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北京语言大学21秋英语国家概况在线作业三满分答案1. Pauline set up the One Nation Party.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B2. The number of Congressmen from each state varies depending on _.A.the size of the areaB.the size of populationC.the traditionD.the wealth参考答案:B3. The death blow to the Irish language was Ireland&39;s accession to the EU.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A4. On Christmas Day 1066 Duke William, known in history as William the Conqueror, was crowned in Westminster Abbey.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B5. Betty Friedan&39;s The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, changed the way large numbers of women thought about themselves and other women.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6. The most important single factor which influences British policy-makers is its history.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B7. The first main feature of the British worship is its unity among the churches.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B8. Which of the following is not true about Britain?A.It used to be an imperial country in the worldB.It plays an active role as a member of European UnionC.It is a relatively wealthy and developed countryD.It used to be one of the superpowers in the world.参考答案:D9. New Zealand consists of two main islands: _.A.North Island and South islandB.Steward Island and Long IslandC.West Island and East IslandD.Victorian island and Tasman Island参考答案:A10. The western part consists of high plateaus and mountains formed by the Appalachian Range.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A11. “February Revolution”took place in Russia in 1918.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A12. Distinguish voyage charter, time charter and bareboat charter.Distinguish voyage charter, timecharter and bareboat charter.Voyage charter is the hire of a ship for a particular voyage. It includes single voyage charter, return voyage charter and successive voyage charter. Time charter means the charterer rents the ship for a certain period. During the period of chartering, the charterer is responsible for a series of work and a lot of expenses appeared during the transit. Bareboat charter is similar to time charter, but there are some differences. Under the bareboat charter, the ship-owner only provides his charterer with a bare boat during the period of chartering, and the charterer shall employ the crew by himself.13. It is implied in the first paragraph_.Acells or even molecules can be magnified by aIt is implied in the first paragraph_.Acells or even molecules can be magnified by a microscopeBa molecule is as small as a cellCtelescopes and microscopes are similar; they both magnify small thingsDtelly is a Greek word正确答案:A这是一道推理、引申类型的题。选项B的推理没有根据。选项C的推理是错误的。microscope用来放大小的东西,而telescope用来看远处的东西。选项D根本没作推理,是原文中明说的。选项A是由第一段第二句、第三句推断出来的,原文没有明说,所以符合题意。14. Detroit has been known as the automobile capital of the world.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B15. New Zealand&39;s climate is generally _ and seasonal differences are not so great.A.dry and coldB.mild and moistC.hot and wetD.windy and cold参考答案:C16. The Australian Day falls on _.A.April 25B.Jan.1C.Jan.26参考答案:C17. Do you feel like _ out or would you rather _ dinner at home?A、going.to haveB、toDo you feel like _ out or would you rather _ dinner at home?A、going.to haveB、to go.to haveC、to go.havingD、going.have正确答案:D18. The Irish Government has the sole power of making laws for the state.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A19. The “Senior Citizens” in the senior centers refer to _.A.high officialsB.professorsC.presidentsD.old people参考答案:D20. I could see a car in the distance, but I couldnt _ what colour it was.Asee throughBI could see a car in the distance, but I couldnt _ what colour it was.Asee throughBmake outClook outDtake in正确答案:B解析:词组辨析题。see through 意为“看穿,看透”;make out 意为“辨认出”;look out 意为“朝外看,面向;留神,小心”;take in 意为“接待,吸收;领会”。本句大意为:我能看到远处有一辆小汽车,但看不出是什么颜色的。21. Charles Dickens is one of the most famous of English Modernist writers.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A22. Buying a house in such a neighborhood can be a (cost) _ business.Buying a house in such a neighborhood can be a (cost) _ business.costly23. The BBC is not financed by payments from all people who possess TV sets.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A24. Joe: Why will the plane from New York be delayed?Ann: _Joe: Why will the plane from New York be delayed?Ann: _正确答案:BB 解析:首先应读懂上文,后进行逻辑推理,选择填充词句。上文意为“为什么纽约来的飞机要晚点?”所填充的词句意为“由于大雾的缘故。”25. We are _ you for the special offer you send us. Athank Bappreciate Cgrateful for DindebWe are _ you for the special offer you send us.AthankBappreciateCgrateful for Dindebted toD26. In Britain, the First Civil War was fought between the Roundheads who were the parliamentary soldiers led by _, and the Cavaliers who were King Charles&39;s supporters.A.John LilburneB.Oliver CromwellC.Prince RupertD.William Joyce参考答案:B27. In 1455 the Duke of York tried to displace the Lancaster King, and the wars of the _ broke outA.FlowersB.RosesC.yearD.Duke参考答案:B28. In 1541, Queen Elizabeth I declared to be the Queen of Ireland, the first monarch to do so.