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轮机英语会话评估口述参考答案第一章 公共英语1. The engine room.The engine room is the heart of a ship. It is generally located at the stern near the ship bottom. In the engine room, there are a lot of machinery and systems, such as the main engine, the generator engine, boilers, pumps, the refrigerating system, and the air conditioning system. The main engine, also called the main propulsion plant,is the largest and most important one . The modern improvement of control systems results in machinery space remaining unattended for long periods. That is UMS.1 机舱机舱是船的心脏。它通常位于船底尾部。在机舱,有很多机械和系统,例如主机,发电机,锅炉,泵,制冷系统和空调系统。主机也叫做主推进装置,是最大和最重要的一个。控制系统的最新的进步导致机舱长时间没有人。那就是无人机舱。2. The engine department.There are five engineers and four motormen in the engine department on board my ship. We usually do some maintenance and repair work to keep the ship in good order. We also do some work to keep the engine room tidy and clean, such as sweeping the floor, remove the oil spilled, marking the pipes and valves with special color, etc.Working on board ship is not an easy job, so people have to cooperate well. In the engine department we get well along with each other. We are standing together regardless of situation.2 轮机部在我们的船上有五个轮机员和四个机工。我们通常在一些保养和修理工作去保持船正常。我们也做一些工作去保持机舱整洁和干净,例如打扫地面,去除溢油,用特别的颜色标记管路和阀。3. Self-introduction My name is Yan li. I was born in 1980 in Da lian. I am unmarried but I have a beautiful girl friend. I am studying in hua yang marine school in 2008 in engineering management. I have been working on board as a motorman for about 5 years. There are three people in my family: my father my mother and I. I like play basketball and read some books .I love my family and my work. Thats all, Thanks.3自我介绍我的名字是严厉。我在1980年出生在大连。我未婚但有一个漂亮的女朋友。我在2008年在华洋水运学校轮机专业学习。我作为一个机工在船上工作了五年。我家有三口人:我父亲,母亲和我。我喜欢打篮球和读书。我爱我的家庭和工作。谢谢4. Your daily work on board As the engineer officer in charge of watch, my daily work on board is as follows: I shall ensure that the main propulsion plant, auxiliary machinery and steering gear are in good order. The current operational parameters of all machinery should be observed, such as the exhaust gases temperature of main engine, the cylinder jacket outlet cooling water temperature and pressure etc. During watch, the bridge orders must be carried out right now. Any abnormal parameters in relation to the equipment should be paid attention.4 你在船上的日常工作作为一个值班的轮机员,我的日常工作如下:我将确保主推进装置,辅机和舵机正常。所有机器当前的运行参数应当被观察,例如主机的排气温度,缸套出口的冷却水和压力等等。在值班期间,必须立刻执行驾驶台的命令。应当注意关于设备的任何异常的参数。5. Watch-keeping in the engine roomWhen a ship is at sea, each engineer should keep a duty-watch for 4 hours. During his duty watch, the engineer makes some tour inspection of the engine room and put down all the figures into the engine room log book. He has to keep everything in good order. During watch, the bridge orders must be carried out right now. When his watch is finished, he should tell the relieving officer the present condition of the engine room before handing over the watch.5在机舱值班当船在海上的时候,每个轮机员应当值班四小时。在他值班期间,轮机员要做一些机舱的巡视并记录所有的数据到机舱日志中。他也必须确保一切正常。当他完成值班,他应当在交班之前告诉接班人员机舱目前的状况。6. Could you introduce yourself?My name is . I graduated from Dalian Maritime University in 1988 with a bachelors degree in marine engineering.6 你能介绍一下你自己么?我是。我在1988年毕业于大连海事大学轮机专业第二章 机舱日常事务1. Please describe the difference between the diesel engine and the gasoline engine. (See Fig.2-1 and Fig.2-2)The main difference between the diesel engine and the gasoline engine include: 1) the combustion medium of a diesel engine is diesel oil or fuel oil, while that for a gasoline engine is gas oil. 2) The diesel engine is ignited through compression of hot, high pressure oil and air mixture, but the gasoline engine is ignited by electrical spark plug. 3) For diesel engine, the air and oil is mixed inside the cylinder, while for gasoline engine, they are mixed outside the cylinder.1 请描述一下柴油机和汽油机的区别柴油机和汽油机的主要区别包括1)柴油机的燃烧介质是柴油或者燃油2)柴油机依靠高温高压的油气混合物的压缩点燃,但是汽油机依靠电火花塞点燃。