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2022年考博英语-陕西师范大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题Americans are people obsessed with child-rearing. In their books, magazines, talk shows, parent training courses, White House conferences, and chats over the back fence, they endlessly debate the best ways to raise children. Moreover, Americans do more than debate their theories; they translate them into action. They erect playgrounds for the youngsters pleasure, equip large schools for their education, and train skilled specialists for their welfare. Whole industries in America are devoted to making children happy, healthy and wise.But this interest in childhood is relatively new. In fact, until very recently people considered childhood just a brief, unimportant prelude to adulthood and the real business of living. By and large, they either ignored children, beat them, or fondled them carelessly, much as we would amuse ourselves with a lot of puppies. When they gave serious thought to children at all, people either conceived of them as miniature adults or as peculiar, unformed animals.Down through the ages the experiences of childhood have been as varied as its duration. Actions that would have provoked a beating in one era elicit extra loving care in another. Babies who have been nurtured exclusively by their mothers in one epoch are left with day-care workers in another. In some places children have been trained to straddle unsteady canoes, negotiate treacherous mountain passes, and carry heavy bundles on their heads. In other places they have been taught complicated piano concerti and long multiplication tables.But diverse as it has been, childhood has one common experience at its core and that is the social aspect of nurture. All children need adults to bring them up. Because human young take so long to become independent, we think that civilization may have grown up around the need to feed and protect them. Certainly, from the earliest days of man, adults have made provision for the children in their midst.1. The present day American obsession with child-rearing has().2. Children in the past were ill-treated or petted because they were().3. How have childhood experiences varied?4. According to the author, children().5. What is the authors attitude to developments in the perception of childhood?问题1选项A.resulted in ineffectual actionB.initiated pointless discussionsC.had wide-ranging resultsD.produced endless theories问题2选项A.ignorant of adult lifeB.seen as uninterestingC.considered of no importanceD.conceived of as having animal natures问题3选项A.Children have been alternately beaten and loved through the ages.B.There have been differences in child rearing in different epochs.C.Parents have increasingly taken control of their childrens nurturing.D.In some places physical training has given way to encouraging creativity.问题4选项A.need intensive adult nurturingB.are the instigators of civilizationC.remain physically dependent until adulthoodD.have common social experiences问题5选项A.CynicalB.IndifferentC.PositiveD.Neutral【答案】第1题:C第2题:C第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.考查细节事实题。文章第一段介绍了美国人对于幼儿教育的态度,根据原文“Moreover, Americans do more than debate their theories; they translate them into action.”可知,美国人不仅仅辩论他们的理论,而且也采取行动。因此,C项had wide-ranging results“有广泛的结果”符合题意,故本题选C。2.考查细节事实题。根据文章第二段中的In fact, until very recently people considered childhood just a brief, unimportant prelude to adulthood and the real business of living.