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A29. Two of the most famous literary works of the late 17th century were _.A.Hamlet and Paradise LostB.Pilgrims Progress and Paradise LostC.Paradise Lost and Shepherds CalendarD.Romeo and Juliet and Shepherds Calendar参考答案:B30. Between the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the Rocky Mountains there is a large area of desert, of which Death Valley is the lowest and hottest place in America.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B31. The Irish often have an informal style. in regard to work practice.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B32. 你一定是吓坏了。(翻译成英文)你一定是吓坏了。(翻译成英文)参考答案:YOU must have been terrified.33. Excuse me for interrupting, _ I have some good news to tell you.A、soB、andC、butD、yeExcuse me for interrupting, _ I have some good news to tell you.A、soB、andC、butD、yet正确答案:C34. Who is the Prime Minister of Canada at present?A.Justin TrudeauB.Pierre TrudeauC.Jean Chirac参考答案:A35. Which of the following is characteristic of acquisition?A. Conscious learning of languaWhich of the following is characteristic of acquisition?A. Conscious learning of language structures.B. Little error correction.C. More instrumentally motivated.参考答案:B36. Australia&39;s policy of assimilation was founded on the belief that the white culture was progressive and superior while the indigenous culture was inferior.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B37. Australia is divided into three geological parts. They are: _A.the Great Dividing Range, NSW, and TasmaniaB.the Australian Alps, the Great Dividing Range and Western AustraliaC.Northern Territory, South Australia and TasmaniaD.the Great Western Plateau, the Central Eastern Lowlands and the Eastern Highlands参考答案:D38. _ were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England.A.the Anglo-SaxonsB.the NormansC.the VikingsD.the Romans参考答案:A39. In the 1960s and 1970s, tennis enjoyed a huge growth as some of the new professional stars, especially women, stimulated amateurs.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B40. There are several news agencies in the UK. _, the Press Association Ltd. and the Exchange Telegraph Co. Ltd. are the main ones.A.ReutersB.APC.TASSD.XinHua参考答案:A41. There is hardly _ rain here in summer. A) some B) any C) no D) muchThere is hardly _ rain here in summer.A) someB) anyC) noD) muchBhardly具有否定意义,在含有疑问和否定的句子中只能用any。some用于肯定句中。句意:“夏季这几乎不下雨”。42. Between 55 and 54 B.C. _, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice.A.Julius CaesarB.General LeeC.ChurchillD.Washington参考答案:A43. The metropolis of London and most of Britain&39;s large cities are located in the highland zone.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A44. This superb steak house has been a ( ) forover fifty years.A. selectionB. B.locationC. lThis superb steak house has been a ( ) forover fifty years.A. selectionB. B.locationC. landmarkD. footmark参考答案:C45. The convicts Elizabeth and James Ruse became the first successful farming family in Australia.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B46. In UK all children must, by law, receive a full-time education from the age of five to sixteen.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B47. Detroit is famous for the production of _.A.bambooB.automobilesC.timberD.airplanes参考答案:B48. You can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will _ the loss incurred. AYou can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will _ the loss incurred.AcompensateBcompensate forCcompensate to youDcompensate youD49. _ is not considered a characteristic of London.A.The cultural centreB.The business centreC.The financial centreD.The sports centre参考答案:D50. Australia is called&39;a country on the sheep back&39; because _.A.it has the best species of sheep in the worldB.Australians ride on sheep backC.Australians eat a lot of muttonD.it makes a lot of profit from the sales of wool参考答案:D51. 【C2】AforgetBrememberCcompareDmiss【C2】AforgetBrememberCcompareDmiss正确答案:C52. Britain&39;s main cereal crop is _ .A.riceB.barleyC.wheatD.corn参考答案:B53. Which of the following is a tourist attraction in the United States?A.Yellowstone National ParkB.The Babylon GardenC.The English castleD.The coral reefs参考答案:A54. Where has everyone gone?There is not_soul in the classroom.A. a rareB.an obviousC.Where has everyone gone?There is not_soul in the classroom.A. a rareB.an obviousC. a singleD. a scare答案:C55. Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother? I don&39;t know, _ Anor don&39;t I care BDo you know Jim quarreled with his brother?I dont know, _ Anor dont I careBnor do I careCI dont care neither DI dont care alsoB“neither/nor+助动词/be动词/情态动词”的结构表示“也不”。因此句子应倒装。A选项错在用dont再次否定,C选项中neither的用法不对。D选项缺连词。56. Mrs. Thatcher exercised tight economic control.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B57. It was in 1954 that the Supreme Court ruled that the practice of segregating blacks into separate schools was unconstitional.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B58. _ are the most numerous in the minorities of the United States.A.blacksB.HispanicsC.Asian-AmericansD.Jews参考答案:A59. Around 3000 B.C. some of _ from the Mediterranean lands settled in Britain.A.IberriansB.CelticsC.Anglo-SaxonsD.Vikings参考答案:A60. A substantial number of Scandinavians settled in Great Britain and Ireland during the 9th century.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B


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