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2022年考博英语-湖南师范大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题In the past few years, reformers have embraced a disarmingly simple idea for fixing schools; Why not actually flunk those students who dont earn passing grades? Both Democrats and Republicans have begun attacking the practice of “social promotion” - shuttling bad students to the next grade, advancing them with peers even if they are failing. Make F truly mean failure, the movement says.Last week in Los Angeles, the reformers learned just how ornery, the current system can be. According to a plan released Tuesday by the L.A. school district, ending social promotion there will take at least four years, could cost hundreds of millions of dollarsand probably would require flunking about half the districts students. Thats a pessimistic assessment, but its not just bureaucrats caterwauling. Rather, L.A school superintendent Ruben Zacarias was an eager convert to the crusade against social promotion. In February he unveiled an ambitious plan to end unwarranted promotions in five grades during the 1999-2000 school yeara full year ahead of the timetable set by a state law.At the time, Zacarias acknowledged that his goal would be hard to meet. He estimated that as many as 6 of every 10 students would flunk if they had to advance on merit. Zacarias wanted to spend $140 million in the first year alone to help these kids. Why so much? Because a mountain of research shows that ending social promotion doesnt work. If it just means more Fs. Kids who are simply forced to repeat grades over and over usually dont improve academically and often drop out. Zacarias wanted more tutoring, summer school and intensive learning classes. Unqualified students wouldnt rise to the next grade; nor would they be doomed to redo work they already failed. It was a forward-looking plan that Zacarias, 70, didnt have the clout to enact. He wasnt popular enoughthe school board recently bought out his contract after a bitter power strugglebut even fellow reformers think his plan was too much, too soon. Says board member. David Tokofsky: “Youve got the unions who want their say. And, of course, theres the facilities issue: Where do you send all these eighth-graders if you cant send them to high school?” The district now says it will stop advancing low-achieving students only in two grades (second and eighth), and it will begin next year.Los Angeles isnt the only place that has run into roadblocks while trying to end social promotion. In New York City, some advocates have said in lawsuits that parents werent notified early enough that their kids were flunking. And in Chicago, which led the nation on the issue, a parents group has filed civil rights complaints alleging that the promotion crackdown holds back a disproportionate number of black and Latino kids.Still, the war on social promotion could have one salutary consequence: if every school district takes L.A.s approach, struggling students will get a lot more teaching help, not just a kick in the rear as they finish another unproductive school year.1.“Social promotion” is ( ).2.Education officials give the reform prospect a pessimistic assessment because ( ).3.The writer mentioned the case of Zacamas to show that ( ).4.It seems that the effort at ending social promotion ( ).5.Toward the proposal of ending social promotion, the authors attitude seems to be ( ).问题1选项A.a simple idea for fixing schoolB.flunking students who dont earn passing gradesC.making F more or less meaninglessD.a political movement问题2选项A.it takes too long time, costs too much and may produce undesirable resultB.there is no feasible plan yetC.it involves too many studentsD.it is not approved by state legislature问题3选项A.ending social promotion doesnt workB.schools do not have the ability to enact his plan.C.plans like his are too ambitiousD.its hard to reach agreement on the issue of ending social promotion问题4选项A.is confronting a lot of resistanceB.has proved fruitlessC.has little hope of successD.does more harm than good问题5选项A.pessimisticB.optimisticC.objectiveD.biased【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:A第5题:B【解析】1.