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2022年考博英语-电子科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题This is not the right( )to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen.问题1选项A.timeB.opportunityC.chanceD.case【答案】A【解析】句意:这不是向我寻求帮助的恰当吋机,我太忙了,甚至没时间倾听。考查固定搭配。it is the right time to do sth. 是做某事的恰当时机。故选A。2. 单选题Several international events in the early 1990s seem likely to( ), or at least weaken, the trends that emerged in the 1980s.问题1选项A.revoltB.revolveC.reverseD.revive【答案】C【解析】句意:90年代初期发生的若干国际事件,似乎有可能逆转或者至少能够缓解80年代出现的趋势。考查动词辨析。revolt 叛逆,反抗,不及物动词,故排除;revolve旋转,环绕,不及物动词,故排除。Reverse 颠倒,逆转。Revive (使)苏醒,复兴,复活。根据句意“或者至少能够缓解”可知C正确。3. 单选题At the end of the Second World War, American spending on research and development( ) half the worlds total; today, it has dropped to one third.问题1选项A.made upB.made forC.made up forD.made from【答案】A【解析】句意:二战结束吋,美国在研究和发展上的支出占世界在这些方面总支出的一半,如今该比例下降到了三分之一。考查短语辨析。选项均为对应短语的过去式。make up 和解,和好,组成,构成,编造,化妆,拿定主意;make for 为生产;走向,有利于,扑向;make up for 补偿,弥补,补救;make from 由制造,用制成,以谋生。4. 单选题Some pessimistic experts feel that the automobile is bound to fall into disuse. They see a day in the not-too-distant future when all autos will be abandoned and allowed to rust. Other authorities, however, think the auto is here to stay. They hold that the car will remain a leading means of urban travel in the foreseeable future.The motorcar will undoubtedly change significantly over the next 30 years. It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine. The car of the future should be far more pollution-free than present types.Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion. One proposed solution to this problem is the automated highway system.When the auto enters the highway system, a retractable arm will drop from the auto and make contact with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway trains electrically. Once attached to the rail, the car will become electrically powered from the system, and control of the vehicle will pass to a central computer. The computer will then monitor all of the cars movements.The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. The driver will then be free to relax and wait for the buzzer that will warn him of his coming exit. It is estimated that an automated highway will be able to handle 10,000 vehicles per hour, compared with the 1,500 to 2,000 vehicles that can be carried by a present-day highway.1. One significant improvement in the future car will probably be( ).2. What is the authors main concern?3. What provides autos with electric power in an automated highway system?4. In an automated highway system, all the driver needs to do is( ).5. What is the authors attitude toward the future of autos?问题1选项A.its power sourceB.its driving systemC.its monitoring systemD.its seating capacity问题2选项A.How to render automobiles pollution-free.B.How to make smaller and safer automobiles.C.How to solve the problem of traffic jams.D.How to develop an automated subway system.问题3选项A.A railB.An engine.C.A retractable armD.A computer controller.问题4选项A.keep in the right laneB.wait to arrive at his destinationC.keep in constant touch with the computer centerD.inform the system of his destination by phone问题5选项A.EnthusiasticB.Pessimistic.C.Optimistic.D.Cautious.【答案】第1题:A第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。第二段指出: It should become smaller, safer, and more economical, and should not be powered by the gasoline engine (它(即接下来 30 年的汽车)应该变得更小、更安全、更经济、且不再由汽油发动机提供动力),因此A项“它的动力来源”正确。2.判断推理题。题干问的是:作者主要关心的是什么?