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湖南省浏阳一中- 高一英语6月段考试题Part 1: Listening 20)SECTION ADirections: In this section, youll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices. Listen to the conversation carefully and then answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter(A,B or C) on the question booklet.Youll hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 1When did the man buy the hat?A. Last week B. Last month C. Last year2. How many hats has the man got?A. Two B. Three C. FourConversation 2How often does the man go to his aunts?A. Almost once a week B. Almost twice a week C. Every Saturday4. What does he usually do for his aunt?A. He talks with her B. He takes her to the doctors C. He helps her go shoppingConversation 35. Which country are the speakers in?A. Canada B. America C. Britain 6. Why does the woman want to leave?A. She wants to live in a big city B. She needs rest C. She wants to travelConversation 47. What did the man do yesterday?A. He watched a football game B. He studied hard at homeC. He sat for an exam8. How has the man done in the important exams?A. Badly B. So-so C. Very well9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student B. Mother and son C. FriendsConversation 510. What does the man think of last winter?A. It was clear and dry B. It was cold C. It was nice11. Which season was the most beautiful season last year?A. Autumn B. Spring C. Summer12. Which month is it most likely now?A. March B. June C. JanuaryConversation 613. Which shirt will the woman buy?A. The red one B. The blue one C. The black one14. How much will she pay?A. $67.89 B. $16.89 C15. Whats the womans address?A. 1796 Himes Street B. 7196 Himes Street C. 1769 Himes StreetSECTION BDirections: In this section, you will hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information youve got. Fil in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS.You will hear the mini-talk TWICE.Animal InformationWhaleA new-born baby whale weighs as much as a big 16 CatCats can survive 17 from very high places.BearA bear can run as fast as a horse.Panda A new-born panda is smaller than a(n) 18 ElephantElephants often show their 19 by touching each others body.WolfUsually wolves do not attack people and they usually stay 20 .Part 2: Grammar (Multiple choice) (115)21. -What do you think is the most important to make a good advertisement? - Mm, in my opinion, it should _ the customers interest firstA. appeal to B. figure out C. look into D. think out22. -I called you last night, but nobody answered the phone. -Sorry, _. A. I must be sleep at that moment. B. I must sleep at that moment. C. I must have been asleep at that moment. D. I must fallen asleep at that moment.23. He told us that he would come to see us _.A. tomorrow B. yesterday C. the next day D. the day before24. He will give the dictionary to _ needs it most.A. who B. whom C. whoever D. anyone25.- Is Bob still performing?-Im afraid not. He is said to _ the stage already since he became an official.A. leave B. left C. have left D. have been left26. It was _ back home after the experiment.A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didnt goC. until midnight when he go D. not until midnight that he went27. On the top of the hill _.A. stand a famous temple B. stands a famous temple C a famous temple stand D a famous temple sat28. -Could I borrow your dictionary? -Yes, of course you _.A. could B. can C. might D. should29. I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I _ it out for her.A. had to write B. might have writtenC. should have written D. ought to write30. - Are you going to Jeffs party? - Im not sure. I _ go to the concert instead.A. must B. would C. might D. should31. Tell Steven he _ get extra pay if he finishes the task before this weekend.A. must B. shall C. should D. would32. My grandpa _ live in the countryside, but now he is used to _ in the city. A. was used to; live B. used to; livingC. is used to; living D. used to; be living33. - Why did Sarah cry just now? - She wanted a toy, _ I cant afford.A. it B. one C. that D. what34.We _ him to give up smoking, but he wouldnt listen to us.A. suggested B. demanded C. tried to persuade D. persuaded35. While traveling, I couldnt _ because of my poor French.A. get myself across B. figure myself outC. get myself out D. take myself along Part 3: Close text SECTION A (1.512) Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.One day while driving from my home to work, I noticed a car in front of me had a wobbly (摆动的) wheel. It was clear that the wheel had been changed recently and had not been 36 correctly. On a slow road this would not show much of a problem but I knew a highway was coming 37 . There the traffic would move much faster and the driver would be in danger 38 the wheel could come off at that speed.I was driving a large jeep at the time and the 39 in front was a small one driven by a young lady on her own. So as I 40 to flash my lights and wave her to pull over, I was 41 that she wouldnt pull over on the road side when she found in her mirror a single man chasing(追) her down in a jeep and 42 anxiously for her to pull over.Thankfully, she trusted more in the good nature of people and pulled over where I could 43 the problem. She said the wheel was changed only the night before and that she would pull into the next garage (修车间) where the 44 had tools to fix the wheel correctly.My belief is that the act of kindness was 45 and not mine. How so? Well, it was she who chose to believe in the possibility that people are good over the belief that 46 things would come from being waved over to the side of the road by strangers.I am glad I was able to wave her down in time and so a serious accident might have been 47 . But I am even happier that she believed in a stranger.36. A. madeB. fixedC. tiedD. kept37. A. alreadyB. soonC. againD. back38. A. asB. ifC. though