根据第一段的内容可知, “social promotion”指即使成绩差的学生考试不及格, 还是会把他们送进下一年级, 让他们与同龄人一起进步。而改革者们认为要让“F”真正意味着失败, 很显然social promotion使“F”失去了原本的意义, 所以选项C正确。2.根据第二段的二三句, 结束该学区的社会推广活动至少需要四年时间, 可能会花费数亿美元, 而且可能需要该学区约一半的学生不及格。这是一个悲观的估计.选项A花费时间长, 成本高, 可能会产生不良的后果与原文表述一致, 所以正确。3.根据第三段的内容可知, 大量的研究表明, 停止社会推广是行不通的。但是Zacarias的计划由于他在董事会的失利以及其他改革者的反对而失败了, 作者其实是想表明, 停止“社会促进”很难达成统一的意见所以才会失败。所以选项D正确。4.根据第四段第一句“Los Angeles isnt the only place that has run into roadblocks while trying to end social promotion.”洛杉矶并不是唯一一个在试图结束“社会促进”时遇到障碍的地方。所以选项A正确。5.根据最后一段第一句“Still, the war on social promotion could have one salutary consequence.”尽管如此, “社会促进”的斗争可能会产生一个有益的结果.由此可知, 作者的态度是积极的, 选项B正确。2. 单选题Originally designed as work clothes for miners, jeans are now worm by all segments of society, their appeal _ by their comfort and affordability.问题1选项A.overwhelmedB.corrodedC.complicatedD.broadened【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项overwhelmed“(感情或感觉)充溢,难以禁受;击败,征服”;B选项corroded“腐蚀,侵蚀”;C选项complicated“使复杂”;D选项broadened“扩宽,扩大”。句意:牛仔裤最初是为矿工设计的工作服,现在受到社会各阶层的追捧,它的吸引力因为舒适和实惠的特点而_。这里要填的是牛仔裤的吸引力因为舒适和实惠的特点而怎么样,D选项broadened“扩宽,扩大”符合题意,也对应前面牛仔裤受欢迎的特点。因此D选项正确。3. 单选题Many ecologists believe that raising rare animal species in protected environment will( ) the decline of endangered wild life.问题1选项A.curbB.fosterC.inhibitD.shortens【答案】A【解析】curb控制;foster培养;inhibit抑制, 禁止;shorten缩短, 减少。句意:许多生态学家认为, 在环境保护区内饲养珍稀动物将遏制濒危野生动物的减少。选项A符合语境。4. 单选题The tryptophan in the Thanksgiving turkey had _ effect, inducing sleep in those who consumed it.问题1选项A.an invigoratingB.depreciatoryC.hypnoticD.lethal【答案】C【解析】考查定语从句。A选项an invigorating“使精力充沛的”;B选项depreciatory“贬值的”;C选项hypnotic“有催眠作用的;安眠的”;D选项lethal“致命的”。句意:感恩节火鸡中的色氨酸有_的作用,能让吃火鸡的人入睡。色氨酸可以让人们入睡,可见有让人产生困意的作用,C选项hypnotic“有催眠作用的;安眠的”符合题意。因此C选项正确。5. 单选题Why are mobiles so popular? Because people love to talk to each other. And it is easier with a mobile phone. In countries like Russia and China, people use tile mobile phone in places where there is no ordinary telephone. Business people, use mobiles when theyre traveling. In some countries, like Japan, many people use their mobile phones to send e-mail message and access the Internet. They use a new kind of mobile phone called “i-mode”. You can even use a mobile phone to listen to music.Mobile phones are very fashionable with teenagers. Parents buy mobile phones for their children. They can call borne home if they are in trouble and need help. So they feel safer. But teenagers mostly use them to keep in touch with their friends or play simple computer games. Its cool to be the owner of a small expensive mobile. Research shows that teenage owners of mobile phones smoke less. Parents and schools are happy that teenagers are safer and smoke less.But many people dislike them. They hate it when the businessman opposite them on the train has a loud conversation on his phone. Or when the mobile phone rings in a cafe or restaurant. But there is a much more serious problem. Its possible that the mobile phone can heat up the brain because we hold the phone so close to our head. Scientists fear that mobiles can perhaps be bad for your memory and even give you cancer.1. Mobiles are popular among people because _.2. It is stated in the passage that in Russia and China _.3. Parents buy mobile phones for their children because _.4. Why can mobile phones be a much more serious problem?5. Which of the following can be the titletile of this passage?