可知,事实上,不久前人们只把儿童时期看作是一个简短且不重要的人生阶段。直到现在,幼儿教育才开始引起重视。因此,C项为正确答案。3.考查细节事实题。根据文章第三段Down through the ages the experiences of childhood have been as varied as its duration. Actions that would have provoked a beating in one era elicit extra loving care in another可知,不同时期的大人们在抚养儿童上的态度和方法上也会不同。因此,B项为正确答案。4.推理判断题。根据文章最后一段中Because human youngtake so long to become independent,we think that civilization may have grown up around the need to feed and protect them可知,文化的进步源于对孩子的培养和保护,所以,孩子在一定程度上推动了文化的进步。因此,B项为正确答案。5.观点态度题。文章主要讲述了美国人对孩子的教育由从以前的不重视转为现在的非常重视,并且采取了一系列的相关措施。因此,作者对这一转变持有积极的态度。A项为讽刺的,B项为漠视的,C项为积极的,D项为中立的。因此,C项为正确答案。2. 单选题All individuals are required to_to the laws made by their governments.问题1选项A.abideB.conformC.concedeD.observe【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项abide“接受,遵照”,后面常接介词by;B选项conform“顺从,遵守,符合”;C选项concede“承认,允许”;D选项observe“观察”,observe表示“遵守”时,是及物动词,不与to搭配。根据the laws可知B选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:所有人都必须遵守本国政府制定的法律。3. 单选题“Johns ()was irritating. He was reluctant even to buy bread”问题1选项A.jealousyB.sorenessC.luckD.parsimony【答案】D【解析】考查形容词辨析。根据后半句He was reluctant even to buy bread.(他甚至连买个面包都很不情愿)可知,他是相当吝啬。A选项为“嫉妒”;B选项为“悲伤,痛苦”;C选项为“幸运”;D项“吝啬的,过度节俭”,因此,D项是正确答案。4. 单选题Even as a girl,_to be her life, and theater audiences were to be her best teachers.问题1选项A.performing by Melissa wereB.it was known that Melissas performances wereC.knowing that Melissas performances wereD.Melissa knew that performing was【答案】D【解析】考查句子结构与同位语。分析句子结构,可知and为连词,后面接的是一个完整的句子,因此and前也应为一个句子,空格处缺少主语,根据Even as a girl可知a girl是主语的同位语,因此D选项符合语法和句式要求。句意:即使是个小女孩时,梅丽莎就知道表演是她的生命,而剧院的观众是她最好的老师。5. 单选题Chris told us to hand inour term paper next Monday.问题1选项A.to write our paper by handB.to submitC.to correctD.to proof-read【答案】B【解析】考查动词短语词义辨析。题目中hand in表示“提交,递交;呈送;上交”,A选项为“手写论文”;B选项为“提交;呈送”;C选项为“改正”;D选项表示“校对”。句意:克丽丝告诉我们,下周一要交学期论文。因此,根据句意可知正确答案是B选项。6. 单选题Starting with the_that there is life on the planet Mars, the scientist went on to develop his argument.问题1选项A.premiseB.pretextC.foundationD.presentation【答案】A【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项premise“前提,假定”;B选项pretext“借口,托词”;C选项foundation“地基,基础”;D选项presentation“提交,展示”。根据that引导的同位语从句“火星上有生命”可知选A。句意:从火星上有生命这一前提出发,这位科学家继续深入他的论点。7. 单选题There are several possible explanations for the great job stability in South Korea the great mobility in the United States.问题1选项A.contrary toB.in regard toC.in contrast toD.with respect to【答案】C【解析】短语搭配题。A选项contrary to与相反,违反;B选项in regard to关于;C选项in contrast to 与形成对比;D选项with respect to关于,至于。句意:与美国巨大的流动性相比,朝鲜在好工作上的稳定性有几种可能的解释。根据句意和搭配,正确答案为C项。8. 单选题Human population growth is a menace to nonhuman life forms on our planet.问题1选项A.hindranceB.misfortuneC.catastropheD.threat【答案】D【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项hindrance n.障碍,妨碍;B misfortune n.不幸,灾祸,灾难;C选项 catastrophe n.大灾难,灾祸;D选项threaten.威胁,恐吓。句意:人口的增长是对地球上非人类生物生存的威胁。根据句意可知D项正确。9. 单选题Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when_in the middle of the Pacific, businessmen can contact their offices as if they were next door.问题1选项A.glidingB.cruisingC.pilotingD.patrolling【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项glide“滑行,滑翔”;B选项cruise“(船,飞机)航行,游行”;C选项pilot“驾驶,领航”;D选项patrol“巡逻,巡查”。根据in the middle of the Pacific可知B选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:卫星通信高度发达,即使商人在太平洋的中部航行,也可以和办公室及时联系,就好像他们在隔壁一样。10. 