍反对。超过十亿人缺乏基本的水供给,而数十亿人没有适当的卫生设施,而这是水污染和水有关的疾病的主要原因。持续的污染、损耗和水的分配不均加剧了目前的贫困状况。国家应该放下歧视,采取有效措施来实现水权。2. 单选题Because of its favorable climate, its easy access to the principal silk and tea producing area, and its( )to the main interior trade routes, Shanghai attracted more foreign attention than any other port in China.问题1选项A.distanceB.in the neighborhoodC.proximityD.in the neighborhood of【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义短语搭配辨析。A选项distance“距离”;B选项in the neighborhood“在附近”;C选项proximity“接近”;D选项in the neighborhood of“在附近”。proximity to邻近某段,为固定搭配。句意:宜人的气候,进入丝绸茶叶的主产地的便利以及国内主要的商业圈,让上海比中国其他地区更能引起外国的注意。因此C选项正确。3. 单选题In times of economic difficulty, governmental budgets for education are often slashed before any others.问题1选项A.shiftedB.cutC.checkedD.donated【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。slash表示“猛砍,削减”。A项shift“转移,快速转移”,B项cut“割破,砍,削减”,C项check“检查”,D项donate“捐赠”。句意:在经济困难时期,政府经常首先削减教育预算。根据句意,该题选B正确。4. 单选题The apartment was( )as $50,000 and its owner decided to sell it.问题1选项A.automatedB.assessedC.assertedD.avenged【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A项automate“使自动化”,B项assess“评定,估价”,C项assert“坚持,断言”,D项avenge“报复,报仇”。句意:这套公寓的估价为5万美元,房主决定卖掉它。根据句意,该题选B正确。5. 翻译题从1992年到2003年的11年间,这些科学家按照农民的方法种植水稻,控制一切可能妨碍取得良好收成的因素, 但是并不包括温度和二氧化碳这两种因素。在研究所的农场,夜间平均温度比外面高出1.8华氏度,结果水稻产量平均下降了10%。科学家就此得出的结论是:较热的夜晚可能会加快水稻的呼吸作用,并使其活动加剧并消耗能量。【答案】【参考译文】11 years from 1992 to 2003, the scientists in accordance with the method of farmers grow rice, control all obstacles may achieve good harvest, but not these two factors including temperature and carbon dioxide. On the institutes farm, the average nighttime temperature was 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit higher than outside, resulting in an average 10 percent drop in rice production. The scientists concluded that warmer nights may speed up rice respiration, increase activity and expend energy.6. 单选题Critical and independent thinking is a valued skill among American academics and professors who often sadly lament that modern students lack these skills.问题1选项A.mourn aloudB.express sorrow demonstrativelyC.complainD.regret strongly【答案】D【解析】考查副词以及形容词词义辨析。A选项mourn aloud“大声哀悼”;B选项express sorrow demonstratively“表达悲伤”;C选项complain“抱怨”;D选项regret strongly“强烈后悔”。题目中的lament表达的是“遗憾”的意思,所以D“regret strongly深表遗憾”与题目意思相符。句意:美国专业学者和教授认为批判思维独立思维是一种很有价值的技能,他们通常会因现在的学生缺乏这种能力而伤感遗憾。因此D选项正确。7. 单选题The Manchus had effected a coalition with the Chinese gentry class which secured the positions of both parties. The gentry were set apart from the commoners and given( )career privileges in the government bureaucracy.问题1选项A.inclusiveB.specialC.exclusiveD.especial【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项inclusive“包含的”;B选项special“专用的,专门的”;C选项exclusive“独有的,专有的”;D选项especial“特别的,尤其的”。根据前文贵族人与普通平民区分开来,可推测后文应该是赋予贵族独有的地位,exclusive含有“排他”之意,故答案选项为C。8. 单选题Can you imagine! He offered me 5000 to break my contract. Thats( ). Of course I didnt agree. I would take legal action.问题1选项A.fraudB.blackmailC.briberyD.compensation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项fraud“欺骗,欺诈”;B选项blackmail“勒索”;C选项bribery“贿赂”;D选项compensation“补偿,赔偿”。句意:你能想象嘛!