问题1选项A.they think mobiles are funB.they believe mobiles are safeC.they love to listen to musicD.they feel it easier to talk to each other问题2选项A.ordinary telephone service is available everywhereB.people prefer mobile phones to ordinary telephonesC.mobiles are used in places without ordinary telephonesD.people use mobiles to send e-mails and access the internet问题3选项A.mobile phones are very fashionable with teenagersB.they can call home if they are in trouble and need helpC.they can use mobiles to play simple computer gamesD.mobile phones enable teenagers to give up smoking问题4选项A.Because people hate the businessmen using mobiles in public places.B.Because people feel their privacy unprotected in a cafe or restaurant.C.Because there is strong evidence for the problems of mobiles.D.Because the use of mobile phones can be physically harmful.问题5选项A.Why Are Mobiles So Popular?B.Mobiles-Useful or Useless?C.Mobiles-A Danger to Health?D.Why Do We Design Mobiles?【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:B第4题:D第5题:A【解析】1.事实细节题。由题干可定位到文章第一段开头Why are mobiles so popular? Because people love to talk to each other. And it is easier with a mobile phone.(为什么手机如此受欢迎?因为人们喜欢互相交谈。而且用手机就容易多了。),由此可知手机受欢迎的原因是手机会让人们的交谈变得更容易,所以D选项“人们觉得交谈变得更容易”正确。A选项“人们认为手机很有趣”文章并未提及,属于无中生有;B选项“人们相信手机是安全的”,干扰源“safe”对应原文第二段开头,但此处讲的是父母给孩子买手机的原因,而不是手机受欢迎的原因,属于张冠李戴;C选项“人们喜欢听音乐”对应原文第一段段尾“You can even use a mobile phone to listen to music.”,但此处与题干问题无关,不是手机受欢迎的原因,属于出处错位。因此D选项正确。2.事实细节题。由题干可定位到文章第一段第四句In countries like Russia and China, people use mobile phones in places where there is no ordinary telephone.(在俄罗斯和中国这样的国家,人们在没有普通电话的地方使用手机。),所以C选项“手机是在没有普通电话的地方使用的”正确。A选项“一般的电话服务在任何地方都可以使用”和B选项“比起普通电话,人们更喜欢移动电话”文章都没有提到,属于无中生有;D选项“人们用手机发电子邮件和上网”对应文章第一段第六句In some countries, like Japan, many people use their mobile phones to send e-mail messages and access the Internet.(在一些国家,比如日本,很多人用手机发送电子邮件和上网。),但此处讲的是手机在日本的使用情况,而不是俄罗斯和中国,属于张冠李戴。因此C选项正确。3.细节事实题。根据题干可定位到文章第二段开头Parents buy mobile phones for their children. They can call home if they are in trouble and need help.(父母为他们的孩子买手机。如果他们遇到麻烦或需要帮助,他们可以打电话回家。),所以B选项“如果他们遇到麻烦或需要帮助,他们可以打电话回家”正确。A选项“手机在青少年中很流行”对应第二段的第一句,但是正是因为越来越多的父母给孩子购买手机才使得手机在青少年中很流行,并不是因为手机流行父母才给孩子买手机,父母的出发点是为了孩子们的安全考虑,此处属于偷换概念;C选项“他们可以用手机玩简单的电脑游戏”对应文章第二段第五句But teenagers mostly use them to keep in touch with their friends or play simple computer games.(但青少年大多使用手机与朋友保持联系或玩简单的电脑游戏。),但此处与题干无关,不是父母给孩子购买手机的原因,属于出处错位;D选项“手机使青少年能够戒烟”对应第二段倒数第二句Research shows that teenage owners of mobile phones smoke less.(研究表明,拥有手机的青少年吸烟更少。),但此句讲的是拥有手机的青少年吸烟更少,并不是说手机能够使青少年戒烟,属于曲解原文。因此B选项正确。4.推理判断题。根据题干可定位到文章最后一段But there is a much more serious problem. Its possible that mobile phone can heat up the brain because we hold the phone so close to our head. Scientists fear that mobiles can perhaps be bad for your memory and even give you cancer.(但还有一个更严重的问题。手机可能会让大脑发热,因为我们把手机拿得离头部太近了。科学家们担心,手机可能会损害你的记忆力,甚至会导致癌症。),由此可推断出更严重的问题是手机会影响人们的健康,所以D选项“因为使用移动电话可能对身体有害”正确。A选项“因为人们讨厌商人在公共场所使用手机”和B选项“因为人们觉得在咖啡馆或餐馆里没有隐私保护”对应文章最后一段的第一、二句“但是很多人不喜欢它们。他们讨厌在火车上对面的商人大声打电话,或者在咖啡馆或餐馆里手机响。”,但此处讲的是人们不喜欢手机的原因,并不是手机成为一个更严重问题的原因,所以A选项属于张冠李戴;并且这里也没有提到任何隐私问题,所以B选项属于无中生有;C选项“因为有强有力的证据证明手机的问题”文章没有提到,属于无中生有。因此D选项正确。5.主旨大意题。文章开头就提到了“Why are mobiles so popular?(为什么手机如此受欢迎?)”,由此可知文章接下来都是在谈手机受欢迎的原因,所以A选项“为什么手机如此受欢迎”正确。B选项“手机有用还是没用”,文章主要探讨的是手机受欢迎的原因,并不是手机的用处,属于无中生有;C选项“手机危害健康”,文章只在最后一段提到使用手机会对身体造成危害,并不能用来概括整篇文章,属于以偏概全;D选项“为什么要设计手机”文章并没有对设计手机的原因进行阐述,属于无中生有。因此A选项正确。6. 翻译题21世纪是一个将我们联系在一起的网络时代。无论我们愿意与否, 我们的社会生活与经济生活已密不可分。我们意识到先进的电子网络使我们能够跨越时空限制, 利用以前难 以想象的商机。这个网络世界己开辟了一个崭新的创新发展的天地, 把我们带入一个前所未有的网络智能吋代。这个网络智能新时代表明, 我们可以将自己的知识和创造力结合起来, 取得经济增长和社会发展的新突破。【答案】The 21st century is a network age binding us together. Whether we are ready or not, our social life has been inseparable from economic life. And we realize that the advanced electrical network can make us cross the time and space limitations to take advantage of the previously unimaginable business opportunity. The network time has opened up a new world for innovation and development, bringing us into an unprecedented era of network intelligence. This new age of network intelligence shows that we can combine our knowledge and creativity and make new breakthrough in the economic growth and social development.7. 