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GSM协议栈设计结构1 Architecture of GSMPALControl informationSignaling information2 CC2.1 SummaryIn GSM protocol, both SS protocol and CC protocol are sub-protocol of CM protocol. The CC en tity uses box to com muni cate with API, MM and RR. Each CC en tity shall com mun icate with the corresp ondent peer en tity using its own MM connection.2.2 Object Model DiagramIn CC module, differe nt CC con text n eeds in terwork with others, so all CC con text are orga ni zed in a queue. Every CC con text will man age a call.2.3 Objects DescriptionThe functions of CC entity as following:Call establishme nt procedures;Call cleari ng procedures;Call in formati on phase procedures;Miscella neous procedures.DTMF man age;User no tificati on;In call Modify man age;CRSS fun ctio n man age.2.4 CC State ChartFSM stateCC stateDescribeU0CC U0No call existsU01CC_U01MM Conn ecti on pending. This state exists for a mobile orig in at ing call, whe n the mobile statio n requests the establishme nt of a MM connection.U1CC U1CC has send SETUPCC U3CC has received CALL PROCEEDINGCC U4CC has received ALERTU6CC U6MS has received SETUPU8CC U8MS has sent CONNECT.U9CC U9MShas sent CALL CONFIRMU9CC U7MS has sent ALERTINGU10CC U26MO modifyi ng.CC U27MT modifyi ng.CC_U10The call active, refer U26, U27, REESET.REESETMM conn ecti on is disc onn ected and just reestablish ing, the CC U10.U11CC_U11This state exists when the mobile station has requested the network to clear the en d-to-e nd connection (if any) and is wait ing for a resp on se.U12CC_U12This state exists when the mobile station has received an invitation to disconnect because the network has disconnected the end-to-endconnection (if any).U19CC_U19This state exists when the MS has requested the network to release and is wait ing for a resp on se.GENEDifferent CC state will do same respond to message will deal in virtual FSM state GENE.Call states at the mobile stati on side of the in terfaceThe states which may exist on the mobile statio n side of the radio in terface are defi ned in this clause.NOTE:States U0.1, U0.2, U0.3, U0.4, U0.5, U0.6, U26, and U27 are GSM specific. All otherstates are ITU-T defi ned.U0000000NullNo call existsU0.1000010MMConn ectionpendingThis state exists for amobile originating call, when themobile station requests the establishment of a MM connectionU1000001Call in itiatedThis state exists for a mobile originating call, when the MS requests call establishment from the networkU3000011Mobileorig in ati ngcall proceedi ngThis state exists for a mobile orig in at ing call whe n the mobile stati on has received ack no wledgeme nt that the network has received all call information necessary to effect call establishme nt.U4000100Call deliveredThis state exists for amobile originating call, when thecalling mobile station has received an indication that remote user alert ing has bee n in itiatedU6000110Call prese ntthis state exists for a mobile term in ati ng call whe n the mobile station has received a call establishment request but has not yet resp on ded.U7000111Call receivedThis state exists for a mobile term in ati ng call whe n the mobile station has indicated alerting but has not yet an sweredU8001000Connect RequestThis state exists for a mobile term in ati ng call, whe n the mobile stati on has an swered the call and is wait ing to be awarded the callU9001001Mobileterm in ati ngcall con firmedThis state exists for a mobile term in ati ng call whe n the mobile stati on has sent ack no wledgeme nt that the mobile station has received all call information necessary to effect call establishme ntU10001010ActiveThis state exists for a mobile term in ati ng call whe n the MS has an swered the call. This state