3)对于柴油机,空气和油在汽缸混合,然而汽油机,他们在汽缸外混合。2. Xiao Wang is a cadet of the engine department, who just graduated from Shanghai Maritime University. How do you introduce all the engine room to him?First, I will tell the cadet the importance the engine room. Second, I should introduce the various machinery and systems in the engine room, such as the main engine, the generator engine, boilers, pumps, the refrigerating system, and the air conditioning system. Third, I will show him how to operate the various equipment and devices safely, and introduce as much safety knowledge as I can.2 小王是轮机部的实习生,毕业于上海海事大学。你如何给他介绍一下机舱。首先,我将告诉实习生机舱的重要性。第二,我将介绍一下机舱的各种机器和系统,例如主机,柴油发电机,锅炉,泵,制冷系统和空调系统。第三,我将展示给他如何安全运行各种设备和装置,并尽可能多的向他介绍一下安全知识。3. Xiao Zhang is a three-year student majoring in marine engineering from Shanghai Maritime University. How do you introduce the equipment and machinery in the engine room to him?There are many machines and devices in the engine room. They are the main engine, generators, air compressors, oil separators, boilers, pumps, all kind of coolers, valves and so on. The main engine is the largest and most important machine. It is the ships power source. Our main engine is a slow-speed, two stroke, crosshead type marine diesel engine. It consists of cylinder head, frame, bedplate and moving parts, etc. The type is MAN-B&W 6550MC with a capacity of 9550 Kw at 115 rpm. The prime mover of the generators is 6-cylinder, medium-speed, 4-stroke, trunk piston type marine diesel engine. 3 小王是上海海事大学轮机专业三年级的学生,你如何给他介绍机舱的设备和机器?在机舱有很多的机器和设备。他们是主机,发电机,空压机,分油机,锅炉,泵,各种冷却器,阀等等。主机是最大,最重要的机器。它是船舶的动力来源。我们的主机是一台低速,二冲程,十字头类型的船用柴油机。它包括汽缸盖,机架,机座和运动部件。这个类型的是在115rpm时9550kw的输出量的MAN-B&W 6550MC。发电机的原动机是6缸,中速,四冲程,筒状活塞船用柴油机。4. Look at the illustration and say something about the disposal of the shafting and diesel engine. (See Fig.2-3)The power of the diesel engine is transmitted to the propeller through the transmission system. The items of transmission system include various shafts, such as the thrust shaft, one or more intermediate shafts and tail shaft. These shafts are supported by the thrust block, intermediate bearings and the stern-tube bearing. The propeller consists of a boss with several blades. The thrust is transmitted along the shafting to the thrust block and finally to ships structure.4 看实图并说一下柴油机和轴系的配置柴油机的动力是通过传递系统传递给螺旋桨。传递系统的项包括各种轴,例如推力轴,一个或多个中间轴承和尾轴承。这些轴被推力块,中间轴承和尾轴承支撑。螺旋桨包括带有几个叶片的浆榖。推力沿轴传递给推理块并最终传递给船体。5. Look at the illustration and say something about the probability of disposal of medium-speed and high-speed diesel engine. (See Fig.2-4)When the ship is sailing at full speed, it needs four engines running. When the ship is sailing at half speed, it needs two engines running. When the ship is operating at about 30%of full speed, one engine is enough to meet its power requirement. That is, the ship can be operated with single engine, double engines or four engines according to the load condition. Generally, when the ship is sailing at sea speed, it has four engines running while it approaches the wharf, it has two engines running. 5 看实图,说说中速机和高速机布置的可能性。当船在全速航行时,它需要四台机运行。当船在半速航行的时候,它需要两台发动机运行,当船以全速的30%运行的时候,一台发动机足够满足动力要求。也就是,船能根据负荷条件来运行一台发动机,两台发动机或四台发动机。通常,当船在全速航行的时候,它有四台发动机运行,当它接近港口的时候,它有两台发动机运行。6. Look at the illustration and say something about structure of the main engine. (See Fig.2-5)The structure of the main engine is as follows: the construction mainly includes bedplate, frame, cylinders, pistons, connecting rod, main bearing and crankshaft. The crankshaft rests in main bearings built into cross girders of the bedplate. On the top of A frames there is a scavenging air box. The bedplate, frames and cylinder blocks are secured together by long tie-rods. A piston consists of a lower part called piston skirt and an upper part called piston crown.6 看实图,介绍一下主机的结构主机的结构如下:结构包括机座,机架,汽缸,活塞,连杆,主轴承和曲轴。曲轴安放在嵌入在机座横梁的主轴承上。在A字形机架的顶部有一个扫气箱。机座,机架和汽缸套被一个长连杆固定。