单选题Many visitors praised the magnificent architecture of the Palace _ the Forbidden City.问题1选项A.known to foreigners forB.known to foreigners asC.known for foreigners to beD.known for foreigners as【答案】B【解析】考查定语。句意:许多游客惊叹于这座被外国人熟知,被称为紫禁城的宏伟建筑。be known to“为所知”,be known as“作为而出名,被称为”,be known for“因为而出名”。横线到句尾是对the Palace进行修饰的定语,宫殿被外国人所知,并且被称为紫禁城,所以B选项known to foreigners as符合题意。其余选项介词用法错误。因此B选项正确。8. 单选题Military orders are( ) and cannot be disobeyed.问题1选项A.detectiveB.conservativeC.alternativeD.imperative【答案】D【解析】detective侦探的;conservative保守的;alternative可选择的;imperative命令的,势在必行的。根据句意可知,这里指军事命令是必须执行的,不得不遵守。选项D符合语境。9. 单选题Before, whenever we had wealth, we started discussing poverty. Why not now? Why is the current politics of wealth and poverty seemingly about wealth alone? Eight years ago, when Bill Clinton first ran for president, the Dow Jones average was under 3,5000, yearly federal budget deficits were projected at hundreds of billions of dollars forever and beyond, and no one talked about the “permanent boom” or the “new economy”. Yet in that more straitened time, Clinton made much of the importance of “not leaving a single person behind”. It is possible that similar “compassionate” rhetoric might yet play a role in the general election.But it is striking how much less talk there is about the poor than there was eight years ago, when the country was economically uncertain, or in previous eras, when the country felt flush. Even last summer, when Clinton spent several days on a remarkable, Bobby Kenned-like pilgrimage through impoverished areas from Indian reservations in South Dakota to ghetto neighborhoods in East St. Louis, the administration decided to refer to the effort not as a poverty tour but as a “new markets initiative.”What is happening is partly a logical, policy-driven reaction. Poverty really is lower than it has been in decades, especially for minority groups. The most attractive solution to ita growing economyis being applied. The people who have been totally left out of this boom often have medical, mental or other problems for which no one has an immediate solution. “The economy has sucked in anyone who has any preparation, any ability to cope with modem life,” says Franklin D. Raines, the former director of the Office of Management and Budget who is now head of Fannie Mae. When he and other people who specialize in the issue talk about solutions, they talk analytically and long-term; education, development of work skills, shifts in the labor market, adjustments in welfare reform.But I think there is another force that has made this a rich era with barely visible poor people. It is the unusual social and imaginative separation between prosperous America and those still left out. Its simple invisibility, because of increasing geographic, occupational, and social barriers that block one group from the others view.1.In this passage, the word straitened means( ).2.In this passage, the word flush means( ).3.The main idea of the passage is that( ).4.Which statement from the passage is an opinion?5.After reading this passage, you can conclude that( ).6.The author states that one important reason that we do not talk much about poverty is that( ) .问题1选项A.difficultB.wealthyC.pastD.distant问题2选项A.poorB.angryC.richD.hard working问题3选项A.The country is enjoying economic growthB.The poor are benefiting from todays good economyC.In the past we were more aware of the poor than we are today.D.In the past there were many more poor people than there are today.