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2022年ACCA英国注册会计师考试密押卷带答案1. 单选题 An investment project has a positive net present value (NPV) of $7,222 when its cash flows are discounted at the cost of capital of 10% per annum. Net cash inflows from the project are expected to be $18,000 per annum for five years. The cumulative discount (annuity) factor for five years at 10% is 3.791.What is the investment at the start of the project?A $61,016B $68,238C $75,460D $82,778考点 Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 Let x = investment at start of project. Year Cash flow Discount factor Present value $ 10% $ 0 x 1.000 (x)1-5 18,000 3.791 68,238 7,222-x = $68,238 - $7,222 x=$68,238-47,222 x = $61,0162. 单选题 Which of the following statements about provisions and contingencies is/are correct? 1 A company should disclose details ofthe change in carrying amount of a provision from the beginning to the end of the year. 2 Contingent assets must be recognised in the financial statements in accordance with the prudence concept. 3 Contingent liabilities must be treated as actual liabilities and provided for if it is probable that they will arise. A 3 onlyB 2 and 3 onlyC 1 and 3 onlyD All three statements are correct考点 Chapter11Provisionsandcontingencies解析 Contingent assets should not be recognised in the financial statements. However, they should bedisclosed if it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the entity. If it becomes probable that the a transfer of economic benefits associated with a contingent liability will happen, then the contingent liability is no longer contingent and a liability should be recognised in the financial statements 3. 单选题 Two types of common errors in bookkeeping are errors of principle and errors of transposition.Which of the following correctly states whether or not these errors will be revealed by extracting a trial balance?Errors of principle Errors of transpositionA Will be revealedWill not be revealedB Will be revealedWill be revealedC Will not be revealedWill not be revealedD Will not be revealedWill be revealed考点 Chapter16Correctionoferrors解析 Errors of principle, such as recording a capital expenditure transaction as revenue expenditure, would not be revealed by a trial balance because it would not create an inequality between total debits and total credits. Transposition errors are errors where figures (digits) are written in the wrong order in either a credit or a debit entry. This would create an imbalance between credits and debts, and so the error would be indicated by extracting a trial balance. 4. 材料题 材料全屏 A company manufactures Chemical X, in a single process. At the start of the month there was no work-inprogress. During the month 300 litres of raw material were input into the process at a total cost of $6,000. Conversion costs during the month amounted to $4,500. At the end of the month 250 litres of Chemical X were transferred to finished goods inventory. The remaining work-in-progress was 100% complete with respect to materials and 50% complete with respect to conversion costs. There were no losses in the process and there is no scrap value available during months when losses occur.58 【单项选择题】 What are the equivalent units for closing work-in-progress at the end of the month? A Material Conversion costs 25 litres 25 litres B Material Conversion costs 25 litres50 litres C Material Conversion costs 50litres 25 litres D MaterialConversion costs 50litres50 litres 考点 考点:Chapter11Processcosting解析 Work in progress=800 litres input - 250 litres to finished goods =50 litresEquivalent litres for each cost element are as follows. Material Conversion costs % Equiv. litres % Equiv. litres50 litres in progress 100 5050 255. 单选题 In the context of the tort of negligence, what is the legal effect of res ipsa loquitur?A The claimant must prove that they acted reasonablyB The claimant must prove that the defendant was negligentC The defendant must prove that they were not negligent考点 Chapter7Thelawoftortsandprofessionalnegligence解析 Where res ipsa loquitur applies, the burden of proof is reversed and the defendant must prove that they were not negligent.6. 单选题 Reliability, responsibility, courtesy and respect are the personal qualities expected of an accountant. Which of the followingwords correctly complete this statement? A AccountabilityB Social responsibilityC TimelinessD Ambition考点 Chapter19Ethicalconsiderations解析 Rationale: Accountability and social responsibility are classed as professional qualities, notpersonal qualities. Ambition is a personal quality - but is not considered essential in a professional ethics context: it caneven pose ethical dilemmas Pitfalls: You need to read the question stems carefully to pick up fine distinctions such as personal and professional.7. 单选题 A machine has an investment cost of $60,000 at time 0. The present values (at time 0) of the expected net cash inflows from the machine over its useful life are: Discount rate Present value of cash inflows 10% $64,600 15%$58,200 20% $52,100 What is the internal rate of return (IRR) of the machine investment? A Below 10%B Between 10% and 15%C Between 15% and 20%D Over 20%考点 Chapter19Methodsofprojectappraisal解析 $Investment (60,000)PV of cash inflow 64,600NPV 10%4,600$Investment (60,000)PV of cash inflow 58,200NPV 15% (1,800)The IRR of the machine investment is therefore between 10% and 15% because the NPV falls from $4,600 at 10% to -$1,800 at 15%. Therefore at some point between 10% and 15% the NPV = 0. When the NPV = 0, the internal rate of return is reached.8. 