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2022年考博英语-湖南大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题In the case of mobile phones, change is everything. Recent research indicates that the mobile phone is changing not only our culture, but our very bodies as well.First, lets talk about culture. The difference between the mobile phone and its parent, the fixed-line phone is, you get whoever answers it.This has several implications. The most common one, however, and perhaps the thing that has changed our culture forever, is the “meeting” influence. People no longer need to make firm plans about when and where to meet. Twenty years ago, a Friday night would need to be arranged in advance.You needed enough time to allow everyone to get from their place of work to the first meeting place. Now, however, a night out can be arranged on the run. It is no longer see you there at 8, but text me around 8 and well see where we all are.Texting changes people as well. In their paper, “Insight into the Social and Psychological Effects of SMS Text Messaging”,two British researchers distinguished between two types of mobile phone users: the “talkers” and the lexters”一those who prefer voice to text message and those who prefer text to voice.They found that the mobile phones individuality and privacy gave texters the ability to express a whole new outer personality. Texters were likely to report that their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts. This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well.Another scientist wrote of the changes that mobiles have brought to body language.There are two kinds that people use while speaking on the phone. There is the “speakeasy”: the head is held high, in a self-confident way, chatting away. And there is the “spacemaker”: these people focus on themselves and keep out other people.Who can blame them? Phone meetings get cancelled or reformed and camera-phones intrude on peoples privacy. So, it is understandable if your mobile makes you nervous. But perhaps you neednt worry so much. After all, it is good to talk.1.When people plan to meet nowadays, they ( ).2.According to the two British researchers, the social and psychological effects are mostly likely to be seen on( ) .3.We can infer from the passage that the texts sent by texters are( ) .4.According to the passage, is afraid of being heard while talking on the mobile( ).5.An appropriate title for the passage might be( ) .问题1选项A.arrange the meeting place beforehandB.postpone fixing the place till last minuteC.seldom care about when and where to meetD.still love to work out detailed meeting plans问题2选项A.TALKERSB.the speakeasyC.the spacemaker*D.texters问题3选项A.quite revealingB.well writtenC.unacceptableD.shocking to others问题4选项A.talkersB.the speakeasyC.the spacemaker,D.texters问题5选项A.The SMS effectB.Cultural implication of mobile useC.Change in the use of the mobileD.Body language and the mobile phone【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:A第4题:C第5题:B【解析】1.细节题。第四段: It is no longer see you there at 8, but text me around 8 and well see where we all are。说明现在人们可以随时约定约会时间,而不用拘泥于一个固定的时间, 所以B项正确。2.推断题。第六段: This suggests that texting allowed texters to present a self-image that differed from the one familiar to those who knew them well (这表明,发短信允许短信者出现 不同于平日展现在熟人面前的的自我形象)。因此D项 (社会和心理变化主要体现在爱 发短信的人身上)正确。3.推断题。B项文中没有提及。第六段: Texters were likely to reportthat their family would be surprised if they were to read their texts (发短信的人可能会报告说,如果家人阅读短信,他们会很惊讶), 而非C选项说的无法接受。由此判断D选项也是错误的。4.细节题。倒数第二段: And there is the spacemaker, : these people focus on themselves and keep out other people (spacemaker不喜欢打电话时被旁人听见)。故选C。5.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了手机对人类文化的改变。2. 单选题She got very angry and( ) her clothes about in the room.