问题4选项A.Another force has made this a rich era with barely visible poor people.B.Clintons tour was called a “new markets initiative.”C.Poverty really is lower than it has been in decades.D.Eight years ago, the Dow Jones average was under 3,5000, and yearly federal budget deficits were projected at hundreds of billions of dollars.问题5选项A.the relationship between the rich and the poor has changedB.the good economy will soon endC.poverty will be obliterated as a result of increased wealthD.all people benefit from good economic conditions问题6选项A.no one knows what to do about it .B.poverty really is lower than in the pastC.no one has been left out of the current boomD.the president is not concerned about the poor【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:C第4题:A第5题:A第6题:B【解析】1.词汇题。根据原文可知,“in that more straitened time”指的是上文提到的Clinton竞选总统时期,道琼斯指数不到3.5万点,每年的政府预算赤字预计将一直处于数千亿美元,甚至更高,没有人谈论“永久繁荣”或“新经济”。由此可以推断,这个时期是贫穷的,困难的,所以选项A正确。2.词汇题。根据第二段第一句,但令人吃惊的是,相对于八年前国家经济不稳定的时候,现在人们谈论贫困话题的次数越来越少,同样地,在以前国家富裕的时候,人们谈论的次数也少。由此可知,“flush”指的是“rich”,选项C正确。3.主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句,以前,只要我们有钱了,就会讨论贫困问题。现在为什么 不了?为什么当前的贫富政治似乎只与财富有关?再根据第二段第一句,但令人吃惊的是,相对于八年前国家经济不稳定的时候,现在人们谈论贫困话题的次数越来越少,同样地,在以前国家富裕的时候,人们谈论的次数也少。由此可知,本文的主旨是:过去人们比现在更加关注贫困问题。选项C正确。4.推理判断题。以下哪一项表达的是观点。根据最后一段第一句“But I think there is another force that has made this a rich era with barely visible poor people.”但我认为,还有另一股力量使这个时代成为一个几乎看不到穷人的富裕时代。由此可知,这是作者的观点,其他选项均为原文中的事实而不是观点。所以本题选A。5.推理判断题。结合全文内容可知,本文提到现在的人们不像过去那样关注贫困问题。而产生这种情况的原因是由于经济增长,贫富之间的差距缩小了,也就是说,贫穷和富裕之间的关系发生了改变,所以选项A符合原文;选项C中贫困并没有被消除,所以表述不正确。6.细节事实题。根据第三段的一二句“What is happening is partly a logical, policy-driven reaction. Poverty really is lower than it has been in decades, especially for minority groups.”目前的情况在一定程度上是一种合乎逻辑的、政策驱动的反应。贫困确实比过去几十年都要低,尤其是对少数群体而言。由此可知,选项B符合原文。10. 单选题A magicians talk creates a( )of attention so that people do not see how he does his tricks.问题1选项A.vacuumB.concentrationC.divisionD.diversion【答案】D【解析】vacuum真空;concentration集中;division区分;diversion转移,分散注意力。句意:魔术师的谈话转移了人们的注意力,使人们看不见他是如何表演魔术的。选项D符合句意。11. 单选题If you stand on top of a cliff booking down a deep valley, youll feel( ).问题1选项A.uncomfortableB.dizzyC.sickD.feeble【答案】B【解析】uncomfortable不舒服的;dizzy头晕目眩的;sick恶心的;feeble虚弱的。句意:如果你站在悬崖顶端往下看深谷,你会感到头晕目眩。选项B更符合语境。12. 单选题All types of stress study, whether under laboratory or real-life situations, study mechanisms for increasing the arousal level of the brain.The brain blood flow studies show that reciting the days of the week and months of the year increases blood flow in appreciate areas, whereas problem solving which demands intense concentration of a reasoning type produces much larger changes in the distribution of blood in the brain.Between these basic studies of brain function and real life situations there is still a considerable gap, but reasonable deduction seems possible to try and understand what happens to the brain. Life consists of a series of events which may be related to work or to our so-called leisure time. Work may be relatively automaticas with typing, for instance. It requires intense concentration and repetition during the learning phase to establish a pattern in the brain. Then the typists fingers automatically move to hit the appropriate keys as she reads the words on the copy.However, when she gets tired she makes mistakes much more frequently. To overcome this she has to raise her level of arousal and concentration but beyond a certain point the automaticautomaticity is lost and thinking about hitting the keys leads to more mistakes.Other jobs involve intense concentration such as holding bottles of wine up to a strong light and turning them upside down to look for particles of dirt falling down. This sounds quite easy but experience teaches that workers can do this for only about thirty minutes before they start making a mistake. This is partly because the number of occasions with dirt in the bottle is lo


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