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2022年考博英语-全国医学统考考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题The community health nurse often notes the devastating effects on family members as the patients chronic illness takes its course.问题1选项A.develops graduallyB.deteriorates suddenlyC.recovers ultimatelyD.recurs frequently【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. develops gradually 逐渐发展 B. deteriorate suddenly 突然恶化C. recovers ultimately 最终恢复 D. recurs frequently 频繁发作【答案】A【考查点】词组辨析。【解题思路】根据句意:社区卫生护士经常注意到,家庭成员会受到毁灭性的影响,当病人的慢性疾病应该是慢性疾病的慢慢发展会给家庭带来毁灭性影响。划线词组takes its course“顺其自然”,也就是病程。因此选A develops gradually“逐渐发展”与划线词词义相似。【干扰项排除】B选项deteriorate suddenly 突然恶化,不符合划线词词义;C选项recovers ultimately最终恢复,不符合划线词词义;D选项recurs frequently频繁发作,不符合划线词词义。【句意】社区保健护士经常注意到病人的慢性疾病的病程对家庭成员的破坏性影响。2. 单选题5.问题1选项A.Extremely severe.B.Not very severe.C.More severe than expected.D.Its hard to say.【答案】B【解析】M: How strong is the pain exactly? On a scale of 1-10, how would you describe the intensity of the pain? W: Well, Id say the pain is about a 2 on a scale of 1-10. Like I say, its not really bad. It just keeps coming back. Q: How severe is the pain? 【解析】细节题。女士说:Id say the pain is about a 2 on a scale of 1-10. Like I say, its not really bad(疼痛级别大概为2,还不算太严重)。3. 单选题15.问题1选项A.She disagrees with the man there.B.She is going to change her mind.C.It is out of the question to do that.D.It is possible to forgive him.【答案】C【解析】M: You are not thinking of getting back together with him, are you?W: Would he dream of it?Q: What does the woman mean?【解析】推断题。女士说:Would he dream of it(他在做梦吗?),足以证明她不可能复合。4. 单选题问题1选项A.To drop her business proposal.B.To give more details about her proposal.C.To weigh losses and gains of the business.D.To submit the proposal before the deadline.【答案】B【解析】4. W: Would you like to hear about my new business proposal? Ive been thinking about it for a long time. And I think it could be really profitable to start exporting medical three D- printers to China.M: Exporting medical three D- printers to China. I think you need to elaborate.Q: What is the woman asked to do?【试题答案】B【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:女士被要求做什么?由文中“Exporting medical three D- printers to China. I think you need to elaborate.(出口3D医疗打印技术到中国,我想你还需要细化一下方案)”,可知B选项“To give more details about her proposal.(要详细阐述一下她的建议)”符合原文。A选项“不考虑她的商业建议”;C选项“衡量企业的损益”;D选项“在截至日期之前提交提案”不符合原文。5. 单选题13.问题1选项A.She will become a famous singer soon.B.She will become an American idol.C.She will sign up for a talent show.D.She will surely stand out from the crowd.【答案】C【解析】W: Dad, Ive decided to sign up for American Idol in order to become a famous singer.M: Oh, honey, dont you know that its really hard to stand out from the crowd.W: But where there is a road there is a way.Q: What is true about the woman?【解析】常用习语。女孩说:where there is a road there is a way,表明她已经下定决心参加比赛。6. 单选题16-20问题1选项A.White blood cell count.B.Red blood cell count.C.X-ray.D.ECG.问题2选项A.Too much work to do.B.A heavy load of studying.C.Her daughters sickness.D.Her insufficient income.问题3选项A.Leukemia.B.Gastric ulcer.C.Immune disease.D.Gastric influenza.问题4选项A.Take the white tablets three times a day.B.Take the charcoal tablets three times a day.C.Take one or two white tablets at a time.D.Take two charcoal tablets a day.20.问题5选项A.Stay off work.B.Drink plenty of liquids.C.Eat a lot of vegetables and fruit.D.Postpone your exercise when sick.