exists for a mobile originating call when the MS has received an indication that the remote user has an swered the callU11001011Disc onnect requestThis state exists when the mobile station has requested the network to clear the end-to-end connection (if any) and is wait ing for a resp on se.U12001100Disc onnect in dicati onThis state exists when the mobile station has received an invitationto disconnect because the network hasdisc onn ected the en d-to-e nd connection (if an y).U19010011Release requestThis state exists when the MS has requested the network to release and is wait ing for a resp on se.U26011010Mobileorig in ati ngmodifyThis state exists when the mobile station has sent a request to the network for a new mode but has not yet received an an swer.U27011011Mobileterm in ati ngmodifyThis state exists when the mobile station has received a request from the n etwork for a new mode and has not yet sent a resp onse to this request.3 SS3.1 SummaryIn GSM protocol, SS protocol is a sub-protocol of CM protocol. The SS entity uses box to com mun icate with API and MM. Each SS en tity shall com muni cate with the corresp ondent peer en tity using its own MM connection.3.2 Object Model DiagramIn MS, different SS entity needs know other SS entities, so all SS entities are organized in a queue,Every SS en tity describes in protocol is mapped to a SS con text.3.3 Objects DescriptionThe functions of SS entity as following:SS Interrogate for Line ID,CF,CB,CW;CF register, Erasure;CF,CB Activate, Deactivate;CB PasswordRegiste;USSD ma nage.4 SMS4.1 SummaryMMPMMCNote:In GSM mode, SM_CL use MM en tity to commi nute. In GPRS mode, use MMP.SMS_CB will performed by CB module.4.2 Object Model Diagram4.3 Objects DescriptionSMS module will perform the function of SM RL and SM RL, it combine the SMS entity and GSMS entity.A SMR entity communicates with A SMR entity in the SMC, give the SM_TL capability to exchange SM_TL message.SMC entity is in CM sublayer, carrying SMR data.SM_TL : SMS sending and MEMORY AVAILABLE notify, SMS receiving and STATUS REPORT receiving, alphabet supporting, saving message to SIM and reading message from SIM, contact SMS.5 MMAbbreviationArfcn The absolute RF channel numberCM Connection ManagementCKSN Ciphering Key Sequence NumberFSMFiniteState MachineGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceIMSIInternational Mobile Subscriber IdentityKc Ciphering keyLAC Location Area CodeLAI Location Area IdentityLAN LocalArea NetworkLLC Low Layer CompatibilityMMMobile ManagementMMC Circuit Switch MMMMPPacket Switch MMOSI Open System InterconnectionRRRadio Resource ManagementSIM Subscriber Identity ModuleTMSI Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity5.1 SummaryMobile managementsublayer locate in Level 3 of protocol stack, and middle of Level 3。 The main function of the Mobility Management sublayer is to support the mobility of user terminals, such as informing the network of its present location and providing user identity confidentiality.A further function of the MM sublayer is to provide connection management services to the different entities of the upper Connection Management (CM) sublayer.All the MM procedures described in this clause can only be performed if a RR connection has been established between the MS and the network. Else, the MM sublayer has to initiate the establishment of a RR connection.In Figure2.1.1 An overview of the MM sublayer protocol architecture in GSM/GPRS protocol is given.APISNDCPSMSCMRRLLCGRRFigure Object Model DiagramMM sublayer in cludes two objects MMC and MMP. MM sublayer is a en tity. The con tacts betwee n MM en tity and other en tity arefollowed in Figure 2.2.1Figure Objects DescriptionThe object MMC fulfills the following procedure:1) MM