问题1选项A.flungB.flewC.clampedD.clashed【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。句意: 她很生气,把衣服扔的房间里到处都是。fling (尤指生气地)扔,掷,抛,丢;猛动(身体或身体部位);粗暴地(向某人)说;气势汹汹地(对某人)说。clamp夹住,固定;紧紧抓住;紧夹住;被抓住;被夹紧;用夹锁锁住(车) 。clash打斗;冲突;比赛;(公开地)争论。3. 单选题The customer expressed her( ) for that broad hat.问题1选项A.disapprovalB.distasteC.dissatisfactionD.dismay【答案】B【解析】名词辨析。句意: 这位顾客表示她不喜欢那顶宽顶帽。disapproval后与of搭配,表示不赞成、不同意;distaste后与for搭配,表示不喜欢、厌恶;dissatisfaction后与with搭配,表示不满;dismay沮丧。4. 单选题Corporations and labor unions have( ) great benefits upon their employees and members as well as upon the general public.问题1选项A.conferredB.grantedC.flungD.submitted【答案】A【解析】动词辨析。句意:公司和工会已经给它们的员工、会员以及大众 了许多的福利。confer:授予(称号、学位、权力等),赋予;grant:同意,承认,准予;flungifling的过去分词,挥动,猛冲; submit提交,服从,呈递。5. 不定项选择题测试新增的题干问题1选项A.1B.2C.3D.4【答案】A【解析】第1题:测试试题解析6. 单选题The painting he bought at the street market the other day was a ( )forgery.问题1选项A.man-madeB.naturalC.crudeD.real【答案】D【解析】形容词辨析。句意:他那天在街上买的那幅画实际上是副赝品。man-made 人造的; natural自然的; crude粗略的; real 实际上。7. 单选题She actually preferred a more gregarious urban lifestyle and the cultural attractions in a warmer clime.问题1选项A.tranquilB.sociableC.inactiveD.undisturbed【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。句意: 实际上她很喜欢交际较多的城市生活和气候宜人的文化胜地。tranquil:安静的。sociable:好交际的。inactive:不活动的。undisturbed:安宁的,未受干扰的。gregarious:社交的,群居的。故B项与题意一致。8. 单选题We all want to stand first in line, first in the hearts of our country, first in the polls, first in the standings. The (1)of Number One is surely an important thing in sports, but for universities, being first is not as important as being (2) the best.The twenty-first century shows no (3)of interest among researchers, institutions, donors, boards of trustees, and governments in using various university rankings to (4)the performance of higher education institutions. Most national research universities measure themselves (5)a wide range of dimensions that the institutions believe important for determining improvement and success. At the same time, no single indicator or composite number (6) represents what an individual institution has done, can do, or will do. To improve the quality and productivity of a (7)national research university, its faculty, students, staff, and supporters need to (8) a number of indicators that,(9)together, give a reasonable approximation of accomplishment and strength (10)to the best universities in the country.Many indicators (11) this purpose, but most observers know that research (12) more than anything else in (13) the best institutions. In its annual reports, The Center provides both the (14) research and development expenditures and the highly-competitive federally (15)research and development expenditures as indicators of research scale. (16)the dollars give a good approximation of research activity, (17) is the faculty who provide the critical resource for university success, and The Center reports the number of members of the National Academies among an institutions faculty along with the number of significant faculty awards earned as indicators of faculty distinction. Students provide a (18)indicator by reflecting both the externally perceived quality of the institution and (19) with their own credentials an important contribution to that quality. For the graduate and research instructional dimension, The Center provides the number of doctorates (20)and the number of postdoctoral appointments supported; and The Center offers median SAT scores as indicators of student competitiveness.