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2022年考博英语-对外经济贸易大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题The weeds and tall grass in that yard make the house look as long as it has been vacant for quite A B C Dsome time.问题1选项A.weedsB.makeC.lookD.as long as【答案】D【解析】考查固定短语。as long as意为“只要”,与句意不符,故用as if(好像,似乎)。句意:院子里的杂草使得这座房子看起来似乎荒废了很久。试题答案:D; as if2. 单选题Its hardly ever necessary to ask a hungry boy to come to dinner twice because he has a hearty A B Cappetite that gets him to the table quickly. D问题1选项A.Its hardly everB.to come toC.to come toD.to come to【答案】A【解析】考查it形式主语。Its+形容词+to do表示“做某事怎么样”。it在句中做形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式。试题答案:A; its hardly ever necessary3. 单选题Discontent with the cost and sometimes impersonal delivery of health care has fueled A Bgrowth in alternative medicine, now a $14 billions-a-year industry. C D问题1选项A.sometimesB.has fueledC.alternativeD.$14 billions-a-year【答案】B【解析】考查主谓一致。主语为discontent with the cost(对成本的不满)和impersonal delivery of health care(非个人医疗服务的提供)表示的是两件不同的事,因此谓语动词用复数形式。试题答案:B; have fueled4. 单选题It was once thought that air pollution affects only the area immediately around large cities with factories and/or heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the entire eastern half of the United States and led to health warnings even in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air pollution. Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a “greenhouse effect” holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the worlds average temperature. If this view is correct and the worlds temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be under water.Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earths temperature a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. At present we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen (though one recent government report prepared by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very likely). Perhaps, if we are very lucky, the two tendencies will offset each other and the worlds temperature will stay about the same as it is now.1.As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution ( ).2.As far as the greenhouse effect is concerned, the author( ).3.The word “offset” in the second paragraph could best be replaced by( ).4.It can be inferred from the passage tha( ).5. This passage is primarily concerned with( ).问题1选项A.caused widespread damage in the countrysideB.affected the entire eastern half of the United StatesC.had damaging effects on healthD.existed merely in urban and industrial areas问题2选项A.shares the same view with the scientistsB.is uncertain of its occurrenceC.rejects it as being ungroundedD.thinks that it will destroy the world soon问题3选项A.slip intoB.make up forC.set upD.catch up with问题4选项A.raising the worlds temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth.B.lowering the worlds temperature merely a few degrees would lead many major farming areas to disaster.C.almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade.D.the worlds temperature will remain constant in the years to come.问题5选项A.greenhouse effectB.he burning of fossil fuelC.the potential effect of air pollutionD.the likelihood of a new ice age【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:B第4题:B第5题:C【解析】1.细节事实题。根据文章第一段第一句“It was once thought that air pollution affects only the area immediately around large cities with factories and/or heavy automobile traffic.”人们曾经认为,空气污染只会影响那些有工厂和/或交通严重的大城市周围的地区。因此D选项“只存在于城市和工业区”符合题意。2.细节事实题。根据文章第二段中“At present we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen.”目前,我们不确定这两种情况是否会发生,可知作者对温室效应会产生哪种情况是不确定的,因此选B。3.词义题。slip into 意为“滑进”;make up for 意为“补偿”;setup 意为“建立”;catch up with 意为“追上”。单词“offset”位于文章第二段最后一句中“Perhaps, if we are very lucky, the two tendencies will(也许,如果我们幸运的话,这两种趋势将相互) offset each other and the worlds temperature will stay about the same as it is now(世界气温将保持目前的水平).”根据单词前后的句意再结合选项意思,可知A选项最为恰当,offset意为“抵消,补偿”。4.细节事实题。根据文章第二段中“. blocking sunlight and lowering the earths temperature a result that would be equally disastrous(灾难性的). A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas.”可知降低地球的温度会导致灾难性的结果,哪怕只降低几度也会使许多农业地区受到影响,因此B选项“将世界的温度降低仅仅几度会导致许多主要的农业地区发生灾难”符合题意。5.