【答案】第1题:A第2题:D第3题:C第4题:A第5题:D【解析】P: Here is my result, doctor.D: Have a seat, and lets have a look. Well, your ECG is perfectly normal, and there is no problem with your X-ray, either. (16)But your white blood cell count is rather high, which is what I expected, and it shows your body is fighting the virus.P: Is there anything here I can do so that I can feel better, doctor? (17) I am really busy at work this week. And I have a lot of stuff to do, but I dont feel up to it. Also my daughter is studying bed and.D: Dont worry. Its just against the feel. But I will give you some medicine for it to make you feel better. (19) Three times a day take the white tablets as directed on the label after meals. And for the tablets, take one or two depending on how suitable your bowels are.P: Is there anything else I can do, Doctor Hunt?D: I know you are busy, (20) but you really shouldnt go to work. However, thats up to you. Rest as much as possible, drink plenty of liquid, and eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. If there is no improvement after three days, come back and see me again.P: Thank you, doctor.16. According to the womens test results, which of the following item is abnormal?【解析】根据医生的判断,病人的ECG十分正常(perfectly normal),X片也没有问题,但是白血球数量很高(white blood cell count is rather high)。因此本题答案为A。17. Which of the following is not the reason for the womans anxiety?【解析】病人很焦虑,因为她本人工作很忙,女儿也生病了,学习压力也很大。只有D(收入不足)不是她焦虑的原因。18. What is the doctors diagnosis of the woman?【解析】医生说病人的白细胞量高,证明身体正在跟病毒斗争,由此推理可知,病人可能是免疫系统出了点问题。故本题选C。19. How does the doctor say the medications are administered for the woman?【解析】医生说,按照说明一天只服三次白色药片,而charcoal药片则需要根据肠胃(bowels)的适应度,再决定是服用一片还是两片,因此本题正确答案为A。20. Which of the following is not one of the suggestions by the doctor?【解析】医生对病人的建议是:不能上班,大量饮水,多吃蔬菜和水果。只有“生病时延缓健身”未被提及,故本题答案为D。7. 单选题26-30问题1选项A.About 90.000B.About 100.000C.Several hundredsD.About 5.000问题2选项A.Warning from Goddard Space Flight Center.B.Warning from the Kenya Health Ministry.C.Experiences gained from the 1997 outbreak.D.Proper and prompt aid from NASA(美国国家航空航天局).问题3选项A.Distributing mosquito nets.B.Persuading people not to slaughter animals.C.Urging people not to eat animals.D.Dispatching doctors to the epidemic-stricken area.问题4选项A.The higher surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean.B.The short-lived mosquito that were the hosts of the viruses.C.The warm and dry weather in the Horn of Africa.D.The heavy but the intermittent rains.问题5选项A.Warning from NASA .B.How to treat Rift Valley Fever (裂谷热).C.The disastrous effects of Rift Valley Fever.D.Satellites and global health-remote diagnosis.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】In December 1997 large numbers of cattle, goats and sheep began dying in the Garissa district of north-eastern Kenya. A month later people started dying, too. It was, at the time, the biggest recorded outbreak of Rift Valley fever in East Africa. (26)Some 100,000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people were infected, hundreds fatally in five countries.In December 2007 the same thing happened. Or, rather it started to happen but was stopped in its tracks. (27)The difference was that the second time around there was warning. In September researchers at the Goddard Space Flight Centre, Greenbelt, Maryland, part of Americas space agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem. They told them again in October. And again in November. By the time the epidemic emerged (28) the Kenyan health ministry had dispatched teams to the area to distribute mosquito nets and urge village leaders and religious authorities to stop people slaughtering and eating animals.Through the outbreak still killed 300 people in Kenya, Somalia and Tanzania, it could have been a lot worse. According to Kenneth Linthicum of Americas Department of Agriculture, the number of deaths would probably have been more than twice as high without the warning.