一个活塞包括下部的活塞裙和上部的活塞头。7. Look at the illustration and say something about stress status of the moving parts. (See Fig.2-6)The moving parts shown in the illustration mainly include the piston, the connecting rod, and the crankshaft. These are all critical parts of the engine. According to the specific condition shown in the picture, the piston is under compression force, the connecting rod is under tension stress and compression force, while the crankshaft is under the torsion forces.7 看实图,说说运动部件的压力状况实图显示的运动部件包括活塞,连杆和曲轴。有发动机的所有关键部件。根据如图显示的特定条件下,活塞正承受压缩力,连杆承受拉力和压缩力,然而曲轴正承受扭力。8. Look at the illustration and say the type of piston head shape in diesel engine. (See Fig.2-7)Pistons can be divided into two main classes: the crosshead type pistons and the trunk type pistons. The top surface of the crosshead piston can be flat, sunken or convex. The piston shown in the illustration is the crosshead type piston with a sunken surface. It has the advantage of increasing the air turbulence and improving the oil and air mixing quality. Its disadvantage is that the cylinder volumetric clearance will be larger.8 看实图,说说柴油机的活塞头的形状活塞能分成两种:十字头型活塞和筒状活塞。十字头活塞的顶部表面可能是平的,凹的或凸的。如图所示的活塞是凹面的十字头活塞。它有提高空气紊流和提高油和空气混合质量的优点。它的缺点是汽缸容积间隙将会变大。9. Look at the illustration and say the types of piston ring. (See Fig.2-8)The piston rings shown in the illustration has the shape of rectangle or trapezoid. Some of them are rounded on the external top or bottom edges. Among these piston rings, No.1 and No.2 are sealing rings; No. 3 and No. 4 are scraper rings, while the No.5 is a distributor ring. Generally, each piston is provided with five or six piston rings.9 看实图,说说活塞环的类型。如图所示的活塞环有矩形或梯形的。它们中有一些在外援顶部或底部边缘成倒角。在这些活塞环中,1,2 是密封环,3,4是刮油环,5是布油环。通常,每一个活塞带有五个或六个活塞环10. Please describe the lubricating mode of main engine.Large marine diesel engines of crosshead construction generally have two systems of lubrication: a totally loss system feeding the cylinders and a circulating system lubricating the running gear and cooling the pistons. Oil is supplied to the cylinder liner wall and piston rings by means of mechanical lubricators. The lube oil to the various moving parts enables the formation of an oil film which reduces friction and wear.10 请描述主机的润滑模式大型船用十字头类型的船用柴油机通常有两种润滑系统:一种是润滑汽缸的全消耗系统和润滑运动部件和冷却活塞的循环系统。油依靠机械注油器被供应到汽缸壁和活塞环。到达各运动部件的滑油能形成减少摩擦和磨损的油膜。11. Talk about the working principle of purifier according to the picture given. (See Fig.2-9)It is used to remove water and impurities from fuel oil and lube oil. The purifier is very important machine. It contains of an electric motor. The electic motor can drive a vertical shaft. The bowl assembly is mounted on the top of the vertical shaft.The high-speed rotation of the purifier can produce huge centrifugal force. With the action of centrifugal force, the clean oil flow inwards and the water and impurities flow outwards and the water. So the whole process could be continuous.11 根据实图,说一下分水机的工作原理。它用于从燃油和滑油中去除水和杂质。分水机是非常重要的机器。它包括电动机,电动机驱动一个立式轴。分离桶组件安装在立式轴顶部。分水机的高速旋转能产生巨大的离心力。通过离心力,净化的油向里流,水和杂质向外流。所以整个过程能够连续起来。12. Talk about the working principle of oily water separator according to the picture given. (See Fig.2-10)Oily water separators are used to separate oil from bilge water before the latter is pumped overboard.The oily water separator works on the principle of coalescing small oil droplets in the water to form larger oil drops. When the oil drops become large enough, the lower density oil drops floats up and collects at the top of the vessel. The oil layer is pumped into an oily bilge tank which can be pumped out at an oil collecting facility when the ship arrives at a port.12 通过试图,谈一下油水分离器的工作原理油水分离器用于在舱底水排放到船外之前,从其里面分离油。油水分离器根据收集在水中小的油滴去构成较大的油滴的原理工作。当油滴变得足够大的时候,低密度的油滴浮上来并在容器的顶部被收集。油层被泵入含油的舱底水舱,当船到达港口时,通过集油设备被泵出。