主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了空气污染问题,提及的两种观点可能会带来全球的影响,因此选C,文章主要涉及空气污染带来的潜在影响。5. 问答题The costs of watching the film is that it takes up 120 minutes of your time - time which could A B Cbe spent in bed asleep. The benefit is the enjoyment gained from each extra minute viewed. D【答案】试题答案:A; cost【解析】考查主谓一致。谓语动词is用的是单数形式,故主语也需要用单数形式。6. 翻译题Translate the following sentences into Chinese.After years of expansion, the smart phone market is peaking. Some firms still thrive: Chinas Huawei, a telecoms giant, predicts that revenues from its consumer-devices division will rise by about 50% this year. But Xiaomi, an innovative electronics firm once seen as Chinas answer to Apple, is losing steam. Apple itself announced weaker results on April 26th. Revenues from sales in greater China fell by 26% year on year. As the market for devices matures, however, consumer spending is shifting to services: data usage has grown at triple-digit rates since 2012.Until last year house prices were rising predominantly in prosperous central London boroughs.That was largely because of an influx of cash-rich buyers, says Neal Hudson of Savills, an estate agency. People saw posh property in the capital as a shelter from economic turmoil abroad. Elsewhere in Britain, however, the housing market was torpid. Potential buyers struggled to find mortgages. Falling real wages, economic uncertainty and the memory of plummeting house prices during the crisis curbed the obsession with property in these areas.【答案】经过多年的扩张,智能手机市场正处于顶峰状态。一些企业仍在茁壮成长:中国电信巨头华为预测,其自身消费设备部门今年的收入将增长约50%。 然而,曾经被看成是中国对苹果公司竞争回应的一家创新性电子公司小米却正在失去收入增加的动力。在4月26日,苹果自己也宣布了较弱的业绩。苹果在大中华地区销售额同比下降26%。然而,随着电子设备市场的成熟,消费者的支出也正在转向服务方面:自2012年以来,数据流量使用一直保持三位数的增长率。直到去年,在繁荣的伦敦市中心地区的房价一直在显著上升。房地产中介第一太平戴维斯公司(SaviHs)的尼尔哈德逊(Neal Hudson)声称,这在很大程度上是因为现金充裕的买家涌入。人们把首都的高档房产看作是国外经济动荡的避风港。然而,在英国的其他地方,房地产市场却是萎靡不振的。潜在买家为了找到抵押贷款而苦苦挣扎。在经济危机期间,实际工资的下降、经济的不稳定性和对房价暴跌的记忆都遏制了英国人对这些地区房地产的痴迷。7. 翻译题Translate the following into English.世界银行预计,美元将在2025年丧失单一统治地位,而欧元与人民币将在一个“多种 货币并存”的新型货币体系中确立平起平坐的地位。失去这种转变的将是新兴市场经济体日益增强的实力与优势,其中有6个国家巴西、 印度、中国、印尼、俄罗斯和韩国一将在2025年占据全球增长总量一半以上。根据世行周二发布的一份报告,从现在起至2025年,新兴经济体将以每年4.7%的速度增长,远远快于 同期发达经济体2.3%的年增速。“全球增长与投资的天平将向发展中或新兴经济体倾斜,” 报告主要作者曼苏尔.戴拉米(Mansoor Dailami)表示,这种转变意义深远。戴拉米称,例如,这种实力转移将大力推动投资流入驱动全球増长的国家,跨境并购活动将显著增加。企业界的格局也将发生变化一 “你会看到老牌跨国企业将不再占据统治地位。”此外,一种不同的国际货币体系将逐渐形成。美元作为世界主要储备货币的地位将告终。“美元当前的主导地位将在2025年前消失,被一种以美元、欧元和人民币为中心的货币体系所取代,这三种货币都将发挥成熟国际货币的作用,报告指出。报告还介绍了15年后货币市场“最可能”出现的三种情形。报告认为欧元是美元最“可信”的对手,但有一个问题需要留意。“欧元的地位必将增强,只要欧元能够成功化解多个成员国目前面临的主权债务危机,并能够避免与欧洲成员国相关的道德风险问题。”对于中国,报告指出,官方通过发展离岸人民币市场和鼓励人民币在国际贸易结算和计价中的使用,已经启动了人民币的“国际化”进程。“人民币角色的提升,将有助于解决中国在全球舞台上的强大经济实力和中国仍严重依赖外国货币这两者之间的脱节。”世行首席经济学家林毅表示,世行描绘出的情形意味着金融机构必须“尽快适应,跟上形势。”【答案】The World Bank predicts the dollar will lose a single dominant position in 2025, while the euro and the RMB will establish an equal footing position in a new “multi currency” monetary system.It will be the increasing strength and advantage of emerging economy that loss this kind of shift, including 6 countries Brazil, India, China, Indonesia, Russia and Korea in 2025 will occupy more than half of the total global growth. According to a World Bank report released Tuesday, from now until 2025, emerging economies will increase by the rate of 4.7%, is much faster than developed economy at the same period whose annual growth rate is 2.3%. “The balance of global growth and investment will incline to developing or emerging economies” the authors of the report, Mansoor Dailami said that the significance of this change is profound. Dailami said, for example, this shift in power will vigorously promote investment flows to the countries driving global growth, cross-border mergers and acquisitions will increase significantly. The corporate landscape will change and “you will see the famous multinational enterprises will no longer occupy the dominant position.”In addition, a different international monetary system will be gradually formed. The dollar as the worlds main reserve currency will end. “The dominance of the dollar will disappear in 2025, being replaced by the Dollar, Euro and RMB as the center of the monetary system, this three kinds of currency will all play a mature international currency role, suggested by the report. The report also pointed out three “most likely” kinds