(30)The warning itself was possible because of a model of how disease spreads that Dr. Linthicum helped design. And the data that were plugged into that model came from satellites.What the researchers at Goddard had noticed at the time of the first outbreak was that in the months preceding it, surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean had risen by half a degree. (29)These higher temperatures brought heavy and sustained rains, cloud cover and warmer air to much of the Horn of Africa. Mosquitoes multiplied wildly, and lived long enough for the virus that causes the fever to develop to the point where it is easily transmissible.In September 2007 the researchers saw the same thing happening in the ocean, and suspected the same consequences would follow.26. How many stock animals died at the result of outbreak of Rift Valley fever in 1997?【解析】根据录音中的“Some 10.000 stock animals succumbed and about 90,000 people were infected,hundreds fatally in five countries.”可知,本题答案为B。27. What helped stop the outbreak of Rift Valley fever in 2007?【解析】从录音中“The difference was that the second time around there was warning. part of Americas space agency, NASA, told the authorities in Kenya that they had a problem. They told them again in October. And again in November.”可知,第二次的区别在于有来自NASA及时而准确的警告。故本题答案为D。28. Which of the following is not mentioned as the major to prevent in 2007 outbreak spreading?【解析】从录音中“.the Kenyan health ministry had dispatched teams to the area to distribute mosquito nets and urge village leaders and religious authorities to stop people slaughtering and eating animals.”可知,只有D选项不是制止瘟疫肆虐的举措。29. What trigger the two outbreaks of the Rift Valley fever in Africa?【解析】从录音中“surface temperatures in the equatorial part of the Indian Ocean had risen by half a degree.”可知,A是正确答案,B选项应该改成long-lived mosquitoes, C项应为“cloud cover and warmer air in the Horn of Africa”,D项应为“heavy and sustained rains”。30. What is the talk mainly about?【解析】该录音主要内容是从NASA给予肯尼亚及时迅捷的警示,使其在2007年瘟疫爆发的时候避免了10年前的厄运。因此A选项是正确答案(来自NASA的警告)。8. 单选题He says that constant thirst is an undesirable effect of chemotherapy for which no remedy exists in Western medical practice, but certain herbs do provide relief for such patients.问题1选项A.protectionB.provisionC.theoryD.therapy【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. protection 保护 B. provision 条款C. theory 理论 D. therapy 治疗;疗法【答案】D【考查点】名词辨析。【解题思路】划线词前的句子意思为“他说,持续的口渴是化疗的不良效果(He says that constant thirst is an undesirable effect of chemotherapy)”,划线词后的句意为“但某些草药确实可以缓解这类患者的症状”,由后半句句意“缓解这类患者的症状”可知西方医学是没有真正能解决化疗的不良效果的方法,即治疗方法,所以D选项“治疗,疗法”符合句意。划线单词remedy“补救措施”。【干扰项排除】A、B、C选项均不符合句意。【句意】他说,持续的口渴是化疗的不良后果,在西方医学实践中没有任何补救措施,但某些草药确实为这类病人提供缓解。9. 单选题12.问题1选项A.Play tennis.B.Take out the trash.C.Play computer games.D.Go to court for a lawsuit.【答案】A【解析】W: How about the game of tennis?M: Ok, loserll take out the trash for a month.W: Its a deal.M: See you in the court.Q: What are the speakers going to do next?【解析】细节题。女士提议说待会去打网球,最后男士说:See you in the court(球场上见)。10. 单选题问题1选项A.Its benefits.B.lts effects.C.lts disadvantages.D.lts usefulness.问题2选项A.lt helps to simplify the task.B.lt makes the clinical information systems more complex.C.It is more difficult without clinical information system.D.lt is simpler to carry the task out.问题3选项A.They are forced to be brief.B.They save doctors time.C.They tend to be long but meaningless.D.They are welcomed by doctors.【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:C【解析】第1题:对于临床信息系统,对话中的描述是“Complex clinical information systems make simple tasks difficult to carry out(复杂的临床信息系统使得简单的任务难以执行)”,这是在说它的缺点,所以C选项正确。第2题:这个女性提到医生对于这个软件的抱怨“Complex clinical information systems make simple tasks difficult to carry out(复杂的临床信息系统使得简单的任务难以执行)”,说明这个软件其实使得临床信息系统更加复杂了,因此B选项正确。第3题:最后一句说到“These notes are often excessively long and lacking meaning(计算机生成的临床记录一般都很长而且毫无意义)”,因此C选项符合文意。11. 单选题4.问题1选项A.Hes nearly finished his work.B.He has to work for some more time.C.He wants to leave now.D.He has trouble finishing his work.