他提出给我五千美元来违约,这是贿赂行为,我当然不会同意,我将采取法律手段。结合句意,选C。9. 单选题Before it could be resolved through a new centralization of dynastic power under a new mandate, the intellectual crisis of the Confucian beliefs brought on by the impact of the West undermined the social order itself, which was made more vulnerable by the( )of its political institutions.问题1选项A.functionalB.malpracticeC.integrationD.disintegration【答案】D【解析】考查名词以及形容词词义辨析。A选项functional“功能的”;B选项malpractice“玩忽职守”;C选项integration“集成,综合”;D选项disintegration“瓦解,崩溃”。题干说到,西方冲击了孔子思想指示破坏了秩序的本事,可推测空中应该填入一个表示坏结果的词,A,C可排除。B选项在不符合题意,也可排除。句意:在它可以通过新的王朝权力集中来解决之前,西方影响所带来的儒家信仰的知识危机破坏了社会秩序本身,它因其政治机构的而变得更加脆弱。因此D选项正确。10. 单选题The course of scholastic preparation was arduous requiring the systematic passing of successive examinations. Success in the examinations resulted in the( )of academic degrees, which were treasured as the surest source of wealth and power in China.问题1选项A.bestowalB.givingC.conferringD.offering【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项bestowal“赠与”;B选项giving“给予”;C选项conferring“文凭、学位的授予”;D选项offering“提供”。根据题干,提到学位被视为财富和成功的可靠来源,符合题干内容的只有C选项,学位作为一种文凭。句意:学业准备的过程是艰苦的,要求有系统地通过连续的考试。考试成功导致学术学位的,在中国这是宝贵的财富和权力的源泉。因此C选项正确。11. 单选题The fact that they reacted so differently was a reflection of their different( ).问题1选项A.performancesB.personalitiesC.qualitiesD.debut【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。A项performance“表现”,B项personality“人格,个性”,C项quality“质量”,D项debut“初次登台,开张”。句意:他们的反应如此不同,反映了他们不同的个性。根据句意,该题选B正确。12. 单选题An examination of the stages of his rise, the methods he employed to strengthen himself, and the institutional reforms he effected in order to maintain his power helps us( )the factors and dynamics of power within a bureaucratically dominated society.问题1选项A.think ofB.account forC.considerD.weigh【答案】B【解析】考查短语搭配。A选项think of“想起”;B选项account for“解释,说明”;C选项consider“考虑”;D选项weigh“权衡”。根据前文通过利用某种方法,以及后文官僚统治的社会中权力的因素和动态,可以推测方法解释了这种因素,B选项正确。句意:通过对他成名阶段的调查,发现他用来加强自身实力的方法和为了维护其权利的体制改革帮助我们了官僚主义占主导的社会中的权利因素和权利力量。因此B选项正确。13. 不定项选择题Hurricanes are violent storms that cause millions of dollars in property damage and take many lives. They can be extremely dangerous, and too often people underestimate their fury.Hurricanes normally originate as a small area of thunderstorms over the Atlantic Ocean west of the Cape Verde Islands during August or September. For several days, the area of the storm increases and the air pressure falls slowly. A center of low pressure forms, and winds begin to whirl around it. It is blown westward, increasing in size and strength.Hurricane hunters then fly out to the storm in order to determine its size and intensity and to track its direction. They drop instruments for recording temperature, air pressure, and humidity(湿度), into the storm. They also look at the size of waves on the ocean, the clouds, and the eye of the storm. The eye is a region of relative calm and clear skies in the center of the hurricane. People often lose their lives by leaving shelter when the eye has arrived, only to be caught in tremendous winds again when the eye has passed.Once the forecasters have determined that it is likely the hurricane will reach shore, they issue a hurricane