13. Talk about the anti-pollution equipment on board ship.There are some anti-pollution equipment on board ship. They are oily water separator, incinerator and sewage treatment system. Oily water separator are used to ensure that ship do not discharge oil when pumping out bilge water or oily water. The incinerator is used to treat the oil sludge and solid waste. Sewage treatment plants are used to treat the sewage water the whole ship produced. All these equipment perform their duties to prevent pollutions from ship to the sea. And we must take great care about them to meet the lowest legislative requirements.13 谈一下船上的防污设备在船上有很多防污设备。它们是油水分离器,焚化炉和污水处理装置。油水分离器用于确保船在泵出舱底水或油污水时不排放出油。焚化炉用于处理油渣和固体废弃物。一些处理装置用于处理整艘船的污水。所有的这些设备执行他们的职责防止来自于船的污染进入大海。我们必须注意满足最低的法律要求。14. Talk about the operation of ballast system.The ballast system is arranged to draw water from any tank or the sea and discharge it to any other tank or the sea. It is used to ballast or trim the vessel. When transferring ballast water from one tank to another, we must pay much attention. Open the related valves correctly. Close other valves start the pump. Otherwise we could not pump the water. The last but is important, we must ask for the permission from the port authorities before discharge ballast water or well be fined. 14 谈一下压载系统地运行压载系统用于排放任何柜中的水以及排放水到任何的柜中和大海中。它用于压载或平衡船。当驳运水从一个柜到另一柜时,我们必须注意。正确打开相关的阀。关闭其他的阀,起动泵。否则我们不能泵送水。最后也是最重要,我们在排放水前必须得到港务局的允许,否则我们将被罚款。15. Talk about the operation of the bilge system.The operation of the bilge system is an important daily work, which needs great carefulness. When it is needed, the following procedure must be strictly observed: discharge the bilge tanks one by one; open and close the relevant valves; stop pumping out when the bilge tank is nearly empty; pay attention to the filters and mud-boxes to ensure no logging; the discharge must meet the relative legislative requirement; the operation must be recorded and reported to C/E. The duty engineer should discharge the bilges water before handing over a watch. And relief engineer should check the bilge level when taking over a watch. 15 谈一下压载系统的运行压载系统的运行是一项重要的日常工作,需要非常小心。当需要时,一下程序必须被严格执行。一个接一个的排放压载舱。打开和关闭相关的阀。当压载舱快放空的时候停止泵送。注意确保细滤器和泥箱不被堵塞。排放必须满足相关的法律要求。记录操作,并向轮机长报告。值班轮机员在交班之前必须排放舱底水。当接班轮机员在接班时必须检查舱底水位。第三章 驾机联系1. Communications with officers.In order to ensure the safe navigation of the ship, frequent communication between the engineers and officers is necessary. The usual means of communication is by telephone and telegraph. If the communication between the engine room and the bridge fails, the ship will be endangered. The records of communication should be maintained which will provide evidence in the event of an accident at sea. Noon report is also a good means of communication between the engine room and the bridge.1 与驾驶员的联系为了确保船的安全航行,轮机员和驾驶员之间密切的联系通是必须的。通常的通信工具是电话和电报。如果机舱和驾驶台之间的联系的失败,船将会很危险。记录联系记录万一航行中发生事故,可以提供证据。中午报告也是机舱和驾驶台之间良好的联系方式。2. Noon report.(两份答案 参选)During sailing, C/E would read the log book carefully every noon. According to the parameters in log book, he would fill up the engine room noon report. The parameters contain pressure, temperatures. Oil consumed, and so on. Another noon report would be made by the deck department. These two reports should be exchanged between two departments at noontime.2 中午报告航行中,轮机长每天必须仔细阅读机舱日志。根据机舱日志的参数,他将会填写机舱中午报告。这些参数包括压力,温度,耗油量等等。甲板部将会制作另一份中午报告。在中午的时候两个部门将会交换两份报告。Noon report is one of items which must be recorded every day. It is a table. Record daily performance data and working hours of the main engine and auxiliary engines. Some of the data of main engine running . Ship and voyage are to be recorded, such as the total revolutions and overage rpm of main engine. At noon the speed of the ship, the distance of the ship has made and the distance still remains to the next port of call and of course the ETA which can be without according to the present speed and situations.3. Take over watch.The taking over engineer should arrive at the engine room 15 minutes before his watch. Then check around the engine room and steering gear room to ensure all the running equipments are in good order. The following parameters must be in correct value: M/E exhaust gas temperature, M/E lube oil sump tank level. Pressure and temperature of lube oil and cooling water system, and so on. He should also check all the levels and conditions of all the tanks and any special requirement for use or disposal of the contents and so on. 3 接班接班轮机员应在15分钟内到达机舱,对机舱和舵机间进行检查,以确保所有设备处于良好的运行状态。