问题1选项A.eagerB.ambitionC.pursuitD.desire问题2选项A.inB.amongC.forD.on问题3选项A.fewerB.lesseningC.weakerD.worsening问题4选项A.assessB.assumeC.commentD.reflect问题5选项A.asB.forC.onD.in问题6选项A.moderatelyB.accuratelyC.equitablyD.fairly问题7选项A.majorB.mainC.basicD.fundamental问题8选项A.pursueB.evaluateC.followD.appraise问题9选项A.takenB.gotC.gettingD.taking问题10选项A.referenceB.superiorC.closeD.relative问题11选项A.meetB.serveC.fillD.integrate问题12选项A.impliesB.meansC.symbolizesD.matters问题13选项A.determiningB.disclosingC.differentiatingD.defining问题14选项A.totalB.wholeC.majorD.sum问题15选项A.recognizedB.sponsoredC.sponsoringD.recognizing问题16选项A.HoweverB.ThereforeC.WhileD.Nevertheless问题17选项A.thatB.whichC.thisD.it问题18选项A.secondB.doubleC.twiceD.twin问题19选项A.providingB.provideC.providedD.provision问题20选项A.wonB.awardedC.awardingD.winning【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B第4题:A第5题:C第6题:B第7题:A第8题:C第9题:A第10题:D第11题:B第12题:D第13题:D第14题:A第15题:B第16题:C第17题:D第18题:B第19题:A第20题:B【解析】(1)语义连接。此处表示对第一的争夺, 追求。Eager 渴望; ambition抱负; pursuit追求; desire要求。(2)逻辑分析。.for universities, being first is not as important:对许 多大学来说,成为第一并不重要.。universities:用的是复数形式,可推测此处为:在一堆的大 学中进行比较,故选择B项。(3)语义连接。第一段提到到处可以见到争“第一”的现象,所以这种现象在现在依旧没有减少,由此得出选择B:减轻,变小,no lessening:没有减小,符合句意。Fewer 更少; lessening 减轻,变小;weaker较弱的; worsening 恶化的。(4)动词辨析。空格处选A, 意思是: 评估高等院校的绩效。A:评估; B:假设; C:评论; D:反映。(5)固定搭配。on a wide range of dimensions:在一个更为广阔的空间。(6)副词辨析。上一句提到评估要在一个更为广阔的空间进行, 所以下一句句意为: no single indicator or composite number .represents:单个的指标或合成数不能准确地反映出情况,选B:精准地,准确地。A:适度地; C:公正地; D:公平地。(7)固定搭配。major national research university:重点国家级研究型大学。(8)动词辨析。对大学的评估要依据不同的指标,故选择C,依据。A:追赶; B:评价,评估; D:评价,鉴定。(9)固定搭配。taken together:总算,合起来。(10)短语辨析。give a reasonable approximation of accomplishment and strength 20 to the best universities in the country: 对其成绩与实务给出一个合理的近似值,参照国内最好的大学。由此得出选择D: relative to:相对于,涉及,有关。A:参考, 参照,是名词,后面不接介词。B: superior to:优于,比.越。C: close to:接近。(11)动词辨析。上文提到对研究院的考核要遵循一些指标,故Many indicators serves this purpose:许多指标服务于这个目的,故选择B:服务。(12)动词辨析。句意: 研究院的成果对学院的考核很重要。因此D项符合句意。A:暗示; B:手段,方式; C:象征,代表; D: 要紧。(13)动词辨析。此处句意为: 依据指标对研究院进行考核,再评定其是不是最好的学院。故D项符合句意。A:测定,决定; B:公开; C:区分; D:定义,界定。(14)形容词辨析。In its annual reports意思是: 在年度报告中。所以推测此处为: 搜集全部的资料。故选A。(15)动词辨析&语法分析。此处指的是联邦政府对大学的赞助。这里应该用sponsor的过去分词形式, 表示已经发生。(16)逻辑分析。此处表示: 从事研究所需的经费到齐之时。故选择C:当.时 候,引导时间状语从句。(17)语法分析。此处为强调句型:It is/was +被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状 语)+ that/who(当强调主语且主语指人)+其他部分。故选择D。A:那个; B:哪个; C:这个。(18)语义连接。句子中用到:both.and: 两者都.,可知这两方面 都发挥了作用,故选择B:双重的,两倍的。(19)动词辨析。此处意思为: 学生们提供了一些指标反映学院的实力, 故选择A:提供,现在分词表伴随, 表主动。B:提供; C:假如; D:规定,条款。(20)固定搭配。doctorates awarded:被授予博士头衔。9. 翻译题随着对知识内涵认识的加深,人类也从不同角度对知识进行分类。从某种意义上说, 对知识进行分类恰恰是建立在对内涵的理解之上的,分类原则本身也在一定程度上体现 出人类在不同社会经济形态下对知识作用的不同认识。我国曾一度按照知识的来源将其 划分为三类:来源于生产实践的知识、来源于社会实践的知识以及来源于科学实验的知 识。德国哲学家马克斯舍勒(MaxScheller)将知识划分为应用知识、学术知识和精神知 识三大类。随着知识经济理论的逐渐发展,经济合作发展组织对知识的分类成为目前最 具有权威性和流行性的一种。根据该组织以知识为基础的经济一书的划分,可以将 “知识归纳为四种类型:事实知识、原理知识、技能知识和人力知识。以上分类是从知 识使用的角度进行的,因而注重知识的实践性和价值性。为了更深地理解知识的含义, 并对其进行有效的管理,我们还可进一步将知识划分为两大类别:显性知识和隐性知识。【答案】With the deepening understanding the essence of knowledge, knowledge is classified from different angles. In one sense, this classification is based on the understanding of the essence of knowledge, and the classifying principle itself, to certain extent, reflects the different understanding of the functions of knowledge under different social-economical circumstances. In China, the sources of knowledge have been divided, for a time, into three kinds: knowledge comes from production practice, from social practice and from scientific experimentation. While Max Scheier, the German philosopher, holds that application knowledge, academic knowledge and spiritual knowledge are the three categories form the whole of knowledge. As the steady development of knowledge economy theory, the categorization of knowledge according to the Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development is by far most popular and holds greatest authority. As per the book Economy Based on Knowledge published by the organization, “knowledge” can be categorized as the following four types: facts, principles, skills and human knowledge. This classification is worked by considering the application of knowledge, thus more attention is paid to its practicability and value. However, to understand deeper the definition of knowledge, and carry out effective management, we may further divide it into two categories: visible knowledge and invisible one.10. 