watch for a large, general area that may be in the path of the storm. Later, when the probable point of landfall is clearer, they will issue a hurricane warning for a somewhat more limited area. People in these areas are wise to stock up on nonperishable foods, flash light and radio batteries, candles, and other items they may need if electricity and water are not available after the storm. They should also try to hurricane-proof their houses by bringing in light-weight furniture and other items from outside and covering windows. People living in low-lying areas are wise to evacuate their houses because of the storm surge, which is a large rush of water that may come ashore with the storm. Hurricanes generally lose power slowly while traveling over land, but many move out to sea, gather up force again, and return to land. As they move toward the north, they generally lose their identity as hurricanes.46. The eye of the hurricane is( ).47. Which of the following statements is true?48. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?49. The low-lying areas refer to those regions that( ).50. Which of the following is NOT a method of protecting ones house from a hurricane?问题1选项A.the powerful center of the stormB.the part that determines its directionC.the relatively calm center of the stormD.the center of low pressure问题2选项A.A storm surge is a dramatic increase in wind velocity.B.A hurricane watch is more serious than a hurricane warning.C.Falling air pressure is an indicator that the storm is increasing in intensity.D.It is safe to go outside once the eye has arrived.问题3选项A.How to Avoid Hurricane damageB.Forecasting HurricanesC.The dangerous HurricaneD.Atlantic Storms问题4选项A.close to the ground levelB.one-storey flatC.flat housesD.near to the lowest level of hurricane问题5选项A.taking out heavy thingsB.moving in light-weight furnitureC.equipping the house with stonesD.covering windowsHurricanes are violent storms that cause millions of dollars in property damage and take many lives. They can be extremely dangerous, and too often people underestimate their fury.【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:C【解析】46.【试题答案】C【试题解析】细节事实题。从第三段倒数第二句The eye is a region of relative calm and clear skies in the center of the hurricane.(飓风眼是飓风中心相对平静和晴朗的天空区域)可知C项“风暴相对平静的中心”正确。A项“强大的风暴中心”与文意相反,排除;B项“决定其方向的部分”文中未提及;D项“低压中心”定位到原文第一段可知低压中心是飓风形成前的表现,故错误。47.【试题答案】C【试题解析】推理判断题。从最后一段倒数第三句People living in low-lying areas are wise to evacuate their houses because of the storm surge, which is a large rush of water that may come ashore with the storm.(生活在低洼地区的人们明智地撤离他们的房屋,因为风暴潮是一股巨大的水流,可能会随着风暴上岸。)可知storm surge是指水而不是风,所以A项“风暴潮是风速的急剧增加。”不正确。根据最后一段开头的描述,飓风可能登陆时先在一个较大的可能范围内进行hurricane watch,然后在可能着陆点hurricane warning,可以看出hurricane warning比hurricane watch更严重,所以B项“飓风监视比飓风警报更严重。”不正确。根据第二段最后一句People often lose their lives by leaving shelter when the eye has arrived, only to be caught in tremendous winds again when the eye has passed.(当风眼来临时,人们如果走出房间会被风眼过去后的大风吹死),所以说在风眼来临时走出房间是不安全的)D项“风眼来临,出去是安全的”也不正确。通过排除法可知只有C项“气压下降表明风暴的强度在增加”正确。48.【试题答案】C【试题解析】主旨大意题。阅读全文,分别讲了飓风的形成、飓风的预报、面对飓风的防范措施、飓风的消亡,C项“危险的飓风”可以作为标题概括文章内容。A项“如何避免飓风的破坏”;B项“飓风预报”;D项“大西洋风暴”都只涉及到文章的一个方面。