第三段指出: Regardless of its power source, the auto in the future will still be the main problem in urban traffic congestion (在不考虑能源的情况下,它(即 未来的汽车)将仍然是城市交通拥挤的主要问题),因此C项“怎样解决交通堵塞问题”正确。3.细节事实题。第四段指出: When the auto enters the highway system, a retractable arm will drop from the auto and make contact with a rail, which is similar to those powering subway trains electrically. Once attached to the rail, the car will become electrically powered from the system.(当汽车进入高速公路系统时,伸缩臂将从汽车上伸出,并与轨道相连,这类似于为地铁列车供电。一旦连接到轨道上,汽车将由系统供电)。因此A项“轨道”正确。4.细节事实题。最后一段指出: The driver will use a telephone to dial instructions about his destination into the system. The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. The driver will then be free to relax and wait for the buzzer that will warn him of his coming exit (驾驶员将使用电话将行车指令输入到这个系统中。计算机将计算最好的线路,并且一路上为汽车到达高速路的正确出口保留空间。驾驶员然后将自由放松地等待会提醒他即将到来的出口的汽笛声)。因此D项“通过电话告知系统将前往的目的地”正确。5.观点态度题。第二段正面描写了未来汽车的趋势:无可置疑的是汽车在接下来的30年将会发生巨大的变化,它应该变得更小、更安全、更经济、不再由汽油发动机提供来源且更环保。第三段针对未来汽车发展的问题提出了解决办法,因此作者的态度应该是乐观的,故选C。5. 单选题As a start toward better policy making, the administration should put forward a detailed analysis( )each major proposed policy change.问题1选项A.justifyingB.criticizingC.designingD.prohibiting【答案】A【解析】句意:作为更好政策制定的开始,行政机构应提出一个详细的分析来证明每个被提议的主要政策变化都是有道理的。考查动词辨析。选项均为对应动词的现在分词形式。Justify 证明 正当(或有道理、合理),替辩护;criticize 批评,评论;design 设计,计划,构思; prohibit 阻止,禁止。因此A符合句意。6. 单选题Very few people could understand the lecture delivered by the professor because its subject was very( ).问题1选项A.intriguingB.indefiniteC.obscureD.dubious【答案】C【解析】句意:几乎没有人能听懂教授的讲座,因为其主题很晦涩难懂。考查形容词辨析。intriguing 有趣的,引人入胜的,神秘的;indefinite无期限的,不明确的,表示因定义不明确而引起理解上的模糊;obscure 不淸楚的,模糊的,晦涩的,强调费解;dubious 可疑的,含糊的,强调因可疑而引起的不确定。根据前半句句意“几乎没有人能听懂教授的讲座”可知C正确。7. 单选题“Which coat did your husband buy?” “The black one, but I( )the green one.”问题1选项A.would rather have boughtB.would rather buyC.would have rather boughtD.rather had bought【答案】A【解析】句意:“你的丈夫买了哪一件外套? ”“黑色的那件外套,但我宁愿买绿色的那件。”语法题。考查虚拟语气。这里表示对过去已发生事情的假设,所以表示对过去的虚拟: would rather have+done。故选A。8. 单选题The two countries have( )friendly relations for many years.问题1选项A.retainedB.sustainedC.maintainedD.remained【答案】C【解析】句意:这两个国家多年来保持着友好关系。考查动词辨析。四个选项均为对应动词的过去分词形式。Retain持有,保留; sustain维持(生命、生存),使稳定持续,遭受; maintain维持,保持,维修; remain仍然是,保持不变,剩余,遗留,续存在。因此C符合句意。9. 单选题Parents have a legal( )to ensure that their children are provided with sufficient education suitable to their age.问题1选项A.impulseB.influenceC.obligationD.sympathy【答案】C【解析】句意:父母要承担的法律义务是:要保证自己的小孩获得充分的适龄教育。考查名词辨析。impulse 冲动,心血来潮;influence 影响;obligation 义务,责任;sympathy 同情(心)。根据to后面的目的可知C符合句意。10. 单选题We are dealing with two different perspectives that( ), intersect, but dont seem to yield a synthesis.问题1选项A.overrunB.overlapC.overworkD.overuse【答案】B【解析】句意:我们正在处理有部分重叠、交叉却似乎不能生成综合体的两种不同的透视图。考查动词辨析。Overrun 泛滥,横行,肆虐,多用(时间、钱财等),超时;overlap部分重叠,部分地同时发生;overwork工作过度;overuse 使用过度(或过久)。由题干中关键信息intersect交叉”可知“部分重叠”符合。11. 单选题The( )young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for jobs.问题1选项A.respectedB.inexperiencedC.prematureD.distinguished【答案】B【解析】句意:在求职竞争中,没有经验但年轻有志者都被挤掉了。考查形容词辨析。Respected受尊敬的; inexperienced无经验的,不熟练的; premature早产的,不成熟的; distinguished著名的,高贵的。因此B符合句意。12. 单选题The men were full of( ) because they thought their friends had been unjustly punished.问题1选项A.diagnosisB.indigestionC.indignationD.aggression【答案】C【解析】句意:这些人非常愤怒,因为他们认为他们的朋友受到了不公正的惩罚。考查名词辨析。diagnosis 诊断,结论;indigestion 消化不良,难理解;indignation愤怒,愤慨;aggression侵略。故C符合句意。13. 