单选题The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about the consequences.问题1选项A.optimisticB.anxiousC.uncertainD.scared【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。句意: 该国进行核实验,也不( ) 实验结果。optimistic 乐观的; anxious 焦虑的,担忧的; uncertain 无常的,不确定的,含糊的; scared 恐惧的,害怕的。Apprehensive 忧虑的,不安的。故选B。11. 单选题Many people are( ) to insect bites, and some even have to go to hospital.问题1选项A.insensitiveB.allergicC.sensibleD.infected【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。句意: 很多人对蚊虫叮咬 ( ),有些甚至不得不去医院治疗。Insensitive感觉迟钝的; allergic过敏的,例如be allergic to对某事或某物过敏; sensible理智的; infected被感染的。故选B。12. 单选题That trade protection hurts the economy of the country that imposes it is one of the oldest but still most startling insights economics has to offer. The idea dates back to the origin of economic science itself. Adam Smiths The Wealth of Nations, which gave birth to economics, already contained the argument for free trade: by specializing in production instead of producing everything, each nation would profit from free trade. In international economics it is the direct counterpart to the idea that people within a national economy will be better off if they specialize at what they do best instead of trying to be self-sufficientIt is important to distinguish between the cases for free trade for oneself and the case for free trade for all. The former is an argument for free trade to improve one nations own welfare (the national-efficiency” argument). The latter is an argument for free trade to improve every trading countrys welfare (the cosmopolitan-efficiency argument).Underlying both cases is the assumption that free markets determine prices, but governments may distort market prices by, for example, subsidizing production or governments may protect intellectual property inadequately, causing underproduction of new knowledge.The cosmopolitan-efficiency case for free trade is relevant to questions such as the design of international trade regimes. The national-efficiency case for free trade concerns national trade policies; it is, in fact, Adam Smiths case for free trade. Economists typically have the national-efficiency case in mind when they talk of the advantage of free trade and of the folly of protectionism.The trade policy of the United States today is premised on a different assessment: that indeed U.S. markets can, and should, be closed as a means of opening new markets abroad. This premise underlies sections 301 through 310 of the 1988 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act. These provisions permit, and sometimes even require, the U.S. government to force other countries into accepting new trade obligations by threatening tariff retaliation if they do not. But those ”trade obligations do not always entail free trade. They can, for instance, take the form of voluntary quotas on exports of certain goods to the United States. Thus, they may simply force weak nations to redirect their trade in ways that strong nations desire, cutting away at the principle that trade should be guided by market prices. Much economic analysis shows that in the past 20 years U.S. fair trade mechanisms turned increasingly into protectionist instruments used unfairly against foreign competition.1.The author mentions that its true of Adam Smith that he argued that ( ).2.The national-efficiency and the “cosmopolitan-efficiency” argument rest on the assumption that( ) .3.According to the passage, all of the following are true EXCEPT the argument that( ) .4.The author is most critical of( ).5.The best statement to summarize the authors argument would be( ) .