D. when39. A. shipB. busC. truckD. car40. A. agreedB. waitedC. triedD. continued41. A. satisfiedB. surprisedC. worriedD. disappointed42. A. shoutingB. cryingC. wavingD. speaking43. A. explainB. tellC. sayD. talk44. A. driverB. ladyC. writerD. repairman45. A. hisB. yoursC. theirsD. hers46. A. badB. carelessC. goodD. brave47. A. reportedB. happenedC. formedD. avoidedSECTION B (8 )Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Dear Xiaohua, Im very glad to receive your letter. From your letter I know you have shown a great interest 48._ inventing new things. Thats great. As for how to be an inventor, there is no quick answer to 49._.Coming from different cultures and having different backgrounds, inventors dont seem to have much 50._ common. But creative thinking, 51._ is greatly valued, is perhaps the basic skill an inventor should have. In order 52 _ explore new possibilities, you will have to learn to break away from old thought patterns. When you get stuck, try to look at the problem in 53._ many ways as possible. Each new way may improve your understanding.More importantly, always keep it in mind 54._ success is no accident. It is the result of a long process of trial and error. Above 55._, the main task for you is to study hard and try to learn more knowledge. This, of course, will lay a solid foundation.Hope your future invention will make a difference.Good luck!Yours,Wang LiPart 4 Reading comprehension (215)Directions: Read the following passages, and choose the best answer to each question according to the passages.AAn elderly couple lived far away from their children. They noticed that they were beginning to forget many little things around the house. They were afraid that this could be perilous, as one of them might forget to turn off the stove火炉and thus cause a fire.They were so worried that they decided to see their doctor to get some help. Their doctor told them that it was unnecessary to take medicine and that many people of their age found it useful to write themselves little notes as reminders. The elderly couple thought this wonderful, and left the doctors office very pleased with the advice.When they got home, the wife said, “Dear, will you please go to the kitchen and get me a dish of ice cream? And why dont you write that down so you wont forget?“Dont be silly, said the husband. “I can remember a dish of ice cream!“Well, said the wife, “Id also like some strawberries on it. You should write that down, because I know youll forget.“Come now, my memorys not that bad, replied the husband. “A dish of ice cream and some strawberries. I can remember that!And with that, the husband shut the kitchen door behind him. The wife could hear him getting out pots and pans, and making some noise, preparing the dish. He came out of the kitchen about 15 minutes later.Walking over to his wife, he presented her with a plate of fried eggs.The wife took a look at the plate, glanced up at her husband and said, “Hey, wheres the toast(烤面包片)?56. The underlined word “perilous in the first paragraph can be replaced by “_.A. infectiousB. dangerousC. excitingD. amazing57. The couple was worried about_.A. their bad health B. their lonely lifeC. their dangerous stove D. their poor memory58. What was the doctors advice to the couple?A. Writing things down.B. Taking some medicine.C. Reminding each other.D. Asking other elderly people for help.59. What did the couple think of the doctors advice?A. It was easy to follow.B. It sounded useful.C. It was unnecessary. D. It sounded a little silly.60. What do we know from the wifes words in the last paragraph?A. The husband did a good job in fact.B. The husband forgot to prepare the toast.C. The wife forgot what she wanted to eat.D. The wife had a better memory than the husband.BSome students get so nervous before an exam that they do poorly even if they know the material. Sian Beilock, a psychology(心理学) professor at the University of Chicago, has studied these highly anxious exam-takers.“They start worrying about the results. They might even start worrying about whether this exam is going to prevent them from getting into the college they want. And when we worry, it actually uses up attention and memory resources that you could otherwise be using to focus on the exam, says Sian Beilock.The researchers tested the idea on a group of 20 anxious college students. They gave them two short math exams. After the first one, they asked the students to either sit quietly or write about their feelings about the coming second exam.The researchers added to the pressure. They told the students that those who did well on the second exam would get money. They also told them that their performance would affect other students as part of a team effort.Professor Beilock says those who sat quietly scored an average of 20% worse on the second exam. But the students who had written about their fears improved their performance表现 by an average of 5%.Next, the researchers used younger students in a biology class. They told them before final exams either to write about their feelings or to think about things unrelated to the exam. Professor Beilock says highly anxious students who wrote about their feelings got an average grade of B+, compared with a Bfor those who did not.But what can they do if students do not have a chance to write about their fears immediately before an exam or presentation? Professor Beilock says students can try it themselves at home or in the library and they can still improve their performance.61. In which paragraph does the author introduce the background(背景) of his study? A. In the last paragraph.B. In the second paragraph. C. In the third paragraphD. In the first paragraph.62. According to Sian Beilock, if you want to succeed in an exam you should _. A. focus your attention on the examB. be