下面的参数必须在正确的数值:主机的废气温度,男/ E的润滑油集水缸水平。润滑油、冷却水系统的压力和温度。他还应该检查所有柜的液位和状态及任何使用或处理舱中液体的特殊要求。4. Hand over watch.When finishing watch, each member on duty should hand over to his relief, he must ensure that the relief is able to take over and carry out his duties. Before handing over the watch, the engineer in charge of the watch shall ensure that all events related to the main and auxiliary machinery are suitably recorded. He should tell the relieving engineer the standing orders, special instructions and unfinished work, if any. If he has any reason to believe that the relieving engineer is not capable of carrying out the watchkeeping duties effectively, he shall not hand over the watch and the chief engineer shall be notified.4 交班当完成值班时,每一个值班人员应当交接给接班人员,他必须确保能够接班并执行他的职责。在交班之前,负责值班的轮机员应当确保记录了关于主辅机的所有相关事件。他应当告诉接班轮机员常规命令,特别说明和未完成的工作。如果他有任何的理由相信接班人员不能有效的执行值班职责,他将不会交班并通知轮机长。5. Standby engine before departure. After this order is given from bridge, the following work should be done one by one:Check main engine telegraph and ships clockTest the steering gear operationStart another generator and put in useStart all necessary pumpsPut on turning gear and let it run about half hourDrain water from air receiver5 离开前备车驾驶台发出指令后,做一下的工作检查主机车钟和船上的表测试舵机的运行启动另一个发电机并投入使用启动所有必要的泵啮合盘车机并使其运行约半小时泄放空气瓶的水6. Standby engine after sailing.1) When do you begin standing by engine?2) How do you stand by engine? Before arriving at somewhere something must be done in advance: the C/E must be in the engine control room. The duty engineer must prepare the fuel changing over from heavy fuel to diesel oil the starting air bottles must be pumped up to their maximum allowable pressure. The oily water separator and fresh water generator are to be stopped. Start another alternator for sufficient power supply some control modes must be changed to manual ones and so on.6 航行后备车在到达某地之前,一些事情须提前被做:老轨必须在集控室。值班轮机员必须准备换油,启动空气瓶须泵至最大可允许的压力。油水分离器和造水机要停止运行。再启动一台发电机用于提供足够电力。一些控制模式必须换到手动,等等。7. Measures to be taken by duty engineers at rough sea.At rough sea, the M/E R.P.M. should be reduced to a safety value. Fuel oil filters and lube oil filters should be cleaned in time. All moving parts must be tightened. M/E system parameters should be kept in correct value, such as the exhaust gas temperature, lube oil temperature and pressure, cooling water temperature and pressure and so on.7 在波涛汹涌的海上,值班轮机员采取的措施在波涛汹涌的海上,主机转速应该降到一个安全值。燃油滤器和滑油滤器应该及时清洗。所有运动部件必须拧紧。主机系统参数应该保持在正确值,比如排气温度,滑油温度和压力,冷却水温度和压力,等等。8. Action to be taken after “Finish with engine”.After this order is given, the following work should be carried out:Ensure the telegraph at stop position.Shut the starting air valves.Open M/E indicator valves.Put in turning gear, and let it run about half an hour.Stop M/E lube oil pump 20 minutes later.8完车后采取的措施在完车令发出后,应该做以下工作:确保车钟在停车位关闭启动空气阀打开主机示功阀啮合盘车机,使其运行约半小时二十分钟后停主机滑油泵9. Talk about the steering gear testing.As we know, every time before sailing, steering gear must be tested. After the feed oil pump is started. The duty officer from bridge operates the steering gear at different degrees Each time, the duty engineer can read out the degree from steering gear room, and the degree should have no difference with bridge degree.就如我们所知的一样,在每次航行前,必须试舵。在启动给油泵后,驾驶台的值班驾驶员以不同的度数来操舵。每次值班轮机员要从舵机室读出度数,度数应与驾驶台的没有任何差别。9 谈一下舵机测试10. Actions to be taken in the case of the trial of main engine.Before the trial of main engine, the duty engineer should correct the clock and telegraph with the duty officer on bridge and do the followi


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