49.【试题答案】A【试题解析】语义推测题。题干low-lying areas是指地势低平的地区,A项“接近地面”;B、C是指一层平房,D项“接近最低级别的飓风”。所以只有A项符合。50.【试题答案】C【试题解析】判断推理题。从第三段第六行They should also try to hurricane- proof their houses by bringing in lightweight furniture and other items from outside and covering windows.(他们还应尝试从外部带入轻巧的家具和其他物品并遮盖窗户,以防飓风袭击他们的房屋)可知将轻的家具、物品带入房内,盖住窗户是预防飓风的措施,所以B和D正确,其中也暗含了选项A“取出重物”,因为将轻的物品放入房内也就意味着将重的物品带出房间,所以A也符合。C选项文中未提及。14. 单选题While he was building his army by( )new local forces, he consistently followed the practice of taking over these corps intact with their commanders and indoctrinating these leaders to ensure their allegiance to himself and his own army.问题1选项A.incorporatingB.having been incorporatedC.incorporatedD.being incorporated【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。incorporate“合并,吸收”。incorporate这个动作是直接由句子的主语“he”来执行的,所以介词by后面直接跟动词的进行时。句意:当他通过新的地方部队来建立他的军队时,他一直遵循这样的做法,即完整地接管这些部队和他们的指挥官,并灌输这些领导人以确保他们效忠于他自己和他自己的军队。因此A选项正确。15. 单选题The methods through which they built up and maintained personal followings and the outlooks which accompanied such activity likewise became important( )for modern Chinese political behavior.问题1选项A.precedentsB.pioneerC.sourceD.resource【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项precedents“引用单元”;B选项pioneer“先锋”;C选项source“来源”;D选项resource“资源”。分析题干可知,空白处应填入一个名词,根据题干内容,活动会成为中国政治行为的,可推测答案选项为C。句意:他们用来建立维护追随者的方法与完成这样的活动的展望也成为了现今中国政治行为的重要。因此C选项正确。16. 单选题Aircraft and rocket can be used to collect radioactive debris, while high-altitude satellites carry detectors for gamma rays and other emissions.问题1选项A.diffusionB.remainsC.glitterD.transfer【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。debris表示“碎片,残骸”。A项diffusion“扩散,传播”,B项remain“遗留,残骸”,C项glitter“闪光,灿烂”,D项transfer“转移”。句意:飞机和火箭可以用来收集放射性碎片,而高空卫星携带探测伽马射线和其他辐射的探测器。根据句意,该题选B正确。17. 单选题The rear section of the brain does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual or emotional faculties.问题1选项A.advancedB.growingC.frontD.back【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。rear在句中是后面的,后方的;A选项advanced“高级的,先进的”;B选项growing“成长的”;C选项front“前面的”;D选项back“后面的”。句意:大脑后部不会随着年龄的增长而收缩,一个人可以在没有智力或情感能力的情况下继续生活。因此只有D符合。18. 单选题The sales manager was so adamant about her idea that it was out of the question for anyone to talk her out of it.问题1选项A.adaptableB.anxiousC.firmD.talkative【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。adamant在句中是“坚决的,坚定不移的”,A选项adaptable “能适应的”;B选项anxious“焦虑的”;C选项firm“坚固的;坚决的”;D选项talkative“健谈的”。句意:销售经理对自己的想法如此坚决,以至于任何人都无法说服她放弃。因此选C。19. 单选题The problem is that the loss of confidence among the soldiers can be highly contagious.问题1选项A.spreadingB.contemptibleC.contentedD.depressing【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。contagious在句中是“传染性的,会感染的”;A选项spreading“扩散的”;B选项contemptible“可鄙的”;C选项contented“满足的,心安的”;D选项depressing“沉闷的,阴沉的”。句意:问题是士兵们失去信心可能会传染。因此只有A项符合。20. 单选题Many people think that the standards of public( )have declined.问题1选项A.moralityB.rightnessC.awarenessD.mentality【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A项morality“道德,品行”,B项rightness“公正,正直”,C项awareness“意识,认识”,D项mentality“心态”。句意:许多人认为公共道德标准下降了。根据句意,该题选A正确。


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