common procedures:Initiated by the network:- TMSI reallocation procedure;- authentication procedure;- identification procedure;- MM information procedure;- abort procedure.Initiated by the mobile station:- IMSI detach procedure.ii) MM specific procedures:- normal location updating procedure;- periodic updating procedure;- IMSI attach procedure.iii) MM connection management procedures:These procedures are used to establish, maintain and release a MM connection between the mobile station and the network, over which an entity of the upper CM layer can exchange information with its peer. A MM connection establishment can only be performed if no MM specific procedure is running. More than one MM connection may be active at the same time.5.4 state chartMMC Finite State Machine is made of 7 state 。 MMC_GENEState deals with some message that need to be treated withwhereas dont treated with in 6 normal state.6 normal state is :MMC_NULL MMC_IDLE MMC_WRRC MMC_WNKRMMC_CNTDMMC_WNKCinitiative state. power on , MM stand in the state 。 idle state, MM start all procedure in the state 。 state that wait the RR connection response. state that wait the network response message.MM connected 。 No less than one connection have been established.state that wait the network command.6 RR6.1 RRISXRSystem eXecutive Real timeFSMFiniteState MachineRRDRadio Resource Dedicated modeRRIRadio Resource Idle modeRRI_PRadio Resource Idle mode PLMN SelectionRRI_CRadio Resource Idle mode Cell SelectionL1Layer 1 of GSM/GPRS systemMMLAPMobile Man ageme ntLink Access Protocol6.1.1 SummaryRRI module is part of Radio Resource Man age, main fun ctio n is resp on sible for PLMN selectio n, Cell selecti on. Cell reselecti on, all System Message received and Measureme nt Report sen t. It s positi oning in GSM protocol stack as below:Figure 1 RRI location in stack6.1.2 Object Model DiagramThe RRI have two objects, which implement different functions with independent finite state mach ine. The relati on ship betwee n two objects (RRI_C and RRI_P) and the other exter n objects displays in the figure below.Figure 1 RRI OMD6.1.3 Objects DescriptionThe object RRI_P completes the following functions:Automatic and manual PLMN selection.Select designated PLMN.PLMN reselection procedure.PLMN selection mode setting.Report available PLMN list.The object RRI_C completes the following functions: Normal cell selection.Normal reselection.Neighbour cellsynchronizationprocedure.Plmn scan procedure.Cell changed in connected mode.Acquisition of system information on BCCH and PBCCH. Received system information on DCCH.Measurements control and reporting. Forwarding of paging information to MM layer. Sending quality report.6.1.4 State chartrri_PNULL: InitState Wiat for a Start Command. rri_PWCS: Wait for a Cell from CSel. Psel has sent a Search to Csel and is waiting for it. rri_PCAMP: PSel is camped on a the selected Plmn.rri_PLTD: Limited Service state. rri_PNSVC: No service is detected sleep with a awake timer. rri_PCONN: In Connected Mode some restriction for MMI fucntion apply.rri_CNULL: InitialState. Can only receive a request fron PSel to start search a Plmn. rri_CRSSI: RSSI measurements are requested and Result is Waited( for initial Cell selection). rri_CSYNCHR: Wait for a possible Synchro on a Cell. L1 will report the first possible synchro when found.rri_CSVERIF: Wait for receiveing All Sysinfo for Selecting a Cell. rri_CRVERIF: Wait for receiveing All Sysinfo for reselectiong a Cell. rri_CCAMPED: Camped on a Main Cell (can be on Any cell ie Emergency only). rri_CRESEL: Current serving Cell is not suitable any more. Wait for other cell information to be able to switch Cell.rri_CCONN: MS has engaged a circuit swicth connexion. Reselection is prohibited