of situations on currency markets in 15 years. The report says that the euro will be the most “credible” opponents of dollar, but there is a problem needing attention. “As long as the euro can successfully resolve the main debt crisis encountered by multiple members, and avoid the moral hazard problem associated with the European members, its status can be strengthened”.For China, the report pointed out that official has launched the “internationalization” of the process of RMB through exploring the offshore RMB market and encouraging the use of RMB in international trade settlement and valuation. “The promotion of the role of RMB would help solve the discrepancy between Chinas strong economic strength in the world stage and the high reliance on the foreign currencies.” the economist of the World Bank chief Lin Yi said that the situation presented by the world bank means that financial institutions must“adapt as soon as possible, keep up with the situation”.8. 问答题Artists use caricature to distort the human face or figure for comic affect while at the same time A Bcapturing an identifiable likeness and suggesting the essence of the personality or character Cbeneath the surface. The humor lies in the fact that the caricature is recognizable, and yet exasperated. D【答案】试题答案:B; effect【解析】考查名词辨析。comic为形容词,意为“”喜剧的,后面接名词。affect作动词时,意为“影响”,作名词时,意为“情感”;effect为名词,意为“影响,效果”。9. 翻译题Rational choice theoryRational choice theory, also known as choice theory or rational action theory, is a framework for understanding and often formally modeling, social and economic behavior. Rationality, interpreted as “wanting more rather than less of a good,is widely used as an assumption of the behavior of individuals in macroeconomic models and analysis and appears in almost all economics textbook treatments of human decision-making. It is also central to some of modem political science, sociology, and philosophy. It attaches “wanting more” to instrumental rationality, which involves seeking the most cost-effective means to achieve a specific goal without reflecting on the worthiness of that goal. Gary Backer was an early proponent of applying rational actor models more widely. He won the 1992 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his studies of discrimination, crime, and human capital.In rational choice theory, these costs are only extrinsic or external to the individual rather than being intrinsic or internal. That is, strict rational choice theory would not see a criminals self-punishment by inner feelings of remorse, guilt, or shame as relevant to determining the costs of committing a crime. In general, rational choice theory does not address the role of an individuals sense of morals or ethics in decision-making. Thus, economics Noblest Amartya Sen sees the model of people who follow rational choice model as “rational fools”.【答案】理性选择理论理性选择理论,也被称为选择理论或理性行为理论,是用于理解社会,正式对社会和经济行为的框架。理性,被解释为“对最大利益的追求”,在宏观经济模型中被广泛用作个人行为的假设,并出现在几乎所有经济学教科书中关于人类决策的处理。它也是现代政治学、社会学和哲学的中心。它将“想要更多”与理性工具联系起来,这涉及到寻求最经济有效的手段来实现特定目标,而不考虑该目标的价值。Gary Backer是更广泛地运用理性行为者模式的早期支持者,他因研究歧视、犯罪和人力资本而获得1992年诺贝尔经济学奖。在理性选择理论中,这些成本仅是非本质的或外部的,而不是本质的或者内部的。也就是说,严格的理性选择理论不会根据罪犯的内心的悔恨,内疚,或羞愧等自我惩罚以确定犯罪的成本。一般来说,理性选择理论并不涉及个人道德或伦理意识在决策中的作用。因此,诺贝尔奖获得者AmartyaSen认为,遵循理性选择模式的经济学人是“理性的傻瓜模式”。10. 问答题The ambitious individual, far from (A) identifying himself and his fortunes to the group, wishes to (B) rise above it. The ambitious man or woman (C) sees the world as a battle; rivalrousness is his or her principal emotion: the world has limited prizes to offer,and he or she (D) is determined to get his or hers.【答案】A;改成identifying himself and his fortunes with。identify with认为等同于,与一致。11. 问答题These young adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively large families that went Afor more than two decades and caused a major but temporary reversal of long-term demographic Bpatterns. From the 1940s through the early 1960s, Americans married at a higher rate and at a Cyounger age than their European counterparts. D【答案】试题答案:A; went on【解析】考查固定搭配。go on意为“持续”,此处为过去式。12. 