单选题After listening to the testimony, the members of the jury delivered their verdict.问题1选项A.decisionB.sentenceC.prosecutionD.mandate【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项decision n.决心,决定;B选项sentence n.句子,命题,宣判;C选项 prosecution n.起诉,检举;D选项mandate n.授权,命令。根据句意陪审团的成员们在听取证词后宣布了判决,因此B项符合题意。11. 单选题If no one asks any question, I_everybody understands.问题1选项A.deduceB.presumeC.pretendD.presuppose【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项deduce“推论,推断”;B选项presume“假设,认为”;C选项pretend“假装,伪装”;D选项presuppose“假设,以为前提”。根据If no one asks any question可知B选项符合逻辑搭配。句意:如果没有人问任何问题,那么我认为大家都能理解。12. 单选题_him tomorrow?问题1选项A.Why not to call onB.Why dont call onC.Why not calling onD.Why not call on【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。why not后面加动词原形,构成Why not do sth.? (为何不呢?);why do not 后面先加主语,再加动词原形,构成Why do not sb. do sth.? (某人为什么不做某事呢?)句意:为什么不明天去拜访他?13. 单选题The dog has () its affection to its new master in Chinas industries.问题1选项A.transferredB.transformedC.transportedD.transmitted【答案】A【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项transferred v.转移,转让,调动;B选项transformed v.转化,变换;C选项 transported v.运输,搬运;D选项transmitted v.传输,传送,遗传。根据动词宾语its affection可知,A项符合语义和搭配。因此,A项为正确选项。句意:小狗己经将自己的情感转移给了它的新主人。14. 单选题Please check the copy_the original before handing in.问题1选项A.withB.againstC.overD.A and B【答案】D【解析】考查固定搭配。check sth. against/with sth.表示“对照某物核对某物”,为固定搭配。根据the copy与the original可知此处表示“对照原件核对该复印件”,因此选D。句意:交上来之前请把复印件和原件核对一下。15. 单选题In the past ten years skyscrapers have developed _in Chicago and New York City.问题1选项A.homogeneouslyB.simultaneouslyC.spontaneouslyD.harmoniously【答案】B【解析】考查副词辨析。A选项homogeneously“同质地,同类地”;B选项simultaneously“同时地”;C选项spontaneously“自发地,自然地”;D选项harmoniously“和谐地”。根据 Chicago and New York City可推测在过去的十年时间里,高楼大厦应是同时在这两个城市耸立,因此选B。句意:在过去的十年里,芝加哥和纽约的高楼大楼同时耸立起来。16. 单选题Even when textbooks are _through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.问题1选项A.commonplaceB.standardizedC.competitiveD.generalized【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项commonplace“平凡的,普通的”;B选项standardized“标准化的”;C选项competitive“竞争的,比赛的”;D选项generalized“普遍的,广泛的”。根据Even可知空格与vary greatly的意思相反,因此选B。句意:即使教科书通过学校系统标准化,教学方法也可能有很大的不同。17. 单选题They have always regarded a man of_and fairness as a reliable friend.问题1选项A.robustnessB.temperamentC.integrityD.compactness【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项robustness“结实,健壮”;B选项temperament“性情,气质”;C选项integrity“诚实,正直”;D选项compactness“紧密,简洁”。根据并列连词and可知空格处与fairness(公正)的意思接近,因此选C。句意:他们一直把正直和公正的人视为可靠的朋友。18. 单选题People say that John Smith is very eccentric.问题1选项A.neatB.nervousC.oddD.proud【答案】C【解析】 Normal 0 7.8 磅 0 2 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE 考查形容词词义辨析。题目中eccentric为“古怪的(人);反常的” A选项为“整洁的;干净的”;B选项为 “神经的;紧张不安的”;C选项为“古怪的;临时的;奇数的”;D选项为“自豪的;得意的”。由句意可知,人们说约翰斯密斯是个非常古怪的。因此,正确答案是C项。 19. 单选题The of woman to man at our university is about five to four.问题1选项A.rateB.proportionC.portionD.percentage【答案】B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项rate n.比率,率,等级;B选项proportion n.比例,占比,面积;C选项portion n. 部分,份数;D选项percentage n.百分比,百分数。根据搭配,proportion. to.表示“(两者)比例”,因此,B 项为正确答案。20. 单选题Tourism has also been greatly_the rapid development of some developing nations.问题1选项A.lain inB.consisted inC.responsible forD.accounted for【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A选项lay in“储备,储存”;B选项consist in“在于,由组成”;C选项responsible for“为负责,是造成的原因”;D选项account for“说明(原因、理由等)”,一般用于主动语态。句意:旅游业一直也是一些发展中国家的快速发展的主要原因。


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