【答案】B【解析】M: How is your work going? W: I think I will be finished soon. M: Well, I wont be finished for a while. Q: What can be inferred about the man? 【解析】推断题。男士说:I wont be finished for a while,即还要做一会儿。12. 单选题问题1选项A.The prevalence of tele-medicine services among US companiesB.The advocacy of tele-medicine services in USC.The acceptance of tele-medicine services in USD.The disadvantages of tele-medicine services in US问题2选项A.They are lack of trust in tele-medicine servicesB.They are not adept at internet communicationC.They feel impolite without shaking hands with doctorsD.They are afraid of exposure of personal information问题3选项A.It ensure people more leisure timeB.It dont have to pay for the doctor visitC.lt can provide more personal environmentD.lt does little influence on work time【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D【解析】第1题:对于主旨的把握,可以通过短文首尾来解决。文章一开头说到美国的很多大中型企业为员工提供了远程医疗服务,但采用的很少。结尾处说到对于年轻人来说,远程医疗可能是一个好的选择。可知本文的主要讲述对象就是远程医疗,因此C选项正确。第2题:文中提到老年人不原因在网上看医生的原因是“older people dont have trust in telemedicine and services(他们不信任远程医疗服务)”,因此A选项正确。第3题:远程医疗对年轻人来说是个更好的选择,原因在于“It can cut down on the time away from work(它可以减少人们离开工作的时间)”,说明对工作时间影响不大。因此D选项正确。13. 单选题7.问题1选项A.He is a big-wave surfer.B.He is a trouble maker.C.He is a nice guy.D.He is very weird.【答案】B【解析】W: Joe is always trying to make waves.M: Right. He is really a jerk.Q: What do the speakers think of Joe?【解析】细节题。男士说:He is really a jerk(他是一个不折不扣的混蛋)。14. 单选题问题1选项A.Cough.B.HeadacheC.Diarrhea.D.Fever.【答案】D【解析】5. M: Good afternoon. Have a seat. So what have you come in for today? W: Thank you. Im feeling ill. Ive got quite a bad cough. I dont seem to have a fever. Ive also got a headache and a little bit of diarrhea. Q: Which of the following is not a symptom that the woman has?【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:以下哪项不是这位女士的症状?由文中“Ive got quite a bad cough. I dont seem to have a fever. Ive also got a headache and a little bit of diarrhea.(我咳嗽得很厉害。但我好像没有发烧。我有点头疼,还有点腹泻。)”,可知D选项“fever(发烧)”不是女士的症状,符合题意。A选项“咳嗽”;B选项“头疼”;C选项“腹泻”是女士的症状,不符合题意。15. 单选题9.问题1选项A.Diarrhea.B.Vomiting.C.Nausea.D.A cold.【答案】C【解析】M: Im so sick in my stomach! W: Thats too bad. Have you been to the toilet? Any diarrhea dari or vomiting? M: Ive been to the toilet twice. But no diarrhea or vomiting. Perhaps I should drink something. Can I have a cup of hot tea? Q: What is the man suffering from? 【解析】推断题。男士说:Im so sick in my stomach(我只是有点反胃),故选C。16. 单选题13.问题1选项A.Whooping cough, smallpox and measles.B.Whooping cough, chickenpox and measles.C.Whooping cough, smallpox and German measles.D.Whooping cough, chickenpox and German measles.【答案】B【解析】M: Id like to ask you about your past medical history. Can you tell me if you had any childhood diseases?W:When I was small, I had measles(麻疹), chickenpox(水痘) and whooping cough (百日咳). But I dont think I ever had German measles(风疹).Q: What diseases did the woman have when she was small?【解析】细节题。女士小时候得过麻疹、水痘和百日咳。但没得过风疹。17. 单选题3.问题1选项A.Hell go to see Mr. White at 10:30.B.Hed like to make an earlier appointment.C.Hed like to cancel the appointment.D.Hed like to see another dentist.【答案】B【解析】M: My tooth is bothering me. When can I see Dr. White?W: How about tomorrow? 10:30 OK?M: Isnt there anything earlier?W: No. But I will call you if there is a cancellation before then.Q: What does the man mean?【解析】男士说:Isnt there anything earlier? (有没有办法早点儿?),由此可知他想早些看医生。18. 单选题10.问题1选项A.100.B.232.C.132.D.332.【答案】B【解析】M: There are only 100 passengers on this airplane.W: That leaves 132 empty seats.Q: How many seats are there on this airplane?【解析】计算题。男士说飞机上现有乘客100个,女士说还有132个空位。因此飞机总共可以容纳232个乘客。19. 单选题21-25问题1选项A.35million.B.34million.C.25million.D.20million.