here. rri_CENDCO: MS has Terminated the circuit swicth connexion. Trys to select the Cell on witch we last werein Connected.6.2 RRDwith621 SummaryIn the GSM/GPRS stack, RRD is under MM , and up LAP and L1. RRD provides MM services of RR connection establishme nt , man ageme nt and data tran smitt ing.RRD is short for RR in dedicated mode .RRD commu nicates with MM , LAP and L1 with mailboxesFig below describes RRD s position in stackRRD in stack6.2.2 Object Model DiagramIn practice , RRD module is mapped as one RRD in sta nee. See RRD OMD Fig 2 below.oMmOMD of RRD6.2.3 Object DescriptionRRD procedures provide the following services: :1. establishment/release of multiframe mode on data link layer connections;2. transfer of messages on any data link layer connection;3. indication of temporary unavailability of transmission (suspension, resuming);4. indication of loss of RR connection5. handover to maintain the RR connection;6. setting/change of the transmission mode on the physical channels, including change of type of channel, change of the coding/decoding/transcoding mode and setting of ciphering;7. release of an RR connection.6.2.4 State chartWe have a state machine for RRD GSM module , and this RRD state machine has 6 state, as follows :(1) RRD_VOID : RRDs state when no connection is started or established.In this state RRD can only process a request to establish a connection(2) RRD_ACCI : RRD is accessing the PCCCH channel and waits for a channel allocation by the network(3) RRD_WCNI : RRD is waiting for the establishment of the lower layers on the initial connection(4) RRD_COND : The connection is established(5) RRD_WCNN : RRD is waiting for the establishment of the lower layers on the new connection(6) RRD_WRLS : RRD is waiting for the release of the lower layers7 LAPABMAsynchronous Balanced ModeAGCHAccess Grant ChannelBCCHBroadcast Control ChannelDCCHDedicated Control ChannelDLCIData Link Connection IdentifierDLLData Link LayerFACCHFast Associated DCCHFSMFiniteState MachineLAPDmLink Access Procedures on the Dm ChannelPCHPaging ChannelRRRadio ResourceREQRequestRESResponseSACCHSlow Associated DCCHSAPIService Access Point IdentifierSDCCHSta nd-al one DCCHUAUnnu mbered Ack no wledgeme ntUIUnnu mbered In formati on7.1 SummaryIn GSM/GPRS stack, LAP is under RR, up L1, providing reliable data transmitting for layer 3 on dedicated cha nn els.LAP has two operatio n modes: un ack no wledged operati on using UI frame, and ack no wledged operati on using multi frame.LAP com muni cates with RR by mailbox; LAP send messages to L1 by shared queues or poin ters.L1 send messages to LAP by mailbox.LAP position in the stack is as follows:RRFigure 1 LAP in stack7.2 Object Model DiagramLAP module is mapped into one object when realization, and it has two instances, SAPI0 and SAPI3. LAP object model diagram is as follows.Figure 2 LAP OMD7.3 Objects DescriptionLAPDm in eludes functions for:a) the provision of one or more data link connections on a Dm channel. Discrimination between the data link connections is by means of a data link connection identifier (DLCI);b) allowing recognition of frame types;c) allowing layer 3 message units to be passed transparently between layer 3 entities;d) sequenee control, to maintain the sequential order of frames across a data link connections;e) detection of format and operational errors on a data link;.f) flow control; andg) contention resolution when establishing a data link after an access request has been made on the RACH.1. 在移动台和基站之间为L3传递信息。2. 在确认操作模式下,为确认信息传输建立逻辑数据链路连接,分为冲突解决建链和正常建链。3. 在非确认操作模式下,提供无编号信息帧的传递功能。4. 提供 Dm 信道上一个或者多个逻辑链路连接, 这些连接由 DLCI 来区分( DLCI 包括 SAPI 和信道类型)5. 为收到的 L3 的消息提供分段功能,为收到的 L1 的消息提供重组功能。6. 为确认的信息帧 I 帧的传递提供序列控制。 接收信息出现序列错误时, 通知对等实体重 发。收到对等实体的拒绝帧后提供重发机制。