单选题Anthropology is the study of human beings as creatures of society. It fastens its attention upon those physical and industrial techniques, those conventions and values, which distinguish one community from all others that belong to different tradition.The distinguishing mark of anthropology among the social sciences is that it includes for serious study other societies than our own. For its purposes any social regulation of mating and reproduction is as significant as our own, though it may be that of the Sea Dyaks, and have no possible historical relation to that of our civilization. To the anthropologists, our customs and those of New Guinea tribe are two possible social schemes for dealing with common problems, and in so far as he remains an anthropologist he is bound to avoid any weighting of one in favor of the other. He is interested in human behavior, not as it is shaped by one tradition, our own, but as it has been shaped by any tradition whatsoever. He is interested in a wide range of custom that is found in various cultures, and his objective is to understand the way in which these cultures change and differentiate, the different forms through which they express themselves and the manner in which the customs of any peoples function in the lives of the individuals.Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great moment. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behavior at its most commonplace. As a matter of fact, it is the other way round. Traditional custom is a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions. Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.1. According to the passage, we can say that anthropology( ).2. For serious study, an anthropologist( ).3. In the third paragraph, the author is trying( ).4. Which of the following does the author most probably agree with?5. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?问题1选项A.can deal with human beings as one group of the creatures in the living worldB.can reveal an enormous diversity of traditionsC.can provide insights into the relationship between human beings and natureD.can distinguish the human race from other creatures问题2选项A.must not study his own cultureB.is not supposed to have a prejudice against any societyC.should focus on those societies which are historically related to each otherD.is obliged to work only on those societies that have no historical relationship to each other问题3选项A.to be critical of customB.to say that anthropology is more important than psychologyC.to strengthen the role custom plays in experience and beliefD.to draw our intention to the importance of custom问题4选项A.The goal of the anthropologist is to understand the way in which people express themselves.B.The anthropologist tries to understand why cultures are carried on without any change.C.The anthropologists professional interest is as wide as the variety of customs.D.The anthropologist is to explore social relations of different people.问题5选项A.Human Behavior.B.Creature of Society.C.The Science of Custom.D.The Functions of Cultures.【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:C【解析】1.判断推理题。第一段指出: It fastens its attention upon those physical and industrial techniques, those conventions and values, which distinguish one community from all others that belong to different tradition (它把注意力集中在那些自然特征和工业技术、 传统和价值观上,它们使一个社区区别于从属于不同传统的其他社会), 即人类学能体现从属于不同传统的社会之间的不同,因此B项“揭示传统的巨大多样性”正确。2.判断推理题。A项中“must not”和D项中“only”表述过于绝对,故排除。B:不应该对任何社会存在偏见,第二段指出: .and in so far as he remains an anthropologist he is bound to avoid any weighting of one in favor of the other (只要他还作为一位人类学家,他就一定会避免厚此薄彼,对任何文化存在偏见),因此B与原文所述相符。C:应关注历史上相互关联的社会,第二段指出: For its purposes, any social regulation.and have no possible historical relation to that of our civilization (就其目的而言,任何社会规则都与我们文化中的社会规则不可能有历史联系),因此C与原文不符。