as serious as you can about the exam C. set clear study goals and keep themD. make a careful preparation for the exam63. We can infer推断 from the study that students who sit quietly before the exam _. A. are more likely to get better exam results B. worry more about the exam in their mind C. have a positive attitude towards exam results D. have a strong will to be successful in the exam64. The underlined word “it in the last paragraph refers to “_. A. looking for a chance B. preparing for the exam C. writing about the feelings D. taking the exam65. If a student writes about his feelings before an exam, he _. A. will improve his exam result B. can keep a good memory of the examC. will get support from his teachers D. will forget what he has prepared for the examCI travel a lot, and I find out different styles (风格) of directions every time I ask How can I get to the post office?Foreign tourists are often confused (困惑) in Japan because most streets there dont have names in Japan. People use landmarks (地标) in their directions instead of street names. For example, the Japanese will say to travelers, Go straight down to the corner. Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market. The post office is across from the bus stop.In the countryside of the American Midwest, there are not usually many landmarks. There are no mountains, so the land is very flat; in many places there are no towns or buildings within miles. Instead of landmarks, people will tell you directions and distances. In Kansas or Iowa, for example, people will say, Go north two miles. Turn east, and then go another mile.People in Los Angeles, California, have no idea of distance on the map; they measure distance in time, not miles. How far away is the post office? you ask. Oh, they answer, its about five minutes from here. You say, Yes, but how many miles away is it? They dont know.Its true that a person doesnt know the answer to your question sometimes. What happens in such a situation? A New Yorker might say, Sorry, I have no idea. But in Yucatan, Mexico, no one answers I dont know. People in Yucatan believe that I dont know is impolite. They usually give an answer, often a wrong one. A tourist can get very, very lost in Yucatan!66. When a tourist asks the Japanese the way to a certain place they usually _.A. describe the place carefullyB. show him a map of the placeC. tell him the names of the streetsD. refer to recognizable buildings and places67. What is the place where people measure distance in time?A. New York. B. Los Angeles. C. Kansas. D. Iowa.68. People in Yucatan may give a tourist a wrong answer _A. in order to save time B. as a test C. so as to be polite D. for fun69. Which sentence is true according to the text? A. There is no street names in Japan. B. There is no landmarks in the countryside of American. C. People in Yucatan always give wrong answers when asked the way. D. People in Los Angeles measure distance in time, not miles when asked the way. 70. What can we infer from the text?A. Its important for travelers to understand cultural differences.B. Its useful for travelers to know how to ask the way properly.C. People have similar (相似的) understandings of politeness.D. New Yorkers are generally friendly to visitors.Part 5 Writing (45 marks)Section A (10 marks) Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Chinese are very generous(慷慨的) when it comes to educating their children. Parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad. They also want their children to take extra -course activities. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is. So parents will spend unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter.As a result, parents can see that their children have some skills that others dont have. And their children will probably do better in study in the future.But the problem is that parents are not educating them the most important skills they needto be confident, happy and clever in life.In fact, the best education can also be very cheap. Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking needs patience and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and finish his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of confidence.Besides, some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play with will make him curious and arouse(激发) his interest. Your child might become an engineer when he grows up. These activities are not only teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important. Parents belief the72._ they spend on education, the better. Phenomena(现象)1. sending children to the best schools or abroad2. l3. 74._for children even if they are poor1. childrens skills different from others 2. childrens performance in study in the future 76._ childrens lack of 7_ and cleverness. Solutions1. teaching children 79._ such as cooking, sewing and doing other housework2. letting children play with old machines to arouse their 80._ SECTION B (10 marks) Directions: Read the following passage, answer the questions according to theinformation given in the passage.March 22nd every year has been the World Water Day since 1993. Everyone knows that over 70% of our planet is covered with water, but do you know that only 3% of the water is fresh and less than 1% of this fresh water is available for human use?Water shortageThe World Bank reports that 80 countries now have water shortages, while 40% of the more than 2 billion people, have no access to clean water. Fresh water is such a life-or-death issue(问题) in many parts of the world that every eight seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water.How to save waterTurn off the tap while you brush you teeth in the morning and before bedtime, and you can save up to 8 gallons of water! That adds up to more than 200 gallons a


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