单选题 Three of the following strategies are closely related. Which is the exception?A DownsizingB DelegatingC OutsourcingD Delayering考点 Chapter2Thebusinessenvironment解析 Rationale: Outsourcing (contracting some of the firms activities to external providers) and delayering (removing levels ofthe organisation hierarchy) are strategies for downsizing (reducing the number of staff permanently or directly employed bythe firm). Delegating is the process whereby a superior gives a subordinate part of his or her own authority to makedecisions.9. 单选题 What does a master budget comprise?A The budgeted statement of profit or lossB The budgeted cash flow, budgeted statement of profit or loss and budgeted statement of financial positionC The budgeted cash flowD The entire set of budgets prepared考点 Chapter15Budgeting解析 The master budget is the summary budget into which all subsidiary budgets are consolidated. It usually comprises the budgeted statement of profit or loss, budgeted statement of financial position and budgeted cash flow statement.The master budget is used in conjunction with the supporting subsidiary budgets, to plan and control activities. The subsidiary budgets are not in themselves a part of the master budget. Therefore option D is not correct.10. 单选题 Which accounting concept should be considered if the owner of a business takes goods from inventory for his own personal use? A The fair presentation conceptB The accruals conceptC The going concern conceptD The business entity concept考点 Chapter3财务信息的定性特征解析 The accruals concept11. 单选题 Which TWO of the following statements regarding acceptance of an offer are correct? (1) Acceptance does not need to be communicated in a unilateral contract (2) If two identical offers between two parties cross in the post, then one will be regarded as acceptanceof the other (3) Under the postal rule, a letter of acceptance that has been posted does not have to be received by theofferor to be valid acceptance (4) If no method of communicating acceptance is stated in the offer, then acceptance must be made bypost A 1 and 2B 1 and 3C 2 and 3D 2 and 4考点 Chapter3FormationofcontractI解析 A unilateral contract is one where there is a promise to pay money in return for an act such as anoffer to pay a reward for the return of an item. In such cases, acceptance does not need to becommunicated because a contract is formed when the item is returned. Under the postal rule, a letterof acceptance just needs to be posted for acceptance to be valid. If two identical offers cross in thepost then there is no contract just two offers. Where no method of communication of acceptance isrequired then any method of acceptance can be used.12. 单选题 Dishonesty is a _to act in ways which contravene accepted ethical, social, organisational or legal norms for fair and honest dealing.Which word correctly completes this statement?A MotivationB Pre-dispositionC Opportunity考点 Chapter10Identifyingandpreventingfraud解析 Rationale: This is an important distinction in making sense of the three prerequisites for fraud:dishonesty (a willingness to act dishonestly), motivation (an incentive or reason to act dishonestly) and opportunity (anopening to act dishonestly). 13. 单选题 Which of the following communication mechanisms is designed to improve upward communication?A Notice boardsB Organisation manualC Team meetingsD Team briefings考点 Chapter18Personaleffectivenessandcommunication解析 Rationale: Notice boards are unsuitable for upward communication, and organisation manualsand team briefings are for downward communication.Pitfalls: You needed to be aware of the nature of a team briefing, which is for information and instructions to be given (downward) to a team. 14. 单选题 Which of the following is NOT a common law duty of an employer?A To pay reasonable remunerationB To provide health insuranceC To pay the employee if no work is available考点 Chapter8Contractofemployment解析 Providing health insurance is not a common law duty of an employer. The other options are commonlaw duties.15. 单选题 For a product that has a positive unit contribution which of the following events would tend to increase total contribution by the greatest amount?A 10% decrease in variable costB 10% increase in selling priceC 10% increase in volume soldD 15% decrease in total fixed costs考点 Chapter9AbsorptionandmarginalCosting解析 Suppose we start with the following situation. $ per unitSelling price 100Variable cost (60)Contribution 40Sales 1,000 units; total contribution $40,00016. 单选题 Which of the following may imply terms into contracts?A StatuteB Third partiesC The parties to the contract考点 Chapter5Contentofcontracts解析 Out of the options, only statute may imply terms into contracts.17. 单选题 A budget that is continuously updated by adding a further accounting period (a month or aquarter) when the earlier accounting period has expired is known as a:A Zero base budgetB Rolling budgetC Periodic budgetD Flexible budget考点 Chapter8Budgetarysystems解析 The correct answer is: Rolling budget.Sometimes this is known as a continuous budget as the budget period is continually beingextended.18. 填空题 Distributable profits may be defined as _ profits less _losses.考点 Chapter17Capitalmaintenanceanddividendlaw解析 Distributable profits may be defined as accumulated realised profits less accumulated realised losses.19. 单选题 Which of the following are common applications of spreadsheets used by management accountants? (i) Variance analysis (ii) Cash flow budgeting and forecasting (iii) Preparation of financial accounts A (i) and (ii) onlyB (i) and (iii) onlyC (ii) and (iii) onlyD (i), (ii) and (iii)考点 Chapter14Forecasting解析 Spreadsheets are commonly used by management accountants to produce management accounts, not financial accounts.20. 