故选B。3.作者意图题。题干为:在第三段,作者打算?第三段开始指出: Now custom has not been commonly regarded as a subject of any great moment (当前,习俗并没有被看作是一门重要的学科), 随后强调了 As a matter of fact, it is the other way round (事实正好相反)。而后谈及了习俗的作用和多样性。因此作者第三段谈及的是习俗的重要性和地位。故选D。4.判断推理题。第二段指出: He is interested in a wide range of custom that is found in various cultures, and his objective is to understand the way in which these cultures change and differentiate, the different forms through which they express themselves and the manner in which the customs of any peoples function in the lives of the individuals (他感兴趣的是在各种文化中所发现的浩瀚的习俗范围,他的目标就是弄懂这些文化变化和相互区别的方式,搞清楚它们表达自己的不同方式,弄明白任何一个民族的习俗在某一特定文化中的个人生活中的作用方式),故选C“人类学家的专业范畴与习俗的丰富性一样广泛”。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了人类学的研究范围、对象和目标。通篇都在介绍人类学所研究的重点是人类的习俗,以及后文重点介绍了习俗的重要性和地位。故C项“习俗的科学”比较适合做文章标题。14. 单选题The evidence showed that the hanged man could be( )of murder.问题1选项A.ignorantB.innocentC.indecentD.tolerant【答案】B【解析】句意:证据表明那个被处以绞刑的男人是无罪的。考查形容词辨析。ignorant 无知的,愚昧的;innocent 无辜的,无罪的,无知的;indecent 下流的,不礼貌的;tolerant 宽容的,容忍的,有耐药力的。be innocent of 没有的,无罪的。15. 单选题The boy cycling in the street was knocked down by a minibus and received( )injuries.问题1选项A.fatalB.excessiveC.disastrousD.exaggerated【答案】A【解析】句意:在街上,骑车的男孩被一辆小型客车撞倒,生命垂危。考查形容词辨析。fatal 致命的,灾难性的,重大的,决定性的。 excessive极度的,过分的;disastrous灾难性的,损失惨重的;exaggerate 夸大的,言过其实的。就前面句意“骑车的男孩被一辆小型客车撞倒”可知A正确。16. 单选题His( )brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure.问题1选项A.richB.quickC.productiveD.fertile【答案】D【解析】句意:他脑子很灵,己经想出了一个靠谱的治疗方法。考查形容词辨析。rich 富有的,肥沃的,昂贵的;quick 快的,迅速的;productive 生产的,多产的,富有成效的;fertile (土地)富饶的,肥沃 的;(人的头脑)主意多,有创造力的;能生育的。17. 单选题The TV program is so( )that I cant move my eyes away from the screen.问题1选项A.freestandingB.devastatingC.compellingD.fascinating【答案】D【解析】句意:这个电视节目如此吸引人,以至于我眼睛不能从屏幕上移开。考查形容词辨析。freestanding 独立式的;devastating 毁灭性的;compelling 引人注目的,强制的,激发兴趣的;fascinating 迷人的,吸引人的,使人祌魂颠倒的。由后半句句意可知D正确。18. 单选题Going into the dining room where the banquet was given last night, I can see the( )are still on the table.问题1选项A.remainsB.relicsC.remnantsD.surplus【答案】A【解析】句意:走进昨晚举行宴会的餐厅后,我能看到剩余的饭菜依然在桌上。考查名词辨析。四个选项均为对应名词的复数形式。remain 遗迹,剩余(物),残骸;relics 遗物,纪念物;remnant 剩余(主要的部分被使用后的剩余),遗迹;surplus 剩余 (指超过需要数量之外的剩余),贸易顺差,盈余。因此A符合句意。19. 单选题Fewer and fewer of todays workers expect to spend their working lives in the same field,( )the same company.问题1选项A.all elseB.much worseC.let aloneD.less likely【答案】C【解析】句意:如今越来越少的工人期望在工作生涯中都一直在同样的领域工作,更不必说一直在同样的公司工作。考查短语辨析。all else 其他所有;much worse 更糟糕的是;let alone 更不用说,听任,不打扰;less likely 最不可能的是,较少可能。空格前后表示递进,故选C。20. 单选题In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence (AI) predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our housework. But as useful as computers are, theyre nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid.A growing group of AI researchers think they know where the field went wrong. The problem, the scientists say, is that AI has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with logical, step-by-step programs. A new movement in AI, on the other hand, takes a closer look at the more roundabout way in which nature came up with intelligence. Many of these researchers study evolution and natural adaptation instead of formal logic and conventional computer programs. Rather than digital computers and transistors, some want to work with brain cells and proteins. The results of these early efforts are as promising as they are peculiar, and the new nature-based AI movement is slowly but surely moving to the forefront of the field.Imitating the brain s neural (祌经的)network is a huge