7. 在信道改变之前, 可将业务挂起; 切换成功后, 在新信道上重建数据链路, 并恢复业务; 在信道切换失败后,在老信道上重建数据链路,并恢复业务。8. 检测 L2 逻辑链路上的收到的帧格式。7.4 State chartLAP module has a state machine, it has two instances, sapi0 and sapi3. LAP state machine has 8 states as follows :1. LAP_IDLE : LAPDm is in idle state, no connection established.2. LAP_ESTAB_SABM_SENT : A establish SABM has been sent, the LAPDm is waiting for the answer.3. LAP_MFE : The LAPDm is in multi-frame operation.4. LAP_SUSPENDED : TheLAPDm is suspended. For sapi0 instance only.5. LAP_RESUME_SABM_SENT : A resume SABM has been sent, the LAPDm is waiting for the answer. For sapi0 instance only.6. LAP_RECONNECT_SABM_SENT : A reconnect SABM has been sent, the LAPDm is waiting for the answer. For sapi0 instance only.7. LAP_TIMER_RECOVERY : The LAPDm is in timer recovery, waiting for ACK for I frame.8. LAP_RELEASE_DISC_SENT :A release DISC has been sent, the LAPDm is waiting for the answer. For sapi0 instance only.9. LAP_GENE: LAPDmGeneric state which can handle received message LAP_UNIT_DATA_REQ, LAP_RX_UI_FRAME, LAP_LOCAL_RELEASE_REQ, L1_TX_IND.741 State chart for lap sapiOLAP_TIMER_RECOVERYI/RR/REJNR error. DMF=1 DISC*LAP_IDLE (PLAP LOCAL RELEASE REC二二DISClAP T200 EXP*DISC4,DMF=1* LAP_LAST_T200_EX P Aap_local_release_req *LAP ESTABLISH REQREJ/RRF=1E 1I/RF:/RE、NRDMF=1LAp_LCCALerrorRELEASE REQinfo field differentLAP_RELEASE_ DISC SENTLAP NORMAL RELEASE REQLAP MFEfield sameLAP LOCALRELEAUAFSE REQ=1LAP LASTDMT200EX PLAP SUSPEND REQLAP ESTAB SABM SENTUAF=1UAF=1UAF=1LAP_ RESUME_ SABM SENTLAP RESUME REQLAP LOCAL RELEASE REQDISCLAP LCDMF=1LAP LAST T200 EXLAP SUSPEND REQ 一CAL RELEASE REQLAP SUSPENDED LAP_RECONNECT_REQLAP RECONNECT SABM SENTDISCLAP RECONNECT REQDMF:1_LAST_T20 0_EX P lAP LOCAl RELELAPASE REQ7.4.2 State chart for lap sapi38 L1CAGCHAccess Grant ChannelBCCH Broadcast Control ChannelBTSBase Tran sceiver Statio nFACCH Fast Associated DCCHLAPL ink Access ProceduresNCHNotification Cha nnelPAGCHPacket Access Grant Cha nnelPCHPagi ng ChannelPDTCHPacket Data Traffic Chann elsPNCHPacket Notification Cha nnelPPCHPacket Pagi ng ChannelPRACHPacket Ran dom Access ChannelRACHRan dom Access ChannelRRRadio ResourceSACCHSlow Associated DCCHSAPI Service Access Poi nt Ide ntifierSDCCHStan d-al one DCCHTATimi ng Adva neeTCH/Ffull rate traffic cha nnelTCH/AFSadaptive full rate traffic cha nnel for speechTCH/EFSenhanced full rate traffic cha nnel for speechTCH/FSfull rate traffic cha nnel for speechTCH/Hhalf rate traffic cha nnelTCH/AHSadaptive half rate traffic cha nnel for speechTCH/HShalf rate traffic cha nnel for speechTCH/F9.6full rate traffic cha nnel for 9.6kbit/s user dataTCH/F4.8full rate traffic cha nnel for 4.8kbit/s user dataTCH/H4.8half rate traffic cha nnel for 4.8kbit/s user dataTCH/H2.4half rate traffic cha nnel for =2.4kbit/s user dataTCH/F2.4full rate traffic cha nnel for =2.4kbit/s user dataTCH/F14.4 full rate traffic channel for 14.4kbit/s user data8.1 SummaryAmong the layers of protocol, the L1C layer lies below the LAP and RR sub-layers.It is used to tran smit the block required by up-layers and receive block from the n etwork.The L1C relati on ship diagram is below.PALFigure 1 L1C relati on ship diagram8.2 Object Model Diagram8.3 Objects DescriptionL1C functionalities aredivided into two parts, the schedule management and cell management. The schedule man ageme ntfunction is to receive and tran smit the burst, and the cell man ageme nt function is to measure the power and the quality.L1C functionalities is mainly described in following(1) Receive the FCCH and SCH data.(2) Receive the BCCH data.(3) Receive the PCH data accord ing to pag ing mode.(4) Receive the PBCCH data.(5) Receive the PPCH data accord ing to pagi ng


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