单选题 The debit side of a trial balance totals $50 more than the credit side. Which one of the following could this be due to?A A purchase of goods for $50 being omitted from the payables control accountB A sale of goods for $50 being omitted from the receivables control accountC An invoice of $25 for electricity being credited to the electricity accountD A receipt for $50 from a customer being omitted from the cash考点 Chapter16Correctionoferrors解析 B and C would make the credit side $50 higher. D would have no effect.21. 单选题 Interaction with other systems or the outside environment is a feature of open systems.A TrueB false考点 Chapter14Performancemanagementinformationsystems解析 Interaction with other systems or the outside environment is a feature of open systems.22. 填空题 _ is the process of determining the costs of products, activities or services.考点 Chapter1Costing解析 Costing is the process of determining the costs of products, activities or services.23. 单选题 Which of the following is NOT an exception to the rule of privity of contract?A A third party to a contract can sue for losses they incur under a contract if the losses are foreseeableB A third party to a contract can bring an action under it if an implied trust has been createdC A third party to a contract can enforce rights under it if it is equitable for them to do so考点 Chapter4FormationofcontractII解析 Two exceptions to the rule of privity of contract are that a third party can sue for foreseeable lossesthey incur and if an implied trust has been created.24. 材料题 材料全屏 Jon, who is 65 years of age, has just retired from his employment with a pension and a lump sum paymentof 100,000. He is keen to invest his money but has absolutely no knowledge of business or investment. Hedoes not wish to take any great risk with his investment but he would like to have a steady flow of incomefrom it. He has been advised that he can invest in the following range of securities: (1) Preference shares (2) Ordinary shares (3) Debentures secured by a fixed charge (4) Debentures secured by a floating charge 22 【论述题】 Identify which is the most secure 考点 考点:Chapter16Loancapital解析 As loans, debentures are more secure than shares. Debentures secured by fixed charges are more securethan those secured by floating charges. Consequently, debentures secured by fixed charges are the mostsecure form of investment of those listed. They do, however, receive the least in terms of return.25. 单选题 The accountant at Investotech discovered the following errors after calculating the companys profit for 20X3:(a) A non-current asset costing $50,000 has been included in the purchases account(b) Stationery costing $10,000 has been included as closing inventory of raw materials, instead of stationery expensesWhat is the effect of these errors on gross profit and net profit? A Understatementof gross profit by $40,000 and understatementofnetprofitby$30,000B Understatementof both gross profit and net profit by $40,000C Understatementof gross profit by $60,000 and understatementofnetprofitby$50,000D Overstatement of both gross profit and net profit by $60,000考点 Chapter16Correctionoferrors解析 Both errors will affect cost of sales and therefore gross profit, making a net effect of $40,000. Net profit will be further reduced by $10,000 missing from stationery expense26. 单选题 Which of the following statements about the impact of technological developments is not true?A Technology developments have supported corporate delayeringB Technology developments tend to adversely affect employee relationsC Technology developments creates risk for long-range product/market planningD Technology developments offer significant advantages for corporate communications考点 Chapter2Thebusinessenvironment解析 Rationale: Technology is no longer regarded purely as a threat to job security: it can also support higher-level skilling,options for home-working, cleaner and safer work environments, better employee communications (eg through an intranet)andso on. Option A is true, because IT systems support lower-level decision making and direct communication betweenstrategic apex and operational staff: replacing the role of middle management. Option C is true,because new technologiesreduce product life cycles: products and processes can swiftly become obsolete. Option D should be obviously true: think ofemail at one end of the scale, and virtual organisations at the other.27. 单选题 Fitzgerald and Moons standards for performance measurement systems are ownership, achievability andcontrollabilityA TrueB false考点 Chapter16私营机构的表现评估解析 False. They are ownership, achievability and equity.28. 单选题 All the following statements except one are examples of the advantages that a computer-based accounting system used by a management accountant has over a manual system.Which statement is the exception?A A computer-based accounting system is easier to update as new information becomes availableB A computer-based accounting system will always reject inaccurate financial information input to the systems database C Financial calculations can be performed more quickly and accuratelyD The management accountant can more readily present financial information to other business departments in a variety 考点 Chapter8Theroleofaccounting解析 Rationale: Garbage in, garbage out!29. 单选题 development is a process whereby employees are offered a wide range ofdevelopmental opportunities, rather than focusing on skills required in the current job.Which word or phrase correctly completes this sentence? A ManagementB CareerC Personal考点 Chapter16Traininganddevelopment解析 Rationale: Option A relates specifically to management effectiveness and succession; option B to planning opportunities fornew challenges and learning through career moves (whether vertical or lateral).30. 单选题 Ac


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