问题2选项A.Author, professor and dreamerB.Writer, professor and insomniac.C.Author, psychologist and insomniac.D.Dramatist, psychologist and scientist.问题3选项A.Sleeping in 8-hour consolidated blocks.B.Sleeping during day time.C.Going to bed soon after dark.D.Two blocks of 4-hour sleep with a waking break.问题4选项A.Because they have unnoticeable sleeping patterns.B.Because they sleep very little.C.Because they are insensitive.D.Because they cant complain.问题5选项A.Sleep is highly variable, and wears out with age.B.Falling asleep is a gradual process.C.Sleeping less will help you lose weight.D.People need to sleep eight hours a day.【答案】第1题:A第2题:B第3题:C第4题:D第5题:A【解析】Our culture is obsessed with sleep, and the lack of it, yet many of us dont know some basic facts. (21) As many as 35 million Americans experience chronic insomnia, and yet in 2006 only $20 million was spent on research. (22) In the six years that author, professor and lifelong insomniac Gayle Green spent researching and writing her book “Insomniac”. She learned almost all there is to know about sleep and the lack thereof. Here are five common myths about how we get our shut-eye and why:1. Humans Need Eight Hours Sleep a NightThere are many ways of sleeping and few cultures sleep in eight-hour consolidated blocks like we do. Until the industrial era, many Western Europeans divided the night into “the first sleep”and the “second sleep.” (23) Theyd go to bed soon after dark, sleep for four hours then wake for an hour or two during which theyd write, pray, smoke, have sex or even visit neighbors. In fact, theres some evidence to suggest that this sleep pattern may be the one most in tune with our inherent circadian rhythms.2. Sleep Isnt Just a Bodily FunctionSleep is a biological, physiological system, akin to the cardiovascular system, the nervous system and so on. (25) Like any other system, it is highly variable, and it wears out and gets more fragile with age.3. Animals Dont Have Sleep ProblemsInsomnia occurs in animals and insects, too, sort of. Technically, (24) insomnia is defined as a “complaint,” and since animals cant complain, its difficult to measure in them.4. Falling Asleep Is a Gradual Process NopeInstead, for most people, it switches on and off like a light switch. But for insomniacs and narcoleptics, the switch doesnt work quite well. Instead they inhabit the space in between never entirely awake, nor entirely asleep.5. Sleeping Less Burns More CaloriesIn the short term, yes, but sleeping less probably wont help you lose weight. Lack of sleep suppresses our natural appetite-depressants, while fueling appetite-increasers, often leading to weight gain.21. According to the talk, approximately how many Americans suffer chronic insomnia?【解析】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到:As many as 35 million Americans experience chronic insomnia,所以答案为A。22. Which of the following can best describe Gayle Green?【解析】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到:In the six years that author, professor and lifelong insomnia Gayle Green spent researching and writing her book“Insonmniac”. 答案为B。23. Which of the following sleeping patterns might be the most in tune with our inherent biological system?【解析】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到: there s some evidence to suggest that this sleep pattern may be the one most in tune with our inherent circadian rhythms.而这里的this sleep pattern指的就是前一句话说的睡觉模式:Theyd go to bed soon after dark, sleep for four hours then wake for an hour or two during which theyd write, pray, smoke, have sex or even visit neighbors.因而符合这一睡觉模式的是C。24. According to the talk, why is it difficult to measure insomnia in animals?【解析】此题为细节信息再现题。文章中提到:insomnia is defined as a“complaint,”and


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