单选题Someone should have told Richard Nixon that his eyelids were betraying him. On August 22, 1973, during his first nationally televised press conference since the Senates Watergate investigation began six months earlier, the president maintained a calm, controlled lone of voice. But in answering such pointed questions as “Is there any limitation on the president, short of impeachment, to compel the production of evidence?” Nixons eyes became a blur. In an average minute he blinked 30 to 40 times. Unimpeachable adults blink only about 10 to 20 times a minute, and even that may be excessive; studies on infants show that the physical need to blink comes just once every two minutes.All these extra blinks represent more than just watery wipes for dry corneas. Some are dust induced; others are reflex blinks, protective responses to a tap on the forehead or the pop of a balloon. Whats left over is the thousands of blinks a day that seem to occur without cause and at random. But in fact these blinks are precisely timed, and theyre directly linked to whats on our mind.Excitement, fatigue, and anxiety can all be detected from someones blinks, according to psychologist John Stern of Washington University in St. Louis. Stern has been interested in blinks ever since he watched Nixon parry press questions, and he specialized in the study on these tiny twitches, using them as sensitive probes of how the brain works.“I use blinks as a psychological measure to make inferences about thinking because I have very little faith in what you tell me about what youre thinking, he says. “If I ask you the question, What does the phrase a rolling stone gathers no moss mean? you cant tell me when youve started looking for the answer. But I can, by watching your eyes.”Blinks also tell Stern when you have understood his questionoften long before hes finished asking itand when youve found an answer or part of one. “We blink at tunes that are psychologically important, he says. “You have listened to a question, you understand it, now you can take time out for a blink- Blinks are punctuation marks. Their timing is tied to what is going on in your head.”Understandably, new acquaintances tend to squirm when Stern tells them what he does for a living. “They think Ive been watching them blink,” he says, “which is not the case. Theyll say, You mean you can tell how Im thinking by my blinks?” Then I tell them I cant listen to them and watch them blink at the same time.But few things do more to stir the urge to blinkand thus contaminate blink research-than the thought that someone is watching your eyes. “If I tell someone Im watching them blink,” says Stern, “that immediately makes them uncomfortable. Eventually theyll stop thinking about their blinks, but until they do, they blink at an abnormal rate,”This paradoxical effect forced pioneers in the field to carry out their experiments surreptitiously. In the 1920s the first blink researchers, two Scottish scientists from the University of Edinburgh, conducted their early studies in the backs of courtrooms, secretly watching the eyes of witnesses and trying to determine how their blinks reflected their testimony. The research was limited to counting blinks and comparing the rates for different situations. Crude as these studies were, they showed indisputably that anxiety-ridden situations, such as a cross-examination, do indeed tend to foster more blinks.Todays researchers have upgraded their techniques considerably, and their interests have shifted from blink rates to blink replacement and duration. In Sterns lab, subjects are wired with tiny electrodes above and below their eyes to measure the difference in the electric potential of the eye when it is open and closed. The volunteers ate told that the apparatus 13 only for measuring how the eyeball moves; in fact it times to the millisecond how long each component of a blink lasts and when the blink occurs in response to a given stimulus.Stern has found that subjects suppress blinks when they are absorbing or anticipating information but not when theyre reciting it. People blink later, for example, if they have to memorize six numbers instead of two. “You dont blink” he says, “until you have committed the information to some short-term memory store.” And if subjects are cued that the set of numbers is coming in, say, five seconds, theyll curb their blinks until the task is over.Similarly, the mor


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