step in the right direction, says computer scientist and biophysicist Michael Conrad, but it still misses an important aspect of natural intelligence. “People tend to treat the brain as if it were made up of color-coded transistors”,he explains, “but its not simply a clever network of switches. There are lots of important things going on inside the brain cells themselves.” Specifically, Conrad believes that many of the brains capabilities stem from the pattern-recognition proficiency of the individual molecules that make up each brain cell. The best way to build an artificially intelligent device, he claims, would be to build it around the same sort of molecular skills.Right now, the notion that conventional computers and software are fundamentally incapable of matching the processes that take place in the brain remains controversial. But if it proves true, then the efforts of Conrad and his fellow AI rebels could turn out to be the only game in town.1. The author says that the powerful computers of today( ).2. The new trend in artificial intelligence research steins from( ).3. Conrad and his group of AI researchers have been making enormous efforts to( ).4. Whats the authors opinion about the new AI movement?5. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase “the only game in town” (Line 3, Para.4)?问题1选项A.are capable of reliably recognizing the shape of an objectB.are close to exhibiting humanlike behaviorC.are not very different in their performance from those of the 50sD.still cannot communicate with people in a human language问题2选项A.the shift of the focus of study to the recognition of the shapes of objectsB.the belief that human intelligence cannot be duplicated with logical, step-by-step programsC.the aspirations of scientists to duplicate the intelligence of a ten-month-old childD.the efforts made by scientists in the study of the similarities between transistors and brain cells问题3选项A.find a roundabout way to design powerful computersB.build a computer using a clever network of switchesC.find out how intelligence develop in natureD.separate the highest and most abstract levels of thought问题4选项A.It has created a sensation among artificial intelligence researchers but will soon die out.B.Its a breakthrough in duplicating human thought processes.C.Its more like a peculiar game rather than a real scientific effortD.It may prove to be in the right direction though nobody is sure of its future prospects.问题5选项A.The only approach to building an artificially intelligent computer.B.The only way for them to win a prize in artificial intelligence research.C.The only area worth studying in computer science.D.The only choice that people are offered with.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:C第4题:B第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。A:能可靠地识别物体的形状,B:接近展现似人类的行为,C:它们在性能上与50年代的那些电脑没有多大不同,D:仍然不能用人类语言与人类进行交流,第一段指出: But as useful as computers are, they re nowhere close to achieving anything remotely resembling these early aspirations for humanlike behavior. Never mind something as complex as conversation: the most powerful computers struggle to reliably recognize the shape of an object, the most elementary of tasks for a ten-month-old kid (但是,如电脑一样有用的它们,却远不能取得任何丝毫类似这些早期对似人类行为的渴望。更谈不上复杂程度如交谈一样的事情:最强大的电脑尽力才能可靠地识别物体的形状,而这对一个10岁的小孩而言却是最基本的任务),由此可知A及B不正确,C项文章并未提及,D项正确。2.细节事实题。第二段指出: The problem, the scientists say, is that AI has been trying to separate the highest, most abstract levels of thought, like language and mathematics, and to duplicate them with


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