问题1选项A.protectionism in international trade was bad.B.specialization was good, which led others to advocate free trade.C.due to “cosmopolitan-efficiency” free trade was desirableD.free trade must also be fair trade.问题2选项A.free trade allows for self sufficiency.B.prices are the same in each trading nationC.market production is completely unregulated by the governments.D.prices arent being affected by governments policies.问题3选项A.the U.S. has not adhered to the principle of free trade in practice.B.the U.S. often uses the threat of punishment for its own advantage.C.voluntary quotas are desirable alternatives to protectionism.D.Fair trade” policies are often just disguised forms of protectionism.问题4选项A.the national efficiency argument.B.the cosmopolitan efficiency argument.C.the government of the U.S.D.the 1988 Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act.问题5选项A.free trade is desirable but its theory is not generally accepted.B.US trade policy goes against the wisdom of economists.C.protectionism is folly for a number of reasons.D.the U.S. is being unfair in its foreign policies.【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:C第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.细节题。第一段指出:.already contained the argument for free trade: by specializing in production instead of producing everything, each nation would profit from free trade (专营某一类产品而不是所有的产品,每个国家都将会从自由贸易中获利)。2.细节题。 第三段指出: Underlying both cases is the assumption that free markets determine prices (以上两种是基于自由市场决定价格这一假设)。3.细节题。文章最后一句话:Much economic analysis shows that in the past20 years U.S. fair trade mechanisms turned increasingly into protectionist instruments used unfairly against foreign competition(过去20 年间,美国所谓 的“公平贸易”机制已日益转变为美国实施不公平外贸竞争的保护工具。故可知 A项(美国在实践中没有坚持自由贸易原则)、D 项(公平贸易政策往往只是伪装成保护主义的形式)符合文章内容,排除。第四段:.the U.S. government to force other countries into accepting new trade obligations by threatening tariff retaliation if they do not. 美国通过恐吓式的关税报复方式,迫使其他国家接受其新的贸易政策。由此可知,B项(美国经常出于自身利益而使用惩罚威胁)符合文章内容,排除。由此可以推断C正确。4.推断题。文章指出: 美国现行的贸易政策是以不同评估标准为前提, 这一前提是依据1988年通过的贸易和竞争力综合法案 第 301 条至 310 条规定。这些规定使得美国可以通过恐吓式的关税报复方式,迫使其他国家接受其新的贸易政策。因此推测D项正确。5.主旨大意题。B项(美国的贸易政策违背了经济学)比较能概括全文主旨。13. 翻译题从我1992年第一次到中国访问至今,中国经历了巨大的变化。中国经济的发展和 开放可以被视为20世纪末至21世纪初最令人激动和振奋的事。在这期间,中国接受了 与其自身经济发展状况相适应的条件后成功地加入了世界贸易组织,并根据入世协议的 规定逐步地开放市场。家乐福集团曾一直在欧盟内坚决支持中国加入世界贸易组织。中 国不仅已成为跨国公司全球业务发展的重要组成部分,而且越来越成为众多国际性大企业业务发展的首选。中国正在逐步发展成为新的世界制造业基地。同时中国也迅速地由 一个潜在的巨大消费市场变成一个真正的快速发展的大市场。随着中国制造业领域成功 地引进大量外资,如何进一步开放和发展服务业,以配合经济发展,特别是充分满足收入日益增长的广大消费者和多样化的世界消费市场的需要,已成为确保中国经济能够保持持续快速稳定发展的关键。不仅如此,面对农业规模化和集约化的不断发展以及人口增长所带来的巨大就业压力,如何促进服务业的发展,正成为中国政府制定和实施宏观经济政策的一个重要课题。【答案】Since I first visited to China in 1992, great changes have taken place here. Since China adopted the reform and opening up policy in 1978, the international community witnessed Chinese economic growth which has been recognized as the most inspiring matter from the end of 20th century to the early of 21st century. Boosting economic growth on basis of its national conditions, China was entitled to enter into the World Trade Organization,and gradually opened its markets under Chinas accession agreement with the WTO. Carrefour has always been supporting China to join WTO. Now more and more multi-national enterprises describe China as a priority in their foreign investment policies. So China will emerge as new manufacturing base in the world and is undergoing the transformation from tremendously potential consumer market into rapidly grown, big one. As manufacturing industry successfully attracted a large number of foreign capital, it has become the crucial factor for China to maintain sustai


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